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There Is a New Elephant In the Room

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posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 11:01 AM
Just thought this was something we should be discussing.

There are a series of new free trade agreements which threaten to obliterate the cities of the United States in the same manner we have witnessed in Detroit. Among the worst of these new free trade agreements is the one entitled “Increasing American Jobs Through Greater Exports to Africa Act of 2013 (H.R. 1777).”

If the complete destruction of one American city was not enough, through NAFTA and CAFTA, we should all be concerned that Congress is preparing to pass H.R. 1777. H.R. 1777 is not just another free trade agreement, but this is far worse than NAFTA and CAFTA. This bill takes American taxpayer money to fund industrial infrastructure in many of the 54 African countries in order to make them “factory ready.”

So opening up cheap labor market with NAFTA wasn't enough in just asia and south of our border, now we will have what little is left of "made in America" changed to Made in Africa?

Our congress needs to have a discussion on this with it's people, don't ya think?? Do we support this?

I don't. Leave Africa to Africa. I would not like to see Africa become an industrialized, polluted, continent, which you know it would. That continent is ripe for the taking and destruction, if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Here's the thing. you can leave them to their own devices and face the consequences. Or you can invest in infrastructure and help them get up to speed while ensuring some crazy despot doesn't take over.

50 years ago? I'd support this 100%. today? No, for the exact reason you stated, this isn't about helping Africa, it's about preparing the next wave of outsourcing.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 11:16 AM
Cooperations and politicians don't do things like this unless it is exceedingly good for their pockets, but due to regulations and health concerns they wouldn't be allowed to have the factories in, say, the U.S. they aren't trying to help the African people, they are trying to abuse them. Every time white people have anything to do with that country, it seems like they screw things up even worse than it was before. Africa USED to be a functional place, it is as you see it today, because of us..

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

This stinks of corporate greed and basic run of our gov't processes.
They don't care about Africa! They just want to set up camp before someone else does.
To make sure their greedy little hands get into more oil, water or some other natural resource.
That is the agenda. Not trade.

I got an idea!
How about we use the money and fix OUR infrastructure?
Have you seen our electrical grid lately? Our roads? Our buildings? Parks?
They are underfunded and failing miserably because we desperately need upgrading.
Especially in the northern states.

So yeah let's invest in another continent entirely!
Because that will help us in the long run...

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by havok

How about we use the money and fix OUR infrastructure?

Well that doesn't fit in line with the plan to debase the American public. We have pretty high living standards in the West, and there's a huge disparity between our way of life and that of the rest of the world. If their agenda is to be completed, the western world has to be brought down in line with the rest of the world.

Careful though, I've been informed that expecting the government to spend tax money on social services is socialism, cause you know, it's got social right in the name!

edit on 15-8-2013 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
So opening up cheap labor market with NAFTA wasn't enough in just asia and south of our border, now we will have what little is left of "made in America" changed to Made in Africa?

Say, did you realise you sound like a SOCIALIST? I mean: come on, surely free markets can't be bound to just a continent! Surely we should hail these initiatives, as they will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs! And it will teach the Americans a lesson they still haven't learned yet, despite NAFTA, CAFTA and other dafta.. that they are simply too costly to employ, the Africans can do just as well, maybe even better.

Want to fix it? Then simply offer your capitalistic owners, the ones your State protects, to work for 10 cents per hour, for 12 hours a day and seven days a week, and make sure you underwrite the clause that says that you may be required to do overtime on occasion - free of charge, of course.

Don't you LOVE the free markets..

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:58 PM
Well, I'm guessing this is about the oil. We actually make the urethane used in pipeline pigs. Our company was just visited by a nice gentleman from a country in Africa. (can't remember) The company he works for, has an office in TX. They were learning from the oil companies there, because the oil industry was booming in his. He was very informative.
So, if they are finding more oil, in other countries in Africa, the US is going to do whatever it takes to get their hands on it.

Do I think we should? No. Your right, it destroys business here, and not just in MI. Worth bat learned a very expensive lesson, shipping their bat production to china. And we lost hundreds of thousands in business because of the move.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
Just thought this was something we should be discussing.

There are a series of new free trade agreements which threaten to obliterate the cities of the United States in the same manner we have witnessed in Detroit. Among the worst of these new free trade agreements is the one entitled “Increasing American Jobs Through Greater Exports to Africa Act of 2013 (H.R. 1777).”

If the complete destruction of one American city was not enough, through NAFTA and CAFTA, we should all be concerned that Congress is preparing to pass H.R. 1777. H.R. 1777 is not just another free trade agreement, but this is far worse than NAFTA and CAFTA. This bill takes American taxpayer money to fund industrial infrastructure in many of the 54 African countries in order to make them “factory ready.”

S&F for drawing attention to an important topic. If this isn't a clear sign to the American people of how the evil PTB have used the American tax payer as a "cash cow" to fund projects that benefit THEM (not the tax payer), then there's no hope in ever waking them up.

As far as the PTB (who own the banks, corporations, politicians, judges, federal oversight agencies, the mainstream media, etc.) are concerned we, the taxpaying masses, only exist to serve their interests.

It should be clear that those who have the power to turn this country around, have no intention of doing so.
They're going to turn the US into Detroit.
edit on 15-8-2013 by AuranVector because: to add media

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:35 PM
Could this maybe explain the "ghost" cities China has built in Africa???

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by ForteanOrg

Say, did you realise you sound like a SOCIALIST? I mean: come on, surely free markets can't be bound to just a continent! Surely we should hail these initiatives, as they will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs! And it will teach the Americans a lesson they still haven't learned yet, despite NAFTA, CAFTA and other dafta.. that they are simply too costly to employ, the Africans can do just as well, maybe even better.

Want to fix it? Then simply offer your capitalistic owners, the ones your State protects, to work for 10 cents per hour, for 12 hours a day and seven days a week, and make sure you underwrite the clause that says that you may be required to do overtime on occasion - free of charge, of course.

Don't you LOVE the free markets..

This is not a free market. This is Capitalism perverted through a perverted, corrupt government owned by corporations run by people with the moral boundaries of pirates.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:49 PM


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee

I don't. Leave Africa to Africa. I would not like to see Africa become an industrialized, polluted, continent, which you know it would. That continent is ripe for the taking and destruction, if you ask me.

I think your missing the big picture here. There is already a global power that has moved into Africa and is doing ALL kinds of things. They are called the Chinese. Africa is a huge relatively untapped resource. Because many of the countries are so unstable it is hard for first world countries to justify spending share holder money on a venture that could collapse. China is a Communist state, most of their big Corporations are run by the military. So American companies are competing with the Chinese military. This is not a level playing field. China is doing all sorts of projects all over Africa, it's a power play. A long term power play. China has a space problem, Africa is huge.

Have you ever played the game Civilization? It can be very enlightening.


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Variable

Does anyone think the politicians in the USA are deliberately attempting to destroy america yet? Both dems and repubs?

Are they planning to nuke us? let illegal mexicans/latin americans invade us, to the point of bankruptcy? keep stealing tax dollars until they can leave the country and move to Africa, or Europe, or China? with all of their ill=gotten dollars?

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 10:08 PM
When Obama visited a month ago, the press reporting their economy was quite strong for a change.
If true, maybe this is an effort to get more foothold in exports.
So I think that portion is positive...better us than China.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by havok

They are going to use the money to fix USA - by spending it now on future investments that wont see a return for 10 years.

The US gov works on batches of a few years, they say they are thinking ahead but when results take a decade that a new generation born into the way things are now. They never compensate for the fact things will get generally worse for ten years meaning the projected effects when you get there - are completely wrong and stupid.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Variable
reply to post by SunnyDee

I don't. Leave Africa to Africa. I would not like to see Africa become an industrialized, polluted, continent, which you know it would. That continent is ripe for the taking and destruction, if you ask me.

I think your missing the big picture here. There is already a global power that has moved into Africa and is doing ALL kinds of things. They are called the Chinese. Africa is a huge relatively untapped resource. Because many of the countries are so unstable it is hard for first world countries to justify spending share holder money on a venture that could collapse. China is a Communist state, most of their big Corporations are run by the military. So American companies are competing with the Chinese military. This is not a level playing field. China is doing all sorts of projects all over Africa, it's a power play. A long term power play. China has a space problem, Africa is huge.

Have you ever played the game Civilization? It can be very enlightening.


No, I haven't missed the big picture, just didn't want to make the subject too broad here. But, if you want my big picture opinion, it's still the same as stated...Leave Africa to Africa. Although, in that statement, I do see room for protecting Africa from businesses poachers, and that could mean agreements should be made for or with Africa. I don't know how that would be done, but the thread topic of spreading industrial infrastructure to Africa is not what the right answer.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by Variable

Does anyone think the politicians in the USA are deliberately attempting to destroy america yet? Both dems and repubs?

Are they planning to nuke us? let illegal mexicans/latin americans invade us, to the point of bankruptcy? keep stealing tax dollars until they can leave the country and move to Africa, or Europe, or China? with all of their ill=gotten dollars?

Yes, they are doing that in Europe too, especially UK. 65% of the population is Christian, while 35% is now Muslim. That means only a shift of 15% and Christianity becomes a minority religion. UK has problem with Irish "travellers" trashing up fields. Believe it or not, they have "special rights". Then there are the economic migrants from Romania and Bulgaria. They're known to just break into a home, change the locks, and throw out the owners belongings. When the owner returns, claim someone sold it to them.

They flooded the UK with graduates from China and India. International students were a nice little earner for the universities. That caused a demand for buy-to-let flats and apartments which has priced native first-time buyers out of the market everywhere from Edinburgh to London.

Polish come over as well and they work full-time at hotels in exchange for a free room on the top floor. In the past, local mothers would work part-time. Polish and other nationalities are prepared to rent four to a flat, so a single couple can't compete financially.

But when you look at the religion of those that are in power and are allowing this to happen, you can see that they aren't Muslim or Christian...

I see a race war coming ...

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 03:36 PM
Since the link to the article that the OP's link is based on is no longer available, I thought, perhaps, y'all might want to see the actual proposal

Notice that the first goal is to increase the export of american products to african countries by 200%. This, in theory, will increase jobs in the US.

They are also looking to increase other US businesses in Africa. There's a relatively fair trade-off here. More american products shipped overseas means more american made jobs (in theory) are needed to produce all the extra stuff. The flip side to that is that we will also be increasing our american businesses' presence in africa which, in theory, would involve the hiring of african labor.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee

News like this always amazes me. These people who do this are supposed to be so educated, the best and the brightest. Yet, they can't seem to realize that by taking money away from their customers takes money away from them, then when profits are down they whine and cry. What the hell are they teaching in school these days???

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by stormcell

"Yes, they are doing that in Europe too, especially UK. 65% of the population is Christian, while 35% is now Muslim"

Is that really what you meant to say Stormcell?
While the word "Christian" is occasionally used to denote anyone who isn't an out and out Satanist, you seem to bestow it on anyone who is not Muslim.

Perhaps the reason we have a wide spectrum of faiths in in Britain, is because we have been perpetually "invaded" by "floods" of foreigners since Adam was a lad.
I've travelled to about fifteen countries, and have been made welcome.
Perhaps in Romania more than anywhere else, and in 1969 it was not an easy holiday destination, especially for an Englishman smuggling bibles from Germany to the underground Evangelical Christian Church.

As a direct consequence, I feel it is imperative that I extend a welcome to all who travel to Britain, for any legal purpose -- perhaps also those who are, through hardship and bad luck, here without permission.
The song "Clandestino" by Manu Chao sums up my feelings very well.

The reason I quibble over your statistics is that many Americans seem to have a less than accurate understanding of Britain, (and, of course, vice versa).
However, if that quote represents your true opinion, then we simply differ -- and there's no harm in that.

And if I do differ, I hope I've done it without causing offence.


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