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US "threating" the UK over Possible European Union Exit.

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posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:04 PM
So the EU is now in such disarray that they are leaning on the United States to pressure member states to stay with the sinking ship?

The Obama administration has warned British officials that if the UK leaves Europe it will exclude itself from a US-EU trade and investment partnership potentially worth hundreds of billions of pounds a year, and that it was very unlikely that Washington would make a separate deal with Britain.

Let me share a secret with our UK friends. Obama and his administration doesn't speak for anyone in the USA aside from the handfull of folks who have chosen him to be their opinion setter. In just 3 years, he will be a distant memory in this country and the doors will be flung open for new trade agreements. What I'm saying here is LEAVE THE EU! Support your lawmakers who are trying to abandon that globalist death trap and choose the more favorable option of a couple years of manageable pain and suffering before getting your own feet fully under you over the alternative of being drug down to your economic deaths by the chains tied around your neck, connecting your country to the EU.

Furthermore, the UK's exit from the EU helps the United States immeasurably.

"Having Britain in the EU … is going to strengthen the possibility that we succeed in a very difficult negotiation, as it involves so many different interests and having Britain as a key player and pushing for this will be important," a senior US official said. "We have expressed our views of Britain's role in the EU and they haven't changed. TTIP negotiations underscore why we think it's important that it continues."

Anything which hinders these global "partnerships" is a wonderful thing in the eyes of many Americans. Read between the lines here, United Kingdom lawmakers. The American administration is treating you the way they treat so many... it all boils down to what you can do for them. They have, time and again, given away handfulls of magic beans in exchange for getting some larger piece of the puzzle handed back to them. The faster the EU goes belly up, the faster the planet can get back on the right track, not as a global order, but rather as individual nations and sovreign people.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:14 PM
with other words...
the euro is used as an buffer for the US dollar....

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:16 PM
Already posted I'm afraid my friend

Britain gets a warning to stay in EU by US?


posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
The faster the EU goes belly up, the faster the planet can get back on the right track, not as a global order, but rather as individual nations and sovreign people.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:33 PM
Who cares about trade with the EU, or US?

Let's trade with the common wealth, or how about emerging and fast growing economies like China and Brazil?

Let's not be bullied into a decision by Germany or the US.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:37 PM
Sorry, I posted a thread that already had a discussion going...

Please discuss it in the above linked thread. I'll close this one.

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