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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:43 PM

I never mind honest and courteous questions. I do not respond to insolence or rudeness, no matter how "cute" the individual feels it to be. Therefore any further postings of yours which cross this line I will simply ignore.

Fair enough. I was rather smart-alecky with some of that. My apologies, I'll do better. I ask two questions then, that might be tough, but I can't see them as insolent or rude since I ask them in sincerity:

1.) Would you want your daughter to grow up and become an living "altar" or priestess and to "accept" the "things" that role often requires? I'd really like a coherent answer on that one. Are you prepared to discuss it?

2.) Could you describe your "contact" with non-human intelligences? Have they ever appeared as "light sources?"

Thank you.

EDIT: Where does a being like Set reside? Do you think electromagnetics come into play as regards these "others?"

edit on 27-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:13 PM

Your take on RV, Mr. Aquino, as well as your ties with satanic occultism (forgive me if I'm wrong, I've yet to finish the thread, and will return with a more cogent reply when I have) and supposedly the Temple of Set, are just two or three of the things so far that give me pause.

You've brought up three subjects here: Satanism, the Temple of Set, and "Remote Viewing".

"RV" doesn't work per the laws of physics. There are ways to transmit visual images by means of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS), as for instance television. Also, interestingly, some recent studies in magnetism have broken some new ground here:

... The 1990s’-emergent technique of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) opens new potential for both the reading of human thoughts and the implantation of them. In fMRI magnetic sensors detect blood-flow activity within the brain with such precision and accuracy that the result can be used by a computer to assemble an accurate image of the subject’s visualization from a database of standardized components. In reverse, fMRI may eventually be able to transmit them ...

Magnetic fields can extend with stability over great distances, so this may [or may not] lead to any entirely new approach to "ESP" phenomena. To date ESP researchers have been stymied by the inescapably weak electrical power of the human brain. None of them to my knowledge have looked for the "holy grail" on the magnetic side of the EMS.

I've said pretty much all I have to say on the subject of Satanism in my ebook The Church of Satan, and the Temple of Set in the ebooks Black Magic and The Temple of Set, all free .pdf downloards from my Temple of Set subpage. You might want to take a look at these. Yes, there's an enormous amount of additional material within the Temple itself, but these books should give a reasonably thorough picture to the nonSetian.

After 1975 the Temple distinguished and disassociated itself from "Satanism" per se, but Anton LaVey continued to affect the term as decscriptive of his personal lifestyle, and today there are many different kinds of self-styled "Satanists" out there. Some still believe in the old Judæo/Christan scarecrow. Some are atheists who use "Satan" in a symbolic sense for a bit of glamor. The best online forum I've found for "Satanism" of these various types is the 600 Club, so if you want to get into that kind of discussion, go visit.

Another is this "interdimensional hypothesis" thing. So, you believe in this, but not in remote viewing, for this seems at odds to me.

You may have misunderstood something I wrote; I do not believe in "dimensions" beyond the physical 4.

There's been a great deal of talk about ethics. I'd like to say something about usually only applies to people who consider who they're dealing with equals. If not considered an equal, then it applies in the same manner as to how I feel about treating my pets. That's just some context for a powerful word being used here.

I do not draw this distinction.

I'd like to say this about what I think you mean as mind war, and defend as a way of bloodless war, as a path towards some kind of peace. Just because it is conducted and usurps the mind, does not make it any more civil, really, just less messy.

MW is a technique for addressing conflicts that have gone past diplomacy. And yes, it's immediate goal is to transform war into something mental, not physical; and that means no killing or destruction. This is a tall order, since mankind has long been accustomed to PhysWar (PW). I think it can be done, however, and my prospectus is intended as a "first outline" of how to proceed. If it turns out that there's any official interest in this sort of approach, smarter and wiser persons than myself can carry all or part of it to the next level.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:37 PM
Thank you for your replies, Mr. Aquino, truly.

but I do think you missed my entire point about Mindwar, per se, as to the difference between combat and blood letting via war, and psychological operations, which are no less deleterious, in my opinion.

Would you be so kind to give youre "official" opinion as to the projects Ultra and Monarch?

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 10:38 PM

1.) Would you want your daughter to grow up and become an living "altar" or priestess and to "accept" the "things" that role often requires?

One of the changes we made when founding the Temple of Set in 1975 was a strict prohibition against any minor involvement in any way. Not at rituals or even social activities. And no instruction or indoctrination, e.g. no "Setian Sunday schools". The rationale for this is explained up-front in our General Information Letter:

Temple of Set General Information Letter
The only physical requirement for admission is that the aspirant be at least 18 years of age. Those below the age of 18 may not visit Temple functions, ceremonial or otherwise, whether or not they are relatives of Initiates. The Temple has no programs for children. It is our position that children and adolescents should not be indoctrinated into the assumptions and prescriptions of any suprarational system, whether it be our own philosophy or the faiths and superstitions of conventional religions. Rather their youthful years should be a time of exclusively rational training and education, giving them a sound and meaningful basis by which, as adults, they may consider and choose whatever philosophy or faith seems most meaningful to them.

In the 1966-75 Church of Satan children were permitted at what were judged to be appropriately "G-rated" rituals, and various social events. This was Anton LaVey's policy as High Priest. In the back of his Satanic Rituals, for instance, you will find a "child's baptism" ceremony in addition to the adult one.

I was not comfortable with this for the reasoning expressed above, which is why, as the first High Priest of the Temple, I instituted that policy (which remains in effect today).

The little girl in the photo was Zeena, Anton & Diane LaVey' daughter. She and her sister Karla did not grow up in a dangerous or abusive home, but it was certainly not Ozzie and Harriet either! Zeena spent some years as a Setian, impressing everyone with her intelligence and graciousness. You can find her current website here.

2.) Could you describe your "contact" with non-human intelligences? Have they ever appeared as "light sources?"

It's not clear whether you are talking about the metaphysical kind or the extraterrestrial kind. Let's take them in turn:

Within Setian initiation, metaphysical apprehension of the neteru is through what we term "Greater Black Magic", and what Platonic philosophers would call nœsis. Think of it as the ecstatic realization of an Objective Universak Principle at a level of thought precision and concentration beyond the rational (dianoia). I can do no better than to quote H. Rider Haggard’s “She”, herself a Priestess of Isis:

She and Allan
[Allan Quatermain] “I have heard of Isis of the Egyptians, Lady of the Moon, Mother of Mysteries, spouse of Osiris whose child was Horus the Avenger.”

[Ayesha] “Aye, and I think will hear more of her before you have done, Allan, for now something comes back to me concerning you and her and another. I am not the only one who has broken the oaths of Isis and received her curse, Allan, as you may find out in the days to come. But what of these heavenly queens?”

“Only this, Ayesha: I have been taught that they were but phantasms fabled by men with many another false divinity, and could have sworn that this was true. And yet you talk of them as real and living, which perplexes me.”

“Being dull of understanding doubtless it perplexes you, Allan. Yet if you had imagination, you might understand that these goddesses are great principles of nature: Isis of throned Wisdom and strait virtue, and Aphrodite of Love as it is known to men and women who, being human, have it laid upon them that they must hand on the torch of life in their little hour. Also you would know that such principles can seem to take shape and form and at certain ages of he world appear to their servants visible in majesty, though perchance today others with changed names wield their sceptres and work their will. Now you are answered on this matter.”

In the case of Set, the non-natural neter of isolate consciousness, it is much the same except that you are turning your concentration to the origin of your own sense of unique existence: "turning your mind in upon itself until it reaches the primal core", as it were. Without putting a name to it, this was illustrated in Paddy Chayefsky's book and film Altered States:

Edward Jessup, Ph.D. (after several glasses of wine]
I’m a man in search of his true self. How archetypically American can you get?

Everybody’s looking for his true self. We’re all trying to fulfill ourselves, understand ourselves, get in touch with ourselves, get ahold of ourselves, face the reality of ourselves, explore ourselves, expand ourselves. Ever since we dispensed with God, we’ve got nothing but ourselves to explain this meaningless horror of life. We’re all weekending at est or meditating for forty minutes a day or squatting on floors in a communal OM or locking arms in quasi-Sufi dances or stripping off the deceptions of civilized life and jumping naked into a swimming pool filled with other naked searchers for self.

Well, I think that true self, that original self, that first self, is a real, mensurate, quantifiable thing, tangible and incarnate. And I’m going to find the f**ker!

Setians apprehend the neteru through concentration, while Jessup did it by physical sensory-deprivation and consciousness-affecting drugs. Jessup was modeled on John Lilly, who's included in the Temple of Set Reading List and also can be explored online.

As previously, and with apologies, permit me to decline comment on ETs.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:04 PM

I do think you missed my entire point about Mindwar, per se, as to the difference between combat and blood letting via war, and psychological operations, which are no less deleterious, in my opinion.

MW will not be harmful if it is guided by the ethical superstructure outlined in the book. The MW part of a MW campaign is designed to calm everyone down enough to commence the ParaPolitics phase, which is an open, non-PSYCON process. Think of MW as a mechanism to get Forbidden Planet's id-monster out of the way.

Would you be so kind to give youre "official" opinion as to the projects Ultra and Monarch?

Here's what I say about MKULTRA in the book:


The CIA’s and Defense Department’s “mind control” experiments of the 1950-70s were an effort to achieve LIPC through drugs and other invasive means, which in the case of drugs resulted only in confusion and disruption of the human brain’s neurological functions. This series of programs completely missed the point that thoughts are the manifestation of mental cohesion, not disintegration (which, since it harms the subject, is impermissible in MW).

and here's my footnote to that passage:

Cf. John Marks, The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control (New York: New York Times Books, 1979). MKULTRA was established by the CIA in 1953 as a successor to the 1952 MKDELTA. Its purpose was to explore various means of controlling human behavior, of which psychedelic drugs such as '___' were merely one option. Cf. Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain, Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of '___': The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond (Revised Edition) (New York: Grove Press, 1994). In 1965 DOD initiated a successor to MKULTRA named MKSEARCH, which was limited to drug-behavioral modification only. It was terminated in 1973. Cf. Congressional Record, Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, September 20, 1977, “Human Drug Testing by the CIA, 1977”.

I have never seen any indication that anything like the supposed "Project Monarch" actually exists or ever existed, including under any other name. I have certainly never been involved in anything like that. As far as I am concerned, it is complete scam-artist fiction.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by tetra50

Generally speaking, all forums usually offer a "popcorn emoticon" for those moments when threads get dramatic and personal. Since ATS does not have one, I found my own - for amusement purposes and to lighten the mood.

At this stage in the thread, I am merely an outside observer learning from ALL sides and points of view. I prefer to sit on the fence and encourage both sides. Some could call that waffling, but I prefer to think of it as a type of promotion of "coincidentia oppositorum".

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:25 PM
All right, in follow-up to my earlier mind-reading chllenge:

As I speak I am blowing the dust off my crystal ball, uttering forbidden & loathsome incantations from the Necronomicon, burning a few tana leaves in a brazier (not a brassiere!) in the background, and ... strange images are beginning to coalesce. There are several competing ones, some stronger [indicating active attempts to deflect me] as well as some weak ones [some who had a hard time with the directions].

However I am starting to see the major concentration of thought now, and it is revealing to my startled gaze - the peculiar picture of a kangaroo eating an orange in Denmark.

That's really weird.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:47 PM

Within Setian initiation, metaphysical apprehension of the neteru is through what we term "Greater Black Magic", and what Platonic philosophers would call nœsis. Think of it as the ecstatic realization of an Objective Universak Principle at a level of thought precision and concentration beyond the rational (dianoia)...

...In the case of Set, the non-natural neter of isolate consciousness, it is much the same except that you are turning your concentration to the origin of your own sense of unique existence: "turning your mind in upon itself until it reaches the primal core", as it were.

So it seems you basically describe your "communications" as the higher self that's written about and discussed in various new age circles and "noesis" as the ecstatic commonality experience as found and described in most religions and expounded on in The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James?

I'm reading some of your work now--intermixed with some commentaries--that seem to me to suggest that you see/saw Set as a real self-conscious being. Am I mistaken?

As previously, and with apologies, permit me to decline comment on ETs.

That statement, as you know, is suggestively mysterious. That there are no ETs could hardly warrant a hyper-secret classification, thusly one almost has to conclude a pregnant innuendo--of some sort--yes?

If you did have knowledge of such, where would that fall on the ethical range you previously mentioned as regards situations where you wouldn't follow orders or feel your security clearances took precedent?

I mean if one TRULY had that kind of knowledge, would it be ethical to keep it secret from your earth brothers and sisters for ANY reason?

In MindWar, you very philosophically and gallantly state that "sacred cows" have to be removed from negotiation even to including financial harm to the combatant nation if that sacred cow negates the most ethical and expedient solution to avoid physical war.

Maybe you should kill that cow if you actually hold the metaphorical athame?

edit on 28-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 12:32 AM

All right, in follow-up to my earlier mind-reading chllenge:

As I speak I am blowing the dust off my crystal ball, uttering forbidden & loathsome incantations from the Necronomicon, burning a few tana leaves in a brazier (not a brassiere!) in the background, and ... strange images are beginning to coalesce. There are several competing ones, some stronger [indicating active attempts to deflect me] as well as some weak ones [some who had a hard time with the directions].

However I am starting to see the major concentration of thought now, and it is revealing to my startled gaze - the peculiar picture of a kangaroo eating an orange in Denmark.

That's really weird.

I just googled "think of a fruit". Here Not sure why you would need a crystal ball.

Come on level 43 make me freak out and run naked down the street or something. Wait, I did that last week. How about Make me get up and make my wife breakfast?

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 12:32 AM

At this stage in the thread, I am merely an outside observer learning from ALL sides and points of view. I prefer to sit on the fence and encourage both sides. Some could call that waffling, but I prefer to think of it as a type of promotion of "coincidentia oppositorum".

Waffling, or...

Just kiddin'. I thought the popcorn animation was hilarious and starred it. Love ya, brudda.

edit on 28-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by maquino

That's pretty fantastic, I enjoyed that mentalist/mind-trick! I would assume that there were no other answers to the particular questions asked, but it was a very creative set-up and I am impressed that mentalists can devise such a multitude of similar ploys.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by corsair00

Mine was a Komodo Dragon eating Okra in the Dominican Republic

Google is the Internet magicians nightmare. But with a little programming skills you could send the whole forum into a whirlwind. Stuff like that happens and it happened Here

Someone was able to hack ATS and alter the time stamp of their posts which made it look like they predicted the future.
edit on 28-9-2013 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Mine was a Komodo Dragon eating Okra in the Dominican Republic.

No it wasn't. Now figure out how you gave yourself away.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Come on level 43 make me freak out and run naked down the street or something. Wait, I did that last week.

Precisely. To even more dramatize my magical powers, I read your request before you even thought it, and implemented it back then.

How about Make me get up and make my wife breakfast?

O.K. Ask her: (1) What menu would she like? (2) Would she like it served in or out of bed? (3) Would she like you to serve it to her wearing a frilly little French maid outfit? [This could get kind of fun.]

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:06 PM


Mine was a Komodo Dragon eating Okra in the Dominican Republic.

No it wasn't. Now figure out how you gave yourself away.

Because I google everything and I already knew about the trick and everything I say is a bad joke?

Now I'm making dinner tonight. Thanks.

edit on 28-9-2013 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:28 PM

That's pretty fantastic, I enjoyed that mentalist/mind-trick! I would assume that there were no other answers to the particular questions asked ...

Mentalism - and stage magic generally - employs a number of obscure principles, as well as considerable dexterity and practice by the magician for prestidigitational ("hand is quicker than the eye") actions. As you surmise, this was a very simple forced-choice throughout, beginning with the "power of 9" in mathematics. The moment I asked you to multiply your random number by 9, you were trapped, since just about anything you do with 9 "returns to itself". Other numbers and types of operations abound. Google "number magic" for some easy and fun tricks.

The country, animal, and fruit choices were probability-narrows. In short, most people default to "Denmark" because it is the most familiar, unless you've been researching Dahomey or the Dominican Republic, etc.

Magical forces have to do not only with the way choices exist and are presented, but also with the way the magician asks questions, etc. I've spent years playing with stage magic, and still see stuff that stuns me. And it's always much more impressive in front of your face than in a video, because SFX are routine these days.

I took Major Greg Seese (who wrote the Foreword to MindWar) to the Magic Castle to chat about mentalism and magic (PSYCON #12) generally with Paul Draper, one of the world's most brilliant mentalists. During the evening we took in the stage show, where a magician assembled the six sides of a small box atop a single-pedestal table at the front of the stage. Thin pole, nothing behind the table. He then took a large, live duck and placed it in the box. Then dissembled the six flat panels of the box. No duck. Way too big to go up his sleeve or down that chrome pedestal. A very big, live, quacking duck, not artificial. Go figure.

Another evening a magician tied up his lady assistant in a sack, which he placed into a large completely-empty box at the front edge of the stage and proceeded to lock shut. The box was up on a wheeled platform, like a low gurney, so there was no trapdoor below it. As he finished locking it, she walked into the audience from the back of the auditorium. He then unlocked the box and a full-grown black panther jumped out.

I took my 306th PSYOP Battalion commander to the Castle one evening. We sat around a table where a magician was doing close-up. Colonel P was being visibly skeptical. Our hose said, "Why, since you're obviously a magician too?" Colonel P immediately denied this. "Well, why do you have that ace of spaces hidden in your inside coat pocket then?" Colonel P reached in, pulled out the card in astonishment. The magician had snuck it in there without either him or anyone else noticing.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:37 PM

Because I google everything and I already knew about the trick and everything I say is a bad joke?

No, because your animal and fruit don't begin with the last letter of the previous choice.

Now I'm making dinner tonight. Thanks.

I figured she might not want to wait for breakfast tomorrow. I decided to leave out the French maid outfit. You might not have bad legs, but most men can't handle those spiked heels, and the dishes would never make it to the table.

edit on 9/28/2013 by maquino because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:57 PM

No, because your animal and fruit don't begin with the last letter of the previous choice.

OK, I'm not really a Super Genius

I figured she might not want to wait for breakfast tomorrow. I decided to leave out the French maid outfit. You might not have bad legs, but most men can't handle those spiked heels, and the dishes would never make it to the table

Why does the psyops guy have the same dumb sense of humor that I have? If I buy your book, will you stop?

So back to poker. Daniel negreanu has a reputation for knowing EXACTLY what cards his opponent had in an almost spooky way. He was also one of the most personable guys at the table. Very talkative and friendly. The best players not only take your money but you actually don't mind giving it to them.

So I'm going to buy your book.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:59 PM

So it seems you basically describe your "communications" as the higher self that's written about and discussed in various new age circles and "noesis" as the ecstatic commonality experience as found and described in most religions and expounded on in The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James?

In his excellent work The Psychology of Anomalous Experience, Graham Reed (Professor of Psychology at York University, Canada) surveys the many types of human thought-experiences beyond the ordinary emotional or rational. “Anamolous,” he begins, “means irregular, distorted, or unusual”. He goes on to note that these classifications may be in the individual’s own opinion, or in that of parts or the whole of his surrounding society. While some such experiences may indeed be symptoms of various forms of mental illness, others are quite routinely a function of healthy thinking and are not at all pathological.

We are all familiar with AEs such as dreams/daydreams, “trick of the mind” visual/audible/conceptual illusions [as in stage magic presentations, paradoxes, distortions of perspective, etc.], memory surprises, and déjà vu. None of these are cause for concern unless they become unusually frequent or otherwise overwhelm “ordinary” thought.

The area into which my own nœsis falls, however, has to do with what Reed calls “experience of self”. It is:

"... fundamental to the whole of the individual’s psychic life. It underlies, determines, and colours all other experiences. Like other critical aspects of mind, we take it for granted and are only aware of it when it is disturbed in some way. It is almost impossible for a person in normal health to imagine what it would feel like not to be experiencing oneself as oneself. This is doubtless because imagining, like all other mental activities, normally occurs in the context of self-experience.

"Clearly the experience of self is inextricably involved in all other cognitive activities and states because it underlies them and acts as a selector, integrator, and synthesizer. In a sense all the experiences we care to discuss affect, or are affected by, this central experience. So it would be possible to discuss it partially in terms of, for example, attention, registration, memory, thinking, or emotion. Being oneself determines how we attend and to what we pay attention. It is a product of all our stored experiences, and it determines our emotional responses. At the same time the idea “me” is a concept, the development and range of which can be considered like other concepts."

Reed delineates four different types of anomaly from this normal, comprehensive “me”: (1) inability to distinguish oneself from one’s environment, (2) attribution of personal thoughts/imagery/actions to external forces, (3) experience of a detachment or separation of the self, and (4) concern that one’s experience of self/reality is not in fact valid.

The first - the “blurring of ego boundaries” - is characteristic of clinical schizophrenia, but in a contrasting and even highly-respected sense also encompasses the dissolution of the self into the “higher unity” of the cosmos as, for example, in nirvana.

The third - detachment or separation of the self - also takes a variety of forms, from the dream “out of the body” experience to the more elaborate, subtle, and metaphysical concepts of “astral selves”, the Egyptian ka, the sinister Doppelgänger, and in general the soul/mind/body distinction.

The fourth - doubt of the experience of reality - raises the question in one’s mind whether his entire experience of being, and that which is outside it, is truthful. Most recently this theme was dramatically romanced in the Matrix series of movies.

As for the second, it is in many respects both the most extraordinary and the most troublesome of the four. Here we find people who are convinced that they [or others] have been “programmed” by the government or aliens to think or act in certain ways, from sex slaves to “Manchurian Candidates”. Some may feel that their own thoughts are being sucked away by “thought vampires”, or that other people or beings are able to “tune into” their privacy just as on a radio channel.

The second type also embraces, however, metaphysical or religious experiences of a “revelation” nature. These may range [as historically in various religions] from possession or incarnation to prophecy, “channeling”, or simply perceiving one or more Great Truths. Far from being regarded as psychopathic maniacs [although they might well have been in their own day!], such representatives as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha, Joan of Arc, the Mahdi, and Joseph Smith are popularly regarded with superstitious awe. Their less-successful competitors throughout the ages, of course, remain recorded as only heretics, weirdos, frauds, or madmen/women.

I'm reading some of your work now--intermixed with some commentaries--that seem to me to suggest that you see/saw Set as a real self-conscious being. Am I mistaken?

You're correct; but as above, it's not nearly as simple as Cecil B. deMille's special effects in The Ten Commandments.

If you did have knowledge of [ETs], where would that fall on the ethical range you previously mentioned as regards situations where you wouldn't follow orders or feel your security clearances took precedent?

Some individuals - Ellsberg, Manning, Snowden, et al. - violate classified information for reasons that seem justified to them. What I am saying here is that this is a line that I personally will never cross, and I will just have to do the best I can on this side of it, that's all.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:08 PM
Getting back on topic, which includes the issue of what Col. John B. Alexander might know--or be hiding--about either ET or black ops propulsion, is a longtime fascination within this field of study and for many of us who've attempted to plumb the depths of the topic.

Col. John B. Alexander and Unidentified Shaman

Certainly Alexander has an interest, and maybe even some important things to say, about the topic, but I--and others suggest--that to truly understand him and his motivations, we must look at his "baby," his true interest and legacy, which just so happens to be non-lethal weaponry.

I retain a keen interest in ufology and I personally believe that at the core of the issue lies a non-human intelligence of a truly anomalous nature. Because ufological truth is a subject near and dear to my heart, I've also developed a deep and abiding aversion to those that would use the phenomenon to deceive. How will we EVER have hope of getting to the bottom of things when the field is so full of deception?

The most insidious of those deceptions come from, in my opinion, the military-intelligence apparatus. Folk often misinterpret my attempts to expose these charlatans--or heroic intelligence operatives depending on your point of view--as meaning that I don't believe in the aforementioned anomalous nature of UFOS. I repeat: That's NOT the case. I just hope to be a small part of the janitorial crew that sweeps the trash off the floor so we can take a cleaner look at the phenomenon.

For such "disinformationists" the UFO phenomenon has become their "go to" psyops campaign to hide various secrets such as exotic propulsion and mind control ambitions.

Yes, HELL yes, I said "mind control" but hear me out. The term suffers from a mixture of applied disinformation and mis-definition.

Firstly, we know that Projects MK-ULTRA, Artichoke, Bluebird, etc. are NOT figments of conspiracy fantasists. Folks heads and biological systems were unethically effed with. For those that might be new to this subject and have access to the RATS forum, please pm me for a fantastic thread that references actual FOIA documents.

Further, there is scientific, empirical evidence that EM (electromagnetic fields) and various forms of microwave radiation have been shown to affect the human ecosystem in various ways both physiologically and psychologically. Serious stuff.

What military-industrial operative WOULDN'T pursue those scientific, empirical avenues and apply it to weaponry research? Many are familiar with the work of Dr. Michael Persinger, but there is so MUCH more that elucidates--and documents--this controversial topic.

I'll be posting and sourcing much more on the subject in this OP, so consider this as "prologue."

Much has been written about another member associated with the so-called Aviary, but one thing that seems to come across pretty clearly is that Commander Cecil B. "Scott" Jones, US Navy, Retired is a true believer in the anomalous nature of the UFO enigma.

Cmdr. "Scott" Jones

It's pretty easy to ascertain that Cmdr Jones (Ret) has a very personal and passionate love for truth in the ufological/ET realm. The following is what he had to say about the "blocks" encountered by many researchers:

Jones informed Gibbons, "There are reasons to believe that some government group has interwoven research about this (mind control) technology with alleged UFO phenomena. If that is correct, you can expect to run into early resistance when inquiring about UFOs, not because of the UFO subject, but because that has been used to cloak research and applications of mind-control activity.”

When asked if he continues to think the UFO subject cloaks mind control research and applications, Jones replied, "I think that the UFO/ET subject has been used to cloak a number of classified U.S.programs that certainly includes mind control. It probably has been used more often to confuse and disguise aerospace weapon systems than other subjects. It has been particularly effective when there is a presumed close relationship between what is trying to be protected and assumptions about characteristics associated with UFOs and ETs.

corsair00 mentioned Jesse Ventura's episode that addressed the so-called Skinwalker ranch and included an interview with Col. John B. Alexander. I found it interesting for reasons different than some. For one, the topic was brought up that the ranch owner and CEO of Bigelow Aerospace, Robert Bigelow, was immune from prohibitions against space weapons (think EM-weaponry, psychotronics here.)

Robert Bigelow, CEO Bigelow Aerospace

It's an interesting line of questioning and might just illuminate Bigelow's NIDS frontman Alexander and Bigelow's takeover of MUFON in some very interesting ways. Bigelow…the 21st century version of Howard Hughes and the mirror of Hughes intelligence work/connections.

BOLLOCKS!…some might say. We shall see said the blind man.

For now, some food for thought by the excellent Jack Brewer:

John Alexander, Contradictions and Unanswered Questions

Ufology and Alleged Post-MKULTRA Mind Control

edit on 28-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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