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Black Egypt the cover up - compilation video

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Galvatron

I haven't seen any credible evidence that the Bantu people have significant levels of Eurasian DNA. In fact quite the opposite. The genetic evidence in the thread you linked are from sources that have mixed reputations and more importantly, agendas. Rather, most evidence I see suggests that Eurasians have significant black African DNA, but not the other way around. Black Africans have almost no Eurasian DNA. Some Somali populations, some Ethiopian populations, Northern Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, all "sub-Saharan", but not "black African". I'll try and find some of the stuff I've read that makes me of the opinion that I am.

I did not say all Bantus but coastal Bantus as they had direct contacts with traders and sailors for millennium going all the way back to the Greeks and earlier another term for them would be Swahili.

Is this famous artist Black??

But believe it or not the main point of disagreement between us is whether Eurasians were in the Nile valley first or Africans,the findings of folks in the field said it was Africans, I fully understand that "Black" could be a loaded term that's one reason in thread authored by me I rarely employ the term unless quoting someone same with Negroid and Caucasoid instead I use geographical terms,if time permitting pls check threads that I started.

edit on 10-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:18 PM

reply to post by LUXUS

Aaaaah there is no such thing as a people called Colchians today,and Spider did not make up the quote that the Colchians were Black Herodotus and others did.. the others being.St Jerome and Sepheronius.

Herodotus never said the ancient Egyptians were black, your making stuff up!

Oh those poor Colchians, you mean they were originally negroid but they turned Caucasian just like the poor Egyptians.....haha..what a joke

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by dlbott

I simply just put up a video I found on YouTube and voiced my opinion, people just got overexcited for some reason.
You and others might say it was pointless but the number of posts and that fact that you are taking time to comment says otherwise, this is a winner.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Read Herodotus: The Histories Book down to Barns and Nobles and get yourself a copy. I got mine.

Iam a soooul man tada tada tada ta da Iam sooul man tada tada ta da ta ta!

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:18 PM

Okay for a little more high brow stuff this vid kinda reinforce my position that the Kemet was peopled for the Sahara,the Great Lakes and the Horn, I still find their use of the term Negroid rather annoying and use of the term "THE BLACK MUMMY" but some habits are hard to break.

edit on 10-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Spider879


I really enjoy reading your posts. You have made some points that I can't refute. However, whenever I read your posts, I only hear Huey Freeman's voice. That aside, it seems to me that there is a lot of conflicting evidence as to the racial demographics of Ancient Egypt. Being American born to Welsh parents, I have no real stake in the matter. I just think the evidence is really more weighted towards the demographic changes that I've mentioned.

Also, that mummy you have pictured in your last post is of Maiherpri, a Nubian royal. Nubians are depicted by Egyptians as being very dark.

The statue of the man who looks like he should be holding a shield and a spear: Nubians were famous as mercenaries that Ancient Egypt hired to bolster the ranks of their military. Many of which were given Egyptian style burials.

The painted bust is of Queen Tiye of Amenhotep III, who was a New Kingdom Pharaoh. In other words, relatively late in ancient Egypt history, and therefore falls in line with my argument that their demographics started out rather Semitic and over time became more or less black African, then Semitic again.

I have little doubt at the moment that ancient Egypt had black African pharaohs. But they all seem to be later in their history. The same goes for Greek accounts of Egyptians. That was very late in their history.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:06 AM

reply to post by Spider879


I really enjoy reading your posts. You have made some points that I can't refute. However, whenever I read your posts, I only hear Huey Freeman's voice. That aside, it seems to me that there is a lot of conflicting evidence as to the racial demographics of Ancient Egypt. Being American born to Welsh parents, I have no real stake in the matter. I just think the evidence is really more weighted towards the demographic changes that I've mentioned.

Also, that mummy you have pictured in your last post is of Maiherpri, a Nubian royal. Nubians are depicted by Egyptians as being very dark.

The statue of the man who looks like he should be holding a shield and a spear: Nubians were famous as mercenaries that Ancient Egypt hired to bolster the ranks of their military. Many of which were given Egyptian style burials.

The painted bust is of Queen Tiye of Amenhotep III, who was a New Kingdom Pharaoh. In other words, relatively late in ancient Egypt history, and therefore falls in line with my argument that their demographics started out rather Semitic and over time became more or less black African, then Semitic again.

I have little doubt at the moment that ancient Egypt had black African pharaohs. But they all seem to be later in their history. The same goes for Greek accounts of Egyptians. That was very late in their history.

Add you to the list of posters I enjoyed conversing with even if we have opposing ideas.
About Maiherpri he is labled as "Nubian" simply because of the wig he is wearing in death and he is some what darker than average the same with Queen Tiye these were from the deep south and not necessarily foreigners like the 11th and 12th dynasty,and the 1st three dynasties sprang from the deep south,the Libyans to the west were generally shown to be creamy colored in some instances had long residence in Kemet little doubt they added to the gene pool as to west Asians under the Hyksos..but like we both agree Kemet was a dynamic civilization that attracted folks near and far we just disagree on who they were when they started out.

This hiphop artist is Ka,naan
Keinan Abdi Warsame (Somali: Keynaan Cabdi Warsame,
A citizen of Canada recognizable as Black and African as
our pop image of an ordinary Black man from anywhere in the world
but put him into exotic grab speaking foreign tongue and he is transformed into
some thing else.

I bow out the conversation but many will remember and get a kick outta this

Btw on a sports note Japan beat Ghana 3-1 last nite.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Spider879

I don't need to go to barns and noble, I'm sitting in front of a computer and easily access what Herodotus wrote, when did Herodotus visit Egypt anyway, it was when the nubians had fully destroyed that civilization and the knowledge of Egypt was already gone (save the mystery schools who preserved it ).

As for the wigs only the later ones incorporate afro hair, none of the earlier ones display this characteristic

Royal Ontario Museum:

"Egypt is located on the African continent. Egyptians are an African people, but not all African nations look alike, nor do all Africans have the same colour of skin. Koffi Anan, the United Nations Secretary General, former South African President Nelson Mandela, the actor and model, Imam, and Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass are all Africans.

Archaeology and anthropology can tell us a great deal about Ancient Egyptians. There are many mummified remains of Ancient Egyptians, though far fewer from the Age of the Pyramids than from later times. The scientific study of mummies reveals interesting and surprising things about the ancient peoples. At the site of ancient Nekhen, for example, archaeologists of the Hierakonpolis Expedition have discovered many well preserved bodies, with hair intact. This hair is being studied by Dr. Joann Fletcher. Most of the hair samples are cynotrichous (Caucasian) in type as opposed to heliotrichous (Negroid). Though most hair found is a natural dark brown and wavy, one ancient man had curly, naturally red hair. People used henna, and added artificial lengths of hair to create elaborate hairdos more than five thousand years ago. You can keep up to date on the discoveries at Nekhen by visiting

Zahi Hawass also been studying ancient bodies. The graves of the skilled workers at Giza - the men and women who built the pyramids - have yielded skeletons of people who averaged 5'7" to 6' tall - much taller than previous estimates of the average height of Ancient Egyptians. They also showed, through the wear and tear still visible on their bones, the tremendous human effort required to erect pyramids. You can follow the work of Dr. Hawass and the Supreme Council for Antiquities at his official website, the Plateau,

Ancient Egyptian artists usually (but not always) represent Egyptian men with reddish brown skin, and Egyptian women with a yellowish skin tone. (This may reflect the fact that men's work more often took them outside in the sun, and women's work more often kept them in the shade or in the home.) Now, as then, Egyptians tend to have darker skin the in the

South, and lighter in the North. In fact, Ancient Egyptian art shows us a people who were "variety itself" as Gambol Mother wrote in General History of Africa II: Ancient Civilizations (UNESCO International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa [Berkely, California, 1981,] p.15)

Ancient Egyptian artists distinguished themselves from Nubians, whose skin they usually show as black or dark yellowish brown, and from people from West Asia, whom they depict with light yellowish skin, the men with heavy dark beards. The people to the west, the Libyans, are usually shown with pale skin and reddish-brown hair. These skin colours probably reflect a relative difference in skin tone, but they are conventional, and do not refer to any particular Libyans, Syrians, or Nubians, whose skin might have been much darker or much lighter than the stereotype.

The Ancient Egyptians, like most people in the world, thought that they alone were truly civilized, and that their neighbours were rather barbaric. However, foreigners who assimilated into Egyptian society by learning the language and living an Egyptian lifestyle seem, at all levels, to have been accepted."

As pointed out already your images are of nubians, ie Medjay


The Medjay were an elusive people whom Ancient Egyptian texts seem to refer to as either an ethnic or an occupational group. In the early part of their history, they appear to have been a subgroup of Nubians associated with a land called Medja."

As for the Afro-comb that is not Egyptian in my opinion, it displays crude carving techniques usually seen in African tribal crafts and seams to have little age to it. Most of the early Egyptian combs have fine teeth indicating again that they were made for straight hair and not afro hair which is supported by the majority of wall paintings showing Egyptians on the most part with straight black hair. Again supported by those who said the ancient Egyptians are similar to north Indians.

edit on 11-9-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:44 AM
Oh these Afrocentrists always demanding a rewrite of history. AE, slave trading, the myriad of black "inventions". So many activities.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:15 AM

Btw on a sports note Japan beat Ghana 3-1 last nite.

Now its very clear to me what made you an live in Japan, must be VERY hard convincing the Japanese of your great and glorious history hahaha

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Spider879

Spider thank you for all this info thus far and Eniii for this thread. It seems that whenever someone discusses African history, they are automatically considered "Afrocentric" or racist..i really don't get it

Oh these Afrocentrists always demanding a rewrite of history. AE, slave trading, the myriad of black "inventions". So many activities.

This is why i am really appreciative of this thread and i truly hope to learn more from you all

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Baddguy

There's nothing wrong with studying African history. Infact AE is probably one of the most exhaustively examined studied subjects around. The issue that comes into play, despite this massive body of evidence that has been scrutinized repeatedly some Afrocentrists claim a conspiracy has been suppressing real information. This usually comes down to innovation and the skin tone of those innovators for Afrocentrists. It's just as ludicrous as many other subjects some that have nothing to do with race(moon landing,Bible) that have been meticulously studied and some people still claim suppression of information to support theories that don't align with facts and evidence.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by SexNinja

i get what you mean but he not behaving like an Black Hebrew Israelite... Spider879 presented some good and thought provoking facts throughout this thread that are not commonly known around the world or taught in schools. The info he provided was more than likely researched by a European scholar so its not just "Afrocentric" blacks, and he also provided sources to 'white' scholars supporting his claims.

If the information is not being suppressed, then why isn't it common knowledge? There are many who truly believe that Ancient Egyptians were not black at all..Go to Google and type " Were Egyp..." and the first ting that will pop up is "Where Egpytians black" Its like i said, if a black person discusses the information he is being "Afrocentric" and trying to rewrite history but if white, it is history.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 01:33 PM

reply to post by SexNinja

If the information is not being suppressed, then why isn't it common knowledge? There are many who truly believe that Ancient Egyptians were not black at all..Go to Google and type " Were Egyp..." and the first ting that will pop up is "Where Egpytians black" Its like i said, if a black person discusses the information he is being "Afrocentric" and trying to rewrite history but if white, it is history.

First off something isn't being suppressed because its not common knowledge. Your starting off with your logic assuming what's being presented is true. When the evidence is overwhelming against it.
Second I have no idea what color skin anyone here has or the ethnicity . I called them Afrocentric because of the claims they made.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 01:56 PM

reply to post by SexNinja

i get what you mean but he not behaving like an Black Hebrew Israelite... Spider879 presented some good and thought provoking facts throughout this thread that are not commonly known around the world or taught in schools. The info he provided was more than likely researched by a European scholar so its not just "Afrocentric" blacks, and he also provided sources to 'white' scholars supporting his claims.

If the information is not being suppressed, then why isn't it common knowledge? There are many who truly believe that Ancient Egyptians were not black at all..Go to Google and type " Were Egyp..." and the first ting that will pop up is "Where Egpytians black" Its like i said, if a black person discusses the information he is being "Afrocentric" and trying to rewrite history but if white, it is history.

I did what you asked and went to Google and typed in
"Were Ancient Egyptians Black"
First Link Wiki

'In the late 20th century, the controversy was revived in the domain of African scholarship as a result of the criticism of college academic studies as being Eurocentric. [13] This criticism was led by scholars who created a new curriculum named Afrocentrism which sought to correct the alleged omissions and distortions of history by European scholarship. One of the key points of this movement was the rejection of white historical scholarship on Africa and Africans as racist and suggesting that Ancient Egypt was a "black civilization". [9] This includes a particular focus on links stemming from various Sub Saharan cultures and the questioning of the race of specific notable individuals from Dynastic times, including Tutankhamun, [14] Cleopatra VII, [15][16][17] and the king represented in the Great Sphinx of Giza. [18][19] However, these theories have been in turn rejected by mainstream science as pseudoscientific."

The fact that this is Google search only reinforces that people want to be informedn The wiki article presents both sides to the subject. I see no suppression of information.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:13 PM
I swarm through the storm with a crown of thorns as my uniform. My staff transforms into a unicorn,
in search of the promised land, guided by the pineal gland, brotherhood of darkness, order of the Sufi, under study of Tehuti. I built the sphinx, the reincarnation of Ramses, angelic protector of the holy relics, born in the subterranean level of the pyramid, my eyelid resembles Osiris. Bearer of the scepter, my mind is a replica of Mecca, Egyptian philosophers, politic in verses with the alchemists, archangels walk on the seventh plain.

edit on 11/9/13 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by SexNinja

First off something isn't being suppressed because its not common knowledge.

This is true.

But why isn't it common knowledge when there is a whole field dedicated to studying Egypt? ive never heard of any other country that has its own study and why do people have to run to Google to re-research this information?

and what "evidence" proves him or scholars wrong on this matter?

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Baddguy

Egyptology isn't standard curriculum its a specially subject. Why would so many people be uninformed? Idk man I guess if you could blame television and movie entertainment most definitely the history channel. You can't really place blame on entertainment these are not reliable sources of information or meant to teach the public anything scientific.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:52 PM

..Go to Google and type " Were Egyp..." and the first ting that will pop up is "Where Egpytians black"

Thats because every black person googles "were Egyptians black" and for no other reason!

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

For it is plain to see that the Colchians are Egyptians; and what I say, I myself noted before I heard it from others. When it occurred to me, I inquired of both peoples; and the Colchians remembered the Egyptians better than the Egyptians remembered the Colchians; [2] the Egyptians said that they considered the Colchians part of Sesostris' army. I myself guessed it, partly because they are dark-skinned and woolly-haired; though that indeed counts for nothing, since other peoples are, too; but my better proof was that the Colchians and Egyptians and Ethiopians are the only nations that have from the first practised circumcision. [3] The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine acknowledge that they learned the custom from the Egyptians, and the Syrians of the valleys of the Thermodon and the Parthenius, as well as their neighbors the Macrones, say that they learned it lately from the Colchians. These are the only nations that circumcise, and it is seen that they do just as the Egyptians. [4] But as to the Egyptians and Ethiopians themselves, I cannot say which nation learned it from the other; for it is evidently a very ancient custom. That the others learned it through traffic with Egypt, I consider clearly proved by this: that Phoenicians who traffic with Hellas cease to imitate the Egyptians in this matter and do not circumcise their children.

Herodotus, with an English translation by A. D. Godley. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1920.,0016,001:2:104&lang=original

Instead of getting the book you ran to your favorite internet distortion junkie, The Spider can make mistakes but the Spider don't lie..since you won't get the book I bought the book to you.

Life in Japan is great and trust me they have their stereotype of white folks and others too,I won't go into my private life too much but I can throw an event together and have over 2000 people show up on only a couple o wks notice, my very birthday is cause for hundreds to show up..not organized by me, Been asked to speak at community centers about my life in Japan, Jamaican History,African connection and the African American experience.. help sponsored inner city kids from the N.Y.C area to visit and home stay braking down cultural barriers and arranged for the opposite,But I am actually an high energy kinda person I make stuff happen so maybe I am look at some other folks

Some random girl's view

These guys are Japanese friends o mine who held their own in sound clash.

Not a friend of mine don't know him but know of him.

African American own and operated

Friends o mine from Hokkaido yes they are Ainu.
Friends of mine and no I am not a musician..I just get things done.
Okay nuff o dat lets just say life doesn't suck..howz yours

edit on 11-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

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