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The Hyprocrisy Over Syria

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posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 10:00 AM
What really is bugging me about this looming war which I have said in another thread I started probably will result in WW3 is the fact that the USA is attacking Syria but what about the chemical weapons used in Iran during the Iran-Iraq War? And what about the gassing of the Kurds by Saddam Hussien? There were no threats then to bomb Iran at that time and it was not until years later that Saddam was got rid of but only because he invaded Kuwait.

I don't condone the use of chemical weapons for one moment. But I do think Obama should THINK before he acts. It is clear the Military Industrial Complex are pulling the strings. Humanity has had it's last chance. War should be made illegal. War should only be allowed by the UN. Otherwise Humanity will become extinct in a firey nuclear exchange.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 10:04 AM
Because, none of the US wars have been about what they say they are.

Its about the economy, petrol dollar, and the Sunni vs Shiate thing.

Our drug dealers (saudi oil) have us by the short hairs, not just because of oil itself, but the fact that oil is traded universally by the dollar. Its a mutually symbiotic relationship when you consider the petrol dollar.

Rather than see the Dollars Hegemony collapse, they would risk ww3.

None of the wars in the past 30 years or more have been about humanitarian issues.


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