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Disturbing Dreams

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posted on May, 1 2013 @ 12:17 AM
i would like to hear about some of your disturbing scary dreams.

one i had when i was a child and i still vividly remember. i was in 1st person and it was pitch dark, i was looking into a old creepy barn through the rotted wood plank wall and seeing glowing red eyes on the other side follow my every move. this went on for a little and then it went to a 3rd person birds eye view. it was like the surface of the moon grey ground with all darkness around and just a lighted circle area where my parents where standing next to each other not doing anything as i was getting slammed face first into the ground. this bad guy from the "crash test dummies" movie had me by the ankles and was lifting me and slamming me over and over in front of my parents who didnt do anything. very stange.

this is the guy who was attacking me. yes i had that same toy lol" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

the next worst one i can think of is sitting in a chair in a plain room and having someone slit my eyeballs with a razor blade and having my vision go to white as i went blind right after.

another one that was really random. i was in med-evil times getting chased by a guy in a castle. he finally cornered me and as l lay on the ground facing him and hes standing over me he shoots me with a crossbow right in the chest. and i could feel it and woke up after seeing sticking out of me. this one was random because i have no interest in this kind of stuff.

and a bunch of zombie ones where im running for my life but never really see any zombies but know they are after me. and im mostly all alone.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 05:12 AM
Good Lord how gnarly-specially the 2nd one! Makes my recurring childhood nightmare look like a goodnatured prank.Anyway,while it was ongoing,it was no fun.For years,since a very young age,i was chased in my dreams by a big dark entity,like a bit like a balverine from Fable,but thicker round the waist.When it caught up with me,it would scratch my back with its talons and i would wake up arched like a bow and screaming at the top of my lungs-thing is,for a minute or 2 after waking,i could still Feel that awful sensation all the way down my back,it never dissipated instantly upon waking-that was the part i hated most.One night,after years of that i'd had enough+i figured no more running.So i just stood+waited for the scratch,as in:"Ok do your thing+lets get it over with." It did,then i arched+screamed myself awake as usual.I was happy i found a way to end it quick from then on-but that dream never came back again. Btw for other disturbing dreams of mine,i made a thread called "The Alien/screen dreams thread-dreams that leave physical symptoms" in case you'd be interested.
edit on 1-5-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 06:53 AM
I see you found my thread anyway:-) That pic of the toy uncomfortably reminded me of a dream i had bit more than a week ago that was very disturbing indeed-of a man about 6+half to 7ft tall,wearing medieval knight's armour,blue eyes.A Vlad Tepes-looking dude.But i would rather not say more about that dream,it was that unsettling.Some dreams,one just Resent having,i think it was part of an astral attack that went on for more than a week,till it was ended from my side.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:58 AM
I've had a dream in the past similar to your castle dream. I was a Fraggle, yes from Fraggle Rock. It seemed like for hours I was being chased through the walls of a house. I was being chased by a game warden with a thick mustache, dressed similar to a boy scout leader. Eventually, I made my way into the sewer system with the GW in hot pursuit. We ran through the sewer system, mazing through the different pipes to a finale very much like the Fugitive when Kimble jumped out of the spillway. On my way out of the spillway, the game warden was able to get off a shot that hit me in the back. It felt so real. I was awoken before I hit the water.

Another one involved an expedition to Mars. It was a slightly more habitable Mars than we know. I was one of 4 or 5 explorers. We left the home base to go diving in a martian sea (apparently dream Mars is also resort Mars). While exploring under the sea we came upon a type of force field. On the other side of the force field, there was a Martian. It was the first contact that Humans had had with any alien species. The Martian was able to freely pass through the force field while we were not. It was not aggressive and was just as interested in us as we were in it. It followed us back to our base and was able to communicate with us. Out of nowhere crazy dream land there was a human city on Mars. The Martian recommended a restaurant for us to eat at. We did. It was a restaurant based on the Garfield cartoon/comic strip. There was a buffet but it only served lasagna and the bathrooms had litter boxed instead of toilets. I have no idea what could possibly bring on a dream like that. It was fun though.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:33 PM
I'm not going to share any specific dreams, but I would like to say that I have very disturbing dreams, almost every night. I have been like this since I was a very small child. Three of them have actually come to pass after me dreaming them but that has not happened since I was at least 9 years old. Still, the scary dreams continue. Some of them feel so real that I can't shake them once I wake up, and I end up dwelling on them for the entire day afterwards. Some of them are just disturbing to me, specifically. Some could be turned into horror movies that would scare anyone. I very, very rarely have pleasant dreams. I would like to ask your opinions on why you think this may be. Are they simply manifestations of my own fears? Some of them I had when I was so young that I don't even remember them but my father and mother have told me about them. I would have them over and over again and I would wake up crying. Why have they persisted since I was so young? All opinions are welcome.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by qualm91

I know that some people take benadryl before bed and it helps keep them from dreaming. Just curious, in your dreams, are you the one that is terrifying or is it something else in the dream with you?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 08:40 PM
I have had disturbing dreams. Some of these that have been shared are really disturbing.

Being an avid dreamer, dream walker, and reader, for many years, I have a hunch that some of these (maybe most) are dreams percieved out of inner anxiety. For what ever reason, your conscious is not letting go to the subconscious. In many situations it is caused by too much caffiene, or unrest in your waking reality.

If you keep a dream journal (very helpful), be sure to note any anxiety you are dealing with during the day, medications, and how much sugar and caffiene that is consumed.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by BattlePlastic
reply to post by qualm91

I know that some people take benadryl before bed and it helps keep them from dreaming. Just curious, in your dreams, are you the one that is terrifying or is it something else in the dream with you?

Actually, I am an insomniac. I take Benadryl to help me sleep because I am a recovering drug addict and I cannot sleep without something to put me to sleep but I don't want to take "habit forming" drugs. When I began using drugs on a daily basis the nightmares did go away (for about 3 years in total) but since I got sober again (1 year ago) they have come back with a vengence. The Benadryl does not make them go away. And I am always the one being hurt or scared in one form or another, I honestly can't recall any dreams where I have actually been the one DOING the damage.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by MoonSage
I have had disturbing dreams. Some of these that have been shared are really disturbing.

Being an avid dreamer, dream walker, and reader, for many years, I have a hunch that some of these (maybe most) are dreams percieved out of inner anxiety. For what ever reason, your conscious is not letting go to the subconscious. In many situations it is caused by too much caffiene, or unrest in your waking reality.

If you keep a dream journal (very helpful), be sure to note any anxiety you are dealing with during the day, medications, and how much sugar and caffiene that is consumed.

I agree, yes, that those are some things that can cause these dreams. But since they have been happening since, literally, before I can remember because I was so young, I don't think that these specific things pertain to my case.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by MoonSage
I have had disturbing dreams. Some of these that have been shared are really disturbing.

Being an avid dreamer, dream walker, and reader, for many years, I have a hunch that some of these (maybe most) are dreams percieved out of inner anxiety. For what ever reason, your conscious is not letting go to the subconscious. In many situations it is caused by too much caffiene, or unrest in your waking reality.

If you keep a dream journal (very helpful), be sure to note any anxiety you are dealing with during the day, medications, and how much sugar and caffiene that is consumed.

pretty sure anxiety is what caused my running from zombie dreams. i was depressed and i think i had mild social anxiety. the zombies probably represented me running from something that isnt really scary (talking to people). most all the dreams i didnt see the zombies i just knew they where after me.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 11:18 PM

edit on 6-5-2013 by BattlePlastic because: Started new thread for what was stated in this post.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by madmark

Do you run to anything known to you in "awake" life? Is it set in a common place or just some random dream world?

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by BattlePlastic

nope. everything is random and everyone of them is different. i haven't had one in a while.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by madmark

You're probably spot on with the depression/anxiety. I am bipolar and I have been a constant "worry-wart" my entire life. It could just be my anxiety that I hide while I'm awake manifesting itself when I'm asleep.

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