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Baby Burned Alive: In Ritual Sacrifice, Believed to be Antichrist

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posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 09:02 PM
This goes to show how powerful "belief" can be. Although unrelated, this is why the media works so hard at presenting a system of belief, a system of trust, and promoting an ideology...because that is the easiest way to control a population. What we are seeing with this case is the same thing, but on a small scale. These people were convinced that these ideas were right, and it defies logic, but that makes no difference. Once you are conditioned a certain way, it is virtually impossible to wake you up to the contrary. I have personally seen this in my own family with relatives who religiously watch Fox news. Their beliefs are so twisted, and they simply parrot what they are told. This is because the MSM is less about presenting the news, the facts, and more about convincing people of how things are.

This is also why religion should be completely separate from the government. In the US we talk about God in our documents, but this is completely different, considering no one is being forced to believe something that is not true. The vast majority of the American public believe in God, in one form or another, so being the majority these statements about God, having "in God we Trust" on money, etc, should rightfully remain. But aside from ethics, religion should be separate from decision making on such a high level. Think about if we had people like we see in this story controlling any aspect of our lives. Maybe the whole government example is not a great one, I admit, but I will stick with it since this post is almost complete, lol. This is really a sick story though, but people should know what some people are like. But they need to realize how influences like this occur, because it is happening to almost everyone on one level or another.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 09:52 PM
I certainly like how everyone in the thread is absolutely disgusted at the opinion of some posters, calling them disgusting, vile, evil creatures yet in turn go around saying that the people that killed this baby should be tortured to death.

Hypocrisy at it's finest. A most hilarious thread so far.
edit on 27-4-2013 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing
I certainly like how everyone in the thread is absolutely disgusted at the opinion of some posters, calling them disgusting, vile, evil creatures yet in turn go around saying that the people that killed this baby should be tortured to death.

Hypocrisy at it's finest. A most hilarious thread so far.
edit on 27-4-2013 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Generalizing just a wee bit there, aren't ya? I'm among those that came away from this thread with very hard and very firm opinions if not outright judgments now formed based upon the conduct shown across it by some people and their humanity ..or very clear lack of it.

At the same time, I never once said the people who did this should be tortured. If anything, I think it's a true tragedy all around as the story clearly says they were drugged cult members and quite intelligent ones from professional backgrounds at that. Cults and the PhD's of mental manipulation who choose to run them are scary things. There is simply NO way to explain to someone how a human being can be mentally 'turned' in 24-96 hours and so totally as to be a changed person, sometimes for life, out of that short period. It happens though and more often than people would WANT to know about, IMO.

I think the people who did it are almost as much victims as the baby they murdered here. Now being victims is a way to explain and understand. Never excuse. The actions are still what they are and no way around whatever price Chilean Justice levies for Infanticide. I'm guessing as a civilized nation with solid standards and society, it won't be pretty for these people....nor should it be. Torture sure would be an overreach though.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:47 PM
Comon people, dont argue with a fool lest you be dragged down with him.
Some people are too thin skinned to survive whats comming if they cant stomach the obvious crys for help displayed by some replies.
That being said, ritual sacrifice is as old as mankind.
The sacrifice of children is a pattern of adult behavior that stretches back way past antiquity.
Get used to it..................
The OPs exposure of these ignorant and deluded acts is commendable.
The only way to stop these practices is to expose the practitioners.
Though, these aberational behaviors,,,,of the participants are probably the result of some sociopathjic power trip by somebody.
Perhaps the child was is incredibly cheap in some places.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by greavsie1971
reply to post by PeaceNLove123

Are you saying there are no 'sick' atheists...ever?

Again, stop blaming anything other than the people that committed these crimes.

What? These people did what they did because of their beliefs. Wake up and smell the coffee, my friend. They believed the kid was the antichrist, and they killed him. And then you have people coming here and commenting, "what if it was the antichrist and these people saved you?" If you don't see the connection here between religion and this murder, I dunno what to say to you.

PS: Sick atheists who call for the murder of religious folk exist too, that is equally wrong.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:29 AM

Well. The time has come to unplug from the internet and news sources again for a while. One horror story too many. My threshold has been exceeded.


posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
and what if it was the antichrist and they just saved your life...

What The... dc4lifeskater your an Evil pig! go and Join your Illuminati friends you P.O.S.
edit on 28/4/13 by fr33kSh0w2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by PeaceNLove123

This is not a religious belief, this is the belief of a cult who think they are acting in the name of religion. It says nowhere in the bible or anywhere else to kill babies if you suspect they are the antichrist. Don't get them mixed up, no religion told the people to do this, they did it themselves.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:19 AM
Is it safe to assume then, that babies dying invokes self-righteousness and indignation? Certainly there are injustices greater in this world than the evil these men did to the baby, but sensing injustice in a one liner to the degree that the comment is nearly as bad as the crime itself is just ignorant. Oh the humanity!

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by ReAwakened

Originally posted by WanderingThe3rd
if the big elites celebrate this ritual to bring them good tiding, shouldn't we?

My God! Look at these comments!

Where is your compassion?

They have hardened your souls. They have rendered you indifferent.

You are cold. Only blackness resides in your heart.

Uncaring and remorseless demons they are making out of you.

If your heart doesn't ache from reading this story..... than you are dead.

Just a ghost walking amongst us.

Where has you ability to LOVE and feel LOVE gone?

Who/What has taken it from you?

No empathy is a trait of the psychopath......

No empathy is the trait of the new desensitized generation. People under 30 (myself included, being 25) grew up in a generation where we basically had access to virtual anarchy; aka the internet. Movies and television shows were/are also more extreme than they were in the past decades.

I remember being 13, sitting around with my friend and his brother one night when his parents were gone. We started screwing around on the internet and, without parent safe filters on his computer, came to the realization that the internet was basically a virtual world without boundaries. We stumbled upon some gore sites, watched countless videos of mangled bodies being pulled from car wrecks, we saw the infamous Budd Dwyer video for the first time and cringed in unison as he stuck the .357 in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Needless to say, after our little internet adventure I was thoroughly traumatized and didn't sleep a wink when I got home that night, and I'm pretty sure they didn't either. However, being curious adolescents we kept looking at stuff like this over the next few weeks. It's just the inherent morbid curiosity that plagues the human race. It's in our nature.

Over time I began to notice something. I didn't care anymore. No longer did I feel ill and anxiety-stricken upon encountering the gruesome reality of this newly discovered macabre media. i became numb to it. We saw so much of it that it almost became common, until we eventually got bored of it and went back to doing the things that most normal 13 year olds should be doing, like playing with fireworks and pestering older kids to help us obtain alcohol lol.

The point of my little story being that when most people of this new generation hear about terrible things happening, they most likely aren't indifferent because they are jerks, they're indifferent because they've been exposed to so much of this on a computer/television screen that it doesn't register in their mind as reality. They see some terrible tragedy on the news and recall all the photos of dead bodies and videos of murders or suicides they saw on the internet when they were curious adolescents and think of it as no big deal, because "Ah, it was just a picture. It was just a video."

In some ways I wish I could take back all the things I saw on the internet in my youth, and even some of the movies I rented. It numbed me too much. It blurred the line between the virtual world and the real world. Now when I see a terrible tragedy on the news like a mass shooting it doesn't register any emotion, because to me it's just a television screen that's delivering information to me. I know I'm not the only one who was affected in this way. I've talked to many others who feel the same. It's like we can't be emotionally fazed unless we were actually physically there when it happened. When it's on a computer screen or a television screen it's just data.

Has television and internet calloused this generation?

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

I don't believe it's generational as I'm 28 and would consider myself quite sentimental and compassionate. It's a choice in a lot of ways I think, unless there's some type of psychopathy involved. Perhaps though it's more about how old you are when you're exposed to that type of thing. As I experienced what I believe one would consider a more sheltered upbringing.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Josephus
reply to post by Xaphan

I don't believe it's generational as I'm 28 and would consider myself quite sentimental and compassionate. It's a choice in a lot of ways I think, unless there's some type of psychopathy involved. Perhaps though it's more about how old you are when you're exposed to that type of thing. As I experienced what I believe one would consider a more sheltered upbringing.

Yeah you're right. I wasn't implying that it was every single person who grew up in the 90s and 00s. Just the ones who were exposed to such material. I was exposed to way too much at a young age, which isn't anybody's fault except my own. Adolescents have always been curious, it's just that this new generation had access to things that weren't around decades prior.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:11 AM
We empathize because it's a human baby. Although I empathize as well, I am not as narrow-minded and heartless as to completely dismiss dcskaters and wadering's opinion. Skater's question was legit. Was it a bit poor in taste? MAYBE. BUT IN WHAT SOUP? YOURS? Like he said, he never condoned it nor did he say it was ok. He did exactly what this site is about in the first place. He sought to deny ignorance and question the norm. (Which apparently was "OMG THIS SICK WORLD WHO WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!?! HOW COULD YOU BURN A BABY BLAHHH BLAHHH"

As I said in the first sentence of my post, we empathize because it's a HUMAN baby...yet we do the same thing to the eggs of a chicken in our frying pans a few days after we get them from the grocery. We enjoy our steaks and hamburgers from the cow slaughtered live for our consumption. All I am seeing here, is a lot of weak and low emotional tolerance as well as anger issues, due to the fact that many of you have said you would be violating terms of services if you described what you would do to dcskater for his comments on this topic.

EACH and EVERY ONE of you are NO BETTER than the people who murdered the child under a drugged mind if you are of a sober mind wishing to purposefully cause harm to another adult human. WE NEED TO REALLY CHECK WHO IS INSANE...

Grow up and respect different viewpoints as you wish your own to be respected. NO MATTER WHAT THE CASE.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

you're spot on, this whole sites become nothing more than the same group of posters ganging up on everyone else and going out of their way to show every one how morally superior they are. everyone has different opinions, you may not like them or they may seem extreme/evil what ever, thats their opinion and they're entitled to it, just like your entitled to urs.

friggin deal with it.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by ReAwakened

Originally posted by WanderingThe3rd
if the big elites celebrate this ritual to bring them good tiding, shouldn't we?

My God! Look at these comments!

Where is your compassion?

They have hardened your souls. They have rendered you indifferent.

You are cold. Only blackness resides in your heart.

Uncaring and remorseless demons they are making out of you.

If your heart doesn't ache from reading this story..... than you are dead.

Just a ghost walking amongst us.

Where has you ability to LOVE and feel LOVE gone?

Who/What has taken it from you?

No empathy is a trait of the psychopath......

No empathy is the trait of the new desensitized generation. People under 30 (myself included, being 25) grew up in a generation where we basically had access to virtual anarchy; aka the internet. Movies and television shows were/are also more extreme than they were in the past decades.

I remember being 13, sitting around with my friend and his brother one night when his parents were gone. We started screwing around on the internet and, without parent safe filters on his computer, came to the realization that the internet was basically a virtual world without boundaries. We stumbled upon some gore sites, watched countless videos of mangled bodies being pulled from car wrecks, we saw the infamous Budd Dwyer video for the first time and cringed in unison as he stuck the .357 in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Needless to say, after our little internet adventure I was thoroughly traumatized and didn't sleep a wink when I got home that night, and I'm pretty sure they didn't either. However, being curious adolescents we kept looking at stuff like this over the next few weeks. It's just the inherent morbid curiosity that plagues the human race. It's in our nature.

Over time I began to notice something. I didn't care anymore. No longer did I feel ill and anxiety-stricken upon encountering the gruesome reality of this newly discovered macabre media. i became numb to it. We saw so much of it that it almost became common, until we eventually got bored of it and went back to doing the things that most normal 13 year olds should be doing, like playing with fireworks and pestering older kids to help us obtain alcohol lol.

The point of my little story being that when most people of this new generation hear about terrible things happening, they most likely aren't indifferent because they are jerks, they're indifferent because they've been exposed to so much of this on a computer/television screen that it doesn't register in their mind as reality. They see some terrible tragedy on the news and recall all the photos of dead bodies and videos of murders or suicides they saw on the internet when they were curious adolescents and think of it as no big deal, because "Ah, it was just a picture. It was just a video."

In some ways I wish I could take back all the things I saw on the internet in my youth, and even some of the movies I rented. It numbed me too much. It blurred the line between the virtual world and the real world. Now when I see a terrible tragedy on the news like a mass shooting it doesn't register any emotion, because to me it's just a television screen that's delivering information to me. I know I'm not the only one who was affected in this way. I've talked to many others who feel the same. It's like we can't be emotionally fazed unless we were actually physically there when it happened. When it's on a computer screen or a television screen it's just data.

Has television and internet calloused this generation?

Very well-said. Yes, its all the things you mentioned, but it's all the war as well. We've been at war for over a decade much many images of suffering..and it just destroys the average persons' humanity. So now, most people have shut down inside. Completely. They don't know how to deal with it, except to make light of it(like some are doing in this thread). They've lost the capacity to feel.

We've become a nation of sociopaths.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 08:23 AM
Someone forgot to tell these people that the anti-christ is already alive and is currently the president of the USA.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Berzerked
Someone forgot to tell these people that the anti-christ is already alive and is currently the president of the USA.

Alright. I'm done in this thread. The stupid is just too strong..

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
There are no words to describe the Horror of this story. my God and a whole group of these sadistic monsters did this......Even Satan, if you believe he exists, gives people the CHOICE to follow him, although he may try and trick you....even the most vile of Evil doesn't target innocent babies......

I know you meant no harm in your post but I take serious issue with it.
Words are everything.

I hear this time and time again, especially where children are involved.
We demonize, literally, people who demonstrate behaviors that we just can not wrap our minds around.
It is innocent enough.

"What kind of "Monster" would do such a thing"?

The problem is, These aren't "monsters" at all.
They are human beings.
They are people just like you and me.

They were brought to do these things by the same powerful force that would bring you to do any number of unspeakable acts. If you do not or can not see yourself in these people then you are in much bigger trouble than you can imagine.

They are ruled and dominated by the same force that brought about the Salem With Trials, the Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades, and every war ever fought in the history of mankind for that matter. It is the same force which compels people to hate "fags" and to kill abortion doctors. It is the same force which keeps you from being able to accept other people for who they are, and instead you try to mold them into the person you just know they SHOULD be.

FEAR is a very powerful force.
Almost THE most powerful force in the entire universe.
There is no end US humans will not go to in order to alleviate our fears.

But, there is one force more powerful.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
Where is the focus of attention towards the thought of ANYTHING being an AntiChrist?

This is the perfect example of religious perversion yet nothing?

No denouncement of Christianity or anything?

This baby didn't need to die. But it did because of religion again, yet most will be quick to defend the religion?

Why would there be a denouncement of Christianity, or blaming of religion? If I went around chopping old people's heads off and saying I did it because as part of my beliefs as a Republican I felt that it was my solemn duty to eliminate as many medicsre recipients as possible, would there be a denouncement of the Republican party, or of politics in general, because it leads to heinous murder?

That comparison isn't even as non-sensical as what you're saying. You are saying that if someone identifies themselves as part of a group, but acts in ways completely and totally contrary to said group's beliefs, then you should denounce or blame that group. How does that make sense? If someone started poisoning pre-schoolers with ricin, and said they did it because of their Buddhist beliefs, would you blame Buddhism?

I honestly can't tell if you're simply totally lacking in logical thinking capability, if you believe Christianity is about violence, hate, and evil, or if you simply can't fathom the idea that there are people who claim to follow a belief system, but in reality do not. It makes me think of people who are overly concerned about how "Christian" the POTUS is, not realizing that a truly Christian president would not be carpet-bombing people in foreign lands. I'm actually starting to believe that maybe there is a subset of people out there who genuinely can't Tell the difference between Christians (or other religions) and those who are quite the opposite, but use the religion as their justification (to themselves and/or others) for their own sick, twisted, evil, typically completely anti-Christian (or anti-whatever religion) ways. As to which is scarier - the people like that, or the people who can't tell the difference simply bbecause an anti-Christian claims to be Christian, i'm not quite sure.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by WanderingThe3rd

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
and what if it was the antichrist and they just saved your life...

What a sick thing to say. I can't believe you said that. You must not be a parent...


at least hes not stuck thinking inside the box like 90 percent of you...

if you get offended by general discussion about conspiracies, why are you here

i'm about to make a thread about all you guys that claim you're here to discuss, but it seems you guys are always just here to claim your discust

This story is not one of conspiracy.

edit on 26-4-2013 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

They conspired to kill the baby in a horrendous ritual with the mothers consent , that is a conspiracy

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