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Should the US state a nuclear policy in regards to a nuclear terrorist attack?

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posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:45 PM
If America bombs Mecca, it'll be doing the terrorists an amazing service... the 90 percent of Muslims who are not terrorists will rise up in arms, wherever they are.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

You want to kill people who didn't even have anything to do with the attack?

That sounds like a very American thing to do.

Are you a Christian by the way?
It sounds like it, judging from your wish to nuke all of the countries in the Middle East and commit a near genocide.

Well if they used a nuke do you think that the inocent people they just killed had anything to do with THEIR attack? Nuke them back. Even if Europe *woke up* do you honestly think they would take on the United States? Not going to happen. It would at that point ring of the cold war. Peace through superior firepower. I don't think any country is going to risk the absolute obliteration of theirs to attempt it. SO what is the UN going to do? Send us a letter of condemnation? Who cares at that point? Yeah, Europe is going to band together to attack us? Don't think so, to many of the countries would side with the U.S. even if hesitant to do so.

At the time something like this were to happen, it would be time to shut down the borders of the 'melting pot'. Maybe it should have happened already.

[edit on 11/14/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

Originally posted by American Mad Man
Well, after seeing all these threads on terrorists using nukes, and reading many times that terrorists are seeking nuclear weapons for use against the US, I think it is about time we have a stated "return" policy.

For me this would include nuking every major middle east city and every "holy" sight.

Since these terrorists seem to respect only their own religioen, perhaps we should put THAT under threat.

You want to kill people who didn't even have anything to do with the attack?

That sounds like a very American thing to do.

Are you a Christian by the way?
It sounds like it, judging from your wish to nuke all of the countries in the Middle East and commit a near genocide.

First question - no, I do not WANT to. But, it may HAVE to be done to protect our country. Those in the WTC had nothing to do with US ME policy, and they were attacked DIRECTLY.

If we state what will be attacked, people will have time to leave. In that respect, at least we will give them a chance to leave and save their own lives if they wish. I'm sure EVERY person that dies on 9/11 would have given their right arm for that chance.

And no - I am not a Christian - I am not a fan of organised religion because it leads to things like these Islamic # bags we have to deal with now. Try again.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:48 PM
Just a pilot - so, this is what it's come to? America is going to scare all other countries into submission?

Well, it's working. You guys are scary.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

I would even lay out the "order of attack" Something like waht the Isreali's do. For every one Isreali citizen that dies, 100 Palestinians die.

That same tactic was used in Nazi Germany.

I have not been hesitant in declaring that when a German is shot, up to 100 Poles shall be shot too."--from the diary of Hans Frank.

Do you approve of the tactics used in Nazi Germany?

Do you have any shame in advocating those same tactics?

Can you even see what type of person you are becoming?

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:51 PM
For every American killed, 100 Arabs die? Who the hell do you think you are, to think your life worth so much more than the lives of others?

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

OK Ace so what would you ahve us do? Beg and plead to not strike us with one? Maybe negociate with them? Just what is your great plan?

What would you like to do Ed?
Kill every body in every country outside of the United States?
Would that make you feel safe?

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Otts
Just a pilot - so, this is what it's come to? America is going to scare all other countries into submission?

Well, it's working. You guys are scary.

Hey Otts, Congrats on your Award!

No reason to scare them. If we are nuked by Islamic terrorists then we nuke them back. The country that harbors them is just as at fault. Besides, do the Islamics and Arabs not belive in eye for an eye?

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Gazz we will have to agree to disagree on this one, you can say whatever about Bush but I dont doubt ONE MINUTE that he would.

I am not saying this as a Bush supporter, I am not, just that I believe he WOULD DO IT

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:55 PM
just a pilot - thank you for the congrats!

But how far will the eye for an eye take us?

Have to go guys, girlfriend wants phone call.

Happy chest-thumping.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by curme
Dare I say, if we nuke Mecca, or somewhere else as asinine, we'd be creating more terrorists than we could possibly kill.

More then we could ever kill
Maybe before the nuclear weapon was invented. When your talking about nuclear arsenals like the US and Russia there is no such thing as more then we could kill.

One single nuclear missile sub could wipe every major Muslim city in the world off the map. Not that we would ever do that do it could be done.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

If we state what will be attacked, people will have time to leave. In that respect, at least we will give them a chance to leave and save their own lives if they wish.


Where would 300 million people go when they leave?

Maybe they should head to the US.

It'll be real fun having hundreds of millions of pissed of Muslims in your country after you just nuked theirs.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Otts
just a pilot - thank you for the congrats!

But how far will the eye for an eye take us?

Have to go guys, girlfriend wants phone call.

Happy chest-thumping.

We take an eye for an eye as far as they wish to go. If that is their wish to attack us with a nuke then we nuke them back. I do not think that we should launch a first strike at all, but a retaliatory strike is warranted.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:21 PM
Hey guys

They already think that their eye was the first one gouged out.

Nuclear paving of the middle east could be done. Soon our min van and and tanks and airplanes roll to a stop.

Canada with all It's tar sand either becomes rich or becomes a target

The astmospere decays, sunblock is needed near windows, our heating bills go. the rest of the country shun the north americans

All sorts of bad stuff.

That is why I say use the missles( on the targets piked) but put on regular expolsives or the virus that turns politician brains to mush.

Then reducate every one of them

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Gosh. Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.) all over again, only with pesky "terrorists" not nation states.

There is nothing new in rock and roll.

There is nothing new in America-Hating either, I see.

There is no MAD. We could decide this once and for all, but we do not do that. We haven't attacked enemy cities mercilessly since WWII, now have we? But we could, as a matter of fact, we could ensure that the terror states that support terrorism no longer functions, too. Yeah, Mr. Worldly, I'm a South Alabama runbe with the ability to read and keep track and knows that the terrorists are backed by states; you know it too and you know they are legitimate targets once the first Chalie Hand-carriable goes off in this country. You just don't want to say anything about them as in doing so, you'd be admitting that you are in error and are throwing stones at us and belittling our losses we've incurred by the "pesky" terrorists for many years, now.
"Pesky" terrorists? You seem to have the same mentality as the elitist dude who thought terrorism is just a nuasance. You know, the guy who will not be in the Oval Office? Yup, terrorism is really pesky. Just ask thousands of family members who've been dealing with the iritation of it since 2001

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:43 PM
nuke em back for all i care

everyone knows for the circle of violence to stop

THEY must stop it first because AMERICA will Never stop in its pursuit of kicking butt

americas pride is just too big now
im 95% sure USA will nuke em back

the end times? maybe so

aceofbase you need to realize

thinking you can actually talk agianst america After it gets nuked?
you are seriously nuts

just pack your bags buddy
instead of talkin crap about "how wrong we are"
you should be Smart and build yourself a space shuttle and get the hell off of earth while you got a chance

cuz hell is about to be unleashed

in case you havent noticed; humans have always been stupid and Wrong
it doesnt matter anymore
obviously earth is gonna Heat Up soon

i myself am designing a spaceship
im getting the HELL OUTTA HERE when the Nukes go off!!!

being Human Sucks
this is horrific

im sickened by the idea of nuclear MAD

i know how stupid mankind can be
look at you
look at me
we are SCREWED

****prays no one will USE nuclear/bio/chem weapons******

i just wanna play my video games and smoke some greens
i dont wanna melt in nuclear fire
i wanna see my little daughter grow up
i dont want Nuclear WAR OMG

this is stupid
but then agian
maybe its right

if mankind obliterates itself
maybe we deserve that
as a species

because we only destroy nature and such
perhaps that is OUR destroy even Ourselves

****Screams to everyone to NOT USE NUKES*******
but fears they will anyway......

we r Screwed if any of this happens

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
That same tactic was used in Nazi Germany.

I have not been hesitant in declaring that when a German is shot, up to 100 Poles shall be shot too."--from the diary of Hans Frank.

Do you approve of the tactics used in Nazi Germany?

Do you have any shame in advocating those same tactics?

Can you even see what type of person you are becoming?

That is comeplete crap and you know it ace.

What the Isrealis said was when you kill civilians as the arabs in palestine did that 100 palestinians die. It is a method to stop the carnage on civilians. To compare me with a nazi is just shamefulon your part but not surprising at all.

I think you are the type that needs a free ticket to North Korea where you will be loved along with the crap that you spew.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:54 PM
If this ever happened I would kill myself before everyone else grew another arm from their temple.

This sounds like a good scenario of the U.S being against the rest of the world in WWIII. I'd like to see how it turns out, maybe all these jackasses would get up out of their seats and finaly realize it's not all about power, greed, and how fed your ego is - living behind walls of other people's lives being taken then throwing something like this so stupid out into public view. Should be ashamed of yourself seriously. How about you go one on one with your chosen terrorist opponent and ask him why he does the things he does. I'm pretty sure he'll tell you he's trying to live for the things you take for granted. If the U.S does have this 'invicible' shield ego why do they even bother releasing this kind of information out into the public, they should be able to take care of those 'dumb' 'arab' 'terrorists' i mean they are underfunded, or wait are they funded by the U.S.? Oh, i forgot, i bought a cheeseburger at mcdonalds yesterday, i bet that somehow funded some terrorist group overseas. Why is it ok for the U.S to facilitate nuclear weapons? Oh god Iran has weapons, better show it all over the news like they haven't had them for decades along with the rest of the world. Could go on forever, but its pointless. - yea its not in AP style format, sue me.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:58 PM
Nuke them back. Nuck them back. Nuke them back. I do not have a hatred for Islam nor for Arabic people. I do have a hatred for the likes of Osama bin Laden and his followers.

IF this gets me banned from ATS then so be it. BUT do know this. If Osama bin Laden were to stand in front of me, I would let him speak. The last and only thing *he* would hear from me is the trigger pull from my Ruger P89DC 9mm luger.

Yes *he* is higlighted because he is a little girl who eats bacon for breakfast.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

Originally posted by American Mad Man

If we state what will be attacked, people will have time to leave. In that respect, at least we will give them a chance to leave and save their own lives if they wish.


Where would 300 million people go when they leave?

Maybe they should head to the US.

It'll be real fun having hundreds of millions of pissed of Muslims in your country after you just nuked theirs.

Yeah LEAVE - get the # out of dodge, just like every American will do when a terrorist nuke goes off in NYC, DC, LA etc.

They like that whole "eye for an eye" thing - they will get an eye and more taken from them, and they will have only THEIR religion to blame. They can all go to heavens and get their virgins - hell, by their beliefs, we're doing them a service!

And no, they can't come here without the proper paperwork, so they are just going to have to deal with a nuclear wasteland like the people of New York would have to.

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