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Bombshell: Kerry Caught Using Fake Photos to Fuel Syrian War

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posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
Now that you know that Bush did not have a exclusivity on lie's and murdering people just to get to one man, what do you think about Obama and Kerry doing the same thing?? I know your mad but is that enough for people to be just mad, what's it going to take to get enough people so mad that they come together long enough to get this administration out................or find out we no longer have that right.

What's unique about Obama and Kerry is they wanted Bush's head for doing exactly what they are doing. They don't even care about how insanely hypocritical it makes them look...........that is what scars me.

Point being where did we come up with these kinds of people as presidents of the United States, did we really vote them in and if so are we as treacherous and willing to kill innocents to achieve an agenda as they are ????????????....what ever that is.
edit on 2-9-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Resorting to posting infowars articles as sources now, ATS has hit an all time low.

Do you think Congress will be presented an Alex goofball version of intelligence to decide the fate of Syria?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:47 PM
They fake it all the time , don't act suprized.

They'll do WHATEVER they can do fool the masses, BUT.. they also know more and more people are waking up to the fact we have been lied to by our own governments (for a very long time), and I think they are scared now to loose their grip on the world stage the way they want it to go.

Remember this one from CNN in the gulf war ?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 08:31 PM
Looks like the current administration has taken a few pointers from that movie, "Wag the Dog".
The media in this case are willing accomplices in the latest diversion tactic.
Too bad so many of the American people are so easily entertained, not to mention gullible.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Alundra
They fake it all the time , don't act suprized.

They'll do WHATEVER they can do fool the masses, BUT.. they also know more and more people are waking up to the fact we have been lied to by our own governments (for a very long time), and I think they are scared now to loose their grip on the world stage the way they want it to go.

Remember this one from CNN in the gulf war ?

Counter that with a vintage Baghdad Bob.
Wonder what percentage of Coalition haters hung on his words?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 11:12 PM
I may be the first one to say this, but I think this might be the beginning of the end for Obama. Everything he does after this will probably be wrong. I think the congress will vote against attacking Syria after the American people have their say. Especially since we know they're all spineless bastards wanting to get reelected above all else. The puppet master apparently is ordering oboma to attack, so he has little choice. Our military wants nothing to do with this. I wouldn't want to be oboma right now. I don't feel sorry for him though. Let him burn in hell.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I googled it.. but all I have found looks like ge spoke ou against war crimes in vietnam. What am I looking for?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I agree that infowars is not a reliable source.. but its easy enough to check ourselves. It is, afterall, regarding a photo. So are you saying the story is not true or are you hoping people decide that based on your strawman argument?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 11:56 PM
The simple fact is that this war, like all the others before it, is being waged for the expansion and preservation of corporate interest.

Here is factual well researched documented evidence that NATO allies and Turkey are utilizing Wahhabi / Takfiri terrorists and assorted criminals to achieve GEO Political aims.

One more thing he could have mentioned is the US sponsored pipeline through Afghanistan, made to bypass Russia and Iran and the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. Another project the Washington neocons are opposed to and where the US has threatened Pakistan with retaliations several times. As it is now, the pipeline is half finished, only the Pakistani side of the line is left to be started and both Pakistan and Iran are trying to persuade China to join the project because that would make Washington's bullying pretty much irrelevant.

edit on 3-9-2013 by flyingfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

so TA, let's see if i got this straight, ok ?

a pic of dead Iraqis is supposed to motivate us to support bombing Syria in an effort to save Syria from Syria bombing Syrians ... am i close ?

well, i think i'll need another drinkipoo or so i can tell this turd, Kerry, to turn left, go about a 1/4 mile, turn left again, go down the road about a 1/4 mile and take a left
and don't stop until YOU land in Syria.

i'm beginning to think the word 'schmuck' is gonna need a new definition ... they've used up the old one.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Do you think Congress will be presented an Alex goofball version of intelligence to decide the fate of Syria?
let's just safely say ... it wouldn't be the first time

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Sparky63

Too bad so many of the American people are so easily entertained, not to mention gullible.

More are waking up...Let us hope that less and less are as gullible as information keeps flowing (internet)...

TPTB have a serious head start though...

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

more details, like this ... link
it wasn't just 'testimony' but how it was obtained ... how it was discredited and how Kerry, himself, was a willing tool for the 'enemy'.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by flyingfish

Thank you very much for bringing those videos to our attention. I urge EVERY ATSer worth his/her salt to go and view them, for a more informed perspective on what really the hell is going on here. The tinfoil TyPes will try to deflect and deceive you around here, so just disregard them. Corbett brings together a wealth of information, and I was pleased to see Sibel on there too- giving us a crucial reminder of military spending relative to world events. Glad she is ok.
And what a babe, too! (Ok, I admit, that was uncalled for- but hey.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

hey now, is anyone gonna offer a link or a summary so we can READ about it ??
some of us, hint, hint; me, cannot play/view videos.

now that homegrown propaganda is fair play in the US, did anyone's BS meter go off ?

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Honor93

93, real sorry bud, but videos and podcast mp3's are the way of the future. At some point you really need to try and get the ability to view or hear them. Because you are missing out, bigtime. The only link provided with that show is:

I suppose you could read some of the reference links provided. A lot of it has to do with a critical pipeline deal that was signed by Iraq, Iran, and Syria- and which threatens Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Israeli resource exports.

"It's all about oil and LNG" might be the most important statement in the history of man. Or ultimately- "It's all about money."

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

yeah, i saw the 'shownotes' link but it didn't tell me anything new.
oh well, i hear ya but it's not my decision on someone else's equipment.

i'm thankful i can do and learn what i can with what's available

i'm pretty sure i grasp most of the story at this point, but i'm also curious what he may have added. i'm not a big fan of any of the politicos but once in awhile, one of them gets it right.

the pipelines aren't news to me, so i didn't miss much, thanks.
any talk about the new shale (LNG - liquid natural gas) plays in the Levant Basin ?
(map included)

Several factors may influence how and when exports may came online: regional insecurity, such as the ongoing conflict in Syria and the recent unrest in Egypt; territorial disputes, such as that between Israel and Lebanon; and the status of economies in both potential exporting countries and destination markets like Europe and Asia.
there is lots of angst in that region over alot of $$$$$$ and who's gonna control it.

and that would be another reason Israel is soooo very quiet. (see map at link above)
edit on 3-9-2013 by Honor93 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Why am I not surprised at hearing this ? Probably because its clear the US wants to attack Syria and will produce the evidence to support its case. The sad truth is that the US is guilty of using Chemical Weapons on the Syrian public, it probably organised the attack by the FSA with its CIA deep cover operatives probably aided and abetted by Mossad agents. This whole thing stinks to high heaven and I'm glad the UK decided to stay out of it.

Can't believe the war on terror against Al Qeida has now become the US fighting WITH Al Qeida terrorists against a sovereign nation.

You couldn't make this stuff up....!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I agree that infowars is not a reliable source.. but its easy enough to check ourselves. It is, afterall, regarding a photo. So are you saying the story is not true or are you hoping people decide that based on your strawman argument?

This whole thread is one giant strawman. As if a poorly placed photo cancels out dead people from Sarin gas attacks the Assad regime carried out.
It is most likely Kerry got an incompetent staffer who placed an erroneous BBC photo into the presentation.
FBI is probably on top of it already to make sure any staffer is not acting as a saboteur.
Don't worry, the Congress will get the classified Intelligence version not the incompetent staffer version.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 07:16 AM
What makes people think we vote these jock straps into office. Because we have a system of secret ballots who is to say anyone at all voted these people in. Ballots are secret for one and only one reason, so that the results can be manipulated with no one the wiser. If we were serious about voting you would be required to prove you are a citizen to vote. And every single vote would be tabulated next to the ID # of each voter so that everyone could look up whether their vote was actually counted as voted and raise a fuss if not. Results would be reliable and easily checked. Cheating would be immediately apparent.

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