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Dimensions of the Cosmos Collapsing Soon [ Luna and Moon -final ]

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posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:08 AM
fri 27
tomorrow is atonement

- came across a most strange site;
and though im reluctant putting it here, since i cannot confirm the validity, its interesting enough -

its named "the ummo papers", a series of lectures from [yes..] Extraterrestials , given sometime in the '60 s of past millenium

about DNA.. multiverse...hyperspace...twin universe.. etc

- what got my attention, is that they mention , literally, "...the Implosion of a cosmos is possible " ; in fact, that a twin-cosmos was created by a "double Explosion-Implosion", whereby the twin-cosmos exists as "negative counterpart" of, say, this one of ours

...anóther thing caught my interest, is their non-linear model ; describing the different universes as "Spheres, each one positioned towards the other under a different Angle [axis] "

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:35 AM
.. i happen to believe in ET's ; in different forms and densities; since obviously the Watchers were a category of those ;
and it may well be, that the physical frame of Human was indeed a "combination [ a combined effort] containing several aspects of types of Watchers"

rephrased: like every chakra could be an aspect of different 'civilizations in the multiverse'

..whereby every 'colour' is 'a different Type of awareness"
[but combined inside the human physical frame as the seperate chakras]

..if true, then Human , basically, would have Legal Right over All - that is: if human would succeed to obtain his Salvation [rapture] .... right..

...problem is... a soul [residing in the heart] can Die to many name it;
but the Ultimate Barrier is that the soul is like " with his back tied with ropes to a tree" - this frame.... and hów to can get free from the physical frame ?

..the egyptian spells , and stanzas of dzyan mention "the soul ring"
or "the ring-pass-not"
some unclear Barrier for the soul to pass

- the mentioned site poses some very True facts about 'what is the soul':

" In the first simplistic interpretation, Earth languages give to this idea of soul, psyche, spirit, an ontological value which describes it as an adimensional entity, outside of time and consequently indivisible and transcendent.
Our conception (without entering into an indigestible philosophical and scientific analysis) is somewhat different.
Indeed we do not allot to the soul a dimension of time, nor parameters such as mass, electric charge or dimension of space.

Here you will understand us saying that the SOUL HAS NEITHER DIMENSION NOR TIME, while at other times we speak about the DIMENSIONS OF the SOUL. (The confusion arises from the poverty of your Earth vocabulary which necessitates the use of the word " dimension ", which in our language is much richer. )
The Earth theological conception of the soul or spirit is very poor and contradictory. If it is dimensional, as various authors postulate, it should be located HERE, in the WAAM and could be weighed, measured, or photographed. When more intelligent theologists allot an adimensional character and an atemporality to it, they are approaching the truth but: How can it process data, if it is purely spiritual and is deprived of energy?
If the soul can become aware, for example, of the concept of God, it must do it by an act of reflection, which requires a mental process and consequently a flow of data. But, how can a system of data run without an energy channel? "

..that is completely true: the Soul is a most helpless, powerless essence..

- they go on, posing the connection from the Soul to the physical frame [ = the topic i m looking for ] as "a double string of 84 Kryptonite atoms, within the chromosome" - a presumption, of which i have *no* way to check, not even remótely can sense whether its bull or not [ apart from remembering the kryptinite symbolism in the superman movies]

...and from the context, it appears to me they are Fascinated by "a universe, which is Gods", and hów the human soul is able to communicate with Him ;
.... and stating "how Marvellous the human soul must feel, whén his salvation will once have occurred"

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:42 AM

menu is in down bar

...i ll go through it again, today
see if anything of it can get sustained

dreamed about "Entropy" last night
...entropy is a Horrible thing.... its more then 'chaos'... its the Ultimate Chaos that happens, when God removes every order of atoms.... and it is, literal, Hell to the soul

wonder if it stood for "Desolation" .... - same thing

kind regards,

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:57 AM
[ perhaps this is tóo searched....]

but the google '15th birthday doodle'
is a pentagram
[this matrix]
millions of souls will 'play the game of Smashing it' reminds me of " Osiris being cut into 14 parts"
and now is "his birthday" ?

2009...march 23.. i think it was the day, when "Medicare" was announced,
i woke with clear words,
"Osiris has to collect his 14 bodyparts still "

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 06:55 AM
..just for you to see whý i m suspicious about ánything of 'google'

see previous post

Osiris, just broken free [ see broken handcuff]
standing is his tower [ earth]
defying Heaven
and human falling into desolation

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:05 AM

awful night , short dreams
3 times it was about a H inside a cube
that was the "root"
as in "root consciousness"

..when i looked it up, i thought it was Twins, but it is Pisces:

[though in the dream, the sides werent as curved]

but it was about 'twin universe':

[ ásteroid exploding'- from Armageddon movie]

in next dream, there was "Marsians" who had, aeons ago, stolen a human baby,
to go raise them as their son

- because befóre that ancient times, they used to Eat humans
..but they wanted to "learn to mingle with humans",
or at least to "not be so Obvious Enemies"

and somehow,
those ancient "Marsians" belonged to that Negative Twin universe

and THAT is why the "root" [ the awarenes"s ] is so strong holding us down

since its incredible ancient

im sorry
had to post it
dont understand it
but will chew upon it today

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:23 AM
allright -
alternatively - since dreams are symbolic - the capital H stands for a minor h ;

yet it is still about ' a twin cosmos'[ or atleast, "some Interfering cosmos"] ;
this i found -

"...We tell you the hexagonal pole of Saturn emits incredible energy, far more energy than the planet absorbs from your sun. (as do all planets in your solar system). The hexagonal geometric pattern is an energy signature, a wave pattern indicative of the torsion-energy level being emitted.
The incredible energy is coming from another hyper-dimension of the Cosmos..."

- i ve read this entity for several years now,
and for the bulk he s right [ but sometimes the Giveaways are modified] , sómething is indeed "surrounding us, originating from another [part of the] cosmos"

since the ' marsians once ate humans', that is, Feeding Off them,
or better: feeding Off the energy from Góds own "personal universe" [ compared to others]

as Sole said, the dream of "the hexagram slipping Illegally within the centre Cube"

another quote,
"..Humanity has always known that Saturn was different from the other planets. Its incredible rings stood out in a serendipitous beauty that differentiated it from the other planets, once humanity regained the ability to observe celestial bodies. We tell you that Saturn and her rings play an incredible role in your solar system.

The rings of Saturn are in constant flux, and provide the vibration coherency that modulates the resonance of your solar system, and indeed the Ascension process ongoing of the Earth. The rings of Saturn are composed of unique crystals that emit a harmonic vibratory resonance, a coherent frequencial song.

Saturn represents the stargate/entry point of Arcturius into your solar system physical and nonphysical realms. More complex, it is the wormhole of the Torus effect for your system..."
[all quotes from]

..'the torus effect FOR our system' its PROJECTED upon is, this ' torus effect' ..

"..In Arthur C Clarkes visionary book, 2001 a Space Odyssey, Dr Bowman, the main character, discovers that the true purpose of the mission is to explore Iapetus, the third-largest moon of Saturn, in the hope of contacting the society that buried the monolith's on Earth and on the Moon.

As he nears Iapetus, he sees a similar monolith on its surface. He decides to go out in one of the extra-vehicular pods to make a closer inspection of the monolith. Programmed for just such an occurrence, the monolith reveals its true purpose as a star gate when it opens and pulls in Bowman's pod. Before he vanishes, Mission control hears him proclaim: "I'm inside Iapetus...The things hollow and it goes on forever ! ... Oh my God, it's full of stars!...", that would describe the same :
some connection, within Saturn, to Another cosmos - which "Invaded" óurs..

edit on 28-9-2013 by Lone12 because: link added

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:43 AM

Brahma [our false matrix, modelled after God's]
sits on a lotus, the symbol of Dimensions of and around Earth
The lotus grows from the navel of Vishnu [anubis, the Hellhound , or, Evil in general]
who is the sleeping god, whose dream is the universe

while vishnu/anubis is 'sleeping on the serpent', the Milky Way Ring

'navel ' denotes the Plexus area, Feminine - that is: everything of Earth

..but anubis himsélf Occupied, Illegally, this [our] cosmos...? from another one ?

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 10:48 AM
Hathor = 'house of Horus'= Saturn

..but also means ‘High/Heavenly House’ [note the antipode here with 'House of israel and house of judah].
"....Hathor is the Goddess of beauty, sexuality, pleasure, intoxication [read: sorcery by Energies] and ecstasy, music [read: the sounds which Saturn emits, see below] and dance, as well as foreign lands and the luxury goods imported from them...." [read: 'foreign cosmos'?]

"..apart from her horns [read: 'power'] she often wears the menit (or menat), Hathor’s characteristic necklace. [ this necklace is the SAME as Anubis' one, and Vishnus one, would that be "Saturns rings', which represent Dimensions..?]

The bovine [sic!] Hathor is typically shown emerging from a papyrus thicket, which evokes the role of the Hathor-cow as wetnurse of Horus when he was hidden in the marshes...." [read: 'when Evils rule of this cosmos was still young']

".... One theory as to the function of her rattle, sistrum (zesh’shet) is that its noise resembles the rustling of papyrus in the marsh, one of Hathor’s major festivals being that of ‘rustling the papyrus’ (zesh’sh wadju) [ but, as we said: it is the 'sound which Saturn emits']
Hathor is herself the mother of Ihy as well as Harsomtus, ‘Horus the Uniter of the [Two] Lands’, a cosmogonic form of Horus...." [ 'two lands'..? two UNIVERSES in this context....]

CT spell 331 affirms, “I am Hathor who brings her Horus and who proclaims her Horus … I am she who displays his beauty and assembles his powers … Truly I am she who made his name.”

in the same spell, “there is no limit to my vision, there are none who can encircle my arms … I am the uraeus who lives on truth, who lifts up the faces of all the Gods, and all the Gods are beneath my feet.”
[ well.... if Saturn projects Its entire Torus around Earth...then yes, 'no one can encircle - encompass - her ]

.. - that she is a 'cow' is because the 'milk ' she gives humanity, is false life: our projected Torus. And her red sun on top of the head is depicting the relation with our inner earth red sun [hence the esoterics knew that Saturn was the 'black sun' , feeding earths red sun]

The word menit, with the boat determinative rather than the necklace and counterpoise, means a mooring-post, and the verbal form mni, “to moor”, has a range of metaphorical uses. The association between Hathor’s necklace and symbolic mooring-ropes appears to be exploited in CT spell 753, which refers repeatedly to the “bark of Hathor”, the operator wishing that he might “lift up the mooring-ropes, for I have tied the knot for Hathor,”

..'mooring post'should be either the Pyramids, or, less likely, Luna ;
but this MUST be about 'the Soul being tied to this frame'

um.. Hathor also wears two ' rings ' [ though i ve to look that up] ... ring-pass-not... at any rate, Hathor/saturn is the blockage for the Soul, it seems

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 10:51 AM
"...In a fragmentary spell from the Ramesseum Papyrus (XI), the operator declares “My heart is for you… as the heart of Horus is for his eye, Seth for his testicles, Hathor for her tress, Thoth for his shoulder,”
... i dont quite get that.... but i can see its 'shoulder ' [=power, sekhem] here again

Hathor’s beautiful hair is indicated by her epithets “Lady of the tress” or “She of the tress,” and scenes of hairdressing have sometimes been interpreted as alluding to the cult of Hathor...."

aha - that 'beautiful hair' represents "the FACE " !

- to can 'see face to face ' !

... you need to know, that the 'face' of human was so heavy Spelled, represented by the phrases 'anubis is your face', all with the goal, that human cannot see God face-to-face....

" Hathor is also said to reunite Atum with his children Shu and Tefnut in CT spell 331"
now THAT is important : since Shu [who holds Up the fake dimensions] and Tefnut [Earth] , this represents the Totality of Evils system :

"..and a text from Dendara (Chassinat IV, 233-234; discussed in Daumas 1951, 381f) connects this with the presentation to Hathor of a necklace of nine lotus petals, representing the Ennead, or idealized totality of the Gods. In the Bremner-Rhind Papyrus (xxvii), this reunion, effected here by Atum’s personified ‘Eye’, results in the creation of humanity from Atum’s joyful tears, a play on the words remi, ‘tears’, and romi, ‘humans’. Sometimes Hathor is depicted with four faces, in which case she is particularly identified as ‘Temit’ (or ‘Temet’), the feminine counterpart of Atum or an epithet meaning ‘the universal one’....."

so - we re by the ' boss ' now.... : Atum
edit on 28-9-2013 by Lone12 because: all quotes,, as usual

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Hathor....the 4 faced one

tibetan mandala

Hathor, causing the 4 faces, the 4 [ false] cardinal directions

" Bremner-Rhind Papyrus (xxvii),
".. How beautiful is your visage when you appear as Hathor with these four faces that Re loves to see.."

remember: Evil is Dual
and Hathor is Atums consort [ = feminine side]

Book of the Dead spell 175 :
"... “thy face sees, and I will not suffer thee to choke”; the deceased is then granted a vision of Atum face-to-face.."

..BD spell 7 , ".. “I am the one-faced one,”

so from 1 face, Atum ------> to 4 face, Hathor -----> to 12 false dimensions

we are SO, so, so close !

edit on 28-9-2013 by Lone12 because: txt

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:42 PM
tibetan mandalas, showing the fake dimensions

PT utterance 600, a prayer of protection for the king and his pyramid, it is said “O you children of Atum [the deities], extend his [atums] goodwill (lit. ‘heart’) to his child … Let his [the childs] back be turned from you toward Atum, that he may protect this King…”.

- so we said the Soul is like 'tied with its back to the spine'

CT spell 753, which refers repeatedly to the “bark of Hathor”, [read: this physical frame] the operator wishing that he might “lift up the mooring-ropes, for I have tied the knot for Hathor,”

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Lone12

the operator declares “My heart is for you… as the heart of Horus is for his eye, Seth for his testicles, Hathor for her tress, Thoth for his shoulder,”
... i dont quite get that.... but i can see its 'shoulder ' [=power, sekhem] here again

I think "Hathor's Tress"..may also be depicting "the rope" seen in the Shen, the Egyptian symbol of Rule?

binding Hathor's Frame Awareness to the soul...she causes the 4 faces/4 false cardinal points (the cardinal points on the Shen) may also be interpreted as "It's Rule upon It's shoulders"

Evils Spell onto His Original Rule

as in "His Government is upon His Shoulders" ?

which again, attests to "seeing Him face to face"... Benjamin representing "the Lord''s appearing"

"face to face" = Rapture

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Lone12

the deceased is then granted a vision of Atum face-to-face.."

yes .. Atum the "hidden one"

His hidden from us ...because, since the Fall, the soul's Sight has been Spelled by another Awareness

..and yes, I agree, as you said...historically, every " age" has been governed by a Chakra, with the attribute or attributes of that Chakra being the "Awareness" or the "group subconscious." The Awareness was designated by the "then" Ruling Diety which is recorded as an "age" "period"..or "era'... with a Ruling planetary body and corresponding Chakra... in which the attributes of the Diety Ruled the consciousness of each soul...the soul would incorrectly believe, her thoughts were originating from her own being. Where in fact, the soul, unbeknown to her, was being invaded by the thoughts and intentions of the Ruling Diety, or at least a mix up...and entire artificial societies were thus constructed as living, powerful and forceful entities with governing belief systems reflecting the personality and character of the Ruling Diety.

while we have many...who assume they are thinking originally...
what is being "hidden from them"
are the dark world of entities, whom are shaping their beliefs

and I guess...this is Atum's attribute?

Adam and Eve originally Saw with His Heart...

He was not hidden from them

but after the fall..their action was to "hide themSelves"

so now we have this new Awareness as the Crystalline Heart Sight......a cold, alien, mechanical, unpersonal, totally dark iron prison....where souls are promised they can reach nirvana, this "triumphant one consciousness" INside this Fake Cosmos ....and while souls are giving their devotion, energy to this MisBelief..they are shutting of the Real...Heaven...and engineering their own Darkness...their own desolation.. the ultimate fake love, fake joy, fake mercy, fake courage, fake hope etc...

I agree..we are very, very close

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by Sole3

I had a vision last night

I saw my car down the very end of my driveway...and in it was this large, bulky, black, shadowy entity....which almost filled the entire car....It was searching for my purse

the car = someone's physical frame

the entity = this very soon "coming Crystalline Awareness?" or "evil dirty feminine?"

that the entity almost filled the entire car, means this soul is being overtaken by the above

the purse = It attempting to get back the legal

edit on 29-9-2013 by Sole3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Sole3

binding Hathor's Frame Awareness to the soul...she causes the 4 faces/4 false cardinal points (the cardinal points on the Shen) may also be interpreted as "It's Rule upon It's shoulders"

as in "false masculine rule"..."phallic Rule"

which has usurped His Original Rule...of female inside male...her being all his feelings..

because male frame feelings...are very poor

just as female heart feelings, though they may be "deep heart felt" ... they can be self in.."to get"

both are Spelled
so long as male and female...are dual
edit on 29-9-2013 by Sole3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Sole3

the soul is the key
its the Soul, keeping this frame - and those dimensions - together

...take away the Soul : and the frame, as well as the dimensions, will collapse.

" 1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. [ = right now]

3 Now Joshua [ the soul] was clothed with filthy garments [ this physical frame] , and stood before the angel.

4 And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. [ new being]

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Lone12

the soul is the key
its the Soul, keeping this frame - and those dimensions - together


I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee

maybe the "ring-pass-not"?

"outer milky way ring" which keeps the soul imprisoned in the physical frame?

edit on 29-9-2013 by Sole3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by Sole3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 05:48 AM
- i have no intention, at all, to máke things more complicated... But what, if Earth once had rings like Saturn ?

..sómething is with present saturn: it is either a representation of the heliocentric model [ and that model is then projected upon our torus] ,
ór it is "Earth as she once was" -

how i phrase this
earth as she once was, but that model was "stolen" by evil, and placed outside us [in saturn] , so that we would never Recognize that this present universe is a false one

"..We have spoken to you previously about the spawning of the new Planetary Firmament. This will externalize as two elliptical bands of iridescent frequencial arches that will encircle the earth as it did eons ago..."

..excuse me ?

"..One of these is a highly refined Electro-Magnetic in resonant synergy and emits a golden hue. The other is Crystalline, and emits a bright platinum coloration..."
"..The two elliptical bands will create a frequencial field...[..]..they will glow in the night skies in 2038 appearing somewhat similar to the Aurora Borealis.."

oh -
"...So in a manner of speaking, the firmament is an enormous transformer and surge protector ! It will energetically 'polish' and further format & refine celestial energies into application in the 12 dimension of the earth..."

thats a quote !
"..12 dimensions"..!

[quotes from]

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 05:57 AM
..this paper, diagrammed and all, thinks that "in the present situation, rings [of debris] would not sustain around earth"
..but it does " nót exclude, that in the far past, there wére "

so - this Firmament...that collapsed by the Deluge
was obviously not "debris".... but some plasma form

now where s the pic of one of saturns present moons, "glowing inside" ,
would that represent ' our sun ' in Saturns Mock-Model ?

and saturn, itself, Earth ?

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