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Which one are you?

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:59 PM
Now since the election is over we can get to the important stuff ALIENS

I was just wondering where everyone stood on this

Which one are you and why are you right?

1. There are no other forms of life but us. No Aliens,UFOs etc.

2.The aliens are really angels/demons

3.There is life on other planets but none have visited us

4. There are life on other planets and some drop by from timew to time but do not interfere in our lives

5. There are life out there and they will abduct one of us from time to time kinda like we tag animals

6.They abduct us often and have been meddling in our history since the start.

7. They are secretly helping our government

8. They control pretty much everything

9. They are just like Icke says shapeshifting lizards

10. they are everywhere, everyone but me and my dog are really aliens and I have to keep the tin foil on both of us so they cant see me.

I tend to think more along the lines of number 4 or 5

I think that we are visited from time to time and "Tagged" but not near as often as some think. I think theybelieve we are just a curious group much like we would look upon a tribe of cavemen. I think Roswell might have happened but I dont think we are trading with them

I dont believe that millions are abducted and that we are being controled by shapeshifting lizards either

What do yall think

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:04 PM
None of the above.

Probability dictates that there are 'other' life forms somewhere in the universe whether we have directly interacted with them or not. So have we? I have no proof or experience with these 'other' life forms to the best of my knowledge and thus can not make a proper judgement that they have or have not visited us. I'd like to think that we have, but I would need a reason to besides personal desire.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:06 PM
How about:

11- There are aliens and they come here because we have the best liquor in the galaxy?

On your list you'ld have to put me down for a #3. And I'll have an egg roll with that.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:06 PM
I would be closest to #3. We have no idea if there's life anywhere other than this planet, but it would be very presumptuous to just assume there isn't. After all, the universe is a rather large place.

Sorry, guys, I don't buy the whole alien visitors/abductions scenario. It just doesn't make any sense; why would a race of creatures, advanced enough to be capable of interstellar travel, want to show up on this backwater planet, mutilate our livestock, smash our fields, and play with our politics? Do they not have HBO, or something?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:11 PM
I believe,

4. There are life on other planets and some drop by from timew to time but do not interfere in our lives

Aliens has nothing to gain or lose medling with humans they are suppoused to be advanced so they has been there and done that, I mean all the errors and mistake human kind has gone throught.

And they survived.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:18 PM
some and none of the above.
I believe that there is life on other planets.
I beleive that they have been in our atmosphere at intervals for a long time
The abduction thing im not really sure about, though its possible that different species on our planet have been taken for study.
But over all I think that they want to warn us that were destroying our planet.
Also I think that the goverment knows about aliens, but I dont nessicarily believe that they are helping our goverment.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:19 PM
None of the above.

Aliens are here all the time. They are in a higher dimension than us, here in the 3rd dimesion, which is why we can't see them. From time to time, they come into 3D to show us they are real. They have been monitoring our planet heavily for 60 years, to make sure we don't nuke the planet to death--which is outright bad for the rest of the universe. Over the past decade, and especially 5 years, millions more have come to our soloar system to help us ascend. They bring good vibes from the universe and funnel it down to us. Negativity is on it's last leg.

We are bad little kids with explosives, and they are making sure we don't get the matches.

[edit on 5-11-2004 by coney]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:32 PM
The odds on there being no other life is almost impossible, I think we still might find "simple" life in our solar system before its over. I seriously doubt the whole cattle mutilation, anal probing , crop circle thing.

I do think that a FEW people might have been picked up and have had samples of skin, blood, etc; taken. That would be all they needed they could learn everything they wanted by cloning a few people and monitering our airwaves.

I do NOT believe the whole shapeshifting thing though and think what contact we have had has been VERY limited much like us not wanting to mess up a wildlife ecosystem

I dont think they are here to enslave us or steal our resources, there is nothing we can do that a robot couldnt do better and they passed planets with more resources than us getting here. Even if they wanted slave labor it would be easier to clone them than take over a planet full of warlike people.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:36 PM

But over all I think that they want to warn us that were destroying our planet

what are they waiting for the warn us?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:41 PM

6.They abduct us often and have been meddling in our history since the start.

I don't know about abducting us often, but I do think that our history has been highly influenced by "visitors", they could have been mistaken for angels, demons and even gods, I'm not sure, but the evidence is there that "we are not alone" (says that in my spookiest voice)

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:00 PM
i remember watching a program on tv about a bunch of kids all over england who saw ufo's different locations around the country, who had seen UFO's and aleins, they had "felt" them giving them a message that we have to stop destroying our planet before it was too late.
They arn't waiting to warn us, they are warning us.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:03 PM

I tend to think more along the lines of number 4 or 5

Ditto...but with just a smidge of 6...

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:08 PM
I'm a smattering of 3 thru 6. I would say a liberal smattering, but I know how the word "liberal" enrages alot of y'all.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:13 PM
I vote for 4 or 5. I like 4 best, but 5 would explain some of the phenomena better.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:18 PM
I am a 3...

3.There is life on other planets but none have visited us

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:28 PM
I'd say #6. There are just too many anomalies throughout history that suggest humanity got a "helping hand" & a jumpstart to civilization. Mind you, these anomalies are not proof. But the lack of reasonable "rational" explanations for these anomalies makes me lean towards #6.


posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 12:24 AM
strange.. nobody voted #7? lol

7. They are secretly helping our government

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 12:31 AM
I'll go for number 4 for the sake of it.

It's far more logical to accept the existence of extraterrestrial life than it is to deny it. Thankfully that's becoming more and more apparent by the day. (And I don't mean by sightings, just by sheer logic.)

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 01:01 AM
I think #5, 6, and 7.

I pretty much think they've been here since forever and just watch us. Every once in a while they take some people aboard a spaceship to probe them up the ass and then put them back where they found them.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
2.The aliens are really angels/demons

I think there's probably some that are of this nature.

4. There are life on other planets and some drop by from timew to time but do not interfere in our lives

I think there are probably this kind too: we'd call them "lurkers".

6.They abduct us often and have been meddling in our history since the start.

I also think there's plenty of evidence of this from cave paintings to the Nazca lines.

7. They are secretly helping our government

God I hope so, alien technology could come in useful when the oil's gone.

I dont believe that millions are abducted and that we are being controled by shapeshifting lizards either

Neither do I!

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