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Why won't they leave me alone!?!?! Now it's Solomon Tulbure

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posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:23 PM
Ok yall why did that fu*k face Solomon Tulbure IM me. Do i attract weird peole or what.

Solomon Tulbure (8:56:03 PM): Why are you looking for Jessup?
Solomon Tulbure (8:56:04 PM): We do not tolerate this.
abstract92679 (8:56:09 PM): # you
Solomon Tulbure (8:56:17 PM): Mistake.
Solomon Tulbure (8:56:21 PM): You will not speak to me in this tone.
abstract92679 (8:56:46 PM): i all ready know who tyou are
abstract92679 (8:56:56 PM): i'm not looking for jessp
abstract92679 (8:57:01 PM): you little punk
abstract92679 (8:57:05 PM): i could care less
Solomon Tulbure (8:57:07 PM): We will see.
Solomon Tulbure (8:57:17 PM): Jessup is only in your mind.
abstract92679 (8:57:19 PM): suck a nut
Solomon Tulbure (8:57:30 PM): Your life will be changed.
abstract92679 (8:57:31 PM): i read your bull# on ATS
Solomon Tulbure (8:57:36 PM): If Jessup only desires to do so.
abstract92679 (8:57:39 PM): change these nuts
abstract92679 (8:57:52 PM): lol
abstract92679 (8:58:01 PM): why dso you think i'm looking for him
abstract92679 (8:58:31 PM): yo bitch
Solomon Tulbure (8:58:39 PM): Are you Arnold McQueen?
abstract92679 (8:58:44 PM): no
abstract92679 (8:58:47 PM): dumb ass
Solomon Tulbure (8:58:59 PM): What do you know about his son, the McQueen scion?
abstract92679 (8:59:16 PM): she IM me
abstract92679 (8:59:30 PM): asking me the same dumb ass questions your asking me
Solomon Tulbure (8:59:41 PM): I dare you to post this conversation anywhere.
Solomon Tulbure (8:59:46 PM): Jessup will contact you.
abstract92679 (8:59:47 PM): i will
Solomon Tulbure (8:59:50 PM): No.
Solomon Tulbure (8:59:52 PM): You will not.
abstract92679 (8:59:55 PM): contact these nuts
Solomon Tulbure (8:59:56 PM): William will delete it for me.
abstract92679 (9:00:06 PM): william don't like you
Solomon Tulbure (9:00:19 PM): Ha! William works with me!
abstract92679 (9:00:25 PM): ok i beleive that
Solomon Tulbure (9:00:32 PM): You don't, that's the whole point.
abstract92679 (9:00:41 PM): that's why you left ATs like a little bitch
Solomon Tulbure (9:00:49 PM): Aha
abstract92679 (9:01:15 PM): why do you all keep thinking i'm looking for Jessup
abstract92679 (9:01:17 PM): i
abstract92679 (9:01:19 PM): don't
abstract92679 (9:01:20 PM): give
abstract92679 (9:01:21 PM): a
abstract92679 (9:01:22 PM): #
Solomon Tulbure (9:01:26 PM): # you.
Solomon Tulbure (9:01:33 PM): Jessup will find you.
abstract92679 (9:01:49 PM): i fear no being but GOD
abstract92679 (9:02:01 PM): oh that don't mean # to you your an atheist
Solomon Tulbure (9:02:15 PM): I'm Christian.
abstract92679 (9:02:23 PM): no you not
abstract92679 (9:02:32 PM): you were on ATS not that long ago
Solomon Tulbure (9:02:33 PM): I meant was..
Solomon Tulbure (9:02:38 PM): Just like you..
Solomon Tulbure (9:02:47 PM): And Jessup showeth me the truth, for he is Great.
abstract92679 (9:02:49 PM): i'm not christian
Solomon Tulbure (9:02:57 PM): Well whatever you are.
abstract92679 (9:03:02 PM): lol
abstract92679 (9:03:12 PM): ok great
abstract92679 (9:03:16 PM): i'm glad for you
Solomon Tulbure (9:03:17 PM): Jessup is in direct connection with Maximus.
Solomon Tulbure (9:03:25 PM): Maximus is in direct connection with Jessup.
abstract92679 (9:03:26 PM): oh
Solomon Tulbure (9:03:28 PM): We have a spiritual nexus.
abstract92679 (9:03:29 PM): my goddness
abstract92679 (9:03:35 PM): ok
Solomon Tulbure (9:03:44 PM): What do you have? Nothing son.
Solomon Tulbure (9:03:49 PM): You are Jessup's son.
abstract92679 (9:04:08 PM): you making no sense
Solomon Tulbure (9:04:26 PM): Jessup is my father.
Solomon Tulbure (9:04:28 PM): He is your father too.
Solomon Tulbure (9:04:38 PM): We will convert ATS.
abstract92679 (9:04:42 PM): why did you IM me
Solomon Tulbure (9:04:45 PM): You know why.
abstract92679 (9:04:48 PM): why
Solomon Tulbure (9:04:56 PM): Whoever told you to look for Jessup, tell him a big Buhbye from Max.
Solomon Tulbure (9:05:10 PM): He will be removed from this present plane if Jessup desires to do so.
abstract92679 (9:05:12 PM): nowone told me to look for jessup you freak
Solomon Tulbure (9:05:19 PM): Your lies cannot intimidate me.
abstract92679 (9:05:25 PM): i'm not lying
Solomon Tulbure (9:05:27 PM): Nor can you deceive my perfect free-thinking perception of the world.
Solomon Tulbure (9:05:37 PM): You weak mortal.
abstract92679 (9:05:45 PM): you need to perceive some pussy
abstract92679 (9:05:45 PM): lol
Solomon Tulbure (9:05:52 PM): Your mother?
abstract92679 (9:05:59 PM): and this why your talking to me on a computer
abstract92679 (9:06:08 PM): do something then
Solomon Tulbure (9:06:10 PM): Jessup will convert you into one of us.
Solomon Tulbure (9:06:11 PM): Soon.
abstract92679 (9:06:17 PM): i'm so scared
abstract92679 (9:06:24 PM): *trembling*
abstract92679 (9:06:35 PM): grow the # upo\
abstract92679 (9:07:01 PM): you got anything else to say
Solomon Tulbure (9:07:09 PM): Yes, Jessup knows you.
abstract92679 (9:07:14 PM): ok
abstract92679 (9:07:21 PM): asl jessup what my first name is
abstract92679 (9:07:36 PM): .......
abstract92679 (9:07:44 PM): exactly you full of #
Solomon Tulbure (9:07:57 PM): Jessup knows you.
abstract92679 (9:08:03 PM): what's my firt name
Solomon Tulbure (9:08:08 PM): I advise you not to post this conversation anywhere.
Solomon Tulbure (9:08:14 PM): Or to mention Jessup anywhere on the board.
abstract92679 (9:08:19 PM): # you and goodbye
Solomon Tulbure (9:08:22 PM): You think that it is me that will beat you?
abstract92679 (9:08:39 PM): beat me?!?!?
Solomon Tulbure (9:08:46 PM): Yes. It will not be me.
Solomon Tulbure (9:08:48 PM): It will be Jessup.
abstract92679 (9:08:50 PM): oh my goddness
abstract92679 (9:08:55 PM): what ever
abstract92679 (9:08:57 PM): holla
Solomon Tulbure (9:08:59 PM): Jessup is the power.
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:02 PM): He has power.
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:05 PM): He is power.
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:08 PM): The ultimate power.
abstract92679 (9:09:12 PM): Your a nut
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:20 PM): Refrain from typing.
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:23 PM): Go masturbate.
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:25 PM): Jessup knows you.
abstract92679 (9:09:40 PM): no i think you do enough of that for the both of us
abstract92679 (9:09:51 PM): bye

[Edited on 19-5-2003 by abstract_alao]

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:25 PM
Hey Solomon, if your reading this (we know you are), how come you never wanted to talk to me, or answer my questions? Am I that scary?

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:27 PM
Solomon Tulbure (9:09:23 PM): Go masturbate.

Hey, some real gems of intelligence here...

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:37 PM
lol I know right. I'm just wondering why they think i'm looking for him

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:42 PM
But, maybe you should keep your "IM" and emails more private to avoid this kind of stuff all together?

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:43 PM
because you have your aim id listed eh?

Solomon refused to speak with me...

Solomon, Jessup told me you will be destroyed.
who the hell speaks like that lol

[Edited on 19-5-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:43 PM
I'm just wondering why they think i'm looking for him Posted by Abstract_Alao

Im just wondering if thier on crack...

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
I'm just wondering why they think i'm looking for him Posted by Abstract_Alao

Im just wondering if thier on crack...


posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:50 PM
I would point out I was the one that gave Solomon a fair shake, and he avoided me like the plague. If he is reading this, or is coming back, at least lets finish the discussion he ran out on.

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
I would point out I was the one that gave Solomon a fair shake, and he avoided me like the plague. If he is reading this, or is coming back, at least lets finish the discussion he ran out on.

He won't because he is a b*tch

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 08:58 PM
I too have been chatting with him, its very informative and supports my theory that there is not enough prozac in the water supply.


posted on May, 18 2003 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by David
I too have been chatting with him, its very informative and supports my theory that there is not enough prozac in the water supply.


Maybe he's skipping his lithium?

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 09:02 PM
Soloman, what's up? Your talking to everyone but me! Im the one that WANTS to talk to you, and you dont say two words to me!

Do I scare you or something?

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by magestica
But, maybe you should keep your "IM" and emails more private to avoid this kind of stuff all together?

AA--- You must think about the consequences of your actions. Please for the sake of us all. Don't make this a fued. Let "Them" do the dirty work. You need not filthy hands.

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 09:31 PM
My discussion with him was very informative, and FYI i know he is reading this now, so take a moment to say how you really feel.

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 09:32 PM
Dont go stepping on peoples toes without reason, you might get kicked in the b@lls.

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 09:35 PM
Then i would be the one who just swung my leg at him, solomon sweetie, dont be scared of me.

Be afraid of them...


posted on May, 19 2003 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue

Originally posted by magestica
But, maybe you should keep your "IM" and emails more private to avoid this kind of stuff all together?

AA--- You must think about the consequences of your actions. Please for the sake of us all. Don't make this a fued. Let "Them" do the dirty work. You need not filthy hands.

Actually this is entertaining

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 11:40 AM
Solomon Tulbure is a total wank stain on society.

For a short time I joined his illuminati website, where he was asking for an $80 up front fee to become a full member (what a JOKE).

After spending some time in the free member area I got thrown out for asking too many difficult questions about his motives.

He has written a few books about the illuminati has very open anti-Islam views. When asked if he is a zionist, he will reply that he is an illuminist instead, but he has a rather strange email address for an illuminist - [email protected]

On a rather perculiar note, he does know his stuff on all the supposed NWO mind tricking techniques. He will try to belittle anyone who posts something he doesn't like by ranting and raving, and he also employs confusion methods in articles that he has posted on the net, which I believe are supposed to break down mental barriers and make you absorb information better.

Solomon Tulbure is a shady character, watch out for him.

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 12:20 PM
playing a game with you...and baiting you...and you're biting.

The solution.... don't bite

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