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Report: Syria transported chemical weapons to Iraq

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:37 AM
It seems...Deja Vu is here to become a regular friend?

Syria has moved 20 trucks worth of equipment and material used for the manufacturing of chemical weapons into neighboring Iraq, the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal reported on Sunday.

The government in Baghdad has denied allegations that it is helping the Syrian government conceal chemical stockpiles.

Anyone else recall stories that could have been copy/pasted but for swapping the nation names in the appropriate spots during the 2002 run-up?

Syria has a mountain of Chemical Weapons in what has been among the largest open secrets in the world for decades. They'd even need or want to do this....for what reason??? They'd willingly move weapons into a LESS stable nation than their own ...why exactly?

Border guards did not inspect the contents of the trucks, which raises suspicions that they contained illicit cargo, according to Al-Mustaqbal.

Well, we don't know this by direct visual confirmation, it seems......

Last week, the head of the Free Syrian Army told CNN that opposition intelligence indicated Assad was moving chemical arms out of the country.

OH! The FSA tells us they know this to be true, so we only need take their word for it. Okay, that makes everything better now and the total break with logic this move by Assad would represent? Oh, I suppose that should make sense somehow now, too.

It's a heck of a way to see this thing run, isn't it? Hearsay and intelligence that... (gasp) happens to be the most self serving imaginable to the side reporting it. Never a credibility problem with this picture.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

Hey, thats where a lot of them came from in the first place, they are just returning something borrowed... Yo, where Saddam? I got hiss mustard and sarin.....

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

Border guards did not inspect the contents of the trucks, which raises suspicions that they contained illicit cargo, according to Al-Mustaqbal.

So this is just pure conjecture to fit someone's agenda. I've really had enough of this BS. Why aren't the UN doing more to find the facts and put an end to this madness?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

I've read that Assad has been distributing the weapons out to more than 50 different locations including Iraq and Lebanon, even after agreeing to giving them up. I heard that Iraq was denying it too. I'm not sure why Assad would want to place any of them in Iraq with al-Nusra Front being from there, but I'm sure we're going to be hearing a lot more of this in the near future.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

That's just it. I can't think of any reason Assad would want to spread weapons around that are most directly a threat to HIM and not useful outside Syria in any way that will benefit him.

On the other hand, it was a few weeks ago that Al Qaeda affiliates were busted with primitive Sarin in Baghdad and remote control planes intended to deliver it from above open spaces. So...I CAN see a good reason the radical elements of the FSA would want to distribute it and front-load an excuse for HOW military grade chem weapons came to be somewhere we hear them used in next. They'll blame Assad and point to this for advance proof. That's my bad feeling from this.

Little else makes sense for how and where this kind of nutty report would come from. Even Assad's roads are highly contested for control. Simply leaving a storage facility with chem weapons would be a serious risk of losing them to an FSA ambush or IED attack. No sense....

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:56 AM
DC needs to hire a new propaganda writer. We have heard this crap over and over we need new BS to believe. Not to mention if Syria has the equipment to make Sarin gas then why did he have to buy his supply of gas from the UK?
edit on 15-9-2013 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:57 AM
Wasn't the Free Syrian Army also claiming Assad had used Syria's Chemical weapons on his own citizens last August? Which we still have no proof for and both sides claiming to be the good guy (Assad vs FSA), so i call this a big load of male cow manure unless they come with undeniable proof on the very instant they claim things to be (Everybody has a mobile phone nowadays and even in Syria a lot [enough] people have or use mobile phones) so evidence could be available instant which we have seen last year from Egypt and the Arab Spring etc..

If time is needed to get "proof" out the odds are 1 on 1 its faked.
edit on 15/9/2013 by Bauwser because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:00 AM
It even looks like Assad has been moving chemical weapons into Lebanon since the beginning of July.

Article dated, July 19th...

Al Masri said that the weapons were moved from an area near Damascus to Lebanese territory sometime in the past several weeks, and that the transfer was coordinated by Syria and Iran.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:07 AM

It even looks like Assad has been moving chemical weapons into Lebanon since the beginning of July.

Article dated, July 19th...

Al Masri said that the weapons were moved from an area near Damascus to Lebanese territory sometime in the past several weeks, and that the transfer was coordinated by Syria and Iran.

Here is four words that makes this article unbelievable.

Free Syrian Army claimed

I would believe that Netanyahu and the Ayatollah of Iran are going bar hopping together before I would believe anything the FSA says.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:07 AM
I heard that a part of syrian chemical weapons were launched into space and are now hidden in the space station.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by buster2010

You can't believe a word Assad says either. All we can do is research all of the claims and try to match them up with each other to see if they jive together or conflict.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:15 AM
This whole thing is such a joke. It's like a court letting a mass murderer go free as long as he relinquishes all of his weapons to his crazy, murdering, and less stable than he is, friends.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:22 AM
In the meanwhile, someone has dropped chlorine gas twice in Jobar since the August 21st attack.

Assad forces dropped poisonous gas bombs near Jobar district’s police station early today, causing several non-life threatening injuries. The bombs seem to contain a chlorine substance which caused suffocation, convulsions and extreme sweating. Residents at first feared sarin had been released once again in the area, causing panic to ensue as a result of the last chemical weapons attack on the area by the Assad regime three weeks ago.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:22 AM
Could this have anything to do with the warning of a chemical attack on Israel?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:28 AM


It even looks like Assad has been moving chemical weapons into Lebanon since the beginning of July.

Article dated, July 19th...

Al Masri said that the weapons were moved from an area near Damascus to Lebanese territory sometime in the past several weeks, and that the transfer was coordinated by Syria and Iran.

Here is four words that makes this article unbelievable.

Free Syrian Army claimed

I would believe that Netanyahu and the Ayatollah of Iran are going bar hopping together before I would believe anything the FSA says.

Buster, I honestly never would have imagined we'd be eye to eye for agreement on anything. We just seem to fall on the opposites to everything...except this.

The agreement is SO striking for having no gaps at all, I had to mention it. This alone ought to say something for some of those sitting on the fence as to which side of this whole thing to take seriously, IMO.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:32 AM

In the meanwhile, someone has dropped chlorine gas twice in Jobar since the August 21st attack.

Assad forces dropped poisonous gas bombs near Jobar district’s police station early today, causing several non-life threatening injuries. The bombs seem to contain a chlorine substance which caused suffocation, convulsions and extreme sweating. Residents at first feared sarin had been released once again in the area, causing panic to ensue as a result of the last chemical weapons attack on the area by the Assad regime three weeks ago.

Okay, I'd laugh at this outright but for the fact people got badly hurt. The frigging rebels are lucky they didn't kill anyone with that one.

All these attacks are primitive, low casualty, HIGH injury types from some of the most lethal agents known to man. Which is more likely here......these are the work of professionally produced, military grade weapon systems meant to kill .....or the work of bathtub crap made up by people on a clear curve of development?

The attacks a way you can watch...for impact and efficiency. Now, it's off to a new agent. Oh brother... what an agent to use too. This is the one any well stocked American kitchen can produce entirely by accident. There is a reason mothers say never to mix cleaning agents.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:52 AM

reply to post by buster2010

You can't believe a word Assad says either. All we can do is research all of the claims and try to match them up with each other to see if they jive together or conflict.

No of course we cant.
But Assad is not the one who started the war. The West and it's proxy groups of terrorists are.
Assad is not the one pushing to expand the conflict, the USA is with it's plan for air/missile strikes against Assad.

What we have is a bunch of claims in articles and in the media, saying Assad is doing this, or Assad is doing that. Things which are bad for Assad, things which create international outrage and anger. Things which will make for a stronger case for military intervention against Assad.

Assad may be a brutal dictator, but I don't think he is stupid or suicidal to go about doing such things and invite a Tomahawk missile on his family home or presidential office.

Let's take into account what happened to other countries in the Middle East/North Africa, including neighboring Iraq. And none of those countries actually used WMD to provoke western intervention.

With all that hindsight available to Assad, would he really be stupid enough to use chemical weapons, even in a limited capacity?

I doubt it.
But then again I'm no psychologist or expert on Syria or Assad.

All I know is that if I was the leader of some country, who the worlds biggest power and a handful of allies had painted a giant bulls eye target on, I wouldn't be making moves which would give them an excuse and justification for a military strike which would very likely see me targeted personally.

Although I'm using logic and rationale, maybe dictators lack such traits found in the rest of us, and that's part of why they are brutal dictators..?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:52 AM
At least it won't take long to see if Assad is really willing to comply.

Assad has just a week to begin complying with the U.S.-Russian deal by handing over a full account of his chemical arsenal. He must allow U.N.-backed inspectors from the Hague-based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to complete their initial on-site checks by November.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

What also doesn't make any sense to me is that Iraq is an unstable and volatile country thanks to Al Qaeda and a completely weak and corrupt gov't, so why would Syria think it's a good idea to send them their chemical weapons? Are Syria and Iraq even allies at this point?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:41 AM

reply to post by wrabbit2000

Hey, thats where a lot of them came from in the first place, they are just returning something borrowed... Yo, where Saddam? I got hiss mustard and sarin.....

Yo, and where did Saddam get those weapons from?

Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons'

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein build up his arsenal of deadly chemical and biological weapons, it was revealed last night.

As an envoy from President Reagan 19 years ago, he had a secret meeting with the Iraqi dictator and arranged enormous military assistance for his war with Iran.

History lesson: When the United States looked the other way on chemical weapons

In 1988, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered chemical weapons attacks against Kurdish resistance forces, but the relationship with Iraq at the time was deemed too important to rupture over the matter. The United States did not even impose sanctions.

Also, if you believe Iraq gave Syria chemical weapons then you must believe the 2003 Iraq war justified.
edit on 15-9-2013 by Swills because: (no reason given)

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