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'TPTB' and Lucifer are NOT to Blame. Take 'Self' Responsibility!

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posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 05:14 PM
I hear you on this, I really do.
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you've said and I KNOW you are on the right path.
What you have laid out is EXACTLY the single reason humanity is in the mess it is in.


No one wants to hear what you are saying!
For the very same reasons you laid out in your OP.

Egos are just too big, overfed, and powerful for most people to come to terms with the fact that THEY are the ones to blame for children getting killed in drone attacks on the other side of the planet.

It takes a certain level of........__________ to get to the point where you are finally ready to accept responsibility for everything you are seeing in the world, and to realize that YOU contributed SOMETHING to EVERYTHING you can even imagine complaining about.

I have seen these threads fail many times and yours will be no different.
People just aren't ready to hear what you have to say I'm afraid.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 05:55 PM
While I don't agree with the idea of Adam & Eve ever even existing at all, I do agree with the idea that people as a whole have trouble with accepting personal responsibility. So here I am publicly saying that I am what's wrong with the world!! I do not do enough, I could do more, I could be better, I could help others.... the shortfalls in myself are part of the problem.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 06:36 PM
Sorry I stopped listening to religious dogma intended to make me responsible for the evil of others long ago. I am responsible for my own actions and no one else's.

Tell you what, when those with the power take personal and full responsibility for their actions and what they've done, we'll talk until then, you might as well be Charlie Brown's teacher, won won won...cause all I hear is double talk slight of hand dribble intended to shift responsiblity from the guilty to the innocent. Gee wonder who thought that up?

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by GeneralChaos
I hear you on this, I really do.
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you've said and I KNOW you are on the right path.
What you have laid out is EXACTLY the single reason humanity is in the mess it is in.


No one wants to hear what you are saying!
For the very same reasons you laid out in your OP.

Egos are just too big, overfed, and powerful for most people to come to terms with the fact that THEY are the ones to blame for children getting killed in drone attacks on the other side of the planet.

It takes a certain level of........__________ to get to the point where you are finally ready to accept responsibility for everything you are seeing in the world, and to realize that YOU contributed SOMETHING to EVERYTHING you can even imagine complaining about.

I have seen these threads fail many times and yours will be no different.
People just aren't ready to hear what you have to say I'm afraid.

I got the "hutzpah," which is generally the G rated word used to fill in your blank. It's not that people are not reay to hear what the OP is saying, I believe. And it isn't overfed ego, at least not in the general population, that means some of us will not accept responsibility for the current state of affairs.....

Do you really think that many of us cognizant of what is happening, more and more, on a daily basis, wouldn't like that to stop? I was on a flight one time, and we were waiting on the tarmac to take off. We were told there was some equipment failure or malfunction they were seeing to, clearing up. Someone, after an hour, got up to use the restroom. A flight attendent came over the PA system and said if we didn't obey the rules as passengers to stay seated, we would not be allowed to take off.

In other words, it was the passengers' faults that we were waiting, which just wasn't so....however, a passenger caught trying to see to their own needs, was quickly blamed for us all sitting on that tarmac. This is the current paradigm, and what happens if you try to speak, much less do, differently. Who can accept responsibility in an atmosphere where no one can even nail down the "crimes" that led us here? If the primary discussion is not open, and open to absolutey everyone, with all cards on all tables, why should anyone accept responsibility, for a situation in a place they were never told the truth about, nor the rules about, from the beginning? And when they didn't choose it, either.

Our response to it, is how we are responsible. But until more information is available to everyone, on an equal basis, and the information is accurate....well, then, pardon me, but you have no right to say I have no hutzpah, or anything else, to take in this information and respond the way you desire me to.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:15 PM
Yeah, no. First of all, we don't affect # whatsoever. All we do is work tedious jobs to come home and eat poisoned food that will eventually kill us. Everything we're told is designed to keep us somewhat content with the world when we should be angry and disgusted at it. We live in a time where people are wanting to be right and never admit they're wrong. They want to be the light in the dark for those who need it, sadly for people like me IT JUST DOESN'T WORK. I can see easily thru your deception.

Interconnectedness looooooooooooooooool. How can anyone buy into this crap? I feel sad for those who blindly believe this kind of brainwashing. Anyone looking for the truth WILL NOT FIND IT. We're too far into the bs for there to be any and now all we have now is people like Kgnow who try to sell us lies in attempts to keep us compliant with reality.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:44 PM
OP, your post resonated with me and the thoughts I've been having lately. We are more responsible than we think to other people, flora, fauna and earth than we can ever imagine. I'll give a few examples.

Consumerism. We buy products from third world countries. Child and slave labor are a result of our western world thirst. We are complicit in making lives hell for others. Cheap wages and barely an existence for many. Industry does not come without clean waste. Our land, our water and our air is compromised to the point of extinguishing life in many species all over the world.

Drug addiction. Those that purchase illicit drugs are responsible for the many deaths of those that run illegal rings to distribute them. They are also complicit in the deaths of those that die from addiction.

Taking responsibility in my view would be to live more in unison with our natural world. The way we live is not compatible with nature. There is no future if we don't realize this.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by sweetstuff
Sorry I stopped listening to religious dogma intended to make me responsible for the evil of others long ago. I am responsible for my own actions and no one else's.

Oh that's lovely.. Next time you pay taxes, think about where your money has gone and whether it blown up a families home in the Middle East or something.. You may not be directly responsibe for anything, but indirectly, you are just as guilty as the next person and throwing the blame else where is just arrogant. Religion isn't an issue either. But don't listen to me though, I do take responsibility and offence at the actions of my overlords. They are the ones representing me to the rest of the world btw.
edit on 25-4-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Kgnow

Dear Kgnow,

TPTB and Lucifer are also responsible for their actions. If one uses "insider" knowledge to deceive another, they are at fault. Our sin is not in our actions, it is in our intent and the intent to deceive the world in order to take advantage of those with less knowledge is generally considered a crime.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:34 PM

It takes a certain level of........__________ to get to the point where you are finally ready to accept responsibility for everything you are seeing in the world, and to realize that YOU contributed SOMETHING to EVERYTHING you can even imagine complaining about.

Originally posted by tetra50
you have no right to say I have no hutzpah,


I left a blank, and YOU filled it in with your own word.
100 different people would have filled in that blank with a hundred different words yet, you chose that one.
Personally, I would have chosen "awareness" but hey, that's just me.

However, upon closer inspection, "you" chose nothing.
Your "EGO" convinced you that my post was somehow directed at you and was directly accusing YOU of not having enough....."hutzpah" whatever in the hell that is.

Your ego did the only thing ego knows to do when it feels threatened.
It convinced YOU......the real defend.

Thank you for showing us all an example of precisely what we are dealing with on a planetary level here.
Humanity is ALL effected by "ego"
Every single last one of us,.......except for "YOU" of course.

edit on 25-4-2013 by GeneralChaos because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2013 by GeneralChaos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by DarknStormy

Originally posted by sweetstuff
Sorry I stopped listening to religious dogma intended to make me responsible for the evil of others long ago. I am responsible for my own actions and no one else's.

Oh that's lovely.. Next time you pay taxes, think about where your money has gone and whether it blown up a families home in the Middle East or something.. You may not be directly responsibe for anything, but indirectly, you are just as guilty as the next person and throwing the blame else where is just arrogant. Religion isn't an issue either. But don't listen to me though, I do take responsibility and offence at the actions of my overlords. They are the ones representing me to the rest of the world btw.
edit on 25-4-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

You clearly didn't understand my post at all.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by sweetstuff

I understand that you will not be held accountable for the actions of others and that's fine. When it comes to say crime etc, I'm on board, thats the individuals mistake and they are fully responisbe for their actions. But all I'm saying is that you may be indirectly guilty of contributing to certain things without knowing about it at the same time and therefore I think we should all hold ourselves guilty (not just you) because we are likely all contributing in one way or the other which does affect people somewhere down the line.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you said, But all I seen was "Not my problem, someone else should deal with it"when the truth is we are all in this together whether we agree or not.
edit on 25-4-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

It's all our responsibilities in that we need to be aware that others are usurping our right to freedom of choice and our right to personal responsibility. If you and I were playing a game of Monopoly and I steal the money while you aren't looking, cheat with the dice while you aren't looking and then tell you that you are losing because you didn't play the game well, am I taking personal responsibility? But you know it's all on you cause it's certainly not on me right?

I can only be the best person I can be, beyond that and beyond my little corner of the globe, I really don't have any tangible impact and my ego is well aware of that. So the whole religious dogma and that is what it is to me, of 'you can change this so it's your fault, don't look in my direction' is the same tactic religion has used for eons to control, distract and place blame squarely on those who are the weakest in the congregation then go off to abuse more alter boys and steal from the tithe plate. If you declare yourself a 'father and leader' you best take the responsibility with the glory.

Those wielding great power and influence are more responsible by the nature of the positions they hold. Them not being held accountable is the issue in reality.


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by sweetstuff

Yeah that pretty much sums it up

But I think we shouldn't sit back, blame them because of their power and influence when we are allowing them to get away with what they are doing especially when they know what they are doing also. If we cannot find a way to halt, stop the hypocracy at the top of the chain, what hope do we really have when it comes to those people? We are kidding ourselves.

But the issue I have is people suffer around the world because of these a/holes and though I do not take responsibility myself for the way things are, I believe it is mine and your responsibility to find a way to change things for the better even if it just means dropping a seed and letting it grow for another 30 years or so. We have to try something, we have been duped and the longer this continues and our rights/freedoms are entirely stripped, we are going to be no different to the people suffering around the world. We need to get pro-active and though I couldn't care what happens in my life or whether my liberites are stripped or not on a personal level, I do care about the future of my children and what they are going to be living through down the track.

Do we just sit back and let them decide, or do we make a stand at any cost and take back what we rightly deserve and bring that same ideology to the people who have never had it also? I don't know about others but I'm tired of being lied too and I know that there is a better way than the way we are living now. If we keep going this way, there will be nothing left and who are we going to blame then? Ourselves.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

That will only work if people are all aware of the level of deception that exists. So I would say knowledge is the first step in the right direction, the more people are aware, the less easy it is to cheat at the game. Eventually the game will end if everyone is aware, the majority however, are not.

I think that's what Ghandi meant by Be the Change. I can't control what Mr. Harper does nor the politics of my country but I can try to open the eyes of those in my own personal world, so that's what I meant by I'm not buying into me being responsible for them, I am only responsible for me and I can only do what I can do.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by sweetstuff

Thats fair enough and thanks, I can see where your coming from.. Sorry about the initial post.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

It's all good, I'm Canadian, I get over it quick.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Kgnow

I think "understanding" is a more appropriate 'key' than "forgiveness". We must 'understand' exactly how it is and why it is that we effect the world by our small and seemingly insignificant actions.

Peace brother.

And peace be with you ,too. thanks.

Yes , the first step is understanding , but immediately after understanding the fear comes to ones heart "if the truth is ugly and bitter , if I am responsible for my own part , If I have done much wrong , then there is no hope"

Immediately after some one understands , these fears come to them , and if they are not strong and ready , they simply become disappointed and do similar things they were doing before. And they may forget with passing time.

Many human beings understand the truth , but they forget it. But if they look deeply into the past , they find out that they were aware and enlightened in many periods of time.

So , in conclusion , fear is a threat to take responsibility. Fear of unknown truth , fear from facing the results , fear from trial , fear from change , fear from past , fear from other people , fear from nature....


posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by GeneralChaos

It takes a certain level of........__________ to get to the point where you are finally ready to accept responsibility for everything you are seeing in the world, and to realize that YOU contributed SOMETHING to EVERYTHING you can even imagine complaining about.

Originally posted by tetra50
you have no right to say I have no hutzpah,


I left a blank, and YOU filled it in with your own word.
100 different people would have filled in that blank with a hundred different words yet, you chose that one.
Personally, I would have chosen "awareness" but hey, that's just me.

However, upon closer inspection, "you" chose nothing.
Your "EGO" convinced you that my post was somehow directed at you and was directly accusing YOU of not having enough....."hutzpah" whatever in the hell that is.

Your ego did the only thing ego knows to do when it feels threatened.
It convinced YOU......the real defend.

Thank you for showing us all an example of precisely what we are dealing with on a planetary level here.
Humanity is ALL effected by "ego"
Every single last one of us,.......except for "YOU" of course.

edit on 25-4-2013 by GeneralChaos because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2013 by GeneralChaos because: (no reason given)

Of course we are all affected by ego--because we all have one--an ego. I certainly do not deny it, nor deny everyone's affects things, events, the world. But you are certainly presenting this in an entirely one-sided view, aren't you. And that's your ego, as well.
So what? Wanna run around and point fingers at each other and say "nah nah na-nah nah," now?

You didn't convince me to defend anything, except all human beings who are enslaved here who will continue to be enslaved by someone convincing them they wear such a yolk for their own faults or lacks.......
I didn't make this personal, not did I ever intend it to be. but whatever's floating your boat, that's fine with me. My ego, as you put it, is not so nearly involved here as you've tried to make it. I was stating something I believe to be true for ALL of us, and felt no reason to be defensive. Just I don't accept what I know to not be true,, and watch everyone sold down the river Styx on a raft made out of planks cut from your logic.
If you t hink that's my personal ego talking, well, your powers of perception are somewhat blind at the moment, for you have an agenda you've just made obvious, as well.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by tetra50

No,the "in my defense" part was simply kidding around.

Thanks for your kind words. Unfortunately things are gonna get even worse. Like you said,"scheduled","promoted" etc.

Btw,we have Toys R Us. Good memories but in the other hand,globalization. Lifestyle,politics,trends and I don't know what else,all of them being way too similar. Several reasons for that,one of them is,by making people leading similar lives you have to make less effort to adjust yourself. You know pretty much how they act,how they'll react and things like that. Anyway.

reply to post by Kgnow

When we understand the tricks of "others",... when we understand the psyche, the ego, and the self... when we understand the interconnectedness of this reality,... OH BOY DO WE HAVE GREAT RESPONSIBILITY!

But pretty much you're saying that the people should be blamed equally as TPTB while in the other hand you also say that they're not to be blamed at all. You're even contradicting your own self. Why don't you clear that up first.
The people's responsibility right now is to try and resist the manipulation coming from the people you're defending and that's quite hard.

Are you going to fight? Rise up and rebel? Peace can only come through peace. More fighting will birth future fighting.

I've already started it. I'm keeping my mind under my own control. Example:
You're talking about peace based on false ideas such as "It's the people's fault,not the manipulators' " and "We're equally responsible for what's happening." Those are lies so you're talking about a "peace" based on lies.
That's not peace,that's a Trojan horse right there.

It's my fault. It's your fault. It's all of our fault.

Speak for yourself. People make many bad choices because of the constant manipulation from the people you present as blameless.

Besides being positively and tirelessly active and proactive towards love, peace, freedom, and abundance,... I see no other way.

How about critical thinking? You "forgot" about that,didn't ya?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 12:29 PM

'TPTB' and Lucifer are NOT to Blame. Take 'Self' Responsibility!

Self responsibility is indeed what we all need regardless of our beliefs. Accepting that we are ourselves the cause of most of our own unhappiness is something of an awakening. Whether we are descended from apes that fell from the trees or the creation of a god or higher life form, doesn't change a thing.

And... there is good and evil and we know this almost from birth. There is an instinctive understanding of basic right and wrong... like a firmware that comes with us. To claim ignorance is to ignore what we already know and to blame a god or a devil or anything else, is to dodge that responsibility.

But, there is also the selfish desires that come with this existence that are often whispering in our ear to sidestep the obvious and take the sidetrack... 'the devil made me do it' -or- 'if God loved us, he wouldn't have allowed it'.

This ever-so-short span we know as our human experience, is akin to a field exercise where we are basically tossed to the wolves. To succeed, we have to negotiate the obstacle and mature into a being capable of learning from the mistakes and... yes, accepting the responsibility for our actions.

Here in this world and in this life, denial of all of the above is the most physically and materially rewarding route.

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