this may have been covered before, but i am going to point out some things. there are certain anomalies with regard to this remarkable specimen. he
walked upright, shook hands, smoked cigars, and even attempted to mount women when he reached puberty. but the real scientific data is given a
footnote treatment instead of being fully disclosed.
in the 70's japanese scientists sequenced olvers DNA and came to the conclusion he had 47 chromosomes, and although the science of DNA was still in
its infancy then, it is hard for me to believe that the new analysis is being 100% honest...
both in the documentary, and in the limited almost "poo pooed" and what is being shoved on people as "technical writeup" is very vague and not
really disclosing at all.
Oliver is an African ape whose species identity has been debated in the popular media and by various scientists since the early 1970s. Although
decisive morphological data has never been adduced on Oliver, many reports indicated that Oliver was morphologically unusual for a chimpanzee,
particularly in his habitual bipedal posture. In addition, his diploid chromosome number was reported to be inconsistent with either human or
chimpanzee, but instead intermediate between those species. We performed standard chromosomal studies which demonstrated that Oliver had the diploid
number expected for a chimpanzee (2N = 48) and that the banding patterns of his chromosomes were typical for a chimpanzee and different from both
humans and bonobos. We also sequenced a 312 bp region of his mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. Results indicated a high sequence homology to the
Central African variety of chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes troglodytes. The highest percent homology was observed with a previously characterized specimen
from Gabon, strongly suggesting that Oliver originated from this region. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:395–403, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
this is very vague coming from an establishment that purports to be dedicated to the scientific method. why the vague explanation? what they do not
tell here in this limited explanation is that he had patterns in his DNA that were not like any chimp on the planet. certain "switches" were turned
on that are not turned on in other chimps. the documentary film, which is on youtube shows this very briefly. but i am wondering if there is a
detailed documentation of this somewhere that can be independently studied, and if so, are there complete explanations as to what these switches are?
we know that DNA science has matured to the point that now they can tell what each switch does, so what did oliver's switches enable him to do that
was not chimp like at all? certainly we have anecdotal reference from his various owners, and people who knew him. but what we do not yet have is a
detailed explanation as to every part of that sequence that was different from all other chimps, and they avoided comparing his chart and analysis to
human DNA sequences to see if any of the same switches were turned on in his sequence as a human being.
there is also a legend that claims some scientists actually impregnated a chimp with human sperm, but destroyed both the mother and the offspring
after the experiment. only one photograph remains as proof this offspring existed, if it actually was a hybrid. this raises questions on its own. who
would do such an experiment? and furthermore, who would kill their own offspring if they actually did this? kind of fits the disregard for life that
the establishment (not just science) has concerning humanity and life in general in "the big picture". now im not saying it was possible or was not.
the chances of a human and chimp successfully producing offspring are very slim, and no openly documented cases exist.
now of course established science is wary to tread into these waters, since it would throw a wrench into political or social psychology, and most
assuredly into religious theology. they use the excuse most often that its not worth looking at, when they usually mean "we are not ready for that".
but if people are asking, then when is a good time to disclose the truth?
so what exactly was oliver? an example of chimpanzee evolution? do we have to start worrying about them sneaking up on us from behind? im sure some
would have this fear if it were a more frequent phenomenon, but as it stands he was an anomaly. one that does need more investigation to give the
public the real conclusive results.
anyway, take it for what it is, but if anyone wants to contribute any real data to this, not conjecture, not flaming or your particular religious
dogma, but fact, then by all means add to this thread. if not then please go elsewhere to battle out ideologies. this is a sincere post dedicated to
solving this mystery.