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Mystery "Angel" Arrives to Help at Car Crash and then Disappears

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posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 09:43 AM
Ok, I suppose the priest jokes were inevitable... And the George Zimmerman reference was thrown in for good measure. Haha!

But, joking aside, I think this is a beautiful story. I'm not catholic, but I wonder if the young woman is. If she is, the priest may have been the perfect symbol of spiritual comfort for her in that moment.

Whether that priest was an "angel" or just a regular priest who happened to be at the right place at the right time... Either way I'm glad he was there and I believe he was the answer to a prayer.

Thanks to everyone who posted their own "angel" stories.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:08 AM
Back in 1993 my cousin was in a car accident. She was sitting in the middle of the back seat, with just a lap belt on. They were driving out in the country where visibility was pretty poor, when a sharp turn came that they didn't see, they ran off the road into a drainage ditch. My cousin describes how she felt a presence hold her back onto the seat, which shouldn't have happened with a lap belt on. When everyone got out of the car there was a woman there who asked if they were ok. She said that they were so panicked from the accident that they didn't realize that the woman had disappeared until a little while later. My cousin has been very religious from a young age, and has never been one for story telling.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by VegHead

Star and Flag for a good story, I say story because I have no personal proof that this happened. With that said, it doesn't mean that I do not think it happened.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by alfa1

In 1978 my brother who was 15 at the time had an insatiable desire to tinker and work on cars. One day he was working on a 1970 Cadillac, a car I think we can all agree was a BIG car. The car was parked in the driveway of our home and he was underneath it doing something when the jack slipped and the car fell on top of him.

We heard his screams and ran outside to find him literally being crushed by this car. My father single handedly picked the car up and not only did he pick the car up but he moved it 3 feet over so that we could free him from it.

No, I don't have video evidence of this, it was in 1978 and we weren't all walking around with camera phones. No I don't have photographs of this, it was 1978 and we weren't concerned with photographing ever tragedy that we bore witness to, our main concern in that era was to join in and rescue the person in need.

I also do not have written eye witness accounts to this either, however my brothers, mother and the EMT who came after the fact will always remember the day my father picked up and moved a 1970 Cadillac.

It is amazing what a human being is capable of doing in times of great stress, I know for a fact a person is capable of picking up and moving a car with their bare hands when a persons life is at stake. I saw it with my own eyes and I will never forgot the day my dad picked up and moved a car with his bare was his finest moment.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Kody27
reply to post by VegHead

He disappeared because the victim was a woman and he had to pursue his search for little boys. The anointing oil is just an excuse for lube.

ooh! bitter and scathing!

santa, be gone!

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by VegHead

I was thinking just last night about a story where a young boy lifted a car off of his father saving his life. Instances like that are explained away as "adrenaline' but your bones are only so thick and your muscle is only so strong, what if there are beings who for some reason do not want these particular persons to die at that time and they are the ones lifting the vehicles.

exactly, as a former power lifter i can assure you that a boy's muscular system and his nerve system would never be able to handle lifting a 2000lb car, not today, not tomorrow and not the next day, without aid of some sort.

the force on his tendons alone would have shredded everyone of them involved in the lift. adrenaline doesn't make the body parts stronger, so even if it was adrenaline the boy would have had massive skeletal injuries alone, after the lift.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by VegHead

Well it does not matter if you are a catholic or not a priest (the real one's and all faithful real Christians are such) is simply a man whom has given his life to god, this being was there because he was needed and because this woman had faith and wanted to pray as she must at that time have believed she was going to die and so gave herself into god's hands, though only she really knew what she was praying for maybe for her children or family and those around her, It would not have mattered if he was a catholic or a protestant but simply that he was sent as he was there for that task.
Thank you for this thread and a S+F as it is beautiful and you may have saved someone's faith.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:54 PM
So let me get this straight. God decides to send an angel for divine intervention for someone driving an expensive Mercedes but doesn't get involved in the plight for millions of starving kids and those who are poor or have terminal illnesses. Ok.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by Char-Lee
I was thinking just last night about a story where a young boy lifted a car off of his father saving his life.

Could you provide a pointer to that story? The usual legend is of a mother lifting a car off a young child.
But in either case I've always had trouble finding any evidence that an actual event, as described, has ever occurred.

Hi there was a recent one that we heard on the news I don't have time atm to find a particular or read these but here are some quick finds.

lifted 3,000 lb tractor!

bunch of cases here

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by UnBreakable
So let me get this straight. God decides to send an angel for divine intervention for someone driving an expensive Mercedes but doesn't get involved in the plight for millions of starving kids and those who are poor or have terminal illnesses. Ok.

Maybe there is a reason..........

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by UnBreakable
So let me get this straight. God decides to send an angel for divine intervention for someone driving an expensive Mercedes but doesn't get involved in the plight for millions of starving kids and those who are poor or have terminal illnesses. Ok.

Maybe there is a reason..........

Maybe the reason is there are no angels............... or God for that matter.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by UnBreakable

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by UnBreakable
So let me get this straight. God decides to send an angel for divine intervention for someone driving an expensive Mercedes but doesn't get involved in the plight for millions of starving kids and those who are poor or have terminal illnesses. Ok.

Maybe there is a reason..........

Maybe the reason is there are no angels............... or God for that matter.

Could be,but if there were it is highly possible we don't know what is going on and we have nothing to form any realistic opinions on about the whys. Why him and not her why now etc.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Mugen

This video, which looks slick, but ridiculous, is probably a viral promo for some Pacific Rim version of an X-Men flick. It reminds me of some family lore from a close friend.

The story goes their family, mom, dad, 3 little girls, were driving late night through an intersection and a car came blasting through the red light right at them, and they braced for destruction and death ...and the next instant they were across the intersection a hundred feet from where they were and even heard the squeal of brakes and tires as the other car tried to avoid where they had just been.

After the adrenaline went away , they continued on... with a story. The father spent time trying to work out the physics of the occasion, taking factors like max acceleration for their old Datsun, adrenal perception distortions and the like, and gave up.

Now, they are science based folk who don't believe in fairy tales, but they were at a loss.

Now it seems miraculous things happen, but I'd ask why only rarely? I suppose the answer might be anything, but perhaps there is a narrative to this thing "life" and perhaps there are script editors busily working to keep things going correctly. Maybe some terrible things are "written." I dislike destiny and being a puppet, though, if true, though it absolves one from personal responsibility.

Or the majority of supernatural do-gooders are drunken, lazy angels who only show up sometimes.

But then I've had a weird sense of danger at an intersection, hesitated and a car blew through a stop sign at 70+... so who knows, I don't want to tick off any guardians out there... but why didn't I rate a cool teleportation? Not to be entitled, just asking...

And the OP story is weird... I'd really like to know what goes on behind the scenes of this world as the normal stuff blows my mind.
edit on 8/8/2013 by Baddogma because: brain to fingers misunderstanding

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by chuckAchuck
reply to post by muse7

odd choice of clothing for a priest
yeah, that's what I was wondering, how do they know he was a Catholic priest and not a Muslim or Mormon or a Rabbi or....

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:14 PM
This is REALLY interesting. I myself am a skeptic with religion, but I can't help but see the parallels between this story and another that happened to a girl I knew in high school. Everything is exactly the same, from the overwhelming feeling of calm to the disappearing priest

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 06:35 PM
Many Strange things.

1. Traffic is stopped 2 miles from Accident.
2. Police at blockade point don't mention a Priest, nor one coming to scene. I've worked at accident scenes like this, Police are aware of every person coming around the scene. They would notice someone walking up to scene, especially if there wasn't many people around at start.
3. Priest shows up at accident Site, not informing any police or paramedics. Again, this isn't normally how things would work, at least at scenes I have been at. Nobody gets close to a scene who the authorities aren't aware of.
4. No one sees Priest till accident victim asks for someone to pray with her.
5. No one recognises Priest from the 4 local towns. Only one Catholic Church in area.
6. Priest has anointing oil on him. Not something priest routinely carry with them all the time. This I go back to my altar boy days as reference.
7. Over 90 photos at scene, none show Priest.
8. Priest leaves without talking to officials at scene or anyone seeing him leave. Again, highly irregular for an accident scene.

All in all, a lot of "strange" things to say the least.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 07:55 PM
This is a fascinating story and should attract more attention especially with so many witnesses being present. I love reading people's own accounts of similar situations so please keep them coming. There is no harm or physical pain in believing in something you cannot see or touch. Hope, trust, and prayer does not hurt one bit.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Mugen

guy,really, if you don't know it's a fake,then vaya con trying to learn how to draw and take care of two nieces and a nephew,i guess we know what you like spending time in.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by VegHead

I can see it already...Somewhere out there is a homeless guy under a bridge or in a drainage pipe smiling himself to sleep.

Living out here in NYC you meet a lot off eccentric homeless people. I've had bad and good experiences with them, but most of them are friendly people, i've even gotten a cig or two from them late nights outside of bars/clubs.

I just wouldn't go to the extent and say it was an Angel 'Priest' that swooped over and told everyone to "Stay Calm."

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 01:01 AM
Ohhh what a blessing, an angel takes the form of a pedophile, to help some rich people in a glamourous Mercedes, While millions of people suffer every day and 250.000 children die from hunger each year.
It is god's love, enjoy it...

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