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Spy Agency Seeks Criminal Probe Into National Security Agency Leaks

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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:24 AM
It's possible that this investigation is just a cover operation of the kind. It's intended to keep particular evidence from being made public. And it is just the war on information all over again.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:39 AM
I have noticed there is a lot of PR on MSM saying that the NSA is completely unable to gather real data on citizens and that it does not have the power or ability to.

If you look at companies like Google & Facebook and see what types of data & the volumes of data they are acquiring on a daily basis you realize that the NSA can be doing much much more. Big data is not just simple time stamps and numbers, it goes much much deeper into developing extensive profiles for every individual.

The NSA for instance could very easily utilize an algorithm to detect key words in text, email, or even speech via phone. Upon picking up these keywords it can flag a system to the specific individual in which case they can pull almost an unlimited amount of information.

In regards to the phone records only focusing on numbers & time stamps it seems like they are going much further. They could very well be using speech recognition via phone monitoring to pick up key words & then initiate direct recording as well as further access to specific information.

They keep playing dumb for no reason. They have specifically contracted with Amazon for cloud computing, and they can easily have access to Google & Facebook for further system development.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:12 AM
Let's approach this matter in a RATIONAL and MATURED way, not as spoilt brats or be manipulated by the beasts hiding amongst us to sow hatred against those whom had been elected and assigned to protect us and our way of life.

1. Media outlets, internet companies, advertising firms, hackers, etc private enterprises HAD LONG been quietly mining our personal data for personal PRIVATE gain, and YET, no one complained. However, when the govt does it for SOCIAL defence, masses freaked out.

2. During a war, if an officer whispers to the press on the whereabouts or even existance of its supply ships, and the press goes to the circus with it, those vital supply ships will be sunked.

Thus, if the officer a 'whstleblower'- or a traitor?

To the enemies whom would welcome the info inorder to sink those ships to prevent resupply, they will of course scream bloody murder that the officer is a 'legitimate whistleblower', not a traitor as he had only told to the press and not to them. And the enemies will hope there will be more like him.

To the citizens and soldiers whom had been sacrificing effort, time and even lives to fight this war, the officer is an outright traitor, for he had betrayed the nation by leaking CONFIDENTIAL information to others outside his organisation, regardless if it was to the enemies or to the press, for he had sworn an oath to secrecy.

Today, our world fights a war on terrorism. There is no land boundaries, but terrorists of all kinds lived and hide amongst us all within our population. Authorities cannot bomb out every building just because of one there is suspected of being a terrorist enemy combatant, as there are many other innocent lives living there too.

Thus, a much more painstaking effort to weed out the terrorists - EFFECTIVE survelliances, sanctioned by the Judiciary as a necessary means to protect and defend the nation and constitution againsts those whom had sought to use our freedoms and laws against us by hiding in our midst to conduct their atrocities.

3. Journalists need their freedoms, but such freedoms are power and comes with responsibilities to the society and world it serves.

Informants are part of the journalistic landscape, and such sources are that which leads to one being promoted, paid higher, and move up the corporate ladder of the media, which thrives on sensationalism to survive as a biz entity on achieivng profits.

Therefore, journalists DO have a moral obligation on the use of their freedom, and should be ever cautious on the secret national information that they received, and best discussed with the organisation and respected national authorities on the parameters that information be released OBJECTIVELY, if even ever at all, as the impact to society will be huge, not by th news, BUT BY WHAT THE ENEMIES WILL DO WITH SUCH INFORMATION.

4. Spare your pity, thoughts and well wishers to the many whom had served the nation protecting and shielding us all from harm daily with often little or no reward. They know we do not live in Disneyland unlike the many whom are easily fooled and manipulated to hit out at the govts, but offered no credible solutions on how to weed out the criminals hiding in our midst.

But do hang the TRAITOR who had leaked vital national intelligence to the press, who unconscionably went to the circus with it recklessly, creating all kinds of ever expanding fearsome theories of survelliance as each day passes by. and worse, warning the enemies to cover their tracks better so that they can be more effective to kill,hurt and harm MORE innocents around our world.

May that TRAITOR be caught, and the NSA organization tightened up to prevent more leaks. Loose lips sink ships. This had been a wake up call to american intelligence agencies.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:39 AM
It seems that the NSA wants more retaliation by the Whistle blowers, people like sex scandals perhaps they should release every scandal than the corrupted agency is covering up within the crap in White house.Senators have plenty of scandals.

They need to release as many scandals as they can to keep the corruption busy for at least 20 years.

And as for going after the leaks, I spit on anybody working on this Criminal Probe, the only ones here that should be probed is the corruption of the NSA the justice Department and this administration.

They were caught with their pants down and now they want to cover up.

How dare them to prove that we are indeed living in a dictatorship because that is what they are showing this nation has become.

We need to keep raising hell this can not take a different turn when we know who the crocks are and what they are doing.
edit on 9-6-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

We have a corrupted government what part you do not nunderstand, corruption cover their tracts with more laws, so who protect the citizens when corruption and the court are complicit and they make laws and enforce the laws.

You rather live in a dictatorship under a tyrannic government? or a make believe ethiopia where everything is painted as good for you and your family let no forget the nation. I guess you do.

edit on 9-6-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:46 AM
The most dangerous profession in the USA right now ... investigative journalist.
I wonder if the investigative journalists in the USA are starting to feel the same way
that the press felt in Germany when Hitler started to flex his muscles?
Frightening ... the writing is on the wall ... and yet people are lulled back to sleep
by Obama saying 'you have to trust us ... '.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

We have a corrupted government what part you do not nunderstand, corruption cover their tracts with more laws, so who protect the citizens when corruption and the court are complicit and they make laws and enforce the laws.

You rather live in a dictatorship under a tyrannic government? or a make believe ethiopia where everything is painted as good for you and your family let no forget the nation. I guess you do.

edit on 9-6-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

Calm down.

Thanks, but I have no need for you to do the guessing for me. Keep it for yourself, as you seem to prefer to guessing over a wide range of issues, speculatively rather than based on facts and evidences.

In our world, we cannot afford to live on speculations. Bills have to paid, decisions made daily. Speculations are for those who are either free from working or the insane.

And as for your call on claiming that America is a 'corrupted state', 'a dictatorship' and a 'tyranny', I do hope you can provide the evidences and no, please no more guesswork. Lives need to move on, and at the same time, do tell us all that vote had been stripped away from us and count for nothing. This site is ATS, not infowars.


posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 09:40 AM
Well thats rich. I think it would be a better idea to seek a criminal probe into the activities of the NSA regarding this issue. It may well be that the lawyers they have at thier backs have somehow found a way to legalise the use of PRISM on the people of the US without thier permission, but surely the nature of the world wide web means that the NSA are gaining data from the entire globe, in direct contravention of more national laws than I actually have the means to count!?

People might say that this is the price you pay for saftey, for not being afraid to get on a plane or a bus ever again. I say the people that feel like this arent worth pandering to. That attitude makes me SICK, because no matter what remedy the security services come up with, they cannot attack the root cause of that feeling, which is not the threat that might rear its head, not the RDX that might be under the seat of the bus, or the zealot with a box cutter on a flight out of a major city. No... the root cause of that feeling is WEAKNESS, it is a lack of backbone, and inherant lack of fortitude, dignity, self respect and self awareness.

These ignorant worms who would stand up in a crowded room and say " I would sacrifice not just my rights, but yours as well, to protect my miserable, pathetic existence" are no better than the terrorists, organised criminals, and other maladjusted whackjobs that the PRISM system was allegedly created to protect us all from. The US, the UK, the developed, and undeveloped nations of the world, the communisms, the dictatorships... it matters not which of these one resides in, if the methods by which one nation is protected from another, or from terror, are just as evil and wrong as the methods being used to attack it.

Right now, with the outing of this information, the people effected by this PRISM useage, now have an oppertunity to remind thier governments that they do NOT agree to give up thier privacy to ensure the safety of the pathetic morons who are capable of fearing the unknown, who cannot look at a dangerous world and smile, who when faced with danger will curl up in a ball, rather than being damned sure to plunge thier teeth into the jugular of those who threaten them, and take at least one S.O.B down with them, if it truely be thier day to die.

A thousand curses and vile damnations on all of the gutless worms who made this possible. I spit on you all.

For everyone else, shout your fearlessness from the roof tops, scream it in the face of your representatives, beat your drums, make the rythmn of your dignity shake the foundations of your nations capital, make a concerto in honour of your fortitude, played on the instrument of protest, and remind your leaders what thier people stand for, who they are, and what they will and will not tolerate!

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 09:59 AM
Brave rhetorics from the foolish, who thinks himself some superman who alone can disrupt the workings of dedicated criminals, AND who is being used by them to go against those whom had used democratic means to ensure their duty to the nation and its protection is done, as the fool so bravely emotionally speaks but without a thought from the brain, if he ever had one, who spits upon those whom have a brain and pause to think RATIONALLY.

Mankind had LONG sought to find and control the root causes of criminality, and it is multifacted. Brawns alone will not work, and had never worked, as fools believed. To do so would only ensure many more innocent loved ones will die, and stupidly, when there are better ways to tackle those multi faceted problems.

Rationality and intelligence are some, NOT foolish empty brain emotional appeal bravodoes, as the dirty social habit spitter had used.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I see. So you wish to dismiss my thinking as mere bravado. I believe you mistake my passion for freedom as a lack of basic intelligence, and that is fair enough. Not everyone has the capacity to discern the difference. But mark my words carefully, ignore the threat to freedom and privacy that this system represents at your peril. It is no more designed to protect the people, than a nuclear weapon was designed to cure cancer.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

And you still seem to ignore the fact, is millions and millions of Americans been spy on, what that has to do with terroism, this is no a question of ignoring facts this about been rational.

The issue of excessive power can not be denied, hidding behind National security is nothing but hidding the corrupted reasons why this is going on, Private interest written all over

Those that write the laws in this country are pay for by corruption, you can not expect any racional citizen in this country to truts a corrupted system of govenrment that is pay off by interest money to pass those laws.

The crocks protect themselves we the people are losers we have lost control of our for the people and by the people govenrment.

yes is passion I am very passionate about my country if that is a crime, then procecute me.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

True investigative journalists need not fear. This is USA, not Iran, China or Russia.

The 4th estate is a democratic right in free societies and are respected, if they are worthy of such earned right.

In democracies, journalists are free to condemn or praise their leaders only so long as they do have evidences of what they are doing, and fully free to investigate national issues.

Write a scathing piece on the american president, and most journalist gets away with it. Do that in Iran, China or Russia, that journalist will be placed on a rack, if not made to disappear.

However, the line is drawn when National Security issues are involved.

We do not live in disneyland today, as criminals who lived amongst us would want us to believe, and whom had misused every freedom and liberty against us, as well as manipulating us to turn against the govt and each other so that they may have a free rein to continue with their atrocities.

Those news have a major impact upon society, inside and outside, and if such information are not OBJECTIVELY written if need to, it may lead to wild speculative theories that will only lead to the disintegeration of the society in many ways and forms. where the journalist himself lived in along with his loved ones.

Freedom of the press is a power, and with it comes responsibility to others, more so over vital national security issues. What's done is done. May we all learn something positive from such episodes, such as individual responsibilities with the freedom we have.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by burntheships

This is already fascism.

You can no longer claim to live in a democracy when the press is threatened by the state for reporting on the actions of government. This is the final straw that all Americans should be sitting up and paying attention to. If you allow this to happen then you may as well all tear up the constitution right now.

The moment a journalist is arrested you should all be out on the streets in protest.

Forget a revolution over gun control - when the freedom of the press is under attack by the state it's the end of the Constitution and the fascist state is revealed.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
True investigative journalists need not fear. This is USA, not Iran, China or Russia.

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
However, the line is drawn when National Security issues are involved.

You should hang your head in shame.

There are no exceptions to the rule and no political distinctions can be make.
You have just given permission for fascism, Hitler would be extremely proud of you

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:40 AM
Does anyone think all this data will be used by many with access to further their own personal financial gain,or that of their ageny's black budgets?
I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if you can read everyones emails,that includes those sent by big bussiness types concerning shares/takeovers/mergers etc...

This could give certain people in the intelligence community insider knowlege on all manner of financial transactions and details of that nature.

They WILL use that data to make billions IMHO.
All off the record,protected by secrecy laws...

Many will get filthy rich of this no doubt-but hey they may catch a bad guy once in a while...
But,its been going for years-and didn't stop the Boston attack,or the murder of the soldier in London.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Does anyone think all this data will be used by many with access to further their own personal financial gain,or that of their ageny's black budgets?
I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if you can read everyones emails,that includes those sent by big bussiness types concerning shares/takeovers/mergers etc...

Yes, there have been accusations before that China has been constantly attacking US companies for information, but this is proof positive that the NSA has been able to access confidential business information from potentially thousands of companies around the world.

The problem is proving it in some way. Unless a company can prove that the information they sent in emails was used by someone connected to the NSA then it's going to be impossible to know for sure.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013

Since the intercepts happen at the service provider end, its going to be quite hard to figure out which data sets are being effected.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

You are right, this data mining, yes govenrment will want information for their "war on terror" they tell us they need spying for, but when you add millions of millions of Americans you don't need to be a genious to understand the ramifications of what is going on

Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.

Again you are right, it have also no only govenrment intruction but private interest all over it.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Hey Marg-I can't count how many times I have mentioned this on ATS and elsewhere since 911,but again I say:

Does anyone remember after 911 how George Bush and Tony Blair gave a joint speech about how we must not let the terrorists change our way of life by going totalitarian.If we did that the terrorists had won they said.

Then they hit us with a creeping digital gulag/police state program that Stalin would have been proud of...

And does anyone remember a video during Iraq war2.0,when some US soldiers found a cellar in a residential area,filled with analogue(yes)listening equipment?
George Bush actually commented how bad Saddam was for "spying on his own people."

So,by George Bush,and Tony Blairs own standards-the terrorists have now won-except the terrorists may not be who we were told they were...
We have been forced into a totalitarian digital age,by those who claimed they would not do that.
Ever get the feeling you've been had???

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
You should hang your head in shame.

There are no exceptions to the rule and no political distinctions can be make.
You have just given permission for fascism, Hitler would be extremely proud of you

Don't have to worry about my head.

You should start worry about your own. It's empty.

National security issues don't need much brain power to decide when it comes to the 4th estate.

If you had lived during Hitler's time and you are a journalist, he would not only be extremely proud of you, he would be most delighted with american national security secrets you would have freely published under your insane 'no exception' rule.

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