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Mars Rat? 'Creature' Spotted In NASA Curiosity Rover Image

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posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:18 AM
Sorry guys if this has been posted before. The search function didn't show any thread related to this particular one but for a similar looking 'creature' that was not half as good as the images shown below. I haven't the faintest clue whether this particular image has been debunked or not.

Is that a rat... on Mars?!

Yes, according to a theory from one determined man in Japan who recently scoured dozens of NASA photos taken by the space agency's Mars Curiosity rover. A post on UFO Sightings Daily shows the "Mars rat," which appears to be a creature with legs and a tail among rocks on the planet.

The alleged Mars rat should not be confused with a similar sighting first pointed out in December: An image taken by the Curiosity rover at the "Rocknest" site in September shows a rodent-like figure that most closely resembles a squirrel. However, as UFO Sightings Daily notes, that observation may have been staged by NASA as part of an experiment.

While this most recent rodent sighting may be yet another NASA test (or the result of a few perfectly placed rocks), it's most likely not a living creature. After all, this is something NASA would make an announcement about, right?

Earlier this year, the agency revealed that the Curiosity rover uncovered signs that life may have once existed on Mars. NASA scientists cited a rock sample the rover analyzed in February that contained elements necessary for supporting life.

It says, "After all, this is something NASA would make an announcement about, right?" Really?

And here's a rock on Mars resembling a rat that seems to have been carved in stone!! This is one of the projected landing sites for the manned Mars mission. Wonder why this site was selected? Is there more than meets the eye? Rats!

Courtesy: mikesingh

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

I bet its a.....rock.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:30 AM

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 01:00 AM
It's the Ice-Age Squirrel!

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 01:02 AM
There was a thread on this being a lizard about a week ago.
I think it is just a rock too.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 01:06 AM
There was another thread about this, I think another member posted pictures of different angles of the same rock.

Thanks for posting though! Always good to see members keeping an eye on rover images.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Elentarri

It's the Ice-Age Squirrel!

That's a sqrat. (scrat?)

edit on 6/3/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:20 AM
Seems Pareidolia varies person to person , some see a rat others see a Lizard .... Most see a Rock .
MARS: Fossilized Lizard? Large Image

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by gortex
Seems Pareidolia varies person to person , some see a rat others see a Lizard .... Most see a Rock .
MARS: Fossilized Lizard? Large Image

Agreed! But the odds are one in a gazillion to see a rock that has a tail, legs, head and eyes!!

It's probably a conspiracy by NASA. They must have photoshopped the blighter there to see the reaction of us Earthlings!

But yes, it does look like a camouflaged rat or a Chameleon!

edit on 3-6-2013 by ColonelSF because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:33 AM
Whats there to debunk?

It's a rock.
edit on 3-6-2013 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:34 AM
SEARCH wasnt that hard

It's over a year old?
edit on 3-6-2013 by ChuckNasty because: one year too late

Correction, about half a year old.
edit on 3-6-2013 by ChuckNasty because: half a year too late

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX
Sorry guys if this has been posted before. The search function didn't show any thread related to this particular one but for a similar looking 'creature' that was not half as good as the images shown below. I haven't the faintest clue whether this particular image has been debunked or not.

Please, tell me more about your Mars rat which does not require a breathable atmosphere.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by ColonelSF

Agreed! But the odds are one in a gazillion to see a rock that has a tail, legs, head and eyes!!

Not really , I prefer this one .

But it is still just a rock .

reply to post by ChuckNasty

SEARCH wasnt that hard

That's not the one in the OP .

edit on 3-6-2013 by gortex because: Edit to add

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Mars Rat? 'Creature' Spotted In NASA Curiosity Rover Image

Isn't Mars a dead planet ?

How can Life survive in it ?

edit on 3-6-2013 by CosmicQuest because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by CosmicQuest
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Mars Rat? 'Creature' Spotted In NASA Curiosity Rover Image

Isn't Mars a dead planet ?

How can Life survive in it ?

Mars may have the appearance of a dead planet but the chances are it is still geologically active , add this to the discovery of Methane in its atmosphere and there is a chance that life still exists on Mars but under the surface in caves containing liquid water .

"Methane is quickly destroyed in the Martian atmosphere in a variety of ways, so our discovery of substantial plumes of methane in the northern hemisphere of Mars in 2003 indicates some ongoing process is releasing the gas," said Michael Mumma of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "At northern mid-summer, methane is released at a rate comparable to that of the massive hydrocarbon seep at Coal Oil Point in Santa Barbara, Calif." Mumma is lead author of a paper describing this research that will appear in Science Express on Thursday.

Methane, four atoms of hydrogen bound to a carbon atom, is the main component of natural gas on Earth. Astrobiologists are interested in these data because organisms release much of Earth's methane as they digest nutrients. However, other purely geological processes, like oxidation of iron, also release methane.

The boulders, plus earlier evidence that the faults are giving off heat that could be related to volcanic activity, made Gerald Roberts of the University of London and colleagues wonder if the region is still active and quaking. But Mars's boulders can also move when ice vaporises.

To tell the two scenarios apart, Roberts and colleagues compared the distribution of boulders on Mars to the way boulders fell after the 2009 earthquake in moutainous L'Aquila, Italy. In that quake, large boulders stayed close to the epicentre, while some smaller boulders rolled farther away. Vaporising ice, by contrast, should show no special distribution according to boulder size, the researchers say. They found that the size and number of boulders decreased with distance from Cerberus Fossae. "This is consistent with the hypothesis that boulders had been mobilised by ground-shaking, and that the severity of the ground-shaking decreased away from the epicentres of marsquakes," Roberts said in a statement.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by gortex

there is a chance that life still exists on Mars but under the surface in caves containing liquid water

You mean to say life in the form of micro organisms ?

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by CosmicQuest

The probability is that if life still exists on Mars then it would be in the form of microorganisms but as we know from experience on this planet microorganisms can work together to form larger organisms , an example would be snotites found in our own cave systems .

All we can do is speculate but as our knowledge of Mars grows so do the chances that we will discover life in one form or another .

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Elentarri

It's the Ice-Age Squirrel!

That's a sqrat. (scrat?)

edit on 6/3/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Ahhhhh I put that term into google images.

I should be back in about 45 mins...


posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by ChuckNasty
SEARCH wasnt that hard

It's over a year old?
edit on 3-6-2013 by ChuckNasty because: one year too late

Correction, about half a year old.
edit on 3-6-2013 by ChuckNasty because: half a year too late

I'd be willing to bet it's more like 5 million years old in it's current form.

And a lot more as part of a larger more huger and bigger squirrel or sqrat.

ahaha ahh humans.. we're doomed.. dooooommed..

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:38 AM
congratualtion,your the 1 millionth member to post this picture of a rock.granted never heard it called a Rat before tho

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