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About:Big Bang

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posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:20 AM
The Beginning of this universum and all life. And the Scientist have created a theory about it.
But they are looking in the Wrong Direction, because they wont find it outside in space, but at very most other side !

Imagine 1st, you could grew so big, that you would need an microscope (ok iknow with usual microscope you cant see atoms but just imagine with this one you can)
to look at the whole milky way, what would you see if you take off your eyes from the microsope and look arround ?

This Question was for some time in my mind, and i always thought that i would see : ME.

Now about what this Big Bang is:
Imagine you would have had an microscope, and would look at your cells. You and Me are formed out of Atoms.
And they are formed out of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.

There are Similarities between Atoms and Our sun system and The Galaxy.

Scientists says that the outer Space is expanding. As we Grew, we did expand too. got Bigger and stronger.

And if you go back in time. what would you experience ?
Right At the Beginning, there was an Explosion - The beginning of you and of me.

edit on 4/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:37 AM
New Thoughts just came into my mind:

When you realise that you have the controll over your universe, that infact you are God and you have influence
on what will happen next, then you need to know that if you want to be happy, lucky and healthy
you need to concentrate on harmony, peace and love.
Negative thoughts would only hurt you. luckily negativity isnt instant. the positive changes may happen instantly.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by Hombre

We are star stuff.

We're in the universe and the universe is in us. And we will go back to the universe once our time here on Earth has expired.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 06:44 AM
See and marvel the Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson:

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Hombre

Have a look at the two conflicting ideas you've presented here.

There are Similarities between Atoms and Our sun system and The Galaxy.

When you realise that you have the controll over your universe, that infact you are God...

Your comparison of atoms to galaxies remind us that we are very small organisms - infinitesimal. So, how can we be gods or have any control over the universe from this tiny speck of dust we live on?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Hombre

This Question was for some time in my mind, and i always thought that i would see : ME.

The short answer is, you would see the universe as it is. If you turned around according to string theory, you would see infinite universes.

Your ideas of Similarities between Atoms and Our sun system and The Galaxy's, falls apart when you start to look at atoms at the quantum level. If planets and stars acted like particles, things would be stranger than fiction in our universe.
For instance in quantum physics unobserved photon exists in all possible states simultaneously but, when observed or measured, exhibits only one state. How could this be?

Get started with this very informative video that dives into the impossible world of Quantum Mechanics..

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by ColCurious
See and marvel the Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson:

thanks for this video.

Your comparison of atoms to galaxies remind us that we are very small organisms - infinitesimal. So, how can we be gods or have any control over the universe from this tiny speck of dust we live on?

Every thing started as an idea. Have you ever asked yourself where this ideas come from ?
And who is this, who is thinking ? Have you ever watched yourself while you think, and have you noticed how you
even can watch yourself while thinking ?

ok there is a thread which would explain this a bit better than i would do here

That is a part of your answer. If you compare our bodies with the universe, yes they are indeed small.
But our thoughts are as small or as big as you can think of them to be.

Even the idea of Big Bang started as an thougth. And the so called Scientist started to search them in the universe hoping to find the answers there.

For instance in quantum physics unobserved photon exists in all possible states simultaneously but, when observed or measured, exhibits only one state. How could this be?

Well how can they tell that the Unobserved photon (unobserved by the mean of not beeing watched not beeing seen) exists in all possibile states, when they havent looked at it ???

My logical explanation would be that it behaves like you want it to behave. it acts on your thoughts.
edit on 4/5/2013 by Hombre because: missquoted

edit on 4/5/2013 by Hombre because: added an url

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Hombre

Well how can they tell that the Unobserved photon (unobserved by the mean of not beeing watched not beeing seen) exists in all possibile states, when they havent looked at it ???

It's Richard Feynman's double slit thought experiment, a cornerstone of quantum mechanics that showed how electrons behave as both a particle and a wave.

They are looking at the "Wave" patterns left behind after the experiment. In this way one can discern whether the material coming through behaves as either a wave or particle. However if they observe the particles during the experiment they remain particles, turn the other cheek and look the other way... they become waves


edit on 4-5-2013 by flyingfish because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 08:18 PM
I think its a nice thought about looking away from the microscope.
What if the eye is stuck on the microscope as looking away may be to much chaos. Or maybe scared to look away.

My belief is this is the universe, we might see further and discover new things but they remain part of this universe and reality. An amazing thing which I am proud to have witnessed.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Hombre
The Beginning of this universum and all life. And the Scientist have created a theory about it.
But they are looking in the Wrong Direction, because they wont find it outside in space, but at very most other side !

Imagine 1st, you could grew so big, that you would need an microscope (ok iknow with usual microscope you cant see atoms but just imagine with this one you can)
to look at the whole milky way, what would you see if you take off your eyes from the microsope and look arround ?

This Question was for some time in my mind, and i always thought that i would see : ME.

Now about what this Big Bang is:
Imagine you would have had an microscope, and would look at your cells. You and Me are formed out of Atoms.
And they are formed out of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.

There are Similarities between Atoms and Our sun system and The Galaxy.

Scientists says that the outer Space is expanding. As we Grew, we did expand too. got Bigger and stronger.

And if you go back in time. what would you experience ?
Right At the Beginning, there was an Explosion - The beginning of you and of me.

edit on 4/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

You would probably do yourself good by listening to the Aesop Rock song, "Big Bang". He makes a similar analogy between the birth of the universe, evolution, and the growth of the human being. "Ima be a big bang". Really good song. Underground hip hop from around 2000ish, very abstract, however.

edit on 5-5-2013 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Hombre

That's an interesting thought, and a believable one.

The big bang is something that scientists love to say, that is because they have an ego. Why do you think everyone was saying 2012? Because they have an ego.

I am a Christian scientist, no just kidding but I have the view of one. There is no separation between spirit, as there is no separation between what we see in the universe and what is real.

It just so happens that when we figured out how to look extremely far, we figured out that it took an extreme amount of time for the light to reach our eyes when we are looking, so when we are looking into the depths of our universe 14 billion years ago we see that there was no light, but everything was at the dawn of creation.

There is one fact that many scientists forget. This wall of extremely hot plasma and energy that makes up the big bang before any galaxies were created - scientists cannot see behind this wall - they cannot see 'time before time.' Yet there is time before the big bang - something is behind that wall.

I propose a whole universe could be behind that wall, not a parallel universe but the same universe.

This theory could fail due to the 'accelerating universe.'

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by greyer
The big bang is something that scientists love to say, that is because they have an ego. Why do you think everyone was saying 2012? Because they have an ego.

Nonsense. Big bang has nothing to do with ego. They say it because there is physical observable evidence that it happened.
at ego. Those cocky scientists with their damn experiments and proving things!!!

There is one fact that many scientists forget. This wall of extremely hot plasma and energy that makes up the big bang before any galaxies were created - scientists cannot see behind this wall - they cannot see 'time before time.' Yet there is time before the big bang - something is behind that wall.

Can you prove that there is time before the big bang? Scientists cannot see behind the "wall" due to cosmic censorship. It would be impossible with our current level of technology. Basically they know that at one point, most of the universe was together and dense. Before then, we simply don't know the answer. I don't think scientists forget that. That is why they are still searching for the answers and running Hadron Collider experiments and whatnot.

I propose a whole universe could be behind that wall, not a parallel universe but the same universe.

This theory could fail due to the 'accelerating universe.'

Please explain what you are talking about. It isn't a wall, it's hypothesized to be a dense singularity. The wall is time, it's not an actual wall that things hide behind. There could have been a past universe before this one, that maybe came together and then expanded out, but we simply do not have the data to determine that one way or another. It has nothing whatsoever to do with ego.
edit on 13-5-2013 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:05 PM
I think those scientists and their big bangs are a horny bunch.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Barcs
Nonsense. Big bang has nothing to do with ego. They say it because there is physical observable evidence that it happened.
at ego. Those cocky scientists with their damn experiments and proving things!!! It has nothing whatsoever to do with ego.

I didn't mean the scientists who proved the big bang, I was mentioning the scientists who talk about it to the media. For all the discussion around the world right now, I would say more of it is ego than real data. All religious people need to know that this was proven, and it is called the big bang. Having faith it was hard for me to grasp that there could be nothing before time - but time is not even a dimension it is a constant forward motion. Time does not exist inside of black holes. But when you learn about the solar system I think it is impossible to disagree that it is a conscious creation.

Can you prove that there is time before the big bang? Scientists cannot see behind the "wall" due to cosmic censorship. It would be impossible with our current level of technology. Basically they know that at one point, most of the universe was together and dense. Before then, we simply don't know the answer. I don't think scientists forget that. That is why they are still searching for the answers and running Hadron Collider experiments and whatnot.

I will be looking for the scientist who did refer to the words of it being a 'wall', and that there could be something behind it then post it. I'm not a scientist just a theorist, but 14 billion is such a small number in universe standards, right after the big bang things must have been moving so extremely fast, it doesn't make as much sense for a trillion degree temperature of density to decide to click on from 0 to 1 in one instant, and then things of creation (dark energy and matter, black holes and galaxies, gas and matter) which expand into numbers which are unbelievable. It doesn't make sense in itself to have black holes and galaxies being created just after the big bang evolving with each other. The fact that black holes had to be created at the same time galaxies were created means to me that there is something 'underneath' space and time. It is still open that black holes could be like warp holes, obviously matter cannot get through them but there still may be a way.

I propose a whole universe could be behind that wall, not a parallel universe but the same universe.

Please explain what you are talking about. It isn't a wall, it's hypothesized to be a dense singularity. The wall is time, it's not an actual wall that things hide behind. There could have been a past universe before this one, that maybe came together and then expanded out, but we simply do not have the data to determine that one way or another.

Well I would know how many times it would go back, maybe 13 or 14, maybe it would be like looking into a mirror at a mirror behind you, why does the number infinite exist? It seems that may have stumped scientists like Einstein in which he believed the universe was infinite, did he prove it?

There have been scientists how have suggested that the accelerating universe can actually accelerate to a speed (around the speed of light I am assuming) then the whole universe would act as if it was a large star and have a big bang in the opposite way as the one we can see, like a profound black hole greater than the observable universe, and act like the familiar cyclic component of our universe.

It seems possible that we could discover something before the big bang, though it would at first be like discovering the Sphinx had weather erosion of rain in which it was built from the ancients at the time around Gobekli Tepe or before - archaeologists proved it and other archaeologists were shown pictures of the erosion agreeing with the findings - and when they learn it is the Sphinx it turns out to be wrong.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:20 AM
Oh i just see that i havent written what i actually wanted to say.

Ok help me please with backtracking to where the global idea of big bang came from:

8. Future actions

We have now :
7. Scientists that are trying to do this and that to find out where Big Bang is.


6. Scientist that think that they have found the origins in the Universum.
5. Scientists that are searching for big bang's origins.
4. Scientists that have accepted the idea of this Big bang theory.
3. One Scientist that is trying to spread out the idea of big bang
2. someone who became scientist or scientist that has been influenced by this idea.
1. Someone who think that the big bang is in the universum/outside earth(solar system)
0. Someone who is forming an idea about big bang in his head.

When i look at this zero point, the idea that Big Bang is actually outside seems logical and would be accepted by the "scientists" .

But what if ...

1. someone who figures out that if he looks at himself
2. he would see his cells growing and growing
3. gets an idea that the big bang is actually the beginning of himself
(im pointing out to the biological beginning of the human life)

Then we would get:

4 future actions

but yeah right, this path would be too easy to explain

(omg look how many scientist are involved in this thread !!)

edit on 17/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:25 AM

You would probably do yourself good by listening to the Aesop Rock song, "Big Bang". He makes a similar analogy between the birth of the universe, evolution, and the growth of the human being. "Ima be a big bang". Really good song. Underground hip hop from around 2000ish, very abstract, however.

uhm i would listen to it, but somehow i dislike the tone of his voice. Had to stop it as soon as he started to sing. :/

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Hombre

You would probably do yourself good by listening to the Aesop Rock song, "Big Bang". He makes a similar analogy between the birth of the universe, evolution, and the growth of the human being. "Ima be a big bang". Really good song. Underground hip hop from around 2000ish, very abstract, however.

uhm i would listen to it, but somehow i dislike the tone of his voice. Had to stop it as soon as he started to sing. :/

That's understandable, although the track and his style is more about the lyrics themselves.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:06 PM
I feel that the universe is just growing, and that there was never a big bang. It reminds me of something like a leaf. Since shapes tend to reoccur at all levels of size in the universe, I would say the big bang theory is wrong. Why do humans always have to blow things up

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