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Horse Slaughterhouse Approved by USDA to Produce Meat for Human Consumption

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:11 PM
Hi peeps..

Found this article today. And being an avid animal lover and vegetarian. I think this is horrible. Horses are one of my favourite animals. They are incredibly therapeutic beings to hang out with. I do not have a problem with people eating meat. It is their choice. And many people in the West never dream of eating horse, dog or cat but it is how it is in many cultures. I think it is quite hypocritical when people eat meat but say its wrong to eat dogs...

Anyway this caught my attention because of the fact that this horse meat will not be sold in the US as horse meat. As the horse meat is not meant to be legally sold. The USDA has decided that to bypass that law with a slaughterhouse in Roswell which will kill the horses ship the meat to Mexico have it re-labelled and then resold back to the US not as horse meat. But as a meat filler..... WTF?

Who knows what that stuff is going to be pumped with. I feel for the many horses that will die...

In a horrific turn of events, information leaked out on Saturday that the USDA has approved the Valley Meat Company slaughterhouse in Roswell, NM, to kill horses in order to produce meat for human consumption; additional horse slaughterhouses in Missouri and Iowa are expected to be approved.

Under the George W. Bush administration this devastating practice was banned; the Obama administration has allowed it to return. In fact, Obama has made yet another one of his many "flip flop" empty campaign promises as he had assured the Humane Society that this ban would remain in place.

While horse meat is not supposed to able to be legally sold in the U.S., there is no law prohibiting it from being shipped to Mexico, re-labeled, and then shipped back to the U.S. for use as a meat filler.

Well I am wondering how peeps over in the US are feeling about this. What say you ATS...


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by fluff007

I think they have already been feeding people horse and other "meat" in fast foods for sure without anyone knowing and without oversight of the process. So it changes little except at least this will be out in the open.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:14 PM
That's disgusting. They can count me out of eating horse meat.

I can understand if they put it in something like Taco Bell or similar 'food'.

People that frequent Taco Bell already don't care about what they eat.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:21 PM
Sounds like they are horsing around with the laws governing our meat.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by fluff007

You must be the last man on the deal team. A slaughterhouse for horses was reopened in Missouri last year. These animals (the dumbest I have ever seen other than those who own them) have been turned loose in the midwest because the horse "lovers" you refer to cannot afford to feed them. We have a horsebuyer here in Iowa who buys these animals for a few hundred bucks and hauls them to the slaughterhouse in Missouri.

If you check the menu in Japan, you will find that the Japanese is the largest importer of American Horse Meat, there it is considered a delicacy. How do I know, my son works for NTT and travels to Japan frequently, and when he takes friends out, it is on the menu.

Now if we can just get someone to slaughter Emu's which were turned lose in North Missouri. John

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:28 PM
I would try it.

I'm sure it tastes good.

My dad says it tastes good.

The French eat it.

edit on 30-6-2013 by Frankenchrist because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:28 PM
I am an animal lover, too. But the fact of the matter is, they are food. Not everyone prefers meat. But it is our food. We ARE human. And there are many human traits that are obnoxious. Meat eating would likely be well behind bowels moving, to be honest.

The thing is, vegetarianism is typically put forth with more than a little condescension. Why? Is ending the life of a plant (which happens frequently with many plants that are eaten) any less atrocious than ending the life of an animal? Is it because a horse is more cuddly than a head of lettuce?

The science is clear: just about all animals are conscious. And it seems that so are plants.

Any feelings of superiority in this regard are nothing more than pure ego. We are humans. We have food. Food is food, and it all requires something to die.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:29 PM
Meat is meat. If I'm hungry I'm going to eat it.

I may not be a big fan of goat or pigeon, but I would eat it if hungry enough. If they sold horse steaks at the grocery store I would give it a shot.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Goat? Oh my God....i love me some goat. Cooked underground, whole, all day long.

A goat bbq is a local hispanic tradition.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:03 PM
Horse meat is pretty close to beef in taste and its not uncommon to have horse meat in salamis in Europe.

Anyway when horse meats are in market, its better to have a proof that this meat is ok to eat and those horses are not been fed with medicines which doesnt go away easily from their systems. Meat which comes to consumable for humans are inteed proofed and tested by laboratories and do not come from "black market".

the problem with horse meat is when its not stated in products incredients then you dont know what kind of horse meat is used or isnt even healthy. There were a Scandal in Europe when Ikea´s meatballs had horse meat in them and was not stated in incredients. Horses what Ikea´s manufacturer used to those meatballs came from Romania and was not tested to be appropiate for human consumption.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:09 PM

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:12 PM
Who are we to tell other people what animals they can and can not eat?? ARE WE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE FREE? Lest, were not free to eat a stinking horse???? Incredible!

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by fluff007

(Horse Slaughterhouse Approved by USDA to Produce Meat for Human Consumption); you can count me out on this! I don't eat meat; to me horses have always been pets. I think this news is very sad...and I intensely dislike this decision...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:18 PM
My rule of thumb for eating animals: I won't anything that is too intelligent or too cute.

(Pigs are an exception...smarter than cats but why must they be so delicious?!)

Mayhaps that is still hypocritical, but eh. I embrace my nature as an omnivore, and that one day we humans may not be at the top of the food chain.

As for horses, I don't think they would taste very good. Probably gamey like deer. I've never been around horses, so at least I don't feel so attached, but I still don't think I'd like to eat one.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:19 PM
I've had horse while overseas. Didn't know what it was till later. Tasted fine to me.

Now that stuff the guy cut off the meat stick in Algiers.... THAT was kinda scary!

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:22 PM
To 1 the exposure from more mass exposure of this meat can cause alteration to the populations as the population that yes may have been exposed to parts of the exposures to this meat will now possibly consume more and so alterations as the human body changes to intake process and eliminate a new kind of flesh material in mass...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:25 PM
alterations related to
immune system upgrade or degrade
first generation unnoticed strength or lack of as bodies try to mass ingest new meat material..

Like for example decades eating say beef in fast foods now switched to horses yes outta box but its the example of how if in mass ingesting occurs changes to generations shall occur.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:25 PM
Sad, angry, sorry to hear that the current administration gave the go ahead. Still against it, still am fighting against it as I was in the past. In the US horses are traditionally seen and treated as pets. You want to argue that it's alright that they are food anyway? The ones who are backing, the slaughterhouses,... need to show that they are more humane in practices. As well holding accountable the racehorse industry and 'backyard' breeding to sell as pets but the horses end up in auction need to stop supplying the slaughter.
edit on 30-6-2013 by dreamingawake because: sp

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by fluff007
My, my- how history repeats itself. Horse slaughter houses and eating horse meat is nothing new in America. During the Depression many ate horse meat as it was the only meat they could afford to occasionally buy, or because when a horse died finances were too tight to let good meat go to waste. It is only during extremely prosperous times that we learn to "turn up our noses" at foods. As our economy declines and our money has less and less purchasing power I expect to see an uprise in the consumption of horse meat.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:25 PM
I don't mind as long as it's labeled "equine" or "horse" not just "meat filler". Labeling is important. This for sheep, goats, rabbits, and any other meat. I don't care if it's rendered animals from the shelters, tell me where it's from so I can be informed enough to be responsible for the consent should I decide to eat it; don't reduce it down to it's most scientific-sounding name, like stearic acid or glycerine. At least give people the respect of not being lied to. No soylent green surprises, or soylent neigh in this case.

Now it makes sense, that different flavor in the fast food. Too bad it's horses and not mules or donkeys, adding authentic flavor to the burrito in the fast food menus. Still when I get the beef taco, I expect beef, not horse. Deceptive labeling is a crime.

Roswell New Mexico?! UFO Horse burgers! Off hand, reminds me of the story of the men in Africa who ate something from a downed UFO, made them sick, and then they had special powers. That's not going to happen with the horse meat from Mexico is it? Sounds like it's going into meatloaf at school.

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