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America, the punchline of the modern world.

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:27 PM
Greetings ATS,

First, I will say that I, as I was born and raised American am very proud of my heritage, my tradition and my values taught by my father, grandfather and those before them. I have a unique and special admiration for the way this country was founded, the way it was envisioned and have the utmost respect for those that lost their lives in the revolutionary war and also the civil war to create and maintain the ideals that our country was founded upon.

This America, the one that you who read this and I live in, is not the America that was wrestled from the british to provide freedom to the people. Before any debate happens about this point of contention I will offer evidence to that point.

This from the Declaration of Independance.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The sole purpose of creation, operation and function of our American government is to ENSURE our guaranteed rights, that is the sole purpose of it's existence, it is in essence the reason it was created in the first place. That being an undisputable fact, how exactly has it become something so foreign and out of step with what it was created to do?

When you can answer that question, honestly, without shame for your complicent part in it, you will understand why much of the rest of the world shares disdain and comical relief about American citizens. You see, the rest of world in their history classes are taught about our foundation as a nation and taught how we came to be a country and won our independence from the British. It's a great story to teach and is very largely accurate.

The discrepancy comes into play when those outside of the United States learn about the foundation of our country and what we have currently become. The difference in governance, law and practice is nothing short of extraordinary and ironically almost everyone else in the world can see it except Americans that are too fat and happy to realize the rug was pulled out from under them decades ago.

To the rest of the world, Americans are the first to spout off about their freedom, their independence, their liberty and actually believe it and what is happening is that others without the influence of the behemoth that is the western mainstream media machine that could only be compared to North Korean state run TV see that America has become a predator. It has become a bankrupt nation with incredible might that is more interested in hiding it's failure through violence and war than it is with change.

Our leaders, republican or democrat know that our financial situation, fueled by paranoid agenda is approaching a level that can not be understated, lied about or mis represented. Despite countless unjust wars, invasions, occupations and killing, our national debt continues to balloon to unfashionable rates. All the while, the justification for the killing of women, children and unarmed civilians has been sold and largely digested as a need to thwart "terrorism" the great western lie of the 21st century.

Americans, your government doesn't care about you, it doesn't care if you live or die. It doesn't care if it creates genocide on cultures outside of America. It doesn't care about anything else other than that who control the government and it's military might continue to make money, hold power and perpetuate the status quo. It will do anything and everything to achieve this, nothing is too much, no loss too great, no lie too big. It is tyranny in a well formed package smiling at you on your doorstep.

Change isn't easy, admitting there is a very serious problem is hard. Admitting that your government, the one you pay taxes too and the one who controls the school your children attend is even harder. Take a good look around you. Is what we are doing as a country gel with what we were founded to do? Are we free as Americans? Do we retain our guaranteed rights, our GUARANTEED rights......... This is why the Constitution was fought over, hammered out and finally approved after all. We have inalienable right under nature but the very reason we drafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights was to ensure without question or doubt that we as Americans had GUARANTEED rights that were non negotiable and absolute.

Despite this, we have a government now that states that we can be relieved of those rights at will, sometimes because of executive order or because of ad hoc legislation that is non compliance with our supreme law, the Constitution. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, if they violate your guaranteed rights as Americans, they are criminals.

The very reason the rest of the world views us as spineless, as a laughing stock is because we tote our American ideals, values and traditions, which are GREAT as current truths but they know unlike most of us that those values are nowhere to be found in America today. Our government is rogue, authoritarian, violent, manipulative and bought and paid for without any thought for true law. It in point of indisputable fact is a government without ANY regard to law.

The simple fact that 300 million people let such a shallow and inept few run this country and much of the rest of world into the ground and in a state of constant violence and misery is why they laugh at how naive most Americans have become. It's sad.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Helious

Well, I sure can't disagree with much there. I'd say off hand that about sums things up, in fact. In such a staggeringly short period of time too. It's amazing in that way.

Don't you sometimes wish you just kept chewing on the blue pill? It made the world look like a happy place, full of happy people. It probably still does to judge by some of these total buffoons who appear on 'man on the street' interviews. In fact, it looks like the blue pill works better than ever for far too many people.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:41 PM
As a fellow American, all I've got to say is amen brother. There are a great many of us who are sick and tired of this rampant corruption, blatant lies, and disregard for human life. I could continue to spout on for endless threads, but you, my friend, said it all.

To the rest of the world, our government in hardly any way represents the will of the American people that still do cherish and believe in what a once great nation stood for.

I hope that one day the rest of this country awakens to the tyranny at the doorstep, and can unite to combat the true enemy of not only the American people, but an entire world that has been (pardon the vernacular) screwed by a masse of entitled, greedy, sociopathic system that epitomizes hipocricy and ultimately, evil.

Much love to those who have spoken out against these atrocities with such concise and reasonable measures, compared to the typical ridiculous 'Republican v Democrat' political bickering that brings out the most childish aspects of people, and that has never brought about any change that's done good in comparison to the innumerable amounts of shady actions to benefit the elite, and solely the elite.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:52 PM

reply to post by Helious

Well, I sure can't disagree with much there. I'd say off hand that about sums things up, in fact. In such a staggeringly short period of time too. It's amazing in that way.

Don't you sometimes wish you just kept chewing on the blue pill? It made the world look like a happy place, full of happy people. It probably still does to judge by some of these total buffoons who appear on 'man on the street' interviews. In fact, it looks like the blue pill works better than ever for far too many people.

Wrabbit, you know better than many here on ATS and I would venture to say the nation that what I am saying is true. This can be evidenced by the the media circus that has been solely created by our state run media regarding the "government shutdown".

Sometimes I feel as if they think the average American is so stupid that they should just stop shopping for food and all eat out of a 6 foot troff every three houses. Incredibly, the government shutdown ONLY affects portions of the government that civilians have access too and doesn't address any of the completely illegal , unconstitutional or unwarranted bloat that should have been shut down decades ago. Why is this?

Had the federal government honored the charter to which they were granted any power at all, we would not be in debt to the tune of trillions of dollars a year. If anyone in the government were serious about a solution to the debt problem outside of killing other people, occupying their country and stealing their resources to sustain the lie for a couple more years, they would immediately defund things like the NSA program.

Fact is, they are too afraid of the population realizing what a sham they have become. Instead of investing on real solutions to real problems as a nation, they choose to invest in bullets, tanks and semi automatic weapons. That is the choice of our "government". Hard to argue, even harder to swallow.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:09 PM

The very reason the rest of the world views us as spineless, as a laughing stock is because we tote our American ideals, values and traditions, which are GREAT as current truths but they know unlike most of us that those values are nowhere to be found in America today.

I have long believed that the last few generations of americans have just been reaping the fruits and riding the coattails of the hard work and deeds of the generations that built this country.
These latest generations have been talking the talk but they`ve never had to walk the walk that the older generations walked.

It`s easy to give away things that you personally didn`t have to work for or fight for or sacrifice for,it`s easy to just give away things that someone else gave you.
Our rights were given to us by the sacrifices of past generations we didn`t work for them.Maybe that explains why we seem so willing to just give them away.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Helious

Amen my Brother/Sister!!!! I couldn't have said it any better! S&F to you!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Helious

Can't add much to that except, what are we going to do about it? I feel many of us know what we are going to have to do about it but saying so online will probably result in a visit by the MIB or the local brownshirts.

We'll probably begin the next phase of the American dream when the EBT's are cut off and people here actually feel what it's like when they go hungry. The rest of us need to keep preparing for the SHTF. I see no other way out for us.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Ronald Reagan

Americans have no idea of what it means to be actually free. Most think because they live in America, because of what they are taught in history books and because they trust the government..... That what they have is freedom. The reality couldn't be further from the truth.

Because you have freedom to turn on AMC instead of the history channel doesn't make you free. Having elected SERVANTS for the people by the people that create and shape laws that benefit the people is what was supposed to make this country great but that has been taken away from us.

The people no longer matter when it comes to law. The laws are drafted, created and passed based on lobbyism and corporate sponsorship and enacted in spite of the people and are in most cases directly opposed to the people and meant to produce more profit, limit descent or provide punishment for those that advocate for the truth.

The truth about what is actually lawful and what is tyranny is downplayed everyday on all the major news channels, they treat the incredible and irrefutable truths presented by Edward Snowden as minor governmental fopas instead of what it really is, organized crime. Conspiracy, treason and money laundering.

Just because the government is doing it, doesn't make it ok.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:40 PM

reply to post by Helious

Can't add much to that except, what are we going to do about it? I feel many of us know what we are going to have to do about it but saying so online will probably result in a visit by the MIB or the local brownshirts.

We'll probably begin the next phase of the American dream when the EBT's are cut off and people here actually feel what it's like when they go hungry. The rest of us need to keep preparing for the SHTF. I see no other way out for us.

That my friend is a complex question with an equally complex answer. You see, I as many red blooded Americans see what is happening, understand that most of it is blatant and inflammatory and feel an urge to act in some way.

The truth is that this is being done for a reason. They mean to manipulate the population that sees straight through the lies into action so that they can then label those people as fringe and convince the less apt in the country that these people are "domestic terrorists" because they dissent from the official national sentiment.

This wasn't hatched overnight, this has been a carefully organized plan of dis information throughout a long period of time and you can trace the laws that directly tie into this. Consider the law that now makes it ok for the government to advertise propaganda. Didn't know about it? Suprise! They can put nationalistic stories regardless of truth or accuracy out at will and justify it under propaganda law. I'm not lying.

America is invading, killing, maiming and destroying more human life than any other regime in human history save maybe the Nazi party but even that is debatable. What does that say about our heritage..... Our founding values or what we as Americans view ourselves as in the modern world?

Our level of governance at best is questionable and disturbing. At moderate, is scary, authoritarian and dangerous and at worst........? Tyrannical, out of control and quite possibly the worst danger to human civilization since Hitler. Don't feel like being lumped in with the likes of Nazi totalitarianism? Then I challenge all of you to do the homework and see for yourselves just how close we mirror the birth of pure evil.

You may not like what you find.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

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