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This is the picture Phil Schneider presented showing a humanoid alien with his father.

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posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 01:28 AM
The whole Thor and aliens connection gets deeper and deeper for me personally. Especially considering my recent experience.

posted on Jan, 15 2018 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

This is the ready room of the Eldridge,which by itself makes it a rare find being the experiment fixing to take place there. Also there are FBI notes from Phil fussing at Hoover for escaped Eldridge sailors from the experiment which would so said appear and disappear in front of other sailors on ships they were dispersed to. So rounding them up and likely killing them would have been the most likely of choices the hand uses. Now to Thor. He is a Nordic,and not all are blonde either,ussually the speaker s Long haired blonde as was the one presented tome. I was being sought out by a guy that was starting to be famous on speaking circuit Mr. Jeoffrey Faulkner. My gifts were also tested by Mr. Jim Penniston and were 100% accurate. I am beyond empathic,just a tremendous "Knowing" as I call it. These beings as I seen are yes thousands of years old but not alien as they present themselves. These jerks want people to believe anything, they have corrupted every creature God in his wisdom chose to create. They were once in heaven and were put out.Some want back in and some want revenge and were stuck in the middle of the end times spiritual war. Ancient aliens is as fraudulant as MUFON.

posted on Jan, 15 2018 @ 02:59 PM
Wait, are people still taking Phil Schneider seriously? That's probably the real news here. Feel free to search here on ATS for some threads on him. They do a great job of pointing out this guy's "issues"..... Even his "mysterious death" isn't really living up to the hype.

posted on Jan, 15 2018 @ 03:06 PM

Most of what he talks about in that vid is hooey, e.g., "magneto leviton trains connecting all the underground bases" in the U.S. SOME of what he says is fact; this is a typical tactic used by these charlatans to lend credence to their fabricated claims.

I know many folks eat up this stuff by the spoonful. I don't understand why--unless it's purely for entertainment purposes.

Here's the back story:

edit on 15-1-2018 by TheTruthRocks because: Edited to add link

posted on Jan, 27 2018 @ 04:34 PM
I'm pretty sure that's just a dude.

posted on Feb, 6 2018 @ 08:38 AM
[@ Mads1987's 06/06/12 post]

"...his hand just appears large because of the angel he is holding..."

Hahahaha.... No, I'm not laughing at your spelling mistake(s) or your grammar, but more at myself (since English isn't your native language): I was reading "angel" as in a mythical creature with wings, instead as in "angle" (eg, perspective) which made me look again trying to spot it! I mean, who's a little dim here? Right, meheeeee! LOL...

edit on 6-2-2018 by BeauPeep because: Forgot to address the poster and the date of the referred comment (-excerpt)...

posted on Feb, 6 2018 @ 02:03 PM

This is the ready room of the Eldridge,which by itself makes it a rare find being the experiment fixing to take place there

Sadly, the Eldridge nonsense is just that....nonsense. I researched the hell out of this case years ago, and every dead end kept looping back to the same sources.

However, the EASIEST way to illustrate that we never did anything amazing with this vessel, is the simple fact that we basically sold it to a foreign power (Greece), who used it, then sold it for scrap. Is that really something we would EVER have done if these tales were even remotely true? No, we'd be studying the hell out of it for decades.

A good article on it:

The current condition of the ship:

On 15 January 1951, she was transferred under the Mutual Defense Assistance Act to Greece where she served as Leon (D54).[1] Leon was decommissioned on 5 November 1992, and on 11 November 1999, was sold as scrap to the Piraeus-based firm V&J Scrapmetal Trading Ltd.[2]

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Gazrok

In defense of the contradictory belief, for disinfo purposes, were I a diabolical nation, doing experiments like those described, I too, would "sell the decommissioned vessel to a foreign government". Really good way to cover tracks. Of course what Greece bought, could be any ship, with the name Eldridge attached to it, not direct proof it is the same ship utilized for experimentation. Perhaps Eldridge was a false name for the experiments, or the real Eldridge was not sold to Greece, but merely a doppleganger with the same name.

I appreciate your research, but the justification for the belief can meet any taste, as the koolaid is whatever flavor you want it to be.
edit on 11-2-2018 by Archivalist because: Grammer

edit on 11-2-2018 by Archivalist because: Phone autocorrected words out

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: TheTruthRocks

Most of what he talks about in that vid is hooey, e.g., "magneto leviton trains connecting all the underground bases" in the U.S. SOME of what he says is fact; this is a typical tactic used by these charlatans to lend credence to their fabricated claims.

I know many folks eat up this stuff by the spoonful. I don't understand why--unless it's purely for entertainment purposes.

Here's the back story:

I have seen these systems underneath Kirtland AFB in 1987.They are there. Mag-lev trains are pretty old hat now. I have also ridden the one in Shanghai China a couple times. There is a difference between them though. I think it's funny that some people laugh at it all like it's "hooey". That's pretty funny.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

How far did you ride it?

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

How far did you ride it?

From Shanghai to Pudong airport. A very fast ride. About 260 plus MPH.

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 03:06 AM
Let is not forget him and william S cooper who both made stunning speeches, william named people who actually ecist and can be found on google, phill showed us tral evidence no one had ever seen before, both had been set up and murdered by the pentagon and its sad and scary to know these thigs do this to hide the truth, the documentary was amazong and axar, i have seen phills original videos but also him and william are being erased from history, we almost can not find anything about them like we used to be able to, keep search the dark web and down load dervers if you want to find UFO and disclosure videos.. thank you to both these brave men.
reply to: FearYourMind

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