posted on May, 30 2013 @ 04:27 AM
From a brief search it is clear the MEP named above was present as a member of The Greens–European Free Alliance which is an environmental group.
I found this report on the conference too, which is unfortunately from a private blog with a quite obvious slant and lack of objectivity, but it does
provide some further details.
One thing that does strike me though in my initial search, is that the conference was about geo engineering, not chemtrails. Indeed chermtrails are
not mentioned at all, neither are there any search results whatsoever with the word chemtrails present with either the group or the individual named
above, therefore it patently was NOT a conference 'about chemtrails'.
I share their concerns about geo-engineering, this is genuine, but chemtrails are not real. The sad thing is too man people now have been too
hoodwinked to know the difference.
edit on 30-5-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)