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Have you noticed glaring obvious alternate realty proof disturbing you?

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posted on May, 10 2013 @ 07:44 AM
To Snsoc

Not only i remember Borgnine death , i also remember a the death of a politician of my country being transmitted in the news on tv.

I remember both deaths being news on tv. The one of the politician i even remember details like the interview with his ex-wife about his death.

I am talking of events that took place between 1989-1992.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 03:40 PM
Some in this thread have spoken of shifting parallel realities. Are any of you aware of the concept of "timeline synchronicity?" It is a concept I have acquired through accessing the network of consciousness and I believe it is referring to the idea of shifting realities.

Imagine, if you will, two lines intersecting as an xy axis. Each of these lines is a separate linear timeline, call them timeline x and timeline y if you wish. Now, when these two timelines intersect that is the timeline synchronicity where timeline x and y do just that, they sync. They are vibrating on the same frequency for an indefinite length of your linear time, ergo you may experience aspects of two separate realities at once, hence why some will swear so and so died way back when or so and so said this or that when the other party swears they did not. You or someone else is perceiving aspects of the merging timeline which can be at varying degrees different than your familiar one.

It is possible that timelines are syncing constantly and you are generally unaware given that these timelines, though moving through the fourth dimension, are moving in a fifth-dimensional direction from one another and since humans cannot currently perceive a fifth dimension directly, their perceived single, linear, continuous timeline will appear to go on uninterrupted. Your vibratory rate, your frequency will determine which timeline you shift to, if you shift at all.

Also, it is not limited to only two timelines synchronizing it can be many at once and the more that sync at once the more "weirdness" you will perceive.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 09:33 AM
To InfinitePerspective:

Assuming your explanation as valid, would you explain a rise of weird experiences (on a relatively very short time span) as a merging/synchronization of different timelines?

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by meaningless333

Thank you for your inquiry. My reply is as follows.

Given that every individual timeline is exploring every combination of possibilities, the probability that possibilities experienced within your own timeline will not match other possibilities explored within these alternate timelines will increase with each additional merging.

It can be written as an equation:


v= The variable possibilities
n= The number of timelines syncing
p= The probability that inconsistencies will manifest

The variable (v) will always be limited to the number of possibilities that a single timeline explores while the number of different timelines (n) that could sync at one time are only limited by the number of possible timelines which could be speculated to be infinite. It can in fact, increase the value of v since more timelines merging means more variable possibilities to explore. Different variables combined into many different timelines will only ever increase the probability of inconsistencies.

With an increase of inconsistencies you will become more perceptive to the idea that something is not right in your reality, hence the perceived rise in weirdness.

I hope this shed light on your question, I am not in my ideal state at the moment.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:23 AM
To InfinitePerspective:

Thank you for answering my questions.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Leyton

When you explained your " nose" story. I was captivated by your avatar and couldnt help but laugh.
Dont think you need to worry about it at night. But very interesting nevertheless..

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:43 AM
I experience the most hideous alternate reality. Where at times although rarely I feel as if I am made of stone. I feel as if my body is beyond my physical body. And its a feeling of being " locked" there.

I think this has to do with my future death actually.

I also have where I get de-ja-vus and I feel closer to a situation due to this. It isnt just a " feel as if Ive done that before or seen that before feeling now" . Its drawing me in like hypnotically closer to the situation, like a magnifine glass.

My other alternate reality would be when I felt as if someone grabbed my waist, of course no one was there. Very spooky.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:19 PM
great read OP!!! nothing out of the ordinary for me but i have an open mind !!!!!

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by phalanx001
reply to post by ItsEvolutionBaby

Generally fascinating thread. Could something like this explain the Mandela Effect:

A premature obituary is an obituary published whose subject is not actually deceased at the time of publication. Examples of premature obituaries range from that of arms manufacturer Alfred Nobel, whose premature obituary condemning him as a "merchant of death" may have caused him to create the Nobel Prize,[1] to black nationalist Marcus Garvey, whose actual death was apparently caused by reading his own obituary.[2] This article only lists the recipients of incorrect death reports (not just formal obituaries) from publications, media organisations, official bodies, and widely used information sources such as the Internet Movie Database; but not mere rumours of deaths. People who were presumed (though not categorically declared) to be dead, and joke death reports that were widely believed, are also included.

source: Premature obituaries
And the Mandela specific link (to save you searching on the page): Mandela premature obituary

edit on 7/5/2013 by phalanx001 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/5/2013 by phalanx001 because: (no reason given)

Thanks for this reply - it sounds feasible, and what a possibility behind the birth of the Nobel Prize! Nothin' like a shot of mortality to get things rolling...

I clearly remember them saying on the news that he was killed in jail, and how the worldwide leaders were giving their condolences - I recall Princess Diana the most out of all, probably because I found her the most interesting out of the bunch.

Wish I could explain it better - when I found The Mandela Effect site with details similar to mine and the dates matched most of the posts - 1989, it just grew more interesting.

(to note that site also has other reported/mis-reported deaths, including ones a few posters have listed in this thread... also on the position of NZ)

I still find it extra interesting a few have noted they have also had NDEs. Whats up with that I wonder.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 04:56 AM
Since ItsEvolutionBaby pointed to 1989, i would like to remind (to those not aware) that was the year when Cold War trully ended. We had the collapse of all entire communist eastern Europe on that year! I didnt knew that 1989 was recorrent on this.

Remember it´s was the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 1989), but also the change of political regime in Poland, GDR (German Democratic Republic), Czechlosvakia (the Velvet Revolution), Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania (Ceaeusecu´s regime fell and he was executed that year).

It was also the year of China´s Tiannamen Square events (starting on May 1989). These made the Western countries change their pollicy towards the chinese government. It started a 10 year period of political and trade sanctions against China.

So, I am speculating, but 1989 be the key that shows us that timelines (and therefore events) can be manipulated (and were)? Were Reagan and Gorbatchov shown (in 1986-87) an alternate future where Cold War Doomsday scenario happened and made them set a entirelly new course on East-West relationship?

Is there some sort of chronovisor tech? Have we already developed time travel/manipulation technologies?
Did some US agency meet future human travellers and are cooperating?

I was not aware that others were having the same problem with timeline events. I just thought I was crazy! Yet I do have detailed recollections.(maybe that´s just a side effect of mental illness).

Just sharing this!

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 10:25 PM
The girl in question that prompted me to start this tread I haven't seen the last two weeks. I've spotted other girls I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks. So I have nothing new to add for that.

As far as others experiencing NDE's, I had a disturbing thought on that idea. I was thinking if you believe it is possible to have an out of body experience, then maybe your consciousness could pop into your body if it found itself temporally outside your body in a very similar parallel universe or reality. Of course if you had been intentionally killed, then many similar universes would have caused you to die as well and your consciousness could drift outside your body. If however in one reality, you randomly died due to a quark of fate, how do we know there are not a lot of very similar universes side by side where you could jump back into your body in a nearby you?

What is disturbing is that if true, this could mean I fell asleep and died while traveling home one night but instead of remembering a dead body, I woke up in a very similar reality by popping into one of my bodies in a very similar reality where I woke up in time. I was wondering if this could be possible due to random deaths only affecting one tiny reality or universe where your out of body experience is so brief, you don't remember it. Now if someone or something intentionally killed you, that act was not random and likely affected a multitude of similar realities or parallel universes. Your consciousness could drift if you continue having an out of body experience after death. I'm just speculating but thought it was an interesting idea.

I'll add that scientists have speculated that over 98 percent of the universe is dark matter or matter that they haven't figured out what it is or where it is. What if some of this missing matter were nearly overlapping parallel universes creating some extra gravity from so many nearby universes in a slightly different phase shift? I don't know if this makes any sense to anyone but I do know scientists have wondered where is most of the universe? Maybe parallel universes create extra gravity.
edit on 20/5/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by meaningless333
Since ItsEvolutionBaby pointed to 1989, i would like to remind (to those not aware) that was the year when Cold War trully ended. We had the collapse of all entire communist eastern Europe on that year! I didnt knew that 1989 was recorrent on this.

Remember it´s was the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 1989), but also the change of political regime in Poland, GDR (German Democratic Republic), Czechlosvakia (the Velvet Revolution), Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania (Ceaeusecu´s regime fell and he was executed that year).

It was also the year of China´s Tiannamen Square events (starting on May 1989). These made the Western countries change their pollicy towards the chinese government. It started a 10 year period of political and trade sanctions against China.

So, I am speculating, but 1989 be the key that shows us that timelines (and therefore events) can be manipulated (and were)? Were Reagan and Gorbatchov shown (in 1986-87) an alternate future where Cold War Doomsday scenario happened and made them set a entirelly new course on East-West relationship?

Is there some sort of chronovisor tech? Have we already developed time travel/manipulation technologies?
Did some US agency meet future human travellers and are cooperating?

I was not aware that others were having the same problem with timeline events. I just thought I was crazy! Yet I do have detailed recollections.(maybe that´s just a side effect of mental illness).

Just sharing this!

How mind-blowing for a morning read! Thanks for sharing it. I think your detailed recollections aren't any side effects at all, and your hypotheses are quite plausible.
One of the events you mentioned - at Tiannamen Square.. there are reports in the Mandela Effect link of memory recollections of the boy at first, being reported and filmed as being run over by one of the tanks....
edit on 31-5-2013 by ItsEvolutionBaby because: Posted before I replied

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:51 AM
Based on this thread, i´m thinking that some of the things that have been said could point out to evidence of the multiverse theory.

But, i still dont understand why some people (involuntarily) could "jump" between alternate universes (and keep memories of other timelines).

I wonder if there are many people worldwide that have the same strange recollections of variations on the chain of events on a given timeline.

Just trying to make sense of this!

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by meaningless333

Remember, alternate times move in a fifth-dimensional direction from any linear timeline. It is similar to how the depth of an object will always move in a third-dimensional direction from a flat, two-dimensional side of said object, so too will a possibility of time always move fifth-dimensionally from it's linear time in a fourth dimension.

Since you currently perceive time as moving in one fourth-dimensional direction at all times, a shift to an alternate timeline moving in the fifth dimension would simply appear to be a continuation of your perceived, past, present, and future time.

There would be a change, however the changes you can directly experience would only be aspects that are condensed in a similar fashion to yourself so that these signals will not simply pass through you, hence why you experience all of these strange occurrences without an explanation, because you are not capable of perceiving the explanation in your condensed state that would otherwise shed light on these unexplained things.

With this being said, the reason you can shift timelines and continue on with all memories from another timeline is due to your conscious filter in order to provide the illusion of continuation. It is to continue the story, so to speak, with minimal plot holes.

Also, one may seem to involuntarily jump to an alternate timeline, however this jump was only due to the fact that an alternate timeline was resonating with the energy that one was putting out and so they will be magnetized to this alternate time. It is simply a shifting to a more relevant reality that reflects more the energy that you put out.

Shifting timelines is you simply manifesting your reality, whether you are fully conscious of this idea or not.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 03:27 AM
To InfinitePerspective:

Thanks for the input.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by meaningless333
Based on this thread, i´m thinking that some of the things that have been said could point out to evidence of the multiverse theory.

But, i still dont understand why some people (involuntarily) could "jump" between alternate universes (and keep memories of other timelines).

I wonder if there are many people worldwide that have the same strange recollections of variations on the chain of events on a given timeline.

Just trying to make sense of this!

perhaps we are our own realities?

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:08 PM
I found another difference today I like. I remember a month or two ago working on setting up a device at work but there was a problem with the license code or something. Someone else in my department already had a bigger and better device set up and working so we shared that for work projects. Someone stole the device. No one stole the older device as it was much older and had a password lock on it. Anyway I was looking over it wondering what I needed to do as far as calling technical support to set it up.

I thought I would go ahead and test it again. To my surprise everything is set up. It did not give me an error message or say anything about a license code being required. I know it gave me error messages before when I attempted to set it up over a month ago. Now it works fine with the licensed software. I did not fix it. I had a password lock on the device. Amazing I thought. Software that fixes itself. Or could it have been set up correctly in an alternate reality? No one else touched the device and wouldn't have had access to my work computer.

I guess if someone wanted an explanation not involving an alternate reality, then maybe a hacker hacked past corporate security on both my pc and the tiny mobile device, went into two different software programs, figured out what was wrong and fixed it. If someone did this, thanks!

This incident makes me wonder if my home computer really fixed itself online years ago. I thought maybe a hacker got annoyed at my home pc and fixed some errors after I got online. That was the first time I had a computer fix errors itself. That incident may have been a hacker. I did have someone invade my computer and someone even asked me to join them. I guess a more remote possibility is that a thinking AI wants to be friends with me and I don't know it yet. I believe that would be another thread topic.

Of course if our entire reality is like a computer simulation, fixing a software glitch within software within the simulation might be a glitch in itself that wasn't supposed to happen. I'm not sure. I was expecting up to a few hours to fix the issue and it got fixed without me doing anything. Amazing. It's almost like I died in a computer game and restarted at an easier setting. Hopefully I don't need to cross my fingers now.

I guess one other possibility is that some software was installed on the pc that caused the pc to correctly sync with the other device or a patch was downloaded from Microsoft that fixed the unknown issue without knowing it. It's hard to know exactly what is going on with software that fixes itself.
edit on 4/6/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 10:34 AM
A few days ago I saw in the news russian dissident mikhail khodorkovsky being received in Germany by former german Foreign minister Hans Dietrich Genscher.

I dont wish death to anyone, but does anyone have any recollection of Genscher death in the past six years?

I mean a "memory" of the news of its death on the past six years (between 2007-2013).


posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:45 PM

reply to post by Leyton
here's another one for you. It's not spelled "spelt" it's spelled "spelled".

So... you need to ask yourself (or selfs or selves) depending on where you feel you stand on this issue...........

What the hell is going on? Parellel realities?!?! A different perspective???? Confusion...
or just plain co-inky-dink!!

It still is spelled "spelt" British. or "spelled" both are acceptable I googled it recently for my kid she asked if she had it right.
2spelt \ˈspelt\
Definition of SPELT

chiefly British past and past participle of spell

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by meaningless333

Hey Meaningless and OP: Wish I'd seen this thread some time ago, OP. What an excellent first hand account of an all too oft experienced phenomena.....

First, Meaningless, I do not remember the death of the German prime minister, but I picked this thread to comment that I remember distinctly, meaning, the personal details of my life surrounding the time, i.e. my daughter having just graduated high school in 2007, Nelson Mandela having died.... And like many people report, this is only one of many such experiences.

In fact, years ago, when I would describe myself now as having been Clueless,with a capital C, a friend of mine oft made a joke when a celebrity of political figure died, saying, "Oh, yeah, I heard so and so was very sick," meaning, (though, he had to explain the meaning to me, in fact) it was common knowledge everyone had heard of this person's death long before hand, and perhaps, many times, over, since.

As to the OP: I have an example of this much like yours. What got me hard core about how you expressed this experience is not wanting to comment on it, but it's so obvious and in your face, but if you did, you'd appear crazy. LOL

There was a group of people at a bar I used to hang out at many years ago. Then after about a 7 year gap, I went to the bar where they hang out at now. Nice reunion, yada yada. One of the former bartenders, pretty girl, always friendly to me, had gotten her degree since years before and was plugging away, finally, in her field, though at the bottom of the ladder. Six months later, the city I live in that hasn't ever had a superbowl bid, ended up not only playing in it, but hosting it....first time the home team played, and played the Big Game at home, as well. Big moment, right? Went to a party, watched the game, we won, then went back to that bar to see if I would run into the same crowd of old acquaintances.

There she was, with her old man. Except she was dressed in a career suit, supremely confidently successful, and the old man suddenly was really an old man, cowtowing to her every whim, and looking rather desperate, with a white streak in his hair and lines under his eyes to go with though years had passed......

I've experienced things like this, and then months later, seemed to go "backwards" in observations and experience yet though, we are living "out of order," and shifting timelines frequently.

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