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Why join any form of goverment or group when all they do is lie?

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posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 08:26 PM
What I am saying is that most if not all people in high positions are liying in some form.

So...Why vote for these people?

Why would you want to join something that is false?

Why not create our own community and do our own thing? Rather than waste time with a group that is really going nowhere?

I mean you only have the one life, so why waste it on something that will not benifet you one way or the other.

Just a thought!

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:04 PM
I ask the question again.

Why join a group who in the end wont do anything for you.?

It is your life, why would you want to waste it!

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Easy. For the cheesey nibbles a sponsored functions. And free flags to pin or your lapel.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:15 PM
Do we have a choice in the matter?

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:21 PM
Are u kidding me.

Of course u have choice. Dont vote and start our own bleeding party.

How hard can that be!

If in britain there is a party called the raving loony mad party (or something like that), then I think starting one ourslevs shouldnt be too hard. I mean what would there be to lose.

It could be called the ats party or whatever.

At the end of the day it would be a lot better than any party that we are in now. ie Bushes party and tonys party.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:23 PM
The reason I'm so interested in Majestic12 is that it was the first OFFICIAL document we have archived that stated the policy and doctrine of LYING as somehow being better than telling the truth.

Since 1947, the Gummint believes that it has been lying, deceiving, tricking and coercing us WITH IMPUNITY.

I'm here to say, it's going to have to stop--OFFICIAL LYING AND OBFUSCATING--otherwise, our nation is "dead in the water" because the electorate cannot vote intelligently about what they don't know the truth about.

Democracy is DEAD where lies have replaced "knowledge of the day."

If what is true is, the leadership we have placed in office is actually working for some other agenda besides Truth, the Constitution and "consent of the governed," then what we are dealing with >here< is TREASON of the most serious and egregious breadth, depth and concern.

If I didn't know better, I'd think the current regime was an Al Queada operative themselves, due to the results, effects and outcomes they themselves have created.

"They" [an industrial cabal headed by Satanist fraternities and the PNAC defense contractor relation] covered up [by gagging the media] what happened on 911; OKC1995; Waco 1995; all the way back to JFK/RFK/MLK's assassinations in 1963 and 1968. "They" are the same ones that got us into the Vietnam WAR.

We've gotta get these traitors out of office and out of their advantaged positions in this nation; or this nation is "toast." War-mongering and profiteering is seen for what it is in the rest of the world: INSANITY-for-profit.

But it all began with official lies. This, you've got real straight.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by yekway

If in britain there is a party called the raving loony mad party .

Actually the Monster Raving Looney Party.
But I concur you have the same one in America, it is called the Republican party or something I think.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:25 PM
How i would love to start a Pol party based on my belifs.

Dont vote where would that get you? You vote for the lesser of the evil in your opinion, rather that than not vote and let some idiots deicide for you.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:13 PM
Why thank u Emily. I know exactly what you are talking about. Question is what now. Do we keep voting for so called leaders and talk our asses of how bad they are or do we as a people do something.

That is what I want. Of course change is scary, my whole life has been scary, I would not of achevied or got to where Iam today if I just backed off if the challenge got too tough for me.

If you go to work (which I know most of you guys that are on ats do) then going to work is scary in itslef, right. U could get bombed on while on a train, or if in the car a mass bomb explodes while you are on the motorway.

Or you could be going for lunch- u get my point. It is a big bad world, and ever more so than now!

So does Bush really care. Well yes and no. Does Tony care. Same answer.

They only care about themselves not u not the next man/woman. Not me.

So for shortys answer of voting for the lesser evil. Shorty, it does not matter if one is greater or lesser, they are still EVIL.

Like I said its time. Time for a real change. Unless of course you want to live in misery and a second version of hell.

If that is what u want keep voting for the lssser EVIL.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by The Teller

Originally posted by yekway

If in britain there is a party called the raving loony mad party .

Actually the Monster Raving Looney Party.
But I concur you have the same one in America, it is called the Republican party or something I think.

Oh C'mon!!!

How dare you compare the MRLP to that heap of �RAP??

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 05:18 PM

That makes a lot of sense. I was thinking of this the other day.
Check out these sites

[Edited on 15-11-2004 by Classygirl]

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 05:56 PM
Drop out, as people did in the 60s, when the Vietnam war was tearing up national integrity, and the same industrial cabal that Eisenhower warned us about, that's STILL in operation--was war-profiteering.

Drop out. Stop buying their crap. Form car pools, babysitting coops. Buy from flea markets, thrift ships, consignment shops and pawn shops, or make what you need yourself. Advertise your skills in the little trade paper and stop working for The Man.

Take in your relative and squeeze tight. Grow and can your own food. Teach your own kids. Drop out of the market. Play poor and lay low; don't "be worth anything" to anybody. Be transparent.

Live in a motor home and move around from community to community. Hook up with "the Family" and learn how to live off the land lightly. Hook up with one of the 500 communes or 600 Indian tribes and live cooperatively with them, and then call yourself a "retreat center" or "camp meeting" so you don't draw attention to yourself. Emigrate OUT.

Pull all your resources out of the system. Let it fall of its own weight. Don't vote for any of those creeps that have their hand in the till. Stop using medical care for health reasons; they don't have your best interests at heart, anyway. Heal yourself and your family with clean thoughts, clean food, clean water, clean air and herbs.

Those are just a few strategies that will get you more or less invisible to the system. Being invisible to the system means that God can GET AT YOU to help you on your pilgrimage to Peace.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by The Teller

Originally posted by yekway

If in britain there is a party called the raving loony mad party .

Actually the Monster Raving Looney Party.
But I concur you have the same one in America, it is called the Republican party or something I think.

Oh C'mon!!!

How dare you compare the MRLP to that heap of �RAP??

Easy. It was ajoke.Or has Bush introduced the Sense of Humour Act already?

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by The Teller

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by The Teller

Originally posted by yekway

If in britain there is a party called the raving loony mad party .

Actually the Monster Raving Looney Party.
But I concur you have the same one in America, it is called the Republican party or something I think.

Oh C'mon!!!

How dare you compare the MRLP to that heap of �RAP??

Easy. It was ajoke.Or has Bush introduced the Sense of Humour Act already?

I know...LOL
Sorry I should have used the sarcasm smiley. My tongue was planted firmly in cheak. Even though I do think the repubic party is �rap along with all the others. But the MLRP should run the NWO IMHO...

[edit on 16/11/2004 by ANOK]

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 02:02 AM
Better and better if your related to a government official (they like to keep it in the family)

Theyer one track arrogance cant let them see how pissed off everyone is getting.

The new constitution is no secret;



posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 09:27 AM
They [the NWO] own the news only because reporters can be bought.

Reporters have been taught, there is no "real" truth, just points-of-view.

Reporters have been taught, the "process is more important than the outcome."

Reporters have been taught, "Preferences" and "Opinions" are just as good as facts and data.

Reporters have been taught to serve as lackeys and shills for the Gummint.

And I'd like to know what Dr. Don Boileau and Dr. Anita Taylor think about this. They were my faculty in the Comm Department; and they ran the school. Why didn't they know any of this was going to happen?

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Thanks Emily and everyone else for the info.

I know how the situation is, now is time to clean up. Becuase it will take a decent amount of time to undo and have the whole human race re learn what it has learnt in the past.

As for the teachers part Emily, (why didnt they see it coming in the first place). Maybe its because they are in a mentallity like the rest of the human race who are yet to establish themslevs with the truth, or any number of other factors which it could be.

Like I said the truth is out there, but it may take time to find it and quite possibly to digest it all.

I mean the real econmic corparation owners of America and International affairs, are the people of America and the rest of the world.

The Goverment are our pawns, NOT US!


But like I said alot of people will think Im talking nonsense, UNTILL ITS TO LATE.

IF THE LIE IS BIG ENOUGH, ANYONE WILL BELEVIE IT!-Hitler. Who actually was a Rothchild, even though he hated them!-lol.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 04:37 PM
Dont getyme wrong I'm not against government we must have it, but its plainly obvious this one needs to be brought back under the the control of the citezens where the control belongs,

Hurry before they vote themselfs in another tax free raise !

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Iwunder
Dont getyme wrong I'm not against government we must have it, but its plainly obvious this one needs to be brought back under the the control of the citezens where the control belongs,

Hurry before they vote themselfs in another tax free raise !

Don't get me wrong I'm against government and we don't need it.
Has government ever been under the control of the citizens?

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 02:23 AM
You are right the answer is No, not for the last 200 years anyway.
We still need structured government I.E. teachers, fire department, police etc. but in 100% scrutiny and control of the citizens.

I cant remember the last time I seen the phrase "To Protect and Serve" on the side of a police car around California.

This government is by the constitution supposed to be by the people, of the people, and for the people; yet today every government entity has a unique clause to seperate their obligation to the public.

The Corporations have Grabbed And Infected this Government Like An Undetectable Plague for way too long, Probably 60% of these Figures need to be Fired, 25% need to be in prison, there might be 15% that actually have good intentions.

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