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Life After Death: A Medium conducts a reading with a Non-Believer (Video)

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posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by kauskau

Hey Kauskau, how are you? i havnt spoken to you for ages.
Il take a look at your vid tomorrow, and draw my own conclusions, im am cynical of mediums though because there seems to be so much cold reading involved. Heck, for giggles i reckon any of us could cold read one of us now and have a certain amount of success.
The optimist in me wants to believe that there is a small group of mediums out there that are genuine. And yet, when i catch people like John Edward and Sally whatshername on tv and there telling those who have lost loved ones exactly what they want to here, i sort of think, even if they are fake? are they doing good here in a weird sort of way, by providing comfort, even it its a load of bull.
edit on 14-7-2013 by thedoctorswife because: typo

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

I see your point, maybe they're doing some good in giving those who've lost loved ones some comfort, and that is a good thing, but that is what family is for. At the end of the day, however, they're capitalizing off of the grief of the unfortunate, and it's despicable.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by oldetimehockey4
reply to post by Darkblade71

You're right, it is only my opinion, but my opinion is one that has been researched as I have struggled with my belief in an afterlife.

Just research cold reading, then look up some of her videos on Youtube. You'll see that cold reading is exactly what she's doing. One of my personal favorites is when she was on the Doctor Oz show, and cold-read a mother who's son was a Navy SEAL killed in Iraq in 2007. (Note the audience size of 150 people..."Any mothers who lost a son unexpectedly?") What are the ODDS??

And that's what she does, makes generalized statements that will ring true most times. One time she was talking to a woman seeking closure from her father passing. She was saying the MOST generalized things, like "he was funny and stubborn." Well, MOST men are...

Thanks for the honest answer

Do you think she always cold reads?
Or do you think it is some yes and some no?

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by oldetimehockey4
reply to post by thedoctorswife

I see your point, maybe they're doing some good in giving those who've lost loved ones some comfort, and that is a good thing, but that is what family is for. At the end of the day, however, they're capitalizing off of the grief of the unfortunate, and it's despicable.

Yeah it totally is. And, off course every one has to make a living, everyone has bills to pay, but the money thing with these mediums has always been a problem with me. They must be making a pretty penny, And i will not for a minute believe they give most of it to charity im too much of a cynic.
No one should get rich off someone elses pain, i bet if i saw John edwards's house it would be nothing like mine.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

I honestly believe she always cold reads. She is VERY good at it and she is attractive, hence the reason, in my opinion, why she has a show. Also, I think having her own show facilitates the opportunity for actors she can "randomly approach." I always thought, there's no way she's just waltzing into these places with a small camera crew without SOME prior questioning from a manager or a "store employee" she approaches. And these people ALWAYS have positive reactions?

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by oldetimehockey4

I can see your point of view.

I wonder if they cut out the ones she misses?
No psychic can be 100%.

Around 80% is about right, but I have never seen her get one wrong.
Good point.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by oldetimehockey4
reply to post by Darkblade71

I honestly believe she always cold reads. She is VERY good at it and she is attractive, hence the reason, in my opinion, why she has a show. Also, I think having her own show facilitates the opportunity for actors she can "randomly approach." I always thought, there's no way she's just waltzing into these places with a small camera crew without SOME prior questioning from a manager or a "store employee" she approaches. And these people ALWAYS have positive reactions?

I love the way us ATS ers think. Our little enquiring minds, We just cant help but dig. Thank god were here.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 08:38 PM
I will give you my own honest opinion, I have not seen her get anything wrong, which does make me wonder how much is edited now that it has been brought to my attention.

I experience spirits myself, so I know it happens,
but I also know I can be wrong and have been wrong, and I am open about it.
I am also open about cold reading as a true psychic will take ALL information in,
including body language.
My sub-conscious picks it up and it comes out consciously.
But there is more than just body language,there are images as well as feelings and sometimes (EEK!) voices.

I am open to all of it and not afraid to discuss any of it.
After all, this is ATS, where we deny ignorance, and share truth as we see it, and that is how I see it.
if something is just a cold reading, then there are no specifics or verifiers.
A good psychic/medium will be able to give you a verification of some sort that no one but you and the deceased would know. The spirit world demands a verification of some sort, or a person could be a fraud.
Body language cannot give that information away only spirit can.

There are believers, and non believers, and skeptics, and cynics, crazies and frauds, lairs and truthers, and the real deals.

It is up to each of us to decide where we are in this respect,
whether we chose to judge or believe another,
and to deny even our own ignorance when we see it.
Because really, in matters of spirit, we are all ignorant to some degree.
No one knows for certain until they die, and even then, they don't know.


posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Thank you for your openness, it's very much appreciated.

I can understand receiving images, voices, and feelings as a true psychic/medium. But why the need for cold reading if a person is truly a medium? To me, cold reading reeks of deception. Please believe me, I would LOVE to find or see proof of a real-deal medium, but to me it would be VERY hard to believe unless it was me seeing the medium, because with TV, there's always room for deception.

I said in another thread on ghosts that I would even welcome a haunting (I rent hahaha), because then I'd know for sure there is some sort of afterlife. I was raised Roman Catholic, so I've been very much exposed to the teachings of the Bible. For me though, it all seems like a fantasized tale, a sort of feel-good story for those who fear death, myself included, and this is part of the reason I have such a strong opinion on mediums, because I want to believe. Unfortunately, if real-deal mediums do indeed exist, people like Theresa Caputo and John Edwards give them a VERY bad name.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by oldetimehockey4

The easy answer to that is blindfold one and see what they get.

And on that note, I gotta let my wife have the computer.

Hope you all have a great evening!

(As to body language, I am hyper vigilant so I cannot help it myself,my mind automatically does it, but would use a blindfold if someone asked me to. )
edit on 14-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

UnifiedSerenity man your experience is so close to mine I can't stand I cant private message you to talk about it. But with out any question if you know how to open yourself and listen some one talks. I don't agree about seeing the future though. First three vivid dreams that all came true within mostly 12 hours after waking takes away all questions if something else is out there, and was earth shattering to me. After awhile it gets to be not as big of a deal.

My questions on that Theresa tv pshycic is how Christianity would ever accept her. Just like previous poster have stated she is talking to dead which kj bible for sure says is a no. One of my main reasons/hesitations for not looking in to my own experiences more.

Any way first post on ATS wooooo. Nice to meet everyone!

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

They're not interested in accuracy, they are interested in putting on a good show. They're looking for money not results.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

In regards to a blindfold, it would help a skeptic in believing the medium was not using any visual cues to gather information, but does a true medium require the person to be directly in their vicinity? Why would distance matter? A blindfold would take away sight, as would great distance from the person being "read," so could a true medium know things about a person hundreds of miles away? What correlation does distance have in the ability to "read" someone?

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by DAVID64
If I have to believe in it before it will work, it's not a true power, now is it?

There are so many variables involved with psychics and paranormal phenomena, that just because it doesn't "work" every single time doesn't mean it never works.

It's the same kind of thing with many people you would consider reliable and trustworthy. Like a doctor for instance. A medical doctor can't heal every single sick person he sees. So does that mean he will never heal anyone?

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 02:06 AM
Okay I watched the video and was NOT impressed at all.

The "tell" that this medium is fake is that they heavily rely on looking at the person's reactions and refine things from there. Cover the persons face and put earplugs in the medium and they will just recite that most generic stuff that applies to most everyone. If he is a medium he should not have to ask questions...period, but merely tell the subject things. The fact that the subject has a strong reaction to his friends recent death makes this an easy hit. If you listen the medium really knows nothing until he sees the subjects reactions and then the medium refines things from there.

It's like reading the astrology column in the newspaper with these fake mediums. People see what they want in what they say.

There have been some mediums that used items from a person's belongings to find the killer and see through their eyes and had success, but this guy is your generic medium hack/fraud preying on people's sorrows for money.
edit on 15-7-2013 by thepixelpusher because: typo, grammar

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by thepixelpusher

you mast have seen another video..
what he said could not have been found out with guessing....

(pickles, meathead etc)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by oldetimehockey4

From everything I have experienced and seen and witnessed, there just has to be a connection to the person who the medium is going to read and a spirit wanting to pass on information,and it could even be a future connection as spirits will come to a medium well before a reading sometimes. In fact, the person doesn't even have to know it is going to happen, as in someone working with the police department.

It depends on the spirit really. If it wants to let someone know something, it can do it on it's own, much like a haunting, no medium needed, and in fact, people could learn to do it for themselves instead of going to a medium.

It isn't nearly as difficult to do as some people think. An open awareness is really all it takes, and a spirit who wants to pass on information. It has been turned into something it is not by Hollywood and mediums who want people to think it is something they cannot do for themselves. It is easier if you have experienced ghosts or ESP in the past, because then there is no doubt clouding your mind, and you know it can happen so you are much more open to the experience than someone who has never ever experienced it before. A lot of cynics are this way, having never experienced it, which is understandable, or they did at one point and got burned by a fraud.

Distance is not a factor, IMO. As I myself have experienced a lot online. Just a few weeks ago I tried opening a connection to someone and saw somebody, and found out later that day, that it was for me (well more specifically for my cousin as there was a death a few days before hand I knew nothing about until later that day), and not for them.

It is a weird thing, esp and spirits, there does not seem to be any sort of logic to some of it, although I am still trying to find some logic to it. Some day maybe I will figure it out. I see these mediums who do these shows, even worked for one, and have known a few others over the years but never have been able to do it like they do.

I mainly stick with Tarot personally.

edit on 15-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:36 AM
These days it has become alot more easy to claim to be a psychic, there are so much information on peoples facebook, google, ect.. This person could have googled the hell out of this guy. Keep that possibility in your minds.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by kauskau

Same sort of flim-flam stuff: ask leading questions and then follow the answers and non-verbal clues to where it leads.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by NavyDoc

you didnt see the video..

or otherwise you must be blind.

i give u a hint: pickles!

IMPOSSIBLE to guess that someone was addicted to pickles..without naming (before that) the 9999999999999999 other substances that people are normally addicted to..


edit on 15-7-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

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