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What would happen to me if I were caught working in MEXICO with no papers? Why is it okay for them?

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posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 02:49 AM



So I guess you're one of those whose happy to comply with any law, no matter how screw up it can be, even if you're from one of those nations (like america) well known to approve laws from time to time which make it legal to violate certain basic human rights. Good to know!

You'd be pretty badly mistaken to assume something like that. However, I don't fight against every law just because it is one, either. There needs to be a balance, I believe. Some laws are always going to represent the extreme....but this isn't among them.

Im sorry, I guess I simply got confused by you using the "because its illegal" argument as the supreme reason why illegal immigration is such an abomination.

I'm one of those who grew up in the cess pool they called Orange County in the 80's and 90's. I've been back to the old neighborhood a couple times since to see even the ghetto looks "California Chic" these days. That state's nightmares are largely due to the outright wild and out of control mandatory support of illegals who often remit their money home rather than keep it in the American economy.

Nice theory, I guess you're now going to put the blame of america's economic hell on all those Americans who doesn't buy american anymore, right?

Oh, and BTW, I hope you're not suggesting now that people don't get to do with their money whatever the hell they want to, that they only get to use their money as long as its for the benefit of the american economy.

That giant sucking sound from the West is California's state budget running down the it has been for a number of years.That national remittance happens at the rate of 100's of billions of dollars, and just one solid economic reason I cannot tolerate criminal immigrants of any type. In fact, I've helped deport more than one by turning their sorry butts in. Personally.

I don't just believe it's wrong, I live the belief to deed, within the law.

Remittance rate by nation, across recent years
edit on 2-10-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

How nice, another do gooder, just. what. we. needed!

Oh, and just so you know, Mexicans, Guatemalans and pretty much the rest of latin americans invest lots of money on american economy as well. After all, they do eat as much McDonald's, watch as much Hollywood movies and go to Wallmart as much as Americans do. So, in a way, all that money illegal immigrants sent to their home places comes back to America. But I guess if you had stopped to consider this you wouldn't have much of an argument, now would you?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by malvy

They are very very welcome to take their investments back home with them, sooner than later ....or by force of law and our enforcement of it, if necessary, if they are illegally here.

I really don't see upsides to illegals. Ever. period. On this, we may simply have to disagree and leave it there. I see upsides to a true migrant worker program as our nation has had in the past to address the labor needs of field work and other areas they focus on and Americans don't generally line up for. Fair enough...and it would't be a new thing. Just an effective solution to a good part of it, IMO.

Being a criminal isn't a solution though. If I snuck into another nation or overstayed, I wouldn't expect a hug and a path to citizenship if caught. I'd expect deportation if I were lucky to get only that and likely more like some jail time in most nations in the world. It's standard. World wide. This isn't a new concept or some uniquely American thing.... sheesh

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 08:36 AM


I read a comment on here in which someone (I don't care to remember who) brought up the point that they are no longer just taking menial jobs. I guess it was ok with you then, when they were working in the orchards or fields, roofing your house. But BY GOD if they are going to take your factory jobs!

You guessed wrong.

If they are illegal they are illegal. Period. It doesn't matter what job they are doing. My point was that the situation has worsened. Is it okay with you that some Americans have to be subjected to such a dire situation and no action is taken?


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 09:53 AM

Arrest people for WORKING.

That's awesome. Hey, let's arrest Americans for NOT working - then they would go and do the work that "hispanics" are currently doing... then the "hispanics" would have no reason to come here.

First of all it's not just "hispanics" that is hurting the labor market. It is "illegals". This would include all races. There are plenty of Hatians and other illegals that aren't "hispanic. It's not arrest people for working. It's arrest them for being here ILLEGALLY.

If they were suddenly removed there are plenty of Americans that would gladly take their jobs. Especially with the newly added perk of a higher wage offered.

That's what's so funny to me. People say there aren't jobs but millions - MILLIONS of people sneak here to work those jobs. They live together, ride bikes miles to go work like dogs, then ride miles BACK afterwards until they can get money to buy a ride.

Yes because even though the job used to pay 15 dollars an hour but now pays 7 dollars an hour, it is just fine for the illegals because that is a LOT of money compared to what they would make back in their home country.

So, the hell with the Americans that used to be able to depend on that decent wage and used to be able to support a family on that wage all the while staying off of food stamps and other help programs. That wage is now gone because some illegal wants to come and work that very same job for far far less.

Say for example you worked at McDonalds for 9 dollars an hour for 5 years but suddenly because of illegals your pay goes down and down and down for years until your McDonalds job now only pays 2 dollars an hour because that is what the illegals are willing to work for. Would you still be willing to work your McDonalds job? Maybe not but maybe you would have no choice. But, surly you would be upset over the wages?

Then they carpool to various worksites and continue to save money - all for the collective. They shop at our stores, eat at our restaurants all by doing the work that others are too proud, too lazy, or too soft to do.

Too proud, too lazy or too soft to do? Americans have been and continue to do these jobs. I am one of them. What is wrong with your attitude?

Yes they do get access to services they might not pay for - but I would wager they would all line up to pay taxes if exchange for citizenship. The problem isn't that they don't want it, the problem is that it is unattainable under the current bureaucracy.

I think they would too and as you pointed out it is (for most illegals) very difficult for them to attain citizenship. And guess what? If they were citizens they wouldn't have to work that low wage that they used to work for as an illegal and so they would then demand a higher wage because they no longer fear deportation as a result of doing so.

But they are NOT legal and they do NOT demand a higher wage and that is NOT our situation.

The speaking English argument is BS. Say you want to go work in China. I say China because Chinese is probably the hardest language to learn outside of English. What would you do, wait the 7 years it would take to become fluent before you took that job OR go immerse yourself in the culture (which BTW any instructor will tell you is the BEST way to learn) and get that job? What if you had family depending on that job?

You're a liar if you say you wouldn't jump in and fake it until you make it. Do you understand the solid brass ones it takes to do something like that?

I for one would rather deport those "Americans" sitting on their tails collecting taxpayer money while texting on their iPhones, drinking, having babies and complaining about how bad they have it.

Of the two groups, which is the more American?

Shut up.

Give me an example where a MALE American citizen can just sit on his ass and collect a government check for free short of collecting a disability check. I know many people that need a disability check but can't get it and trust me it's not an easy one to fake so that's not really even an option. Collecting an unemployment check is not collecting a government check.

So, please give me an example of something I am missing here.


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:05 AM
Ironically, the establishment of the USA is not only illegal but also rooted in deceit.

How did European colonists get to have a huge amt of land in North America and round up the Native Indians??

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:13 AM

What would happen to me if I were caught working in MEXICO with no papers? Why is it okay for them?

Weeellll, considering this is NOT Mexico, but the US, that argument is invalid.

They are two completely different countries, and different countries do things differently.

Should the US e like Mexico, or Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or even China? NO, so stop comparing the two and making it seem like the US should be like them. America is unique BECAUSE it is not like these other places.
edit on 3-10-2013 by Liquesence because: I guess the italicized post is a glitch in the system...

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Liquesence

even if.. Now that America is over ran with people I NEVER wanted to share MY country with. I refuse to fight to make it better..

WHY? so THEY can have a better life? Then MORE will come.

I believe it is time that all the REAL Americans (ones with ancestry of at least 10 generations, fought in EVERY WAR, fought in the labor movement, etc) regroup in Canada and build a HUGE, HUGE wall.. We are peoples of the same origin, WE built North America from 1400's-1900's.. not THEM.

Together we can have what once was and ensure the millions of third world invaders the world over don't ruin Canada like they did America.

Look at southern California over the last 60 years!! what OBVIOUS changes? what OBVIOUS patterns?
and are they the SAME patterns as south of the border? DANG STRAIGHT!!


Google images? I can post thousands as proof..

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:53 AM
US laws on illegal immigration are very lenient, I doubt there are many countries in the world where laws allow illegals to freely roam the territory in such manner.

A country is made primarily by its people. If you dont regulate who gets in, then large part of the US can easily turn into Mexico 2.0 over long period of time. Do you want that?
edit on 3/10/13 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Maslo

Nice attitude. But I don't think you have much to worry about. But white folk better keep breedin', right?
edit on 10/3/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

even if.. Now that America is over ran with people I NEVER wanted to share MY country with. I refuse to fight to make it better.. WHY? so THEY can have a better life? Then MORE will come.

That was one of the founding principles of America, lol, people from all walks of life and from different countries making better lives for themselves. The beacon of betterment, the melting pot.

You're attitude is the same as those that didn't want the Irish, or the German, or X people coming to America.


Wow. Hatred and prejudice much?

So you're generalizing by saying people from the third world are basically all scum, will bring the country down, when the country was largely founded by many of the same. And you're also suggesting that people, when given the opportunity for bettering themselves in a place such as the US, won't, or can't, even though that is how the country was founded.

Your logic and rationale are seriously messed up, and I don't think you can see the bigger picture for your own prejudice and bias.

Of course, there will always be people who feel like you feel, and that's a shame.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:55 PM

Night Star
Because people here legally have screwed the system, it's ok to add more to the list?? Yes the employers are indeed to blame and so is the government for allowing the employers to get away with it.

I respect you phage and feel bad arguing.
But to each his/her own I suppose.

You make me worried.... everything back to Native Americans?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

people from ALL walks of life.. RIGHT! and the SELECTIVE process at Ellis island ensured America survived.

These new invaders are ALL from the same place, a Spanish speaking south of the border country.

Southern California LOOKS LIKE MEXICO now! when it was way, way nicer before the invasion.

The jobs were fought for by MY ancestors for THEIR offspring.. Not that of every nation south of the border.

If a group of people took raw land and made something of it.. Others cant just STEAL it because "hey, that land wasn't yours to begin with.. You took something and made it.. Since you immigrated here and built stuff better than we did in our country, Im gonna take what you built.. far easier than building our own.. LA FAMILIA!!"

Ok for one group to STEAL from others for a better life.. But RACIST to try and TAKE IT BACK?


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

Saddest part is many Americans just want left alone, and whenever third worlders move in they just leave.. Then the third worlders turn the once nice neighborhoods in barrios. Seen it ALL OVER southern Cal.

And many Americans just keep moving further away. In the 80's it was at least 50% American here. Now, maybe 15%.. sickening.. the jobs pay crap, rent is way high, gotta learn a foreign language for many jobs, ..

How about if we give up half the country and make a deal.. third worlders can have these states. NEVER CROSS this line..
In 50 years, America would be nice and the stuff the third worlders have will be trashy neighborhoods, just like now.. Then the illegals will start trying to MOOCH... AGAIN!!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

And this country WAS NOT founded by those immigrants NOW coming here. Night and DAY!!

the people that came here and built this country were NOT from south of the border or the middle east.

America was Beautiful because of the many different EUROPEAN cultures--and languages, all which were very unique, came together..

Now, 75% of all immigrants speak the SAME language. and PREFER to.. THAT IS Un-American.. along with all the flag waving.. If those countries are so great... go back..

If the American flag isn't flown above whatever country flag the person came from.. they are an ENEMY!!.. because they don't put my country first..

They are here to pillage!

And, many European people are just as sick as I am.. Our generation saw the flood gates of 3rd worlders open WIDE.. from France, UK, USA, the countries are all deteriorating and coincidentally all the 3rd world neighborhoods are looking and acting MORE third world every day.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 03:14 PM
You would be amazed by how many "illegals" I have met in Oregon that drive Escalades and the like. They are pretty open about their status here since it's a sanctuary state. Most pretend to not even speak English but their children will tell you they do. I didn't have an opinion one way or another until I moved here and the ones I have met are very rude and act like you aren't even there. I won't even tell you what a social worker here told me about them and getting money for extra would make your head spin.
edit on 10/3/2013 by fenson76 because: being stupid

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 03:16 PM


Night Star
Because people here legally have screwed the system, it's ok to add more to the list?? Yes the employers are indeed to blame and so is the government for allowing the employers to get away with it.

I respect you phage and feel bad arguing.
But to each his/her own I suppose.

You make me worried.... everything back to Native Americans?

Yup, all those Europeans coming here and screwing up the Native Americans healthcare and welfare system...o yeah...they didn't have those things. Apples and Oranges.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by kurthall

Why would you want the jobs illegals are getting? Why would their minimum wage earnings offend you? Did you go to college to major in business?(lol) Why would you want to subject yourself to working all your youth away to end up losing your 401k & pensions like that of which is happening to some people right now? What Native American tribe are you from? They terk yer jerb?!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 03:47 PM

You would be amazed by how many "illegals" I have met in Oregon that drive Escalades and the like. They are pretty open about their status here since it's a sanctuary state. Most pretend to not even speak English but their children will tell you they do. I didn't have an opinion one way or another until I moved here and the ones I have met are very rude and act like you aren't even there. I won't even tell you what a social worker here told me about them and getting money for extra would make her head spin.

The guy works for cash somewhere.. the wife, using one of many last names, gets section 8 housing check (rent), food stamps (625/mo with 3 kids), FREE medical, FREE dental, FREE tutors, etc..

WOW!! HUH!! and the one time 3-5k car allowance.. (I think she has to enroll one semester at a comm college)..

ANd when they get into a workplace, will sabotage other people so as to create an opening for a cousin..
SEEN IT WEEKLY happen in construction in San Diego, then later saw it EVERY employer I sold supplies to..

When foreigners can come to a country, steal jobs, MAKE EVERYTHING CRAPPIER, and discriminate against Americans in their own country!!! FFS... I WILL be RACIST if that is what it takes to stop the MADNESS!!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 03:53 PM

reply to post by kurthall

Why would you want the jobs illegals are getting? Why would their minimum wage earnings offend you? Did you go to college to major in business?(lol) Why would you want to subject yourself to working all your youth away to end up losing your 401k & pensions like that of which is happening to some people right now? What Native American tribe are you from? They terk yer jerb?!

It isn't just the illegals, its ALL THE ANCHOR BABIES too!

And the jobs were desirable before the invaders came in willing to work for NOTHING because they are ILLEGAL and the woman can get EVERY BENEFIT there is.. THAT is HOW the illegal does it..


SOMEONE can steal and RUIN your livelihood, nation, culture, schools, living wage payscale, etc.. that is your life.

When ones livelihood and family are threatened... then what?

If I had a garden could you just take the crops from me because you needed a better life?, could you section off part of my farm as your own and then to add insult to injury COMPETE with me at selling MY CROPS!?


NOT FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!! that is theft!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:39 PM


reply to post by kurthall

Why would you want the jobs illegals are getting? Why would their minimum wage earnings offend you? Did you go to college to major in business?(lol) Why would you want to subject yourself to working all your youth away to end up losing your 401k & pensions like that of which is happening to some people right now? What Native American tribe are you from? They terk yer jerb?!

It isn't just the illegals, its ALL THE ANCHOR BABIES too!

And the jobs were desirable before the invaders came in willing to work for NOTHING because they are ILLEGAL and the woman can get EVERY BENEFIT there is.. THAT is HOW the illegal does it..


SOMEONE can steal and RUIN your livelihood, nation, culture, schools, living wage payscale, etc.. that is your life.

When ones livelihood and family are threatened... then what?

If I had a garden could you just take the crops from me because you needed a better life?, could you section off part of my farm as your own and then to add insult to injury COMPETE with me at selling MY CROPS!?


NOT FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!! that is theft!

I'm pretty sure it was immigrants that built the country you call the United States to begin with. Oh no I'm wrong those Africans were born here to happily do all the labor. The Asians never had a hand in building the railroads either; they were American of course. Somehow I can't muster the knowledge, much less the wisdom, to apply such knowledge to free myself from the agrarian/construction sector. I guess I've been real idiot towards life. Thank you for teaching me something. From now on, I guess I'll just hate everyone that has a different culture and doesn't believe in the same childish thoughts.

Another thing, my country is called the United States of America, not 'IS'. When referencing the United States please distinguish us from the rest of the 90% of the western hemisphere.

Another note, when did the immigrants become the corporation known as Monsanto?

Honestly, I think you're agitated over meager earnings from fiat 'federal reserve notes'. Those corporations don't even have the decency to even pay you in 'lawful money'. Bickering over inanimate objects? I hope you can overcome the senseless hatred. There's bigger problems than this out there.

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