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New Beliefs - Changes to my Theology

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posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:23 PM
Any of you who have read my threads will realize that I hold a quasi-fundamentalist Christian view of the scriptures. I say quasi because my theology it not what you might expect, yet I cling to the old rugged cross. Most recently, a few of my views have changed. I wanted to author this thread to outline these small changes so that readers of my threads and comments can note the changes. Many of my threads have been an attempt to clarify my own reasoning of scriptures. A book I am finishing is the result of this journey to find the end of the path. What have I found that has changed in my theology recently? For one, the last four threads. Here is what these last four threads have allowed me to see:

Really, there are three items. I'll start with the longest held beliefs and work my way back.

First, baptism is clear to me now. It is the concept we have from antiquity called Involution and Evolution. The majority of the threads I have ever authored reflect this belief, although it was on ATS that I first discovered this possibility of the meaning behind being born again.

Second, and more recently, I have discovered that Adam is the Kinsman Redeemer of mankind as the Son of God in the Bible. There were many threads in the past where I could see the connection to the Lord (YHVH). From the proto-Canaanite, YHVH is short for Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail. I formally thought the Lord might be the higher nature of Adam, and in a way, this is correct. By identifying Adam as the first and last Adam and now knowing his identity as the Son of God, I can clearly see who the Lord of the Old Testament is. His name points to the Son and is not an identification for who He is. My recent threads clued me into His identity in the Trinity and it is not the Son, although, ultimately, the Trinity IS God in fullness.

The last change to my theology is to now see the Lord as what He represents. A few of my most recent threads identify Him, again, as the Son being raised by God. This is incorrect. He is the Father raising the Son as His Shepherd. Why so you ask?

The Father above is Aleph Bet. We know this as the Alphabet of letters comprising the Hebrew language. Mother is Aleph Mem (Waters of Baptism and the Material World). Son is Bet Nun, or the House of the Seed. Adam is that house of seed and the last Adam is Christ. This pattern in all of nature happens in threes and allows the identification of the Lord by comparison. This is how I could identify the Lord. Look at this by the Trinity.

Father above is Lord below. Just as man is involved with baptism, the Father participates, but is not under a veil.

Mother (Holy Spirit) above is Mater / Matter below. She is the womb holding the offspring. She is the water of baptism and the one carrying us to term so to speak. We are here to be refined so we can be born into the Kingdom of God.

Son is (Son of God) and the creator of the Cosmos. Within Adam is held all of Humanity. Adam was created by the Son of God according to Luke 3. We see this in the Genesis 1 Creation story as Elohim (Godhead and Trinity). When it says, "Let US make man," it is referring to Father and Mother creating with the Son. Son is the creation, holding the seeds of all of creation. Genesis 2 is the Lord creating the material garden of Eden to separate male and female Adam into parts. From this image of the Father/Mother, we get humanity, the image of God in Adam. Genesis 1 indicates that mankind was both male and female, which the Gnostic texts and the Midrash show as Adam, holding all of humanity. The Lord is the Shepherd of the Son until the Son becomes the Lord of humanity in the first century. This happens when the Mother (Holy Spirit) comes forward during the Day of the Lord, 2000 years after the Cross. We see this in the ages of creation.

Adam to Abraham is the Age of the Father. 2000 years.
Issac to the Jesus is the Age of the Son. 2000 years.
Christ to this day is the Age of the Holy Spirit. 2000 years.

At the end of each age, a character emerges to our view. Next to emerge should be the Mother. The Day of the Lord engages as mankind is baptized by Fire and Spirit. Here is where baptism of the church is important. If we have the Holy Spirit already, then water puts out fire.

Anyway, there is a great deal more I could say to back this up, but I wanted to clear out the attic a bit and clarify my position and reasoning. Feel free to debate the points. These are recent changes to my own view and are reflected in the book I am finishing. Debate might be helpful as I end my work writing.

Thank you all for assisting me in this over the last few years.

edit on 28-7-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 11:39 PM
Hello friend. A point please? Don't you think you over-analyze? All this explanatory research you posted here (thank you, I learned a bit) seems to be you trying to convince yourself (not really us) of all this "change". I do see your points and am impressed with your research, facts and information.

But, I propose to you that perhaps you don't really need convincing, nor any agreement nor permission from us by you trying to convince us of the validity of your statements. It appears at least to me, you may be trying to reaffirm it all by putting it down in print. At least, it seems that way to me.

But, I do detect and admirably appreciate your sincerity, honesty, perseverance and dedication to your personal theology. That's impressive. Thank you.


posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I've followed your threads.

I'm still confused.

But thanks again for leaving me with that cloudy puzzled feeling. I still have trouble following books that have so many variations, have such a hazy past and had such brutal methods used to ensure its enforcement around the world as THE mainstream religion, while eliminating any text that raised questions of its validity. I can't give my mind, soul, and heart, to something like that.

Your dedication to this topic is boundless. For that I respect you wholeheartedly.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:32 AM
This years Oldsmobile - even better than last years'...what was wrong with last years?

...nice to see progression in thought, the subtle shift...I'm wondering whether some of the amended concepts won't end up looking completely different...the modern Ford really bears no resemblance to the original...

Well done though, glad to hear it...


posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 12:26 PM
If you do a quick review of Creation Stories, you find many stories that are obviously empty. With the Bible, we have the Aleph Bet (Father) and the Son of God (Word). Aleph bet is where we get the word alphabet. What do we use to write the word? In Hebrew, the Son is Bet Nun. Bet is house and Nun is seed. What do we know about the letters of DNA? From the very start, we see something that peeks our interest. From this, we simply need the Mother. Mother is Aleph Mem. Mem is water and Aleph is Strong. The Strong Waters are Hydrogen and our entire reality engages at the first element. Again, we are intrigued beyond any other creation myth. What is the word truth? Aleph Mem Tav. Aleph is Strong. Mem is water. Tav is two crossed sticks as a pictograph. It means to mark. Christ said he was the first and last. Mother is Baptism and our immersion into the waters. Tav is the Cross and last letter of the alphabet. The Strong Waters that Save make the world Truth. Take away Aleph (God / Strength) and you get Mem Tav (Death). Again, it is simple, yet vastly profound in its complexity.

If you simply dwell on these four Hebrew letters, I have shown you nearly all of creation. Hydrogen has one proton (+) and one electron (-) in balance. If Aleph Bet is the Strong House, then our strong nuclear force starts when the Neutron takes in the Proton to manage the Electron. Again, I have just shown you free will and good and evil from the obvious connection to the a simple few letters. Imagine how complicated the whole thing is if you could see the entire blueprint from the first five books of the Bible.

If it were simple, it could not be from a Creator God and would not make sense. Only one of the Creation stories on that list can be backed up with this level of complexity. Again, would we expect anything less from the Creator of the universe. I am glad it is complicated.

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I've followed your threads.

I'm still confused.

But thanks again for leaving me with that cloudy puzzled feeling. I still have trouble following books that have so many variations, have such a hazy past and had such brutal methods used to ensure its enforcement around the world as THE mainstream religion, while eliminating any text that raised questions of its validity. I can't give my mind, soul, and heart, to something like that.

Your dedication to this topic is boundless. For that I respect you wholeheartedly.

edit on 29-7-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 12:35 PM
I need no convincing. My intent is to ensure that all contradiction and paradox is eliminated. We achieve this by taking lower axioms and unifying them to higher axioms. All of our present day theological axioms have contradiction. I believe that contradiction can be resolved by knowing the truth. Once this is found, the truth is simple. Just like seeing the word Father in Hebrew as Aleph Bet. Simplicity then recognizes that Alphabet represents the Father (Strong House) of the Word. DNA is that word. Again, it is profoundly simple. The Son of God (Bet Nun) is the House of the Seed. Christ is called the Word. Our sense of denial has little defense against this level of truth. It goes on and on and on and on. We cannot deny it with any amount of credibility when it is presented in root position. My book is an attempt to explain it in simplest terms and leave nothing in question. Once you see it this way, there is little our mind can do other than see the profundity in what we examine. We are dumbfounded.

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
Hello friend. A point please? Don't you think you over-analyze? All this explanatory research you posted here (thank you, I learned a bit) seems to be you trying to convince yourself (not really us) of all this "change". I do see your points and am impressed with your research, facts and information.

But, I propose to you that perhaps you don't really need convincing, nor any agreement nor permission from us by you trying to convince us of the validity of your statements. It appears at least to me, you may be trying to reaffirm it all by putting it down in print. At least, it seems that way to me.

But, I do detect and admirably appreciate your sincerity, honesty, perseverance and dedication to your personal theology. That's impressive. Thank you.


posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:11 PM
I couldn't follow much of what you posted. But I'm glad to see that you are thinking deeply and considering everything. I've found that my own beliefs are fluid with the more I learn ... constantly changing. I don't think any of us will have the full story of what reality is while we are here on planet earth in these mundane life forms. But .. keep thinking and contemplating and praying ...

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:11 PM
It's good that you aren't stuck in your ways and are willing to change your views on certain things. Many Christians can't say the same, and I commend you for taking that step.

A few suggestions:
1. What if we are already in the Kingdom of God, the universe?

2. What if we have already been born again through baptism?

3. What if baptism represents child-birth, and to receive the HS from baptism is to be conceived in the womb?

4. What if the water of life is the amniotic fluid within the mother's womb, which gives rise to consciousness and life?

5. What if all of humanity is the "Son" or "Adam"?

Hopefully you can consider these possibilities.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Thanks. By your own admission that you need no convincing...youve used faith and found the Source, the Light and God. Your heart has grown by leaps and bounds and no more needs discussion.

I'm glad.That is a wonderful thing....

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 12:46 PM
You're only scratching the surface of the multiple layers and levels of 'code' that have been used to mask the true core teachings of the Bible.

I'll give you a bit of a hand so you can further your research.

This numerology is heavily used in the Bible.


Therefore 666 is actually DARKNESS OF LIFE
And the holy 777 is LIGHT OF LIFE

This is also very handy to successfully decode Daniel and various other books (Which I have done) where they make reference to things such as FOUR HEADED BEAST

In this regard 'Headed' takes it Etymological meaning from 'Charge' of 'the charging of' similar to the context with which it would be used in 'Where are you headed?'

Therefore four headed beast actually means; "The charge of a physical beast"

You need also remember that the various usages of multiple 'differening' words for the same things such as 'Light' references, 'God' references etc in the Bible, was not done by accident.

They actually all refer to very different things, or 'levels' of things. A prime example is WINE, WATER and BLOOD.Which are all used to describe varying levels of 'divine wisdom'.

BLOOD: Universal Wisdom
WATER: Earthly Wisdom
WINE: Wisdom of man

At most stages within the Bible when they want to actually refer to actual water; they will say 'Running water'. In the oldest texts, before such distinctions were translated out of existence.


So BREATH OF LIFE refers to Physical life, SPIRIT OF LIFE, refers to your spiritual life and LIVING SOUL means a creature of this Universe.

Another important one to mention is that SEA or SEAS actually means 'RELIGION/FAITH or RELIGIONS/FAITHS.

So when Moses parted the Seas to SET HIS PEOPLE FREE. It actually means that he tore apart the faith of the Age that proceeded him in order to SET THE PEOPLE FREE FROM THEIR BELIEF IN IT.

The 'Red' aspect of this has links to the definition of 'ADAM' as both have an etymological origin in 'Ruddy'.

So we can then understand that Moses took apart ADAMS FAITH. To set his people free.

Where the Bible then gets REALLY interesting is when you acknowledge the fact that a majority of the NAMES given to people in the Bible don't actually refer to a particular person, but more describe the ROLE of that person within the stories or their characteristics.

By this we can understand that the similarities that appear between MOSES, JESUS and THE WATER-BEARER are because they are pretty much speaking of the exact same events and person, just in a slight different telling of the story.

MOSES: Means "DRAWN OUT OF WATER (Physical world wisdom)"
JESUS: Is the FISHERMAN (from the sea - religion) who then turns MOSES; WATER INTO WINE when he replaces him.
Then again comes the WATER-BEARER. Who again comes to replace Jesus and is even acknowledged to do so within the Bible when Jesus tells his disciples to 'FOLLOW THE MAN BEARING A PICTURE OF WATER (Wisdom). It is also why Jesus stated that 'I WILL BE WITH YOU UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE. As this is a process which repeats in much the same way at the start of every new age, where someone comes along with a unique understanding of the Biblical texts to supplant the older wisdom that came before them.


This is meant to assure the Christians that the man who comes to end Christianity with a new understanding is NOT the Antichrist in the respect that the comfortable fat-cats of the Vatican would have you believe. He comes with Light .

This is the most important (and overlooked) fact within the Bible that clearly shows those with the brains to see it. That the Antichrist and the 'Second-coming' are actually going to be the exact same purpose.

For, if they wish to build a stronger wealth of wisdom for man to draw upon. They first have to remove the wisdom of the old that forms the current religions.

The Vatican knows this VERY well, which is why they intentionally drum up 'THE APOCALYPSE' amongst their belivers, in order to prevent themselves being replaced.

For there are many such as myself who are the 'WATER BEARERS' that they fear so, just by the understanding that have discovered truths and wisdom such as what I have just shared with you.

I have FULLY decoded the Bible. There is MUCH MUCH more, but for most people, the truth is too hard swallow in one large dose.

So if you want to know the whole truth. Let me know and I will work you up towards everything.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 12:57 PM
Also 'LORD" in most context within the Bible means "KING" and refers to a physical man, of flesh and blood. Not a God.

LORD GOD, quite similarly means 'DIVINE KING'.

These are two levels of another multi-layered meaning in the terms they used to mask deeper truth within the texts.

The one doozey of them all is ELOHIM.

This actually refers to a whole RACE of people. What can be translated as 'THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT'. It is a generalization for anyone who has reached a 'DIVINE ENLIGHTENED' state through the core of the GNOSTIC teachings that Divinity is within us all. But it also encompasses any 'Enlightened' belief systems such as those of Buddhism and the Ascended Masters (from who the Bibles teachings are based).

Therefore as I am an Initiate of the Ascended Masters with a degree of enlightenment. This makes me Elohim.

As ENLIGHTENEDONE who is also speaking in this thread has awoken to his I AM consciousness which is a stage of enlightenment;

This means his is also a Child of Light and therefore is Elohim.

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