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"You Might Hate Obamacare, But It's Saved These People's Lives "

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:24 PM
More about pre existing.

Many states had programs years ago.

And it seems the PCIP had something for anybody, not just children.

2/3 down page;

Expanded Plan Options in 2011
In 2010, people enrolled in the federally-administered PCIP program were offered one plan. Beginning in 2011, such enrollees in the federally administered PCIP program will be able to choose between three plan options: the Standard Plan, the Extended Plan and the Health Savings Account eligible plan. In addition, families will be able to enroll their eligible children in PCIP at child-only rates. These options will allow enrollees to select a plan that best meets their needs.

2011 Standard Plan. The existing option in PCIP has been made more flexible. The 2010 Standard Plan had a single, combined medical and pharmacy deductible of $2,500. The 2011 Standard Plan now has two separate deductibles -- a $2,000 medical deductible and $500 drug deductible, while also offering premiums that are almost 20% lower than the 2010 premiums. The reduced pharmacy deductible is particularly beneficial for people who take one or more maintenance medications. The lower premiums result from experience and are expected to be more affordable for the eligible population with pre-existing conditions.

Coverage of Uninsurable Pre-Existing Conditions: State and Federal High-Risk Pools

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:17 PM


I am Obamacare

I am 33 and in decent health. For many years now, I have not carried insurance for my wife and I because it was more important for us to have insurance for our children and the price of it was quite high.

Now that Obamcare has come along, the insurance policy we had for our children has been dropped and a comparable plan is over $250 more than it was previously. So not only do I have to pay more to insure my children, that were already insured before Obamacare, I have to find a plan that will cover my wife and I.....or pay the fine.

It's been pretty hard trying to support and raise a family in modern America and now it's become much harder.

Thanks Obama!

edit on 6-10-2013 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2013 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

But the $250 extra and the penalty cost will be going to the commune for the common good, so this is still a plus for anyone not you!


posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:03 PM
The people who hate Obama and Obamacare so much, and the two seem to go hand in hand much of the time, are simply hypocritical in my opinion. How many of these same people sat by while presidents representing THEIR political party started ruining this country? Just look at Bush. Republicans especially have forgotten about that. Why is it okay for the US to spend billions and billions of dollars on some stupid war that means absolutely nothing, except HUGE profits for the big businesses involved in screwing the government over, and who the majority of the politicians work for, yet when a president actually wants to do something that WILL make a difference, people are up in arms?

It is this same Republican mentality, which is what I call it, that has been seen so much since Obama was elected president. I've heard all types of arguments against this bill, none of which hold any water. And my favorite example to use to show the huge difference between the left and right, as it is easy to understand by everyone, is that of Clinton and Bush. The right claimed that it wasn't what Clinton did, but the fact that he lied about it, and that is why they wanted to impeach him. Yet it is known that Bush lied TO START A FREAKING WAR, and these same republicans still supported him. At the very least they didn't even talk about impeachment. So they cannot tell me it is about what is best for this country, rather it is about what THEY want. Just look at the government shutdown right now to illustrate my point. Hypocritical, and I will take my ball and go home mindset.

People claim that no one should be forced to have insurance. Yet what do these people do when something happens and they need to go to the hospital? They don't mind "sucking" off the government then if they can. It is okay for the person complaining if they need the services, but they complain about everyone else. Everyone SHOULD have insurance. What needs to be done is national free health care, like so many other nations have implemented. This would have been done in the US already if it were not for the Republicans. That is a FACT.

Just look at the opposition to Obamacare, which is a far cry from free health care. Can you imagine what the right would do when that tried to be instituted.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:57 PM

reply to post by Daedalus

We agree about the wall street thieves. I just don't like the tone I hear from the younger generation trying to blame soc sec on the people who worked 40yrs paid into it most their lives. The baby boomers did not start the system, we were born into it. College was not an option for most of us at that time, so we began paying into the system very young.

and nobody's really blaming them for it either....

what i'm saying is that the federal government has stolen most, if not all of the money that you, me, and everyone else with a job, has been dumping into it...

they robbed us, and replaced our "social security" with social insecurity, based on a shaky stock market, and worthless fiat paper...

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:58 PM

The only possible way this OP to be correct is for today's date to be April 1st, 2014.
Because ACA policies BEGIN JANUARY 1ST, 2014.
Worst Hoax ever on ATS...

jesus h christ, in a chicken basket.....

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:01 PM

solomons path
For those saying these people were helped in 2010, as a result of PCIP . . . me thinks they were a little old to have been covered on the "immediate" inception.

The immediate coverage only was for children (below 19) that were not covered on a parent's exisiting coverage . . .

Everyone else has to wait until 1/1/2014.

could be they were special cases, or perhaps it IS a complete fabrication...

either way, the fact remains that this ONE provision of the bill may have actually helped some people....

doesn't mean the REST of the bill isn't a steaming pile though...
edit on 8-10-2013 by Daedalus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

ok, so how do you explain me, who has no political affiliation?

i think it's a lousy bill, not because republicans say so, but because it actually is...because nobody bothered to read the goddamn thing, because it requires me to buy a product i can't afford, and don't really need, and allows for them to simply take my money for not buying it....

go ahead and explain..
edit on 8-10-2013 by Daedalus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by abecedarian

I agree, but if they warned us of what was coming it would give us more time to assemble and shut it down before it happens. I can't believe how stupid some of our politicians are "we have to pass this so we can find out whats in it" too bad it wasn't full of deathstalker scorpions.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

Now you are overreaching... You are trying to compare apples with oranges, the war was one thing, and "Obamacare" is something else entirely. Two different topics. What's next, you are going to bring up Watergate and claim because it happened everyone should be happy with Obamacare and Obama's policies?

Personally he can do what he desires as a "regular person" as long as he doesn't poop all over the American people, which is what he has been doing since day one, but that is for another discussion. What we are discussing is "OBAMACARE"... Not the war, and not Bush...
edit on 9-10-2013 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Because it is all connected. EVERYTHING in our world is about The Money. You want to know where to find those mysterious "they" groups like the Bilderbergs etc., "they" are right there in your wallet. War, guns, ammo, BIG BIG MONEY.

And "they" have been so good since after WW2, when "they" discovered "they" could play on the fears of the american people about communism, atomic war,the "domino effect", weapons of mass destruction.

And "they" have created institutions that have convinced us that the US Government and its workers are all a bunch of crooks, and the american people can't afford take of its own. That half of americans are useless. That pretty much makes us all a dog fight that "they" can sit back and watch. Hell, "they" have even convinced us that we can't afford to pay our fallen troops families. So what are our poor troops STILL fighting for?

So, you kids keep believing that america can't afford jobs and medical for all, soc sec for its old, food for its poor, tax increases for its rich. "They" need more and since the baby boomers are not producers anymore, it is now your torch to carry. Just remember, year 13 of two wars began this month, which means your financial part will continue for the next 60 years. So "they" are right, we are broke but "they" are giggling all the way to the bank.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

I have 1 thing to say about this..

edit on 10/9/2013 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by MOMof3

No it isn't, they are two separate topics, the gulf war was not the reason for passing Obamacare. Also, for your information, their hunger for power and their ability to clamp down on Americans began way before WW2, an example is the passing by Democrats of the bill that gave the rich world elites power over the U.S. economy and all Americans, the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, and the IRS as it exists now, plus the regulations which clamped down on small businesses and started the domino effect to the destruction of not only the U.S. economy, but the world. Not only that, but those have been the very same people who founded "red revolutions" worldwide. But then again, that is another topic... This topic in specific is about OBAMACARE.
edit on 9-10-2013 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Well, these are my lifetime observations, times that I lived in. I have the good fortune of making it to my sixties, a time for reflection of my own mistakes and the world around me. If you make it to your appointed time, your view may change. I do not like the truth that I have come to either. EVERYTHING, is about money. If our soldiers knew that was what they were really sacrificing their life and limbs for, none would sign up.

And the tea party is right. I don't agree that half of the country is useless, but I do agree that we can no longer afford social programs or Obamacare, and 98 per cent of us will have to live with stagnant wages and high medical costs, high tuition for our college kids, and for some hunger. I became convinced of that truth this week when we told the whole world we cannot afford to take care of our fallen troops and their families.
edit on 9-10-2013 by MOMof3 because: add

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Willtell

Sure Obamacare can do good things, I dont think anyone ever said it couldn't. Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful thing that has happened for these people, but what about everyone else? What about those who's insurance premiums go up? Then when those people can't afford health insurance they have to pay a fine. How does this help everyone? It doesn't. It only helps a few people, which is why the majority of the US does not support Obamacare.

So while these wonderful things are happening, people still suffer and will suffer more in the future.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by MsAphrodite

A post from the Obamacare website page.

"I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 "Silver Plan" and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I "opt-out" and chose to continue along with no insurance. I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the "REPERCUSSIONS PORTION" for "non-payment" of yearly fine. First, your drivers license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with "Non-Payment" and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy "Automatically withdraw" your "penalties" weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is "Free" or even "Affordable

So just a bit more information about enforcement begins to creep out.


This means war.

Lock and load.

In 1776, we threw off the British boot on our collective necks over much less.

The time to start organizing is now - if not past due.

I want to see the part of the US Constitution that allows the government to tell me what I MUST purchase from private vendors. They can tax me on what I DO have, but i want to see the Constitutional justification for taxing me on what I DON'T have.

I think I may revise my plan to take it through court. The time for that may be past by the time any of us have standing to do so.


We did it before, we can do it again.

Don't start telling me about drones and "super-weapons". I got sumpin' for ya! If they think illiterate goat-herders gave 'em and their "high tech" a tussle, they ain't seen nothing yet.

edit on 2013/10/9 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:43 PM

reply to post by Timing

I think you mean Justice Roberts. This already went to the Supreme Court and it was ruled constitutional as a tax (not a penalty) so I don't see how it would get back in front of the Supreme Court again.

You have to read the fine print of the decision. It leaves the door open for another case when people have legal standing, for having been harmed by the law (i.e. having the "tax" levied on them) to run the new case through the court, with new arguments.

It was ruled constitutional as a "tax", bu the validity and constitutionality of the tax itself has not been determined.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Willtell

I think Obama care is a step in the right direction, it is amazing how ignorant people are. Our healthcare is broken, we spend the most in the world but are ranked 38th in the world behind Costa Rica! We are behind third world countries, the republicans are protecting the ultra rich health insurance companies. The republicans were bought and paid for a long time ago. People wake up!

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by maxzen2004


And yet it's the Democrats fighting tooth and nail, digging their heels in to ensure this draconian power/money grab gets set in stone.

What an odd world we live in!

Have you been to Oceania lately? I hear the Ministry of Love is giving all expense paid tours!

edit on 2013/10/9 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 08:56 PM

So, you kids keep believing that america can't afford jobs and medical for all, soc sec for its old, food for its poor, tax increases for its rich. "They" need more and since the baby boomers are not producers anymore, it is now your torch to carry. Just remember, year 13 of two wars began this month, which means your financial part will continue for the next 60 years. So "they" are right, we are broke but "they" are giggling all the way to the bank.

in case you've forgotten, it is not the role of the federal government to create jobs, provide "social security", provide medical services, feed people, or any of that....

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 10:42 PM

reply to post by Willtell

I think Obama care is a step in the right direction, it is amazing how ignorant people are. Our healthcare is broken, we spend the most in the world but are ranked 38th in the world behind Costa Rica! We are behind third world countries, the republicans are protecting the ultra rich health insurance companies. The republicans were bought and paid for a long time ago. People wake up!

In case you've forgotten, it was not the Republicans who passed this law ...not a single one voted for it and, in fact, they were shut out of the meetings in which Dems drafted this steaming pile of legislation up. And yet it still became a bill that Pelosi told us "needed to be passed so we could see what was in it" even though they wrote it. Common sense affordability triggers such as insurance sales across state lines and tort reform were eschewed in favor of state burden and passing the buck.

Additionally, Obama has exempted employers from the coverage mandate for one year, while still insisting individuals be covered. So you tell me who in all this is beholden to the rich and the health insurance companies.

"Ignorant" my butt. We aren't the ones with our heads in the sand here. The Dems own this law. They passed it. Now we see what's in it ...It is a vehicle for eliminating the middle class altogether in this country under the guise of social welfare. And it will ruin us as a country financially at the end of the day.
edit on 10/9/2013 by Jubilation T Cornpone because: (no reason given)

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