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Help me believe in god

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 08:55 PM
When you reach the point where you want the Presence of God more than to take another breathe, you will then have the Path.

Religions are attempts to reverse engineer infinite Presence instances using finite terminology. It will ALWAYS be nothing but a contaminated, inadequate metaphor. Yet those instances where the Presence happens are so shocking and overwhelming not only do you change forever with each time, you feel compelled to say something.

When you reach the point where you can say nothing, those Instances become more often, deeper, and more definitive.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by James1982

To answer your original post, no one can change your mindset to believe in God. If you believed in God you would already know it in your heart.

There are two types of humans on the Earth right now. The children of God, and the children of the world. One is of God and the other is not of God. Those who are of God believe and are drawn towards God. Those who are of the world hate God, don't believe or trust in God, and cannot contain any awareness of God in their heart or mind.

You need to know who you are. It sounds to me as though you would like to believe but want someone to talk you into it. It doesn't work that way. Decide if you believe. If you believe in God, and in Jesus, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to save you and forgive you. Then wait because there is nothing more you have to do. It will be God working in you from that point to help your faith.

But if you decide you don't believe, and you cannot contain any thoughts of God in your heart, then you are probably from the world and cannot come to God.

I hope you can be saved, I really do. There are many on this site who are not and never will be. I hope you choose God in your heart.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:31 AM
For me it has never been about believing. I'd rather know how to get from LA to NY, than believing in it. I am more magnetized to truth. Truth takes an open mind, a good heart, and pure intention. I also experience that the best way to understand the Macrocosm (God/Universe/Spirit) is through knowing the Microcosm (Self/I/Being), going within. But, even more than that, it's about what you ARE. Above the mystery school temples was the saying "Man Know Thyself". That's where I would start. Find that part of you that is the divine in you. Pay attention. For me, this is anchored in my heart.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by James1982

You can choose to believe me,or not.Read REVELATIONS in the English Standard Version of the NEW TESTAMENT of THE HOLY BIBLE,and open every physical sense you have,and with good intentions you will be shown exactly what is going to happen to the fate of human species, because from here on out it will be your worse nightmare,like no man on earth has ever seen since the creation of humans. GOD help you that your eyes are open instead of wide shut. If you want to know how I know all of this,ask me and I will tell only the truth.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:56 AM

reply to post by James1982

You can choose to believe me,or not.Read REVELATIONS in the English Standard Version of the NEW TESTAMENT of THE HOLY BIBLE,and open every physical sense you have,and with good intentions you will be shown exactly what is going to happen to the fate of human species, because from here on out it will be your worse nightmare,like no man on earth has ever seen since the creation of humans. GOD help you that your eyes are open instead of wide shut. If you want to know how I know all of this,ask me and I will tell only the truth.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:06 PM
I've responded in several threads to talk about my past christian faith and my present agnostic atheist status. So what do I believe or feel about the existence of God? What I think is we couldn't comprehend God even if God existed, since God would likely encompass all matter and energy in the universe and our puny brain can't compete with that. So it's really a matter of faith, not science. On the other hand, we might be able to prove in principle that a God must exist, but I don't think we can prove God itself. End result is this question of God will probably stick around forever, assuming the question is not coming from God or something even more divine.

I think "knowing God" is mostly or in part a subjective experience. I do not know if other non-human creatures contemplate God, but I suspect they do.

I usually think belief in the supernatural is a response to instinctive fears of death or those things which have done us wrong or caused us to despair. It's a way to explain things we don't understand too. If lightning strikes the firstborn or the wife can't produce a child, it's blamed on sin or generally something we can work with. Perhaps it's rooted in anthropomorphism - we see ourselves in natural events. This would explain why God is often a he or a she or God does things in a human-like way. So when disasters occur we see a wrathful God. In golden years we see a generous God.
edit on 27-10-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by James1982

Help me believe in god

I was raised, like many of my generation, going to church every Sunday and becoming part of a congregation. But, as I grew to be a young adult, I turned against what I saw as hypocrisy and became agnostic at best... bordering on atheistic. I could not connect the dots, at the time, to understand the vast gulf that exists between organized religion and God.

Then as the decades passed and my life took me down a hundred roads of both pain and reward, I began to see things differently. I grasped the concept that religion does not own God and that I could return again to seek Him without being a part of that which I carried so many ill memories.

More decades and more life... sunrises, sunsets, losing friends and family members to age and illnesses.

Then one day I was just sitting on my porch starring into a fall blue sky and it washed over me like an ocean wave. For a split second, I understood that there is more to life/existence than the human journey and that when this ends, there is something more. My task was to discover the path I needed to follow so that when I did reach the end, I could take that next step.

I knew God existed. No doubt whatsoever. Not a one and this doesn't require Preachers or Imams or Priests or Rabbis or Yogis... because God is right there, all the time, each and every day, 24/7.

As I get older and approach the close of this walk... I am still searching for ways to overcome so many failings but... I have faith.

You don't need my help or anyone else's. God will find you.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by redoubt

I hope you're right and whatever is on the other side is friendly. What if after we wake up from dying we discover we're actually supernatural chickens in God's slaughterhouse? Maybe this whole life is just God putting meat on our bones! Granted, they're supernatural bones, but to God it's good eating!

What if we're just DNA and natural forces interacting together? Sometimes I think the only thing which matters is consciousness and consciousness is everywhere. So what if the human species dies? We've probably happened before and we'll probably happen again - somewhere, sometime - but in a different change of clothes.
edit on 27-10-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:01 PM

reply to post by redoubt

I hope you're right and whatever is on the other side is friendly. What if after we wake up from dying we discover we're actually supernatural chickens in God's slaughterhouse? Maybe this whole life is just God putting meat on our bones! Granted, they're supernatural bones, but to God it's good eating!
edit on 27-10-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

I believe that what we find on the other side will relate to how well we passed this nursery school of Earthly existence. Basic right and wrong; a moral compass if you will, is not some mystery. We know, instinctively, some of the rules, though, we often deny knowing them when it suits our desires.

We're spiritual infants on a tough, physical obstacle course. How we negotiate it is important.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:48 PM
I believe in God, only not sure of what is it
....Maybe everything, maybe each one of us individualy, I don`t know.

I don`t believe things come from nothing and happen because it happen. There must be will and creating behind it and either it`s us as an operating thetan (no, I`m not a scientologist, lol) or "the One" as a universal body we belong as a cell.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:42 PM
Religion and God is complex and I won't bore anyone with my particular position on these matters. Suffice to say I have seen a lifelong atheist turn to God in his final days. I wonder how many people in this thread who ridicule and demean belief in God will do the same.

To the OP - Take a trip and isolate yourself in a quiet and beautiful place and contemplate the question. Only you can take a step to believe, or not.


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:43 PM
You are god, believe in yourself.

Maybe at the very least that will lead you in to something else so that you can discover the truth.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 05:21 AM
I find it very hard to believe the earth is millions of years old. How would we be finding dino bones, some just a few feet underground if the earth was that old. The earth wouldn't even be around anymore if it was that old. it would have likely got hit by an astratriod and broke up into a million pieces. I find it more plausable that the reason we find dino bones just a short ways under ground is because they're only between maybe 5-10 thousand years old. That too me is way more consistant with them be preserved slightly underground. Imagine all the things that could happen in even 1 million years? Even if the planet was missed by all major astoriods, then wouldn't all the techtonic plates (continents) all get submerged and sucked back into the earths platechtonic subduction zones, and turned back to lava? thus destroying any old dino bones. I don't know for sure it's just my theory

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 05:27 AM
You asked for advice .... here's mine.
If you want to believe in God ... don't go to an organized religion to look for Him.
Talk to 'real people' who have had real experiences with Him.
I've had three direct 'close encounters' with the divine.
I know for a fact that there is a God. It's just that He's NOT what they (organized religion) says.
Ask people who have had near death experiences ... that kind of thing.

Near Death Experiences
That's as close to the 'source' as you can get. Un adulterated.

These aren't definitive proof, of course, but it's the best I can give you.

And all I can say is ... I was given spiritual proof to me that GOD is real, that the dead live on,
that those who 'go to heaven' do indeed intercede and interact with us here on Earth.
Nothing that can be shared ... it was all 'in the spirit' and rock solid in my mind.

Good luck.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 05:51 AM

I find it very hard to believe the earth is millions of years old. How would we be finding dino bones, some just a few feet underground if the earth was that old. The earth wouldn't even be around anymore if it was that old. it would have likely got hit by an astratriod and broke up into a million pieces.

Some basic science facts for you. Oh ... and an asteroid that would break a planet up into a million pieces ... thats' exceptionally rare and not at all 'likely'.

Read the basic science here. There are MANY different ways that science determines
the age of the earth. And they all confirm each other -
Rational Wiki

The evidence against a recent creation is overwhelming. There is perhaps no greater attack upon science and rational thought than the doctrine of a recent creation of the planet Earth and/or the universe. This article collects known evidence that places a minimum age of the Earth beyond the usual 6,000 years quoted by Young Earth creationists (YECs). Deep time is the idea, held to be credible by natural researchers since the early 19th century, that the Earth is millions or billions of years old, rather than the few thousand of young earth creationism. The accepted age of the Earth is about 4.54 billion years, while the entire universe is around 13.77 billion years.

These ages weren't just made up. They were devised from a range of experiments and observations made across multiple disciplines of science such as astronomy, geology, biology, palaeontology, chemistry, geomorphology and physics. YECs, however, ignore these in favor of pseudoscience and their biblically based view that the world was created by magic.

The entries below are listed in alphabetical order, while in the contents box they can be found listed by the approximate minimum they put on the age of the earth. It is also important to note that these dating methods are not mutually exclusive: where their range, accuracy and applicability overlap, the dates they produce are concordant with each other. It should be noted that YECs regularly claim that all types of radiometric dating are unreliable, going so far as to attempt to discredit the discipline through dishonest practices.

How Dinosaur Bones Are Dated
Dating Sedimentary Rock
Frequency of 'planet killer' asteroids hitting

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by James1982

It's quite obvious Earth and humanity weren't created by a God, this is proven. However, in my opinion, belief is a separate matter. You don't have to participate at any religion to believe. Belief is something typically human and therefore, I guess, everyone believes in something or someone in his own way. This may be consciously or unconsciously. Some people just like to call the thing they believe in 'God'. We all know humans came forth out of an accidental evolution, so life is pretty useless, especially in the area of the universe. But I believe belief is there to give people a purpose to their lives. In the past, religion has caused a lot of bad things, but the belief that there's some kind of God has also made a lot of people live in peace together, so I absolutely don't agree if you describe belief as pure evil.

So I advice you to live your life just as you want it to be. Don't do your best to believe in anything; deep down, you believe already. I guess life is a quest to find out what it is that you believe in.

(My apologies if I made any grammatical or spelling mistake, but English ain't my mother tongue!)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

So basically, you disbelieve mainstream science and as an alternate theory to what they say, you just made up random science not backed up by any research or knowledge just your hunches and say that is a better explanation for things? You know if you'd actually get out and study the science instead of dismissing it because you don't fully understand it, you'd find that a lot of it makes sense and the conclusions that the scientists have arrived at make sense given the data we have.

By the way, an asteroid big enough to destroy the Earth would have to be the size of a planet, and therefore a planet not an asteroid. There are only 9 known objects in our solar system big enough to be classified as a planet or bigger. 8 of them have fixed orbits that we have mapped extensively (not to mention one of them is us) and the final object is what the 8 other things (as well as the rest of the objects in the solar system) are orbiting around.

Now you are probably wondering how I came to my conclusions about the size of an object to destroy our planet. Well I'm glad you asked, since it is widely believed that an object the size of Mars collided with our planet millions of years ago to form the moon. That impact didn't destroy our planet, just created the Moon. It's amazing what you learn when you actually study science and don't dismiss it off hand.

Here's a link describing why the hypothesis makes sense:
The Origin of the Moon

Why this is a good hypothesis:
The Earth has a large iron core, but the moon does not. This is because Earth's iron had already drained into the core by the time the giant impact happened. Therefore, the debris blown out of both Earth and the impactor came from their iron-depleted, rocky mantles. The iron core of the impactor melted on impact and merged with the iron core of Earth, according to computer models.

Earth has a mean density of 5.5 grams/cubic centimeter, but the moon has a density of only 3.3 g/cc. The reason is the same, that the moon lacks iron.

The moon has exactly the same oxygen isotope composition as the Earth, whereas Mars rocks and meteorites from other parts of the solar system have different oxygen isotope compositions. This shows that the moon formed form material formed in Earth's neighborhood.

If a theory about lunar origin calls for an evolutionary process, it has a hard time explaining why other planets do not have similar moons. (Only Pluto has a moon that is an appreciable fraction of its own size.) Our giant impact hypothesis had the advantage of invoking a stochastic catastrophic event that might happen only to one or two planets out of nine.

edit on 28-10-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 07:58 AM

reply to post by James1982

It's quite obvious Earth and humanity weren't created by a God, this is proven.

Um .. no it's not.
There is no proof of God. But there is no proof against God either.
I don't know how you get that there is proof that everything 'wasn't made by God'.
Would you explain? Thank you.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I never said God doesn't exist, I said that it's proven that the Earth and the humanity weren't created by him. You are right, I was wrong saying that, but actually, it was just a wrong formulation. What I really meant, was that the story which the Bible and other religious books tell about the Earth being created only a few thousand years ago, is wrong. THIS is certainly proven. Thanks a lot for pointing at my mistake!

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 11:43 PM


I find it very hard to believe the earth is millions of years old. How would we be finding dino bones, some just a few feet underground if the earth was that old. The earth wouldn't even be around anymore if it was that old. it would have likely got hit by an astratriod and broke up into a million pieces.

Some basic science facts for you. Oh ... and an asteroid that would break a planet up into a million pieces ... thats' exceptionally rare and not at all 'likely'.

Read the basic science here. There are MANY different ways that science determines
the age of the earth. And they all confirm each other -
Rational Wiki

The evidence against a recent creation is overwhelming. There is perhaps no greater attack upon science and rational thought than the doctrine of a recent creation of the planet Earth and/or the universe. This article collects known evidence that places a minimum age of the Earth beyond the usual 6,000 years quoted by Young Earth creationists (YECs). Deep time is the idea, held to be credible by natural researchers since the early 19th century, that the Earth is millions or billions of years old, rather than the few thousand of young earth creationism. The accepted age of the Earth is about 4.54 billion years, while the entire universe is around 13.77 billion years.

These ages weren't just made up. They were devised from a range of experiments and observations made across multiple disciplines of science such as astronomy, geology, biology, palaeontology, chemistry, geomorphology and physics. YECs, however, ignore these in favor of pseudoscience and their biblically based view that the world was created by magic.

The entries below are listed in alphabetical order, while in the contents box they can be found listed by the approximate minimum they put on the age of the earth. It is also important to note that these dating methods are not mutually exclusive: where their range, accuracy and applicability overlap, the dates they produce are concordant with each other. It should be noted that YECs regularly claim that all types of radiometric dating are unreliable, going so far as to attempt to discredit the discipline through dishonest practices.

How Dinosaur Bones Are Dated
Dating Sedimentary Rock
Frequency of 'planet killer' asteroids hitting

there's simply no way it's billions of years old That's impossible.

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