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Breaking:Russia Today News Declares 9/11 An Inside Job False Flag Attack. ATS:Time to move it!!!

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Lingweenie

Actually the jones paper is rubbish

Thermite cannot cut steel however Thermate can but for thermate to have been used they they should have also found barium nitrate in the dust which the didn't find.

as i keep saying on this thread I have recently wrote a whole thread that explains all of this in much more detail.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by frazzle

And how did an unmanned aircraft communicate with air traffic control? Oh let me guess everyone at air traffic control is a CIA agent as well. OR maybe they had installed the latest artificial intelligence on the drone to talk like a pilot which also used a few spare mega cycles of CPU to create false phone calls to false loved ones.. Oh I forget everyone on the passenger manifest either didn't exits or was willing to commit suicide for US government.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:51 PM


I suppose you could say Al-Qaida is USA, and therefore USA committed both 9/11, and the Syrian gas attack.

USA may not be Al-Quida, but they sure as hell fund and support them.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by frazzle

And how did an unmanned aircraft communicate with air traffic control? Oh let me guess everyone at air traffic control is a CIA agent as well. OR maybe they had installed the latest artificial intelligence on the drone to talk like a pilot which also used a few spare mega cycles of CPU to create false phone calls to false loved ones.. Oh I forget everyone on the passenger manifest either didn't exits or was willing to commit suicide for US government.

How would you expect a robotically flown airplane (a drone) to communicate with its controller besides electronically? Did you think there's a little Martian dude riding around on Curiosity sending messages and taking pictures for us?

Calls from loved ones? Like the one that went, "Hi mom, this is Mark Bingham, your son, you do believe me, don't you?" When someone calls you do you automatically know who it is and their location or do they have to tell you?

BTW, don't blame the air traffic controllers.

FAA Managers Destroyed 9/11 Tape
Recording Contained Accounts of Communications With Hijacked Planes

Six air traffic controllers provided accounts of their communications with hijacked planes on Sept. 11, 2001, on a tape recording that was later destroyed by Federal Aviation Administration managers, according to a government investigative report issued today.

It is unclear what information was on the tape because no one ever listened to, transcribed or duplicated it, the report by the Department of Transportation inspector general said.

Now why would they do a thing like that? I always thought destroying evidence in a crime was a crime.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:22 PM
One other thing that's important to bring up, and I don't believe it's been brought up in this thread yet, is Larry Silverstein. He was the owner of WTC7, and possibly other WTC buildings, I'm not 100% sure if he owned all of them or just certain ones. But that's not relevant.

This is what he had said in a video interview relating to the collapse of WTC7

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

There's mainly two things that don't make sense with that statement. Firstly, he was talking to a fire commander about "pulling" it. But Fire departments don't do controlled demolitions. You usually need to bring in experts to do that. Demolitions aren't a part of a firemans job.

And secondly, how could he have gotten the charges in place within about 5 hours? Certainly you wouldn't just be sitting around with all the required equipment needed in a demolition. It would take a considerable time to get it setup, and actually go in and set the charges and what not. And on top of that, he says that they couldn't contain the fire, so he decided to demolish it. What's important about that part, is that quite a bit of time had to of gone by before he decided he wanted to pull it. So he would have had an even smaller time frame to do it.

And on top of that, why would you decide to do it on the day of the attack? If the fires were as bad as he said they were, wouldn't that be a hazard to the people that would've had to go in there and setup charges? I doubt people would want to try and setup a demolition in a burning building, that is if the fires were indeed uncontrollable.

And what's even more strange, is if Silverstein admitted that it was a demolition, why is the media continuing to say that it was brought down by heat from the fires. I have yet to hear a media outlet come out and say that Silverstein had it demolished because the fires would've been able to be contained.

WTC7 is one of the biggest screwed up pieces of the 9/11 puzzle. And everywhere you look you see things that just don't add up. Personally, I don't know if it was a inside job, but I can say that we aren't being told the 100% truth, that's for sure.

But I'll stop my post, and end with the video of Larry Silverstein saying that he wanted to "pull" WTC7. I'm sure quite a bit of you have seen it, if you haven't its worth taking a quick look at.

I came across this video also. It's Silverstein talking about where he was on 9/11. In the video he says that he was at home. And later says he had a doctors appointment, specifically a trip to see a dermotologist. I'm not sure if he changed his story within the convo, or was simply at home, then went off to the doctor shortly after. He also says that he was usually at the WTC center in the mornings, and usually left at about 12 p.m. Which of course was the timing of the attacks/twin towers collapses.

He then goes on to say he didn't even wanted to go see the doctor, he wanted to go back downtown because he had a lot of work to do. And I think it's funny how he says he was debating with his wife to go back downtown to go to work on time. It's almost like he's trying to make him self look good, and trying to put the blame onto his wife, rather than himself, and usually liars tend to come up with elaborate excuses. So, of course he just so happened to not be there the day of the attacks. It's also important to note that he had to give such a long explanation as to what he was doing, and why we wasn't there. Typically when people are lying, they tend to try and over sell their story in order to try and convince you more. All he would have to say, was either I was at home, or was a at a doctors appointment. Not hard to say at all. Plus, if you ask me, he seemed pretty nervous and twitchy I guess you can say. Perhaps he is telling the truth, but it's a bit fishy that of all days, he just so happened to not be there.

edit on 11-9-2013 by Lingweenie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:38 PM
This video might have been posted already but worth watching, professional Architects and Engineers for Truth.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:53 PM
I've got a couple questions... and I'd really appreciate some feedback on this because something I just saw is kind flipping me out. I mean, I knew there were secret orgs in the US but the outright conformation of it... well, I was not expecting it to be so out in the open. I need to dig into this issue and look for trails of certain things before I base it all off one first let me ask this about building 7.

Demo experts or anyone who has material from a demo expert on the truth movement, how long does it take to set up demo on a building the size of building 7. I just want to establish that because excuses will come, excuses will go... they say they did it for safety, comes straight out of Silverman mouth. This is enough for some people because dammit, they just aren't thinking.... so how long does the set up take?

My second question is how long has the truth movement been protesting ON 9/11 in DC? can anyone give me any confirmation that the protest that took place in DC today was organized (as some organizers appear to have claimed it was) was in fact, a 9/11 truth movement gathering?

This may fall on some deaf ears but I'm blown away because from what I just saw, we had thousands of bikers just protest against another protest backed by constitutional rights... protesting wars against Muslim countries and gathering for the truth movement.

I knew here were some shady groups that convene in secret but it didn't dawn on me that this was the 9/11 truth movement gathering that they were protesting. How long have they been doing this this 9/11 truth thing? Quite some time, right? Am I wrong about that? I mean the truth movement has made some ground since 9/11... and they have been holding these gatherings for some time. Am I wrong?

That's what got protested today by bikers.

I mean, is this dawning on people?

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:28 PM

I mean the truth movement has made some ground since 9/11...

Here is a photo of the crowds at the Muslim Truther rally, held in Washington today.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 10:06 PM


I mean the truth movement has made some ground since 9/11...

Here is a photo of the crowds at the Muslim Truther rally, held in Washington today.

The information I got about the fact that it was a 9/11 truth movement was from a video OF the protest so I have already seen that and don't need it posted in this thread. There is already a thread about it which I have made a reply about my opinion that the racial divide is being seeded to gear up for a large civil unrest and this rally is becoming, more and more, proof of that concept.

The video I got the information from was of the organizers who were speaking among the few who came.

I don't think you are understanding what I'm saying. Take, for example, the thread you are in right now.
The 9/11 truth movement is not a small movement (as you can see it is on news and in other countries) and they have made progress in spreading truth about 9/11. I'm not talking about today's protest that was thwarted by a biker rally. I'm talking about the overall truth movement. They also have been holding these gatherings for some time in DC SINCE 9/11 and this is not really some new surprise type of thing going on here. Do you understand what I'm saying now? I heard no mention of this being a 9/11 truth movement until I looked it up because everyone else was saying it was for Muslim equal rights like that was the only issue and it was not related to 9/11 or war protests at all. Well, the 9/11 truth movement IS related to 9/11, obviously. Do you understand my questions now?

Since when did bikers start ganging up on 9/11 truthers and war protesters?

Since when did it become some big surprise and issue that there is a truth movement? (It hasn't... It's now being revealed to me how against the truth movement bikers are and against war protesters because I did not know they were so open about this although I know they are connected to free masons that run the jails and ministries that go into prisons and have contact with inmates)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:18 PM
The fact they had to knock the buildings down proves it was an inside job. No building in history that I know of with minimal structural damage, and especially ones that tall, EVER come down at all, nevermind on their own footprints. Then we had eyewitnesses in the vicinity describing the planes they saw and they were not passenger planes. They were described as cargo planes on a fox news video posted on youtube. What happened in washington dc and pensylvania I cannot explain easily and does not really concern me. I focus on what is easy to prove.

Good for RT exposing the inside job. One might say they are rubbing dirt in our faces but the truth is still the truth, and russia has a right to be pissed since we are interfering in syria, libya and iran.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:41 PM



I suppose you could say Al-Qaida is USA, and therefore USA committed both 9/11, and the Syrian gas attack.

USA may not be Al-Quida, but they sure as hell fund and support them.

Yes it makes no sense at all for the official story believers of 9-11, to think of them as both enemies and friends at the same time. If they were truely our enemies and they had committed those atrocities THEN "we" would not be helping them today, to the point of wanting to go to war against the dictators in power in those countries.

Sure not all fundamentalists are the same. Some are more fanatical than others, but at some point they share ties with each other and have the common agenda of installing sharia law in the middle east and conquering jerusalem.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:53 PM
The problem with the truther movement and why it will always be ignored by the major media is very simple-they just don't have any information except what they can find searching google.

The National Archives(building two) has over 400,000 documents pertaining to 9/11 from the USS Cole attack all the way to the raid in Abbottabad. Not a single one-I'll replete this not- a single one of those documents can be found searching google. The Archive database that can be accessed from any computer has all the public documents such as findings of different studies and scientific panels that can be found on google.

As you can see so much information about the attacks( especially delicate family concerns) are not anywhere on the internet. To access this information you must make an appointment with the Archive staff and detail the particular document section you would like to view in one of the reading rooms. Then after a background check and security scan the staff will decide if you are eligible to view the material. Then through (I use the office of Senator Alexander) or staff visit you will be given a period of days to reserve a reading room. If you make it this far then you can read the material, and some of it can be copied, however most you can only read.

I am interested in the complete recordings made from the cockpit to various aircraft control centers. Only a small amount has been released. I told the staff that my project was to confirm or deny a theory that the highjackers didn't mistakenly communicate with cockpit to ground as appose to cockpit to cabin. I want to test this theory. The staff approved this request and I have 3 days in the first week of December to listen to the recordings and view the entire transcripts.

All the major media know this and have sent staff to the archives if they have a concern about anything. Most of the media researchers can come and go as they please with press credentials. That is why the media doesn't waste their time on any of the 'truther' claims.

British researcher Robin Swain spent 4 years going through the documents in the archives. She managed to get through about half of them.

Also, the Archives is not a democracy-they let in who they want and don't have to give a reason for turning people away. Citizens have no right to access this material on their own.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:36 AM




I suppose you could say Al-Qaida is USA, and therefore USA committed both 9/11, and the Syrian gas attack.

USA may not be Al-Quida, but they sure as hell fund and support them.

Yes it makes no sense at all for the official story believers of 9-11, to think of them as both enemies and friends at the same time. If they were truely our enemies and they had committed those atrocities THEN "we" would not be helping them today, to the point of wanting to go to war against the dictators in power in those countries.

Sure not all fundamentalists are the same. Some are more fanatical than others, but at some point they share ties with each other and have the common agenda of installing sharia law in the middle east and conquering jerusalem.

There's a reason it makes no sense. If you're playing a game of "two ends against the middle" it makes sense to be in control of both ends.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 11:53 AM





I suppose you could say Al-Qaida is USA, and therefore USA committed both 9/11, and the Syrian gas attack.

USA may not be Al-Quida, but they sure as hell fund and support them.

Yes it makes no sense at all for the official story believers of 9-11, to think of them as both enemies and friends at the same time. If they were truely our enemies and they had committed those atrocities THEN "we" would not be helping them today, to the point of wanting to go to war against the dictators in power in those countries.

Sure not all fundamentalists are the same. Some are more fanatical than others, but at some point they share ties with each other and have the common agenda of installing sharia law in the middle east and conquering jerusalem.

There's a reason it makes no sense. If you're playing a game of "two ends against the middle" it makes sense to be in control of both ends.

There are many angles to the conspiracy, but has anyone taken a look at astana kazahkstan? Something "otherworldly" perhaps with all those pyramids and underground structures.

It is said that masonry is the building block of the illuminati. Order out of chaos, the pyramid with the disloged top, the all seeing eye of horus are all on the one dollar bill. Is it in god we trust or the great architect?

Thanks for the link to your post and that thread about saudi arabia. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are known for their ties to sunni extremism(alqueda) and nato.

It is said that most of the "jews" that moved into israel/palestine are actually khazars. That is why I mentioned this.
edit on 14/9/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: add information

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:06 AM
If 'all' that happened was that President Cheney and his sidekick beady eyed alcohol and coc aine addled helper puppet used 9-11 to further their agendas, well, that would be the height of treason, wouldn't it? What do we call people who use lies to start wars? Who are directly responsible for the deaths of over a million people? Who invade sovereign nations?

The truth of the matter is that 9-11 was a live snuff film perfectly orchestrated just like a Hollywood movie to make sure that the whole world was watching, to gin up feelings of revenge towards Islam and hatred of anyone wearing a 'rag' hat. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, doncha know we needed new boogeymen? Anything to keep the war materiel suppliers in business...

A few random thoughts and factoids:

Bobby McIvane, the son of the man who appeared in the OP's video, was found with the top of his head blown off. Since his father saw his autopsy papers, that might explain his continued distress and horror. And I'll NEVER forgive Rachel Maddow for the corporate shill she has become lately. She's the worst kind of media whore because she's smart enough to know better. At least the Barbie Dolls on Fox news are honestly stupid.

There's a new book out by a very astute and detailed investigator, (lots of the book available here for free)

who investigated a number of anomalies that haven't been given their due diligence up to now; the fact that we've never been given CCTV or other proof that any of the 'hijackers' ever got on the planes, the discrepancies in the phone calls from the planes that were the only information we had that there were even any hijackers and what I found very interesting; apparently the second plane to hit the towers was going at Mach I the last 4 minutes and 40 seconds of its flight while it drastically reduced altitude from cruising levels to almost sea level (an altitude and speed that both pilots and the aircraft manufacturers themselves say is impossible, the airframe would have broken apart going even 500 mph, much less at even faster speeds.

Jeff Prager as well as 'the anonymous physicist' and Ed Ward, MD all have papers out proving that small nukes are the only explanation for not only the explosive nature of the tower collapses, but the residual heat for 99 days in the pile. Prager also goes to great lengths discussing not only the residual radiation that WAS found in the aftermath, but the impossible to debunk findings of elements that can only be the result of fission and decay products. Prager has several versions of his book online, feel free to look it up if you're so inclined. It's a long read and most will not bother, especially the people here that seem to have never learned, or forgotten, how many times in history the U.S. Government has lied to the people to further an agenda.

Oh, and 'Lucky Larry's contention that he was called by the 'errr fire commander' is an outright lie. That person has never come forward to corroborate Larry's story, and it's insane to think that a fire commander who had just lost hundreds of men would have Larry on speed dial and discuss fire fighting efforts with him. If anything, since that building was spook central, it would make far more sense to preserve it as much as possible, unless of course you wanted to get rid of some evidence.

Finally, everyone can take a look at the video of the 'horseshoe beam' and try to explain how this is possible without a millionth of a second's gamma ray bombardment. The new format seems to be preventing me from posting the link but it's easily findable on a '9-11 horseshoe beam' search.
edit on 16-9-2013 by signalfire because: typo

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 03:49 AM

reply to post by Lingweenie

Actually the jones paper is rubbish

Thermite cannot cut steel however Thermate can but for thermate to have been used they they should have also found barium nitrate in the dust which the didn't find.

as i keep saying on this thread I have recently wrote a whole thread that explains all of this in much more detail.

What are you talking about thermite cant cut steel?

We have been using thermite to weld railroads together for A LONG LONG TIME, trust e it works just fine.

Nano-thermite is even better, and the only difference is the size of the particles and the mix amounts, making a much faster hotter reaction.

Theres pretty much no other reason there would be a pile of molten steel at the base of the towers after collapse.
edit on 16-9-2013 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by GoKill

Historically speaking, Russia has lied many times about horrendous crimes the US had done. A 2008 study revealed that it was actually Russian media that spread the rumors that the US crafted AIDs in a lab. They didn't show this on Russian news - they sold the story to 3rd world countries.

Don't believe it just because the guy in the box said it.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Biigs


Please see this thread regarding Thermite.

Revisiting Thermite

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:11 AM
Enough with the obfuscating discussion of thermite. While it may have been used as cutting charges in places to weaken beams, there are people who reported large explosions on the lower floors; thermite doesn't 'boom'. Thermite also doesn't throw massive steel assemblies 100s of feet laterally (the effect of which is to severely reduce the amount of weight coming down on the unheated and undamaged parts of the towers). It doesn't have the power to instantaneously boil the residual moisture in concrete floors causing them to turn into a pyroclastic flow of dust that witnesses claimed was extremely hot and was 'glittery'; this may have been glass particles, it may also have been a result of radioactive particles hitting on the retina. At least one witness said they saw people 'disintegrate' as they were running away from the dust cloud near the collapse scene. Does thermite do that many yards away from it's reaction?

Thermite on all the videos I've seen is an intense white hot reaction over in seconds but so bright that it overloads the camera. Where is that in the collapse videos? Do the towers look like a sparkler only larger?

Look at the towers in mid collapse. The aluminum cladding and outside beams are being thrown with immense force out sideways and down. The concrete floors and office contents, and people! are turning into massive dust clouds. And that black smoke you see rising in the center, almost obscured by all the rest, is the inner core beams molecularly disintegrating. What about thermite can do all that? Was thermite painted on every chair, every desk, every computer, every telephone, every water fountain and room divider? Because none were found in the rubble.

It's a mushroom cloud, just not the kind we've been trained to see in much larger explosions.

And I've noticed that all the people that negate the possibility that nukes were used have NEVER done the research. Open your minds and read the material, it's all there if you're actually interested in the truth.

I'd be happy to be proved wrong with evidence by someone with some authority and training to do so. Just calling people names doesn't cut it.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by GoKill

What took Russia so long to admit it? That is my only question?

According to our military, their technology and intel is supposed to be pretty sophisticated and has been for a long time.

Ever heard of Sputnik? I think they also have built some pretty good planes over the years. I could be wrong also.

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