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Research: Bush's Voters

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by moxyone
The old adage...statistics don't lie, people lie with statistics.

Thanks for reinforcing that long-heralded truth.

here's a data point for you:

I graduated from high school
I graduated from a top 5 university in the country cum laude
I voted for Bush.

now...go out there and collect 25,000 other data points and report back.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by moxyone]

Relax. Obviously you are having trouble understanding what I claim, and here is what I claim and what is shown by the image I created:

George W. Bush received 180 electoral votes from 16 out of the 19 states with the lowest percent of high school graduates in the population (25 years and older).

That is not a lie.

Thanks again!

- Attero

[edit on 4-11-2004 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:28 AM
I suppose that the author of this thread voted Democratic. The purpose of this thread is an implicit "We may have lost, but we're smarter than them." It makes him feel better, gives him solace in his defeat.

What's next? Literacy test for voters?

Guess what? The voting machine doesn't give you an extra tally if you are smart. The stupid person's vote counts exactly as much as the "smart" person's vote. Your cause might be better served by learning to communicate with those people without looking down your nose at them.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Attero Auctorita
So you disagree that George W. Bush received 180 electoral votes from 16 out of the 19 states with the lowest percent of high school graduates in the population (25 years and older). That's all I claim - and I don't see how that is flawed.

- Attero

Ok, so you have posted the what? This is your thread so let's hear your opinion on the data you provided. Do you even have a point? If you are trying to say that people who vote for Bush are stupid, then don't hide behind your precious graph. Be a man (or woman, whatever you are) and just say it. Otherwise, who f****** cares? Bush won, Kerry lost. The dumb people got who they wanted and the smart people get to whine to the dumb people for another 4 yrs. I think that should wrap up this pointless thread, right?

[edit on 4-11-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
I suppose that the author of this thread voted Democratic.

Actually I voted Libertarian.

- Attero

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by moxyone
The old adage...statistics don't lie, people lie with statistics.

Very true. Here's an example-

It has been shown that the crime rate and the sale of ice cream correllate very well. This means that as ice cream sales go up, crime goes up. By itself, this would lead one to bleeive ice cream sales cause crime (or crime causes ice cream sales).

But you have to add in another factor, temperature. As the temperature rises, both crime and ice cream sales rise. This means that both of those factors are dependent on temperature, and have nothing to do with each other. When it is warm out, people buy more ice cream. For whatever multitude of reasons, a warmer temperature increases the crime rate.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:43 AM

Relax. Obviously you are having trouble understanding what I claim, and here is what I claim and what is shown by the image I created:

On the contrary, my understanding is crystal clear.

BTW I am quite relaxed. Relaxed in the fact that the Republicans control the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and will shape the next SCOTUS.

I am done w/ you and your sophomoric graph.

good day.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by moxyone]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:41 PM
To be honest the GOP does have a good base of Republican voters from the south who are uneducated as well. Whites in poor rural areas (the so called "trailer park trash"), who don't have a lot of money yet vote republican when usually the GOP is for richer people. The money power base comes from the rich elite but the pure physical voting power base comes from these rural areas. Now the question to ask is what is one common theme among all these voters and why do they vote the way they do.

Well ask some of those people how they feel about blacks and that right there is the key. People don't want to hear it but oh well. I have to listen from people like Bill O'Fooly and others how b/c I'm black I won't abe able to do this/or I'm supposed to do that etc. etc. so only fair I make my observations known. I mean IMO while the Dem party isn't innocent either the Rep party still has the higher # of those whites who dislike blacks and these people will never vote Dem b/c they know the Dem party tends to be more for blacks than whites. On the other side you do have a lot of cultural conservative older blacks (even Joe Scarborough on MSNBC said this one the air). Yet why won't they vote Rep who tend to be conservative? Well one reason is b/c blacks on average tend to have less money but another reason is why would I or anyone else in my family vote for a party who has a higher # of support from those who dislike me. I mean I'd mine as well tie the nose around my neck if I vote Republican. I mean I'm not going to vote for a party when an overwhelming # of people who don't like me vote that way too. Just doesn't make sense. Again the Dem party is innocent either (Robert Byrd and no doubt probably other closest bigots) but b/t the two I feel the Dem party has more of my interests than the GOP.

And yes when it comes to blacks who dislike whites obviously you'll find probably 99% in the Dem party since it's no secret most blacks vote Dem (as reasoned above). But the difference here is blacks never did/don't have any power to put any hate to use compared to whites who have been in power since the U.S. was created (Jim Crow laws, segregation etc.).

[edit on 11/4/2004 by truseeker]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:50 PM
Just to introduce a new factor that is independent of education level,....other boards are wondering about subliminal television. Just because it is illegal doesn't mean it isn't being used on the populace. One's suseptibility to subliminal direction depends on many factors, alcohol use, drug use, hypnosis, depression, etc.


posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:14 PM
aww its so cute how upset the reps are getting!
You must have touched a nerve

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Attero Auctorita

Relax. Obviously you are having trouble understanding what I claim, and here is what I claim and what is shown by the image I created:

George W. Bush received 180 electoral votes from 16 out of the 19 states with the lowest percent of high school graduates in the population (25 years and older).

That is not a lie.

Thanks again!

- Attero

ok, let's talk some statistics then, what are the states with the most corruption, gangs, and violence in the US?

Street gangs have been documented in cities in the United States throughout most of the country's history, but crime surveys and statistics suggest that gangs are posing a more serious crime problem than in the past. In some cities, such as Chicago, Illinois, and Los Angeles, California, gangs are credited with an alarming share of violent crime,

Excerpted from.

OMG, if i take seriously the statistics from the above link, all Democrats/Liberals must be the most violent, and all must be gang members...

Do take a look at the most violent cities in the US and where there are more gangs. Most of them, actually the majority of them are blue states....

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
Why is it when someone doesn't understand the other side of the coin, they have to claim those people are ignorance or stupid?

I just don't get it.


posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:13 AM
I guess if you don't have a high school education, you shouldn't be allowed to vote? Should we make it college? I'm not sure what the point of your thread is.

If you get the chance, break it down by people who have cheated on their spouse, people who have done drugs, people who have cheated on their taxes (even by ten dollars), or people who drive in the carpool lane even though they are by themselves. What is your point?

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