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Come, find the "narrow path" (gate)...ask God now for the grace to believe

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posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by colbe

You must take command of this world, take the tomes/stones randomly picked and use them to transport change energy outward positive. I am trying to convince (talk to) the obsequiousness of the human it must have some SELF DISEARNMENT - 1. Much too willing to serve or obey 2. submissive, compliant, devoted fawning and dutiful (is not a good thing). We as God will tell you straight out, this is human goat herding at its best, DO you TRUST YOUR SHEPHERD?

edit on 24-4-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by akushla99


Satan exists and the coming anti-Christ is true, he is alive today. The miraculous points to Christ and the Blessed Trinity. God grants miracles to strengthen or bring a person to belief.

Pretty sure it is online, read the same book an intellectual (who died for the faith) read per chance one evening. She then converted from Judaism to the faith. Her name is Edith Stein. I'll look for the link.


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by truejew

Soul sleep actually was around before the SDA. There is nothing wrong with being non-trinitarian. Where they are wrong is being non-oneness.

Hello truejew,

Soul Sleep is not true. How do you explain answered mental prayers offered to the saints? There is witness to prayers answered that brought miraculous healings. Did you ever read of St. Pio's intercession? Both while he was alive and now that he is in Heaven. The testimonies are amazing.

Pentecostal Oneness is not true. Matthew 28:19 shows it to be false. Trinitarian belief is not optional if you are Christian.

God bless you,


Matt 28:19
Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 02:51 AM
Check these photos taken of Padre Pio's stigmata. And other pics. St. Pio died in 1968. wn,%20eating.html

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by akushla99


Satan exists and the coming anti-Christ is true, he is alive today. The miraculous points to Christ and the Blessed Trinity. God grants miracles to strengthen or bring a person to belief.

Pretty sure it is online, read the same book an intellectual (who died for the faith) read per chance one evening. She then converted from Judaism to the faith. Her name is Edith Stein. I'll look for the link.


What is most hilarious is the way you...just...keep...legitimizing...exactly...what...I...have...been...writing...

...that you cannot (or do not - since disengaging from your own creations is the hardest...) understand what you are saying (refer to first sentence, compare what I have written to what you have been doing)...

Faith is admirable...blind faith is stupidity...(blindside semi-truck not accounted for in faith...did not compute data)...

The exchange between us is over...I have opened the windows, peeled back the tiling on the roof...seems you want to cower in the basement with your penny torch...and believe it is daylight...



posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by akushla99

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by akushla99


Satan exists and the coming anti-Christ is true, he is alive today. The miraculous points to Christ and the Blessed Trinity. God grants miracles to strengthen or bring a person to belief.

Pretty sure it is online, read the same book an intellectual (who died for the faith) read per chance one evening. She then converted from Judaism to the faith. Her name is Edith Stein. I'll look for the link.


What is most hilarious is the way you...just...keep...legitimizing...exactly...what...I...have...been...writing...

...that you cannot (or do not - since disengaging from your own creations is the hardest...) understand what you are saying (refer to first sentence, compare what I have written to what you have been doing)...

Faith is admirable...blind faith is stupidity...(blindside semi-truck not accounted for in faith...did not compute data)...

The exchange between us is over...I have opened the windows, peeled back the tiling on the roof...seems you want to cower in the basement with your penny torch...and believe it is daylight...



You gave no proof for your denials concerning the faith. Science has tested and tested major miracles and they have no explanation. You can't discuss so you throw at me personal insults.

Remember, the most Holy Eucharist is true. When the anti-Christ attempts to abolish it, recall. Before this happens, God is going to show you and me, everyone His plan, our souls and a warning about the anti-Christ.

take care, God bless,


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by colbe

You are 'discussing' nothing with are regurgitating the third hand musings of people you have not met...this is called blind faith...I have my own revelations (as in major ballpark lighting system illumination) - and these are not up for discussion, but are relayed as replies, in posts such as yours...

I would/will be more interested in hearing your own personal experience (which I can guarantee you) will 'prove', legitimise, shore up, support exactly what I have been setting down on this thread (at least - as if what I have written does not describe exactly what you have been doing?!)...

Let there be no mistake...this subject heading (appearing on a conspiracy-based site, sitting on a server [who knows where]) is small chips compared to the journeys we are on...yours appears to be more of a horror movie...good luck with that (and, it still fulfills exactly what I have written on these posts) we were handed the FREE WILL mandate to account for these very reasons...because of the unconditional and vast LOVE that God/Source has for its are welcome to go in any direction you choose, as we all are...

Postscript: in your reply to this post, you will once again eschew your own God-given intelligence module, to try and implicate me in your hallucinagenic bardos...(prophecy in motion!)...


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by akushla99
reply to post by colbe

You are 'discussing' nothing with are regurgitating the third hand musings of people you have not met...this is called blind faith...I have my own revelations (as in major ballpark lighting system illumination) - and these are not up for discussion, but are relayed as replies, in posts such as yours...

I would/will be more interested in hearing your own personal experience (which I can guarantee you) will 'prove', legitimise, shore up, support exactly what I have been setting down on this thread (at least - as if what I have written does not describe exactly what you have been doing?!)...

Let there be no mistake...this subject heading (appearing on a conspiracy-based site, sitting on a server [who knows where]) is small chips compared to the journeys we are on...yours appears to be more of a horror movie...good luck with that (and, it still fulfills exactly what I have written on these posts) we were handed the FREE WILL mandate to account for these very reasons...because of the unconditional and vast LOVE that God/Source has for its are welcome to go in any direction you choose, as we all are...

Postscript: in your reply to this post, you will once again eschew your own God-given intelligence module, to try and implicate me in your hallucinagenic bardos...(prophecy in motion!)...


I won't comment, you're angry.

Edith Stein read the autobiography of St.Teresa of Avila and converted from Judaism to Catholicism. Don't
you wonder the draw?

Watch this brief Youtube.

God bless you,


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by colbe

Originally posted by akushla99
reply to post by colbe

You are 'discussing' nothing with are regurgitating the third hand musings of people you have not met...this is called blind faith...I have my own revelations (as in major ballpark lighting system illumination) - and these are not up for discussion, but are relayed as replies, in posts such as yours...

I would/will be more interested in hearing your own personal experience (which I can guarantee you) will 'prove', legitimise, shore up, support exactly what I have been setting down on this thread (at least - as if what I have written does not describe exactly what you have been doing?!)...

Let there be no mistake...this subject heading (appearing on a conspiracy-based site, sitting on a server [who knows where]) is small chips compared to the journeys we are on...yours appears to be more of a horror movie...good luck with that (and, it still fulfills exactly what I have written on these posts) we were handed the FREE WILL mandate to account for these very reasons...because of the unconditional and vast LOVE that God/Source has for its are welcome to go in any direction you choose, as we all are...

Postscript: in your reply to this post, you will once again eschew your own God-given intelligence module, to try and implicate me in your hallucinagenic bardos...(prophecy in motion!)...


I won't comment, you're angry.

Edith Stein read the autobiography of St.Teresa of Avila and converted from Judaism to Catholicism. Don't
you wonder the draw?

Watch this brief Youtube.

God bless you,


You clearly have no 'empathetic' circuits working...angry?!

Prophecy fulfilled!

Shop is closed for business...for Colbe...


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:40 AM
message to Pelianito

April 21, 2013
Revelation 1:16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and from his mouth came a sharp, two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining with full force.

“Beloved, the glory of your God is beyond imagining, his countenance more radiant than all the stars of the universe together. His glory cannot be measured. His power is infinite—one word from his mouth can give life or take it. How long must I put up with a people who continually challenges my authority, who mock the omnipotent God, HE WHO IS? You ask how long—well, so do I! The hour of mercy has been prolonged for the sake of sinners, but it will not be extended indefinitely. In fact, it is almost at its end. Now is the time to re-double your efforts at prayer and sacrifice. The time is coming when all mankind will have to choose—are you with me or against me? Pray my children! That day will be wonderful and terrible. If you knew, you would not stop praying."...

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by colbe

"His power is infinite—one word from his mouth can give life or take it. How long must I put up with a people who continually challenges my authority, who mock the omnipotent God, HE WHO IS?"

Understand is as clear as it comes...

'His power is infinite'...limit this infinity, and you are gulity of falling into the category of people who challenge his authority!..Colbe!..INFINITE...contained, restrained, tricked, lassooed, NOTHING in MY GODS creation!...not even (and I will use the characters in your horror movie) SATAN, the devil, Louie Cipher...

'One word from his mouth can give life or take it'...self explanatory (where 'life' means the infused personality module)...which the middle-management Louie Cipher et al are/have been in the process of discovering (or not, as the challenge stands for all of created units!)...

P.s. ...a little birdy told me not to shut shop...


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by colbe

End-Time manuals for in-breath...out-breath epochal events exist in all cosmologies in one form or another...the christian version was lifted/plagiarised from more complete manuals for transition between waves...

The introduction of 'urgency' requirements, relates specifically to 'positional' necessities in relation to transition between circuit harmonics...belief 'modifies' harmonics, faith acts to align in circuits...(in-breath has a beginning, and ends with an out-breath...and so on) has been variously described as many things...harvest, rapture, transition...'sin', as whip, is totally erroneous (this is a paperfold) cannot walk through a gate if you do not stand before it...practicalities rule these events...

Evolution of spirit runs concurrent with shell development...'light bodies' are released on 'in-breath' to navigate the transitional stages...but cannot be released to transit if not developmentally prepared - hence the mien of 'urgency'...not being developmentally prepared (using the mandate of FREE WILL to decide) guarantees continued groundhog day...until the next breath...


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by akushla99

You sound like a narrator for a fantasy novel.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by akushla99

You sound like a narrator for a fantasy novel.

I take this as a compliment 😉

Keep well in user manual 'entertainment'...the (sometimes) in-depth discussions/questions based around filmic productions has a relevance, if not for seed planting...and notwithstanding artistic licence (or the appearance of fantasy, or the fantastically unbelieveable) they match, nay mirror, the fantastical 400th draft renderings handed down to us from worldwide cosmologies...operating always as archetypes! (the reality is never taken seriously, and is therefore relegated to pure fantasy)...

RPGs are built using rules that a player accepts before embarking onto spawnable worlds (many of these are played in a virtual world) earlier times, pure art (painting, sculpture, literature) performed these same functions...and to a certain extent, still do...

The narrow path (gate) alluded to in the OP is a ubiquitous 'image'...that has more than a passing truth to it...what is really left is the removal of adds, edits, special effects to reveal a very, very common denominator...the christian & Muslim RPG - plagiarised versions - has pure psychological gameplay rules with complicated explanations that mask the actual goal (there is a reason for this - it is more than apparent in the way explanations of practicality are rendered)...RPG-wise, if you want to traverse 'levels' (level-up) you need to complete set tasks, be in the correct 'experience' position, to do so...evolution, at least, nominates it as survival of the fittest...but could better be described as survival of the better prepared...that preparation is a practical necessity, hinted at in cosmological tracts...prophets of the 'game' experience even adjure the steps to follow to become positioned correctly...the material/spiritual interface is not that porous that it doesn't require certain conditions to be met...and once having met those requirements, be in a position to understand/effect the next step forward/upward/onward...

'Gate', is a simple image-based illustration when all is said and done...


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by akushla99


Satan exists and the coming anti-Christ is true, he is alive today. The miraculous points to Christ and the Blessed Trinity. God grants miracles to strengthen or bring a person to belief.

Pretty sure it is online, read the same book an intellectual (who died for the faith) read per chance one evening. She then converted from Judaism to the faith. Her name is Edith Stein. I'll look for the link. colbe

It is very nice that Edith forgave?? denied Judiasm to join another religion; Christianity; while probably not enjoying internment or forced camping in Auszhvichz, (polish sp. non specific dialect). The problem was or not that Catholics, Adventists or Christian protestant (PRO-TESTANTS) offshoot believers were similarly murdered, not relegated to just Hebrew tradition. Is this a 'Jesus Saves scenario' or the blunt end of a stick saying "they all got it wrong" in regards to Hitlers view of the extermination of infidel humans not only in Germany but apparently the entire Theater (European spyglass east to RUSSIA Eastern) (any excuse will do). What is the Catholic Gods excuse here in allowing for its own Constituancy to be murdered? Hitler was Vrill society maybe a closet Lutheran/Calvanist; seriously confused, affect? that of a drug user.
edit on 25-4-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Both of my grandparents, on my father's side, were polish Jews who converted to Catholicism just before immigrating through Ellis Island, to the United States, just before WWII.

Jesus, the Pope, the Virgin Mary nor any of the saints had anything to do with it. It was for their survival, pure and simple.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Both of my grandparents, on my father's side, were polish Jews who converted to Catholicism just before immigrating through Ellis Island, to the United States, just before WWII.

Jesus, the Pope, the Virgin Mary nor any of the saints had anything to do with it. It was for their survival, pure and simple.

You are a baptized Catholic and now a fallen away Catholic? Not for long....prayers bring conversion/reversion.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by akushla99
You sound like a narrator for a fantasy novel.

True. I don't always know what akushla is saying but he is interested AfterInfinity.

God's grace is working....

God bless you,


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by colbe

You are a baptized Catholic and now a fallen away Catholic? Not for long....prayers bring conversion/reversion.

No Colbe,

I never met my father's parents, who were never practicing Catholics. They were Jewish immigrants who felt they had to pretend to be Catholic to avoid getting murdered. Even here in America, at that time, Jews were despised and discriminated against.

I was never baptized Catholic, I wasn't raised Catholic and my mother and my father were NOT Catholic. I have never attended a Catholic mass as a child or as an adult.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by colbe

You are a baptized Catholic and now a fallen away Catholic? Not for long....prayers bring conversion/reversion.

No Colbe,

I never met my father's parents, who were never practicing Catholics. They were Jewish immigrants who felt they had to pretend to be Catholic to avoid getting murdered. Even here in America, at that time, Jews were despised and discriminated against.

I was never baptized Catholic, I wasn't raised Catholic and my mother and my father were NOT Catholic. I have never attended a Catholic mass as a child or as an adult.

Very important, may I ask, were you baptized?

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