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BIGFOOT is REAL New Bigfoot Evidence Screened As Expert Claims Proof Of Existence

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posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:53 PM



reply to post by Spider879

I dont appreciate you guys violating bigfoots privacy.

Not cool man, not cool.

Screw-em!!.. all other Americans privacy is being violated why should they get a pass!!..

because he's bigfoot. are you bigfoot? no? then no privacy for you!

Bigfoot.. is the last bastion of privacy and freedom and your pissing all over it.
You see ol bigfoot there, is that last free being in america. Look at him, he doesnt shave or get haircuts, he doesnt work some # job to feed the tax beast, he's not called an extremist, hes not burdened by the stockmarket or OPEC. NO! He hunts, he's elusive, he doesn't wanna be on camera, he doesn't have to be anything but whatever he wants to be, he doesn't have to be anything but BIGFOOT. Why? Because thats who he is! and people love that.

Now leave him the hell alone please.

No way...I'm tired of paying all the taxes...It's time Bigfoot/feet pay their fair share as well...

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:01 PM
If they can detect us, then the one in the vid sleeping must be drunk on muscadine grapes that fermented on the vine. Cause he's OUT OF IT. If they exist we will adventually find it out. After all it took 60 years to find a living Panda, and that was sort of knowing where to look. I'm sure Mr.Bigfoot is looking forward to the zoo's and all the gawking looks of us civalized folks.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:12 PM

reply to post by FinalCountdown

Since you ask, no, I think that Lucas wanted to make a big bipedal dog-friend for Han Solo. I am sure that once he got there that the similarity wasn't lost on him, though.

actually i have read that Wookies from kashik or something like that were supposed to play the role of ewoks the unlikely warriors. but the way they developed as formidable warriors armed with retractible claws capable of evicerating a man in one swipe in the books, Lucas went with ewoks on endor.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 11:21 PM
i live in oklahoma on the edge of bigfoot central. I could go out looking for one anytime i want to. especially at honobia, cedar lake, and the kiamichi mountains. i go there for prospecting for gold and silver and rock collecting and generally poking around. but i am not gonna look for bigfoot. bigfoot can stay the hell away from me. i'd rather deal with black bears, mountain lions, and rattlers. i'd rather go into a cave and find reptilians aliens that deal with a bigfoot if they are real. i am sure they are but i have no proof. not looking for it either. but if so many people so many places through out history say they are real there is something to it. and i could do without ever verifying that personally. I'd sooner look for surviving but harmless plesiosaurs or even some other more vicious cryptid than a bigfoot. I'd rather fall through some time portal and accidentally land in a pile of velociraptors than deal with a bigfoot in real life. you crazy people can go looking for bigfoot.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 01:10 AM
I like the video where the guy says "WE all see something that shakes our beliefs" and I had that experience. It was fleeting and it changed my perspective on what was possible.

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