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Sixth Grade Assignment: Destroy the Bill of Rights

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 03:32 PM
Sixth Grade Assignment: Destroy the Bill of Rights

Worksheet asks children to remove parts of the Bill of Rights

Good morning class. Today we are going to discuss a difficult subject. The subject is that of the outdated Bill of Rights which so may Americans cling to. As many of you know the now defunct Bill of Rights stands in the way of our Government on many levels, such as, The war on terror, the Patriot Act, NSA wiretapping and of course average persons walking the streets with loaded firearms. So your assignment today is if we lived in a perfect world how could we finesse this ancient document into a more palatable form in which the oldtimers would not be too offended and Government could do its job more efficiently without the roadblocks that it causes for them? If you turn to your assignment we shall begin.

Below is the assignment’s introduction in full: There has been a lot of controversy lately surrounding the War on Terror. Many feel as though The Patriot Act is infringing upon our privacy and other individual liberties, while others feel protected by it. The government of the United States is currently revisiting the Bill of Rights. They have determined that it is outdated and may not remain in its current form any longer. Their aim is to ensure that our personal civil liberties and the pursuit of happiness remain guarded in the 21st century. The government has asked for input from experts on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You have been selected to participate on the National Revised Bill of Rights (NRBR) Task Force. You will be working in a small team with others who may or may not share your values and opinions. You have been charged with the task of revisiting and editing the Bill of Rights. More specifically, you will need to prioritize, prune, and add amendments and then turn your ideas into a Revised Bill of Rights. Your team’s proposal will be submitted in its final form as a persuasive presentation to Mrs. Knight and associates. She and her associates have been given the important charge of judging the proposals based on valid arguments demonstrated by its authors during the presentation.

So there is your assignment, have fun and remember were trying to make a better world for us all.

A student in Bryant School District in Arkansas brought home a worksheet that presented her with a scenario that referred to the Bill of Rights as “outdated” and that as part of a special committee she would need to throw out two of the Amendments. The worksheet was handed out to Sixth grade students in a History class. According to the girl’s mother, Lela Spears, she has not received any government or civics classes and this was the first assignment dealing with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The school district is participating in the embattled Common Core curriculum.

I have talked about this same type of thing after my nephew brought home a study sheet which said verbatim - "The Government gives you your rights" and now we have this to add to the list. And of course this was just proceeded by

Last month, school textbook authors inaccurately defined the Second Amendment as “the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.”

Now that's that I can name off the top of my head and how much do you want to bet there aren't more. This is a process and a plan to steal the minds of our youth to mislead our babies so that they never even knew how great the country they live in ever was. To make them love their nanny Government above all else including their outdated, misguided, disconnected parents. This has got to stop or the battle will be over before it ever starts. We have historical precedence on our side lets not fool ourselves as to what is going on here. They are our babies and no one cares for them better than us. Its time to dig deep and start being parents. They have enough friends. What they need is a Father and a Mother to protect them from crap like this, raise hell in your respective school districts. Everything depends on winning this battle.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 03:38 PM
Not just a mother and father. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Older cousins, All family!

We really need to get back to the closer family ways to save our children. Because if we continue to let the public schools provide the sole education to our children, you are correct.
We will be screwed.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

Your right - "It takes a village"

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 03:44 PM
Face it, there is not a chance in hell for people to turn back the US to the ideals it had in its inception. The only option now is to go along with it until it gets so out of hand people can't blindly accept it. It will be much faster this way, and it will settle up a lot sooner. You are just prolonging a bad infection, cut the finger off!

Start telling kids the government should wipe their ass for them, one generation from now and BAM, revolution.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 03:48 PM
Thank you Bill Gates. Our kids get indoctrinated (and dumber) and Bill Gates gets richer. He has spent millions developing and promoting the common core curriculum. And his track record in this area is actually pretty poor.

The Gates Foundation has partnered with Pearson, the giant textbook publisher, to create online curriculum for Common Core which will drive the volume of testing.

Pearson is the exclusive testing contractor for the State of Texas. According to Pearson's year-end review for 2011-2012, more than 11.5 million tests were administered to Texas public education students in grades 3 through 12 for the State of Texas Academic Readiness, or STARR. The cost was more than $89 million!

By 2015 the cost for standardized testing is expected to cost Texans nearly $100 million. Based on figures provided by Texas Education Agency, Pearson's five-year contract with Texas from 2010-2015 will total more than $468 million. Even more staggering is the grand total from 2000 -2015 that Texas taxpayers will have paid Pearson -- nearly $1.2 billion for developing standardized tests and related materials.

Data mining is another component of Common Core that will reap huge profits for Gates. In a public-private collaborative, the foundation and others gave $100 million to inBloom for a public school database. The purpose is to collect and analyze data which will be shared with private companies that sell educational products and services. These lucky insiders get to mine the information and create new tailored products to sell.he Gates Foundation has partnered with Pearson, the giant textbook publisher, to create online curriculum for Common Core which will drive the volume of testing
edit on 8-10-2013 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 03:54 PM


So your assignment today is if we lived in a perfect world how could we finesse this ancient document into a more palatable form in which the oldtimers would not be too offended and Government could do its job more efficiently

I know this wasn't on the assignment teacher but I wanted to add an amendment:

"All federal, state or municipal laws that are in conflict with these original amendments are invalid, unconstitutional and illegal."

Do I get extra credit teacher? Ow! Stop hitting me! What do you mean expelled?

This is a process and a plan to steal the minds of our youth to mislead our babies so that they never even knew how great the country they live in ever was. .

That's exactly what this is all about. First dumb down the curriculum and then teach the Orwellian. This makes me sad.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:16 PM
The first step was separation of parent and child with distractions like social media and reality TV. Then parents don't feel the need to talk to their kids. They both have an artificial womb to retreat to. Then it was on to indoctrination of our kids.

How many parents actually read what their kids are being taught? How many would remember what they learned 20-40 years ago? It is too late to stop this, the entire system has been compromised and it started 40 years ago.

PS they can use papers submitted by kids to gauge the type of household they are brought up in. Identifying radical households covertly.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

"The Government gives you your rights"

If I didn't see this drivel leaching out of every pore of our deteriorating 'school system' I would think it a very poor dystopian 5 cent novel.

It really is past time to take our kids out of these cesspools of statist indoctrination.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Actually, I think the assignment is not a bad idea. Ask they kids to think about how they would destroy the Bill of Rights. Then show them how the government is doing it, and compare. At least it would show the kids that the government is trying to destroy the Bill of Rights.

You're never too young to learn that.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Just more intellectual conditioning. Ignorance is knowledge, war is peace, freedom is slavery. Our leaders are preparing us to accept the redefinition of our most cherished principles and virtues. Carry on, dear sheeple, carry on. Everything will be alright.

edit on 8-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:39 PM
I find it amazing the almost religious fervour with which Americans see their bill of rights.
When any talk of changing it (even in a hypothetical thought exercise for children) comes about some of you are as bad as those fundamentalist Muslims who scream blasphemy at everything.

I actually LOLd when some of the above posts talk about schools teaching kids to not use their brains, that is EXACTLY what this exercise does!!!!
Its not a black and white, yes or no question, children have to evaluate the subject and then give explanations for their decisions based on their own conclusions.

Sounds like a great exercise, shame those dirty terrorist teachers dared commit sacriledge by involving the holiest of holies

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

You're damn right we take the Bill of Rights very seriously. The basic rights of the American people are not to be toyed with - EVER. Revised by highly knowledgeable professionals with the express intent of preserving the original intentions of the Bill to the greatest efficacy possible? Sure. Play around and experiment with it? No. Never. They were instated for a very crucial reason, and that reason must be respected at all times, lest people begin to misunderstand why the Bill of Rights was written to begin with. All it takes is a misunderstanding for our rights to begin to degrade in the eyes of those to whom it applies.

That is not a risk I am willing to take. Nor should anyone be willing.
edit on 8-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:54 PM

I find it amazing the almost religious fervour with which Americans see their bill of rights.
When any talk of changing it (even in a hypothetical thought exercise for children) comes about some of you are as bad as those fundamentalist Muslims who scream blasphemy at everything.

I actually LOLd when some of the above posts talk about schools teaching kids to not use their brains, that is EXACTLY what this exercise does!!!!
Its not a black and white, yes or no question, children have to evaluate the subject and then give explanations for their decisions based on their own conclusions.

Sounds like a great exercise, shame those dirty terrorist teachers dared commit sacriledge by involving the holiest of holies

What you are missing in all of this is that we created our government and have granted it very specific and very limited responsibilities, not the other way around. The idea that government itself could ever revise it is, in fact, completely illegal. The only way to change it at all is for the people to amend it.

That is what we mean when we talk about 'American exceptionalism', not that we are better people or have better stuff or any other ridiculous misinterpretation.

You are a very cute kitty, btw.

edit on 8-10-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:55 PM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

You're damn right we take the Bill of Rights very seriously. The basic rights of the American people are not to be toyed with. They were instated for a very crucial reason, and that reason must be respected at all times, lest people begin to misunderstand why the Bill of Rights was written to begin with. All it takes is a misunderstanding for our rights to begin to degrade in the eyes of those to whom it applies.

That is not a risk I am willing to take. Nor should anyone be willing.
edit on 8-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

No offence but you sound like some deranged Saudi cleric talking about someone defiling the Koran.

Its a thought exercise for children for cripes sake!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by boncho

Face it, there is not a chance in hell for people to turn back the US to the ideals it had in its inception.

Well probably stepping into here but God knows I don't have the sense to stay out of it

What ideals are there to roll back to?

The ideal that only white property owners get to vote?

There are no "rights" that existed then that do not apply now save possibly the "right" to own another human being as property.
edit on 8-10-2013 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 10:18 PM
Should you find yourself at an impasse and can't seem to see a way out, ask those that are not blinded by social and political restrictions. Children at time see things that we as adults have been conditioned to overlook.

An example;

An 18 wheel tractor trailer rig was stuck under a low overpass and all the adults were at a loss on how to remove it. It was jammed tight enough that it couldn't be pulled out. A young boy of around 10 years of age was watching the ordeal an asked a policeman what the problem was. The policeman told him how the truck was stuck and that they couldn't get it out. Whereupon the boy said quite flatly, "why don't you let the air out of the tires?". The policeman looked at the boy and said, "thanks kid!" and went down to the truck. They let the air out of the tires and in a few minutes the rig was free and pull out from under the overpass. The child saw a simple solution that the adults had overlooked.

The government might be at an impasse on how to go about reducing the Bill of Rights, thus it behooves them to ask those who would see no problem in such an exercise and possibly gain an answer to their dilemma. It reminds me of the phrase "out of the mouth of babes".

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

The Bill of Rights are not up for debate ever. These are the fundamentals protections afforded all Americans from (as in opposed to) their servant Government. You can call me what you will but I know how this works. Ideas give way to plans and processes and before long we wont be able to recognize the land our fathers fought and died for. Too many men and women better than ourselves sacrificed all so that we might know a better future and I for one will not stand by and watch it squandered away under the guise of political correctness and just plain apathy from a dumbed down public that actually thinks their Government gives a damn about them. A great many countries made these same mistakes and I see no reason to follow down the same path when we have historical precedence to fall back on.
edit on 8-10-2013 by WWJFKD because: making clear lest I be called incompetent for your lack of understanding

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

We take the Bill of Rights seriously because the original ten amendments are important.

There is a reason as to why the USA was once the freest nation on Earth.

Namely, the Bill of Rights.

The founding fathers found it necessary to keep the tyranny of the majority in check. The only way to do so, was by establishing what the natural rights of all humans encompass.

The Bill of Rights is just as relevant today as it was 200 hundred years ago.

A person's rights don't just "disappear" because a government, a corporation, an individual, or a majority disagrees with them. The entire purpose of the Bill of Rights is to shoot down the people that disagree with them.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 11:47 PM
You know, I like this assignment. Their parents should be given it too. All too often people leap to judgment and say things like "This guy was accused of child molestation, some street justice needs to happen before a jury lets him off". Actually writing those laws down and inventing scenarios where they're carried out can be eye opening for people. In the child molestation example above, if an accusation of a serious crime means you don't get due process what happens when you're competing for a promotion at work? Accuse the other person and they're gone.

There is a lot of wisdom in the protections in the Bill of Rights but to actually recognize them, often times you have to ask yourself what things would be like if they weren't there.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Aazadan

I would like to believe that there is some higher learning being done here, but I just don't buy it. Telling my nephew that "The government gives you your rights" was not followed by some discussion about how false that statement is. The misinterpretation on the 2nd amendment was not later explained as incorrect and I do not believe that this is some ruse to get 6th graders to understand the value of the Bill of Rights. I smell indoctrination and I would sooner err on the side of caution then wait for something profound to come out of this education system. I judge a tree by its fruit, and this trees fruit stinks to high heaven.

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