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Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

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posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:22 AM

reply to post by WCmutant

I don't get why so many conspiracy theorists have sex on the mind.

Yeah you do.
Sex is everywhere. It's where we all came from.
It's where we all wanna go.

It's the prime mover of advertisement and media.
It's what most of our holidays are centered on.
It's that box you check when they wanna know who you are.
M vs W rivalry.

But yeah I get the point, being unable to think about anything else except 'sex', is a bit perverse / immature *for adults.

For me personally I only use about 15-20% of my energy-time towards thinking about "that".
I presume most people invest way more than that.
It's worth limiting and controlling those urges.
Buys tons of time to think about other stuff.

edit on 24-2-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by WCmutant

You really ought to read some of my other threads before wading into this one.
It's required reading. You are making arguments that are not in context or applicable.

Click my name, check at least the entire Jesus-Unicorn and Neptune threads...
Thank you.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:10 AM
I was looking at this website : United Grand Lodge of England
A library is a museum for the mind by the way.

I was looking at the art on that page and was having all sorts of funny thoughts.
Take this poster for example:

"Over 300" ? Sounds like it's the Battle of Thermopylae

It took place simultaneously with the naval battle at Artemisium, in August or September 480 BC, at the narrow coastal pass of Thermopylae ('The Hot Gates').

Keyhole ? Well look at the "Bottom Lower 'Right' Side" - It's D.
The letters wrapping around the "D" don't make a full circle, so it fits the keyhole perfectly.
So thinking like "John Dee" maybe opens the whole of the hole?
D as in Do or Dao perhaps? The "Qi-Chi-Key" ?

So I think in phrases like "The Sign of the Serpent Sai of the Arc", etc.

J B? Well everyone already calls it Boaz and Jachin so I will try something different.
I'll call it JEB because that Qi Whole in the Mid of El is the E=Everything=G.

And what do you know the D Qi works I had to duck down low to know.

Willie 'Jeb' Booth A.K.A. Jebulani, fictional character from 2009 Cypriot TV Show, 'Visit from UK' Jebmeister Heaven & December 2011 Pre Christmas Jebulani Celebrated Choir (CyRik Ena).

Thanks for the tip TV show, I had a hunch this was old Jahbulon
Jah is the Bull of An , basically.

The whole thing says in 100 ways = "God is Everything"
Let's investigate a little more JEB for fun:
Jebediah Guthrie (Marvel Comics)

Jeb is one more mutant of the Guthrie family, like Sam (Cannonball), Paige (Husk), Jay (Icarus), and Melody (Aero). Jeb's mutant power was to project focused electrical fire as beams from his eyes.


Guthrie is an English-language surname with several independent origins. In some cases the surname is derived from a place in Scotland, located near Forfar, which is derived from the Gaelic gaothair, meaning "windy place". Another origin of the name is from the Scottish Gaelic MagUchtre, meaning "son of Uchtre".

"Son of" Ochre

Jeb, fictional character in the television series VR Troopers

Jeb (played by Zeb and voiced by Kerrigan Mahan impersonating Jack Nicholson) is Ryan's pet Redbone Coonhound, whom he had since he was young. Jeb was accidentally subjected to a power surge in part two of "The Battle Begins" that gave him the ability to speak.

Redbone Coonhound

Jeb Batchelder, fictional character in the Maximum Ride novels of James Patterson

He is the father of Ari,

Jeb Cain, fictional character in the television series Tin Man

Cain ? Tin Ten 10 Binary Man?

Jeb Cater, fictional character in the novel Chesapeake by James Michener

He's the Cater that serves those with Chi Speak?

Jeb Denton, fictional character in the television series Less than Perfect
Jeb Nightlinger, fictional character in the 1972 film The Cowboys
Jeb Rand, fictional character in the 1947 film Pursued
Jeb, a goat in the Disney film Home on the Range (2004 film)

Oh it's that Goat, lol.

The Jed of the two Djed?

Josiah Bartlet ("Jed"), in The West Wing on television
Jed Clampett, in The Beverly Hillbillies on television
Jedediah Leland ("Jed"), reporter in the film Citizen Kane
Jed Wright, the only boss in the Xbox 360 video game demo Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

Nah it's more like a Rising Kane so that's why it's Case Zero ...Wright Jed?

Jed (album), by the Goo Goo Dolls
Jed Water, river in Scotland
Jed, West Virginia, United States, an unincorporated community
Jed, a slang term for a member of the World War II secret Operation Jedburgh; collectively the members were known as 'The Jeds'

These Jeds must be the real Jedi Operation Jedburgh

Operation Jedburgh was a clandestine operation during World War II, in which personnel of the British Special Operations Executive, the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, the Free French Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action ("Intelligence and operations central bureau") and the Dutch and Belgian Armies were dropped by parachute into Nazi-occupied France, Holland and Belgium to conduct sabotage and guerilla warfare, and to lead the local resistance forces in actions against the Germans.

The Jedburgh teams normally parachuted in by night to meet a reception committee from a local Resistance or Maquis group. Their main function was to provide a link between the guerrillas and the Allied command. They could provide liaison, advice, expertise and leadership, but their most powerful asset was their ability to arrange airdrops of arms and ammunition.

Like all Allied forces who operated behind Nazi lines, the Jedburghs were subject to torture and execution in the event of capture, under Hitler's notorious Commando Order. Because the teams normally operated in uniform, to apply this order to them was a war crime. However, of the Jedburgh teams dropped into France, only British Captain Victor A. Gough met that fate, being shot while a prisoner on 25 November 1944.

Calender reference of course:

Julian Ephemeris Date, i.e. Julian date

And of course our legendary history:

The name Jedediah comes from Yedidya, a Hebrew name meaning "Friend of God" or "beloved of God". In the Bible, Jedidiah was the “blessing" name given by God through prophet Nathan, in infancy to Solomon, King David's second son by Bathsheba.[1]


The story of David's seduction of Bathsheba, told in 2 Samuel 11, is omitted in Chronicles. The story is told that David, while walking on the roof of his palace, saw Bathsheba, who was then the wife of Uriah, having a bath. He immediately desired her and later made her pregnant.

In an effort to conceal his sin, David summoned Uriah from the army (with whom he was on campaign) in the hope that Uriah would re-consummate his marriage and think that the child was his. Uriah was unwilling to violate the ancient kingdom rule applying to warriors in active service.[2] Rather than go home to his own bed, he preferred to remain with the palace troops.

After repeated efforts to convince Uriah to have sex with Bathsheba, the king gave the order to his general, Joab, that Uriah should be placed in the front lines of the battle, where it was the most dangerous, and left to the hands of the enemy (where he was more likely to die). David had Uriah himself carry the message that ordered his death. After Uriah was dead, David made the now widowed Bathsheba his wife.

In the Gospel of Matthew 1:6 she is indirectly mentioned as an ancestor of Jesus.

So this "Sin" led to "Jesus" ? That is an interest claim to look into as well.

The name Joab (יוֹאָב) is derived from Yahweh (יהוה), the name of the God of Israel, and the Hebrew word 'av' (אָב), meaning 'father'. It therefore means 'Yahweh [is] father'.


Solomon (/ˈsɒləmən/; Hebrew: שְׁלֹמֹה, Modern Shlomo Tiberian Šəlōmō ISO 259-3 Šlomo; Syriac: ܫܠܝܡܘܢ Shlemun; Arabic: سليمان‎ Sulaymān, also colloquially: Silimān; Greek: Σολομών Solomōn), also called Jedidiah (Hebrew יְדִידְיָהּ), was, according to the Book of Kings, the Book of Chronicles, Hidden Words and the Qur'an[2] a king of Israel and the son of David.[3] The conventional dates of Solomon's reign are circa 970 to 931 BC. He is described as the third king of the United Monarchy, and the final king before the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah split. Following the split, his patrilineal descendants ruled over Judah alone.

Citizen Kane (Orson Welles
Xanadu (Citizen Kane)
Xanadu (disambig)

Lots of stuff there. I'll leave this post as is.
How ya'll like that?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:15 AM
So looking at that poster alone I figured that the code was "JEB" which led to "Jedidiah" - King Solomon.
Coincidence? Don't think so.
Amazing Luck? Possibly.

edit on 24-2-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:22 AM
Gonna take a few "Jabs" and post some links, if any Masons want to make corrections on this feel free, I am not sure of the accuracy of the links.

From the Jahbulon wiki:

According to Masonic historian Arturo de Hoyos, the word Jahbulon was first used in the 18th century in early French versions of the Royal Arch degree. It relates a Masonic allegory in which Jabulon was the name of an explorer living during the time of Solomon who discovered the ruins of an ancient temple. Within the ruins he found a gold plate upon which the name of God (Jehovah) was engraved.[4]

It's almost as if "I Am" Jahbulon ?
Get it - "I Am" = Jah?

So this makes a lot of sense :

יהּ (Yah, I AM, which indicates eternal existence),
בּעל (b'el, owner, husband, lord[11] ) and
און (on, strength); pronouncing three aspects or qualities of Deity, namely Eternal Existence, Ownership, and Omnipotence and equating to "The Eternal God - Master - Almighty".[12]

"I AM + Lord + of Eternal Existence" = God
There are other translations but they are pretty similar.

Anyhow, here is another piece that is an interesting reference to the O.T.O. :

According to Francis X. King in The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O., the word is used in two rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis: the Lodge of Perfection, in which the candidate receives the Fourth Degree (which is called Perfect Magician and Companion of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch); and the Perfect Initiate (or Prince of Jerusalem) degree, which falls between the fourth and fifth degrees. King prints in his book the lyrics of a song that mentions the word "Jahbulon."[8]

So this connects to what I was saying about "Lucky 13" and posted in my other thread and may post here lol.
I am not sure if this is accurate but it may be (if it's not let me know):
Check this document : AASR 1884 - 13th Degree : Royal Arch of Enoch

Here is a link to Holy Royal Arch Degree which is a fascinating wiki.

Please note that these are references to multiple groups so be careful to differentiate.
edit on 24-2-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:37 AM
Now why is the legendary hero of Springfield in the Simpsons TV show:
Jebediah Springfeld ??

Spring Sprung it's Hans (Hand - Palm) ??

As seen in the famous episode "The Telltale Head".
It's the Tale of the Head that Tells us about El through the Tell ?!

The next morning Bart wakes up in bed next to the head of Jebediah (an homage to “The Godfather”).

The God Head of the Father that Sprung out from under the Bed?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:23 PM

Gonna take a few "Jabs" and post some links

I think you threw everyone with a right cross. But which cross is right, the Templars?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well, I'm a horny

I think though that some theorists, of the negative persuasion, just want to demonize and make taboo natural human urges so they find icons and symbols that confirm their bias. It's kind of pathetic.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 01:51 AM
Your Final Fantasy reference is strange. Assuming you made an allusion to Final Fantasy VII, did you mean to make a Judaic reference? FF7 is based on many remnants of Judaism and Kaballah so I am wondering if you were trying yo point to such.

My question is as much as your post... just grasping at straws. It is not easy to explain exactly what the symbols in your posts mean in according to a secret society so you may need some more personal experience to realize the full meanings on why symbols were used where they were.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 06:47 AM

Your Final Fantasy reference is strange. Assuming you made an allusion to Final Fantasy VII, did you mean to make a Judaic reference? FF7 is based on many remnants of Judaism and Kaballah so I am wondering if you were trying yo point to such.

I probably made a reference (as I usually do refer to anything pop culture because it is effective).
But I don't remember which one you refer to. I looked around but didn't see it.

But yes anything in a video game today with any decent "Lore" draws heavily on ancient traditions and terminology.
"Fiction" is really great to study for the purpose of comparison with religions etc.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 06:49 AM

But which cross is right, the Templars?

Looks like Templars are on the Left in this diagram...

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 06:54 AM


I think though that some theorists, of the negative persuasion, just want to demonize and make taboo natural human urges so they find icons and symbols that confirm their bias. It's kind of pathetic.

You are right, I have seen multiple times where any form of sexual reference was associated and portrayed as "Satanic References".
Like Rihanna when she spilled that milk in that video.

By the way who noticed that Rihanna is a hidden "Hanna", of the Ri persuasion ?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Then I like how it says we humans are all the Sons of Man. Children of God.

Sons of Man and Children of God eh...and Women were too busy doing the washing up to have had a hand in any of it i s'pose?

It's curious and ironic that according to you OP , we are all Sons of Man, and children of God (also male), but not Sons AND Daughters of Humanity, or Children of the Divine force. (androgenous)..considering every Human being alive and who has ever lived, started out at conception as FEMALE and our permanent gender developed at a later stage during gestation.

Unless you think we males have nipples for decoration purposes only...?

But it's all Men this, and Man that with you lot...and i frankly don't understand all.

I agree with your argument that we are ALL equal, so i do NOT agree with equality among and between 'Man', but rather i believe in equality among and between 'Humanity' AS A WHOLE, as a species.

Humans are Humans, despite what reproductive equipment they have hanging or not hanging between their legs mate.

You cannot in good faith preach love, equality, understanding and the aiding of Humanity, and turn around and exclude 50% of our entire species from any of that simply based on some obscure and illogical gender requirement.

By making a meeting society of 'brotherhoods' that is exactly what is's rampant hypocrisy at the very least.

It ought to be humbling for you to remember, while you may occasionally admit Women for social gatherings and functions at your lodges, when you close the doors on them to hold your closed male only meetings, you are closing the doors on your Wives, Daughters, Sisters and Mothers, without whom you wouldn't be sat at your closed meeting in the first place, none of us would.

Disrepecting, excluding and dishonouring a Human being based on nothing more than their gender is NOT a belief in equality, love or anything like it.

THAT'S the problem i have with what i consider is the 'plastic piety' of boys clubs like the Masons...if you wanted to drink blood, burn black candles or run around with black robes at midnight, not that i care or believe you do, but that wouldn't phase me at all...provided EVERYONE was invited to the party and nobody was deliberately harmed, do what you like!

But don't...really don't preach or claim views on equality when there is a huge, enormous elephant in the room making it plainly obvious that is not a sincere sentiment.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by MysterX

If there were 5 stars, I would have clicked them all.

Hear hear!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by MysterX

"Woman" has "Man" in it...
"Human" has "Man" in it...

"Man" means all Humans in General often in common speech phraseology.

Funny this week I am being insulted for favoring men, when last week I was being derided for favoring women.

Thankfully I know it's untrue.
I am pretty sure I have stated at least 200 times now that "God = Hermaphrodite = Gray = Yin Yang" or whatever else.

You are clearly only attacking because you dislike the point of the thread...sigh.
Because I don't think I said anything really sexist at all.
Show me exactly where I made sexist remarks ?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:47 AM

reply to post by MysterX

If there were 5 stars, I would have clicked them all.

Hear hear!

reply to post by MysterX

If there were 5 stars, I would have clicked them all.

Hear hear!

So you agree about what?
I was convinced I was doing a fairly good job at balancing my views between the two opposites.

And why do personal attacks (if I personally favor one sex or another) have anything to do with the thread topic itself ?
I never said anything like that.

Show me where I said anything like that (within proper context). Quote it?

Your name is "AbsoluteTruth" but you are giving out stars for what?
Prejudice and hurtful untruths ?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:53 AM

..provided EVERYONE was invited to the party and nobody was deliberately harmed, do what you like!

But don't...really don't preach or claim views on equality when there is a huge, enormous elephant in the room making it plainly obvious that is not a sincere sentiment.

But here you are "better than them" passing judgement ?
You have no evidence of any of those claims any more than I have evidence that you are holding slaves in your basement.

'Enormous Elephants' usually have evidence that supports their existence don't they?
Please share the evidence about your claims.

This is the perfect place to debunk my thread and prove everything is in fact the opposite of what I claimed.
But you will need some evidence and more than personal attacks to make a real case.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Thick skin. Hell, you aren't even a mason and you have to get pummeled by the haters.

Don't let it get to you. It's human nature to fear what you don't understand. They are just venting their fear.

There will always be one or two of these in every crowd. (Sometime's it's the same ones.)
edit on 25-2-2014 by network dude because: Absolute truth is full of lies.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:17 AM

network dude
reply to post by muzzleflash

Thick skin. Hell, you aren't even a mason and you have to get pummeled by the haters.

Don't let it get to you. It's human nature to fear what you don't understand. They are just venting their fear.

There will always be one or two of these in ever crowd. (Sometime's it's the same ones.)

Hahaha. You are right.
I kinda got offended by the angle of approach.
I admit my hopes were up a little bit.

I wonder what they know about Co-Freemasonry ?

Notwithstanding the prohibition of interaction in a ritual context, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the oldest of the Grand Lodges, whilst not recognising Co-Freemasonry, states that it does hold informal discussions from time to time with Women's and Co-Masonic Grand Lodges on issues of mutual concern, and that

Brethren are therefore free to explain to non-Masons, if asked, that Freemasonry is not confined to men (even though this Grand Lodge does not itself admit women).[26]

It also notes that this group admits atheists as well.
Interesting stuff.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

We had an active poster who was a member of continental Freemasonry. (co-masonry) and was happy to answer questions and the like.

I guess I just never understood what part of "fraternity" was so damn hard to comprehend.

They still look at me funny when I show up at Sorority functions thinking I can just walk in. I have been interested in those pillow fights ever since I saw Animal house.

I think an interesting experiment should be done. Have a completely empty room, then post a guard at the door and tell people they aren't allowed in. See how many get really upset that they aren't allowed, never mind that there is nothing for them on the inside. Again, human nature at work.

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