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How many guys here have been hit on by "straight" married men ?

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posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:23 PM
I have been hit on by gay dudes who claim to be straight, its pretty disgusting actually. I have a gym membership and some of the homosexuals the locker room and shower area like a bathhouse. Management will kick them out sometimes but they have this idea that deep down every straight guy really wants to contract HIV from them.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Superhans

they have this idea that deep down every straight guy really wants to contract HIV from them.

What a vulgar thing to say....

not to mention ignorant.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Not really vulgar or ignorant, but its cool. HIV disproportionally effects gay men, that is a fact. People who hang out in a locker room and have sex with random guys a few hours a day is way more likely to have HIV than myself. But if you were offended please feel free to cry about it.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Superhans

I was actually referring to the suggestion that every gay guy wants to have sex with you.....

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 02:04 PM
I was in line at the grocery store once and a guy in front of me turned around and started talking to me. We spoke about nothing in particular for a few minutes. After he checked out and left the cashier had a funny smirk on her face and I asked her what was so funny. She told me that the guy had been hitting on me.

I was clueless. He just seemed like another bored person in the checkout line.

She said I obviously didn't have any 'gay-dar.' I had to look that up.

I guess that would upset some people but I really didn't care.

Being hit on by a gay person doesn't make me gay. Why be upset?

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom

It's just two people rubbing parts of their bodies together!

That's the way to start a fire!

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 11:56 PM
I know those cruising places exist, but I'm gay, and I have absolutely no desire to go there.

I've come to the conclusion that some individuals can be genetically programmed by their nature to have a higher sex drive than others.

I'm also finding that especially gay-focused research has only focused on the most visible groups.
That is, it deliberately sought out spaces of sexual activity to study.

I've heard some narrative now from gay men who came to the Castro in the early 1970s, and found they didn't like the sexual scene at all.
Some felt like outcasts.
They would later find a niche as caregivers to people dying of AIDS.

One also finds loads of gay men in the monastic traditions of various religions, and while some may abuse it, I don't think most of them do, and there's also gay men who stay celibate.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by Superhans

I was actually referring to the suggestion that every gay guy wants to have sex with you.....

Har har are you as dumb as you are funny?
Nowhere did i say anything close to that, if you read what i wrote it was pretty clear. And yes, every guy that hits on me while he is naked in a locker room more likely that not wants to have sex with me.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by halfoldman
I'm also finding that especially gay-focused research has only focused on the most visible groups.
That is, it deliberately sought out spaces of sexual activity to study.

I agree 100%.
I think many of the gay focus research i have read in many cases is no more accurate than heterosexual research that would be conducted at a swinger party.
The more attention grabbing people manage to get the attention anyways. If you were doing a poll and were looking for gay men to participate who are you probably going to talk to first. The regular looking middle age guy who just happens to be gay or the guy in a leather cod piece, waiving a rainbow flag and trying to scream pride with a large sex toy in his mouth.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by jazztrance

I would just like to know, is anyone 100% hetero ?

100% here. When younger, I was hit on by older gay guys a couple of times (because I knew and hung out with a lot of lesbians and bi-sexual women, so was in places where they were). I'd just laugh it off and politely explain my orientation. Was never a problem.

I think I have a "gay" vibe (or did when younger, now, I'm a bit burlier, hehe). It allowed me to often be friends with a lot of women who were usually more guarded around guys. I also actually LISTEN to women, which I think helps a lot.

Can't even fathom what a dude sees in another dude though. I love women too much. But to each his own. As long as one is happy, who am I to judge?
edit on 12-9-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:43 PM
I would think that if a gay guy hit on a straight guy then there was probably something about the straight guy that lit up the gay guys gay-dar. That's just a guess ... but it would seem to make sense ....

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 05:56 PM
People can be attracted to a particular person without being attracted to a whole gender. If "straight" guys hit on you, maybe they're just attracted to you personally although may never consider same-sex outside of that context. It happens all of the time and it's not uncommon. Human sexuality isn't binary.

With that being said I think it's easier to understand this subject looking in the context of gender programming that happens from an early age. Women in general are far more free as a rule to explore same sex attractions than men. I always use the example of what I called the "straight hen L-word club" at my work. Basically, it was a group of otherwise straight women that thought the main character on that show was attractive. Otherwise they really didn't think about it in any other context.

Humans are complex creatures. I would just be flattered that you have "straight" guys hit on you. I am female and I have had "gay" men hit on me that were more flamboyant than Richard Simmons would be on ecstasy. I just take it as a compliment as the majority are ones that never considered a female attraction before. Completely contextual attraction is a big compliment.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:50 AM


it seems more about phallic fasination, dirty sex and fantasies than an actual decision on sexuality.


I am pretty sure this is homophobic, your saying that the reason some men like to fool around with other men is because they have "dirty sex" and its all just some deprived sexual fantasy.

dont get me wrong, cheating is wrong, but to say that the reason some men turn is due to some kind of Freudian phallic fantasy is just wrong.....

I wouldn't say that is a homophobic explanation. I think the disconnect here is you saw it as he was describing gay sex in general as being "dirty sex", I don't think that was his intent. And I also think he might be close to understanding it. The way I take what he is saying is that these men are bored sexually, and not necessarily homosexual. The internet is pretty much a porn buffet and a good deal of it is free. In this kind of environment the competition is fierce, and the demand is for more and more creativity. So it is only natural that once taboo situations start coming to the forefront as the most extreme expressions of sexuality. It also probably isn't something exclusive to the male gender, but as men have been taught to not be quite as discreet about their conquests are more likely to be less discreet about pursuing these activities.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:16 AM

I would think that if a gay guy hit on a straight guy then there was probably something about the straight guy that lit up the gay guys gay-dar. That's just a guess ... but it would seem to make sense ....

I've hit on women who turned out to be lesbians. There must be something about them that lit up my radar.
Oh yeah, they were women.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:13 AM
yeah. a real good friend hit on me once. dude knows i'm into wedge. hey how about those guys that say they want to do your mom? or that they did your mom last night? i mean have they ever seen my mom? gross! she's old, used to be a madame after being a prostitute for a while, everybody knows you'd be throwing a hotdog down a highway if you'd hit that. seriously, jello. glad i moved out when i did.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Superhans

Assuming they all have HIV and want EVERY straight guy...

What a narcissist , that's very unattractive to many gay guys and straight women a like.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by jazztrance

I`ve known most NOT all people to have varying degrees of streight/bi/gay/lesbian. Not everyone is 100% hetero in my experience.
But then I don`t normally hang out with what most mainstream people would consider `normal` for society anyways.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

From what I`ve observed from working with more `regular` people is that for the most part men have a tendancy to not really understand other`s mindsets and are more upfront and rather crass in how they conduct themselves. This leads to misunderstandings with their female counterparts and having more in common with their male buddies and therefore hang out together more yet still get horny and end up needing release anyways.
As far as the lesbian side of it seems to be being fed up with strings of bad relationships with men that make women want to seek affection eltswhere with their girlfriends of someone elts that would actually understand them and know what they are going through with dealing with such crass macho men telling them to `git in tha` kitchen an` make mahh sammich B***!`
This is of course just dealing with the small percent of the comunity for which same sex couples is a LEARNED behaviour; but not neciscarily for those who are born with such preferances as there are the same issues with gay/lesbian relationships as with hertero and have tendancies to learn the opposite behaviour in turn as well.
I realise these are just broad generalisations but these are from my own observations.
Hope that answers your question abit.

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