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Atheists and false believers the greatest danger for Humanity.

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 05:43 PM

I am One on Earth,the only Angel from Heaven.

'sad face as emoticons cannot express it'
edit on 18-10-2013 by piequal3because14 because: I am One on Earth,the only Angel from Heaven.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

But not all atheists are danger,because many of them although they say they are not belivers, inside their heart is that grain of soul which warm their path in life.

The same with false believers,those who are saying the truly believe but their actions are opposite with their words.

Luckily I don't fall into either of the above categories any more, i used to be what i believed was an atheist until 2 years ago when I began to question things that didn't make sense. I wasn't in anyway looking for God.... but I was amazed when i did, it was so sudden and i can't even find the right words to describe my emotions at the time.

I did read the bible to try and understand God better but I quickly realised that it wasn't a true reflection of the God i'd come to know, religion is designed to control people. I know one guy who is a born again christian and claims to be true to God, but at the same time he display disgust at gay people, he is racist and often ill mannered and impatient. He's constantly preaching Gods word but at every turn he is being a hypocrite.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Minnie1985

Luckily I don't fall into either of the above categories any more, i used to be what i believed was an atheist until 2 years ago when I began to question things that didn't make sense. I wasn't in anyway looking for God.... but I was amazed when i did, it was so sudden and i can't even find the right words to describe my emotions at the time.
Emotion is the best word to describe the feeling of Heaven as can be spread through others as love for the Divine which can unite souls in an unique way,as in me lives the Divine Shudder of Love.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

The greatest danger to Humanity are true Christians who have retrogressed into apostasy and become neither hot nor cold. The Church was elected by God to be the salt (preservative) of the Earth. Where there is a dense nucleus of spiritually matured Christians, there is freedom, prosperity, civility and peace. As my pastor said, "As goes the believer, so goes the nation".

So what happens when the salt loses its saltiness??? It must be removed and replaced with new salt.

This is what the world is witnessing as Amerika spirals out of control. We believers have neutralized ourselves before God by neglecting the Truth, therefore, we will be removed from history (as Christians and as a nation) and be replaced with another nation with a stronger Christian pulse. If its not another nation that will carry the torch in the Church age, then the Church Age will close with the rapture and the 144k will carry the torch for 7 years.

So you cant blame atheists, abortionists, communists, facist, Obama, pagans, Jihadists, Santa Clause, or even Satan. Apostate Christians are to blame. It is our duty to study and live by the Word of God. Instead we chose activism, political polarization, finger pointing and worldly pleasure over the Truth.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

No I am not that person,as I have the username and password,but I am afraid for that person named Laura M E,because it is very dangerous when someone it is obsessed by someone at a level which ,from a psychological standpoint ,obsessed people at that level can do dangerous things.

Or maybe it is a trap.
Certainly it is a trap,in which they have fell .

The truth is that they have sent a "puppet on a string",from the beginning to destroy my name

And because they didn't find the way as that "puppet on a string"tried all tricks in the book including in my inbox,they try to associate me with that person named Laura M E,because in their madness they certainly know something by a person named Laura,which they try to associate with the content of my threads.

Well,they are wrong,because in reality is about a person named F.....,which they cannot associate me with,because they know nothing about,because there is no electronic info connection,as everything it is done in the old fashion way ,without any possibility for them to know.

Well at least they pulled the picture of LME because it is illegal.

Because I never had a facebook account,and never will.

I may have loose some battles ,but in the end I will win the war,as the will of my Father in Heaven.

Each info they think they have about me,will make them lose the war.

And there is nothing they can do about it.

To defeat the Devil forever.


Well I don't know,but certainly my father in Heaven knows,this is why it will happen.


Because I like to dress in white,summer or winter,all time of the year.

Because I am the White Angel from Heaven,who dresses in white,as my pure soul it is.

The White man dressed in White,as it is written in the ancient texts,I have come to defeat the Devil on Earth forever.

As about the puppet on the string,well definitely it has no power,and never will,on contrary it gave me more and power to fulfill what it is written in the books.

Oh and a...I guess the time has come for the sixth sign....

And,bingo,they have they bitten the bite.

edit on 19-10-2013 by piequal3because14 because: And,bingo,they have they bitten the bite.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

Because an atheist doesn't have discernment,to discern between good and evil.

So because I don't believe in a Single Parent who writes books, I am therefore incapable of knowing the difference between good and evil?


Listen, the point is that most people are starting to understand that the fairy tale you've been told in Church isn't at all true.

I won't get into an argument about semantics. However, I will say that Jesus would be ASHAMED of you, to judge a group of people whom you do not know, nor care to learn about.

You've already made up your mind that we must be evil and incapable of love or charity or any kind of positive trait because we do not share the same beliefs you do.

That would make you the one with the problem.


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

So because I don't believe in a Single Parent who writes books, I am therefore incapable of knowing the difference between good and evil?


Listen, the point is that most people are starting to understand that the fairy tale you've been told in Church isn't at all true.

I won't get into an argument about semantics. However, I will say that Jesus would be ASHAMED of you, to judge a group of people whom you do not know, nor care to learn about.

You've already made up your mind that we must be evil and incapable of love or charity or any kind of positive trait because we do not share the same beliefs you do.

I do not believe in Church,as the church today belongs to the Devil.

Today the difference between the good and evil it is so small like a hair,therefore humans cannot distinguish what it is harm and what it is not.

Nope,there are certainly good people among you,only from the beginning some of them , didn't liked me....and never will.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

Today the difference between the good and evil it is so small like a hair,therefore humans cannot distinguish what it is harm and what it is not.

Than how can you, a human, claim to know the difference then? Or even attempt to judge others who don't believe in what you claim to be the devil's work?


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Than how can you, a human, claim to know the difference then? Or even attempt to judge others who don't believe in what you claim to be the devil's work?
Because I know,no sin,and only the one without sin can know the true difference between good and evil.

But we are all kings on Earth,only the queens of our minds are different.

Reality as once use to be,today it has become a reality of the truth,by this understanding that these days what humanity is living in, the true reality of how humanity looks in her true colors driven by the Devil.

Certainly they cannot belive, as this reality,it is lower then the deepest hole, which the human mind can concieve.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Yes this is the greatest danger for Humanity.

Because an atheist doesn't have discernment,to discern between good and evil.

In the true sense of the word.For an atheist, humans are just numbers calculated in "too many".

So for him(her) disposing of a human being and indifference is a daily Status Quo.

Like they do not care about if someone dying on the street.

This is why they have false feelings and they are blind because they can see life only from today and not tomorrow.

Of course they behave with animals more gently and kind than with humans.

But not all atheists are danger,because many of them although they say they are not belivers, inside their heart is that grain of soul which warm their path in life.

The same with false believers,those who are saying the truly believe but their actions are opposite with their words.

This category also it is very dangerous and they are so many as numbers.

So,in which category you fall?

Are you trolling? .. I'm a long time atheist ( I prefer agnostic these days ), I volunteer'd for united cerebral palsy on the phones, I've volunteered at homeless shelters preparing and distributing meals, I work for the humane society and the special wish foundation when I can.. I think it's incredibly important to give to your fellow man.. You don't have to be religious to have morals or emotion, to care is a human condition.

This post is one of the worst things I've seen .. such righteous indignation
edit on 10/19/2013 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 03:36 PM
Sums it up..

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by miniatus

Are you trolling? .. I'm a long time atheist ( I prefer agnostic these days ), I volunteer'd for united cerebral palsy on the phones, I've volunteered at homeless shelters preparing and distributing meals, I work for the humane society and the special wish foundation when I can.. I think it's incredibly important to give to your fellow man.. You don't have to be religious to have morals or emotion, to care is a human condition.

It is a certain angle, on which widening the evil can scan from "good" to bad ,but the essence can remain ,when it will draw the line.

One can make one thousand good deeds but the evil essence can remain,because we may never know that evil fact which can make the difference.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 03:58 PM
Fifteen years ago,a title like "All Americans are Hitlers" was inconceivable and incomprehensible,as for me it is the same today.

But for many it has become something to believe in,which prove that we are walking on an Earth of blind's....with the eyes open,where the truth cannot be seen.

Because the human life and mind has become dependant of the material world which has lost her,and made it blind.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14


You are a human being, therefore born into SIN. You the judgmental one, are sinning right now.

Do you mean to tell me that you aren't human? Is this what you are getting at?


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 04:57 PM

reply to post by piequal3because14


You are a human being, therefore born into SIN. You the judgmental one, are sinning right now.

Do you mean to tell me that you aren't human? Is this what you are getting at?

In a box made of pure crystal,beautifully carved,it's a pure heart made of diamond,older than the time.

It is my heart.

I was born from Love,with Love.

I know no sin.

In my human body I am not Human,I am an Angel,as I am without sin.

Thisfor,in me lives the Holy Spirit.

Each time I want to speak with my Father in Heaven,I can feel the Shudder of Divine Love through the Holly Spirit.

I can command to Heaven,since I was a child,to the clouds, to the weather,to everything that it is without sin as I am.

No creature on Earth cannot refuse to obey me ,except Humans,which obey to the Devil.

And now I am tired,I will answer next day to questions,if any.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:20 PM
It is good to see that your hate has lost you,as you were lost in the past many times,only now you are lost for good.

And there it is nothing you can do,because it is my duty to destroy the Devil.

Sorry,but for you future does not exist only suffering,as my will,as for many future exists.

Your suffering cannot be seen,or can be heard,by my Father in Heaven,ever,because the voice of the evil it's just a scratch for His ears.

As your suffering will be Eternal.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Because an atheist doesn't have discernment,to discern between good and evil.
reply to post by piequal3because14

Actually - atheists rely on their ability to discern - whereas, apparently - some people need to have rules and stuff written down for them so they'll know how to behave


Hopefully - we all have a sense of humor

Your OP was a joke - right?

edit on 10/20/2013 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

Actually - atheists rely on their ability to discern - whereas, apparently - some people need to have rules and stuff written down for them so they'll know how to behave

Certainly you are right,only...those who write the rules doesn't respect them....very often.

They say "I make the rules,so I cannot respect them ,because nothing can happen to me,as the maker of the rules".



I mean they have the necessary hate in their hearts,to abuse the rules they have made.

Especially in the times we are living in.

Because they don't like beauty,therefore they'll do anything to destroy it.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

Actually - atheists rely on their ability to discern - whereas, apparently - some people need to have rules and stuff written down for them so they'll know how to behave

Certainly you are right,only...those who write the rules doesn't respect them....very often.
They say "I make the rules,so I cannot respect them ,because nothing can happen to me,as the maker of the rules". Right?Right. I mean they have the necessary hate in their hearts,to abuse the rules they have made. Especially in the times we are living in. Because they don't like beauty,therefore they'll do anything to destroy it.

Those that write the rules are above them; as in they are writing rules for what they percieve to be their 'inferiors'. They are not subjugant to anything themselves (the breaking of their own rules), just the enforcing of. They in making the rules know the ways around them anyway (bending them). Rule makers are quantitavely EVIL because there is an attempt to control those that the rules are imposed upon, inferiors needing to be kept in line. Taxation is a big one; and not even religious in context, whole other story onion peeling session.
edit on 20-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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