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Most Manipulative and Secret Administration

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posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:39 PM
original article

The bottom line of this is the quote below surprised me the most coming from a known MSM reporter (from the original article)

“Whenever I’m asked what is the most manipulative and secretive administration I’ve covered, I always say it’s the one in office now,” Bob Schieffer, CBS News anchor and chief Washington correspondent, told me. “Every administration learns from the previous administration. They become more secretive and put tighter clamps on information. This administration exercises more control than George W. Bush’s did, and his before that.”


Leonard Downie, who once worked as the executive editor of the Washington Post and wrote a novel about Washington corruption and the Iraq War, finds a bigger and non-fictional problem in the successor to George W. Bush.

Leonard Downie from Wikipedia

lin k from source article

So what are they doing? Many reporters covering national security and government policy in Washington these days are taking precautions to keep their sources from becoming casualties in the Obama administration’s war on leaks. They and their remaining government sources often avoid telephone conversations and e-mail exchanges, arranging furtive one-on-one meetings instead. A few news organizations have even set up separate computer networks and safe rooms for journalists trained in encryption and other ways to thwart surveillance.Text

Just two weeks ago, the Justice Department announced that Donald J. Sachtleben, a former FBI bomb technician who had also worked as a contractor for the bureau, had agreed to plead guilty to “unlawfully disclosing national defense information relating to a disrupted terrorist plot” in Yemen last year. “Sachtleben was identified as a suspect in the case of this unauthorized disclosure” to an Associated Press reporter, according to the announcement, “only after toll records for phone numbers related to the reporter were obtained through a subpoena and compared to other evidence collected during the leak investigation.”

I don't know about this particular incident but it is clearly the result of NSA spying on all info. And as for the disrupted plot in Yemen, did we fail and the gov doesn't want it disclosed that we are fallible or did we succeed and we think the yemanis don't know?

In November, a presidential memorandum instructed all government departments and agencies to set up pervasive “Insider Threat Programs” to monitor employees with access to classified information and to prevent “unauthorized disclosure,” including to the news media. According to the policy, each agency must, among other things, develop procedures “ensuring employee awareness of their responsibility to report, as well as how and to whom to report, suspected insider threat activity.” Officials cited the Manning leak as the kind of threat the program is intended to prevent.

This imo opinion is the biggest threat to our society. Intimidation of the press to the point that they dare not be tell the public the truth for fear of imprisonment.
edit on 5-10-2013 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-10-2013 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

Thinking about this it remind me of Connie Chung who when asked "Where do you get your information from she said 'the white house'. The next day she resigned to concentrate on 'having a baby'. She came back briefly but has not been seen in years.

Also the essential demise of Dan Rather on his reporting of Bush's military history

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

We live under a "Soft Tyranny" now. A kinder, more gentle tyranny. Where, if you speak out against the administration, they sic the IRS on you.

Where you are invaded by the NSA.
Where the government places drones in the sky just to keep tabs.
Where a New York Mayor can dictate how big your sodas are or how much salt you should use.
Where the 1st Lady can tell your child what to eat for lunch.
Where a government can mandate what you by ie; health insurance.
Where success is labeled a bad thing. And individuality is punished.
Where religious ideology takes a backseat to political ideology.
Where they constantly try to control guns.
Where you are guilty before proven innocent.
Where truth is whatever is vomited upon the masses during the 6 o'clock news.
Where reality loses to propaganda.
Where you are labeled a terrorist if you're a vet or fly the American flag.
Where speaking out gets you branded.
Where there are only "Free Speech Zones" instead of actual free speech.
Where wars are fought, not to correct an injustice, but to further an agenda.
Where heroes are used as pawns, and cowards get rewarded.
Where indoctrination is taught in schools, instead of reading, writing, arithmetic.
Where foodstamps are more common than currency.
And currency more common than jobs.
Where governments punish people during a shutdown, just to prove that they can.
Where the media applauds their actions.
Where people protest by burning themselves.
Where safety and security have over-ruled freedom.
Where the TSA has become common-place.

We live under a soft tyranny now. We have a dictator. The names may change every 4 to 8 years, but the ideology remains. The faces may change, but the boot heel on the throat of American freedom remains the same.

We have reached a point where other countries now pity us and look at us with disdain at our weakness and selfishness.

Our bloated complacency has offered up our freedom upon the altar of ideology. It has been sacrificed by the high priest arrogance. And we bow at the visage of it's narcissism.

(forgive the wee rant, but I thought it appropriate)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by beezzer

which one of these alien emoticons is the standing ovation?


Thumbs up all the way Beez

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 11:54 PM
I don't know if I agree w/ this at all. In my opinion... Bush and Obama are the same animal. So is Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, Cheney, Quail, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Rumsfeld, Greenspan, Rice, Rove...

Their plans to manipulate and take over the Middle East was in operation years ago. Especially when Saddam caught on and decided he was going against the Petro$. They've all been schemeing together and having big, closed door meetings where they make plans on what to do next. Bohemian Grove is a great example where deals and plans are made.

Their plans were put into over-drive when they were able to steal 2 elections where G. Bush is concerned. Remember how cozy Obama and Bush were on the day Obama was sworn into office? Remember the photo op of Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr-jr, Carter?

If I were elected President after a man who murdered his own citizens because it really doesn't take a Rocket Scienctist to understand threw the dealings of Larry Silverstien both financially and admitting to "pulling" building 7,
Molten steel, whistler blowers mysteriously dying, buildings collapsing free fall speed into their own footprints, video being seized and hidden, puts on airline stocks, people getting calls telling them not to go to work, scientific proof no plane but a missle hit the Pentagon, Cheney given powers to tell the Military to stand down, men said to have carried out this lie still alive... all of this evidence cannot be coincidence and therefore points to an inside job.

I would not under any circumstances walk down a sidewalk all chumy with this guy! It doesn't take a financial wizard to understand that the guy I just replaced as president stole from the American people and allowed crooks to be bailed out and knew it was coming!!!!!!

Bush gave over a million dollar Bid party for contracts in Iraq but only invited a very few!! Lets not even get started on the crap and manipulation of Bill Clinton on the American people.

They are all from the same animal! They will destroy what this Country was built on. I'm sadden that people are still divided... Republican/Democrate... Bush... Obama... They are all on the same damn team!!!!

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 12:43 AM
Here, listen to these, before you start to think for yourself.

Dear leader is never wrong...

LOL, this guy is an insult to intelligence and honesty.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 01:09 PM
This controversial article might shed some light on what we are up against.

Not just in the USA either. It could be global.

Lies and Liberalism .... A mind exercise in how they go hand in hand

There is an organic connection between liberalism and lies. Lying is the lifeblood and mother’s milk of liberalism. Liberals and the left lie effortlessly and naturally. They are far more comfortable with lies than the truth. Speaking the truth is almost impossibility for them. It’s in their DNA.

The fraudulently labeled “Affordable Care Act” is typical of the millions of lies liberals have told over the years. President Obama and Democrats made promises and predictions they knew were untrue. They lied about what motivated the embassy attacks in Egypt and Libya. They lied, and continue to lie, without a second thought and without the slightest remorse.

Barack Obama took a sacred oath to uphold the Constitution. He never had the slightest intention of adhering to the Constitution, as we now well know. One of the traits liberals find endearing about Bill Clinton is his skill at lying and his ability to get away with it.

On his second day in office President Obama said, “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” On the contrary, it has been the most opaque and duplicitous presidency in history. What he claimed could not have been further from the truth. The best way to evaluate what liberals say is to realize that what they say is really the polar opposite of what they believe.

Lies and Liberalism

On a lighter tone, the *lies* could be interpreted as *opposites* of truths.

It's also an old debate trick...

How much of Obama's *words* have turned out to be the *opposite* of what he said ?

Think about it


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by beezzer

beezer, that was an epic post imo. If I could give you applause, you would have it.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by tracehd1

I actually think we are essentially in agreement.

My issue and I think the article's issue is the crackdown on journalists via the NSA with limited authorization under Bush and expanded with Obama.

After the New York Times published a 2012 story by David E. Sanger about covert cyberattacks by the United States and Israel against Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities, federal prosecutors and the FBI questioned scores of officials throughout the government who were identified in computer analyses of phone, text and e-mail records as having contact with Sanger.

“A memo went out from the chief of staff a year ago to White House employees and the intelligence agencies that told people to freeze and retain any e-mail, and presumably phone logs, of communications with me,” Sanger said. As a result, longtime sources no longer talk to him. “They tell me: ‘David, I love you, but don’t e-mail me. Let’s don’t chat until this blows over.’ ”

Sanger, who has worked for the Times in Washington for two decades, said, “This is most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered.” Many leak investigations include lie-detector tests for government officials with access to the information at issue.

“Reporters are interviewing sources through intermediaries now,” Barr told me, “so the sources can truthfully answer on polygraphs that they didn’t talk to reporters.”

Reporters are the only ones who can keep the government honest and transparent and that is in jeopardy.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 11:40 PM
I remember a short news clip years ago just before Obama
took office. There was some distant footage of him hoping out of an SUV with 3 or 4 SS agents. The anchor was reporting that... (roughly) Obama is ariving at an FBI location where he is about to be briefed by (can't remember) on everything the president knows before he takes office.

I don't really remember it, it was breif and unannounced. I wasn't prepared to hear that and that is sort of my point.

What is this process called? Him being debriefed on presidential knowledge. I have googled it intensely but as you can imagine all the words I would use to describe it came back with many results of nothing close.

The President runs for office. Promises a bunch of stuff. Everyone trust him. Then he finds out what he is REALLY working with....

No president has ever stood up and said they had to deviate from the mandate voters gave him because he didnt know.the whole story till takimg office.

All of them have taken a great deal of heat for failing to. come through on campaign promises. Not one of them mentioned that breifing and how it changed things.

Can someone give me a reasonable explaination for this before I run away with it. I'm sure you see where I'm going

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by liveandlearn

It is what it is until the People and the States make a concerted effort to reaffirm their 9th and 10th Amendment Rights respectfully.

There has always been a natural swing of power between the States and the Federal Government; in some years the States has tremendous power and in others the Federal Government did. Things have changed though, with laws such as No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Common Core, Federal Highway Act. etc.

The time is now for the People to reaffirm their Natural Rights that they hold to show just who has the political power in this nation. This in light of the Federal Government dictating what we can and cannot enjoy in this nation and even abroad. If you want to experience the great nature of the United States, as of right now, you must hope that the "king", er, the Federal Government allows you to. If you want to pay respects at a monument, you need to hope that your Government says it is okay.

Rise us people. Rise up and establish your political power that is inherently yours.

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