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Boston is a Farce to Take your Rights Away

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posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by cavscout11cav

You all pat yourselves on the back as the heros of the US.

I did answer your question multiple times, albeit ambiguously. You didn't preclude ambiguity in your requests.

I will not be patting myself on the back until the United States shakes off the yoke of tyranny once and for all.
But I will be picking up the pace and doubling my efforts towards that end.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Druid42

"Deny Ignorance" Quite apt if you ask me. If a single person with a gun can shut down a city like Boston, then we have lost. All you now need is for one person in authority to say 'For your safety, please only do as we say'. Safety from what? Does it matter? How danger do you need to be in for you to just roll over and surrender? For Boston, obviously just one person.

Just remember, the America you believe you live in is only in your imagination. Constitutional America is no more. And it will never be again. We live in New America. The power is to lop-sided to ever right this ship, especially when most of the passengers are oblivious to water that is already up to their chins. No, Constitutional America is nothing more than a memory and a lost dream. Welcome to the new nightmare, welcome to New America.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:55 PM
I wonder due the near decleration of Martial Law, that we don't know the whole story. Could it be they are worried about IED's that have not been found? Maybe they are afraid of some sort of dirty bomb or worse. During Katrina, FEMA nearly dropped the hammer and SUSPENDED the constitution. They are the only entity that can do that. You don't tell a gigantic population to stay at home and lock your doors unless something is really worrying the Government. I wonder what they are scared of? A surviving brother that helped rob a 7-11? Much worse has happened in cities that did not declare a "lock Down" of a metropolis of several million to find one person. I hope that they find him, (Alive). Because he might be a lackey that was supposed to not be taken alive.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by cavscout11cav

Well I may be posting blind here, as I haven't seen all your posts ( I've been in and out). I have an issue with the military being called in to enforce civilian law. As far as I know the local and state governments do not have blackhawk helos.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I'm with ya. So when do you think "The New Revolution" is starting?

edit on 19-4-2013 by Crazy1 because: Wrong emote.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by ObservingTheWorld
reply to post by Druid42

"Deny Ignorance" Quite apt if you ask me. If a single person with a gun can shut down a city like Boston, then we have lost. All you now need is for one person in authority to say 'For your safety, please only do as we say'. Safety from what? Does it matter? How danger do you need to be in for you to just roll over and surrender? For Boston, obviously just one person.

Just remember, the America you believe you live in is only in your imagination. Constitutional America is no more. And it will never be again. We live in New America. The power is to lop-sided to ever right this ship, especially when most of the passengers are oblivious to water that is already up to their chins. No, Constitutional America is nothing more than a memory and a lost dream. Welcome to the new nightmare, welcome to New America.

Your cynicism is not unwarranted.

We have faced countless setbacks, and we are too ignorant to really figure out what is really going on most of the time.

However I will attest to you that there is a opening of sorts, a hole in the lines of the enemy positions. I have spotted it and I have determined they have no reinforcements for this position.

If we spearhead here, we can split their forces in half, and distract them long enough to easily outflank them into a rout.
(Apply metaphor to this thread's thesis).

Also, this thread is a rally cry in this war against our liberty.

Sally forth, onward to victory!

“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time.”

“Great. Now we can shoot at those bastards from every direction.”

Chesty Puller said it best.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Crazy1
reply to post by muzzleflash

I'm with ya. So when do you think "The New Revolution" is starting?

edit on 19-4-2013 by Crazy1 because: Wrong emote.

It already began.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

Here, here well said!

+10 more 
posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:07 PM
Hello ATS community.

I was just banned from the David Icke forums by a moderator named Sean who runs the site for sharing medical observations of the Boston incident which I know to be a false flag operation. Not only were my posts deleted, but the posts of several others who quoted me and agreed with my views were also deleted within minutes of being posted. I come here now with the hope of sharing my insights without censorship from corrupted parties. This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this information with everyone you know.
(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)

I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.

Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.

If you loose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, youre dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see what's called arterial spurtting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the "tourniquet"...

Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There's no pressure applied. There's no knott with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There's no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.

This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.

Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics. His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what's happening.
Frame 6

Here in frame eight the prosthetics are in place. Amidst all this chaos seconds after the explosion the hooded man takes the time to put on his sunglasses which is a signal.
Frame 8

Here in frame nine with sunglasses now on the hooded man and the woman make eye contact, signal received.
Frame 9

In frame eleven after recieving the go signal the woman makes an open hand gesture the direction both of them are looking, signaling the staged injuries are in place for cameras. The prone amputee raises his left prosthetic injury into the air over the woman's shoulder. No blood is present. The bone is dry, no blood on his leg above the knee, no blood on the woman, no arterial spurt, nothing.
Frame 11

Here in frame fourteen the woman turns her head right but is still holding up that open palm signal with her left hand. The hooded man again busies himself pouring fake blood on the pavement behind the woman. The amputee has both fake injuries in the air now. There is still no blood on his legs, his skin above the injury is clean and dry.
Frame 14

Frame twenty, the fake blood and prosthetics are in place. The amputee gives an open hand gesture along with the woman to bring the cameras in. We're now twenty frames in and still not a drop of fresh blood from a double leg amputation. His legs are dry, the woman is dry and unscathed. Both are making the same hand gesture.
Frame 20

These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston. Share this knowledge with everyone.
edit on 19-4-2013 by Mykah because: formatting

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:09 PM
Very cool, Muzzleflash. And everyone - please do not watch American television (the advertisements are full of incorrect information or psychological techniques meant to make you think differently than how you should for your own well-being) and please do not watch American news stations (they are extremely biased).

If you want a source of entertainment, try:

If you want a source of news, try:
BBC News

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Spader
During Katrina, FEMA nearly dropped the hammer and SUSPENDED the constitution. They are the only entity that can do that.

Incorrect, no entity, except the American people themselves, can suspend the Constitution.

FEMA cannot suspend the Constitution. They can be Nazis and crap on the Constitution, but they cannot ever suspend it.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Mykah

Wow that is a very interesting post you have made.

I am most intrigued by your suggestions that it could be faked.

I have no first hand experience with people losing their legs in face to face reality, so I will have to research this topic more to understand it better.

I will take your claims very seriously however, and I will look into it from the perspective you are suggesting.
You may indeed be onto something.

Thanks for the heads up.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Mykah
Hello ATS community.

I was just banned from the David Icke forums by a moderator named Sean who runs the site for sharing medical observations of the Boston incident which I know to be a false flag operation. Not only were my posts deleted, but the posts of several others who quoted me and agreed with my views were also deleted within minutes of being posted. I come here now with the hope of sharing my insights without censorship from corrupted parties. This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this information with everyone you know.
(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)

I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.

Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.
If you loose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, youre dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see what's called arterial spurtting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the "tourniquet"...

Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There's no pressure applied. There's no knott with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There's no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.

This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.

Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics. His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what's happening.
Here in frame eight the prosthetics are in place. Amidst all this chaos seconds after the explosion the hooded man takes the time to put on his sunglasses which is a signal.
Here in frame nine with sunglasses now on the hooded man and the woman make eye contact, signal received.
In frame eleven after recieving the go signal the woman makes an open hand gesture the direction both of them are looking, signaling the staged injuries are in place for cameras. The prone amputee raises his left prosthetic injury into the air over the woman's shoulder. No blood is present. The bone is dry, no blood on his leg above the knee, no blood on the woman, no arterial spurt, nothing.

Here in frame fourteen the woman turns her head right but is still holding up that open palm signal with her left hand. The hooded man again busies himself pouring fake blood on the pavement behind the woman. The amputee has both fake injuries in the air now. There is still no blood on his legs, his skin above the injury is clean and dry.
Frame 14

Frame twenty, the fake blood and prosthetics are in place. The amputee gives an open hand gesture along with the woman to bring the cameras in. We're now twenty frames in and still not a drop of fresh blood from a double leg amputation. His legs are dry, the woman is dry and unscathed. Both are making the same hand gesture.
Frame 20

These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston. Share this knowledge with everyone.
edit on 19-4-2013 by Mykah because: formatting

I said the same as soon as i saw the footage on CNN and posted
SO blasted me for being out of touch with reality
but there was the guy being weilded down the street in a wheel chair legs exposed and
thank you so much for your post

not saying I know for sure but
I hope SO sees this as it is a reasonable thing to notice when you have been in carnage before

also the lady doctor at the trauma hospital emerge ON CNN said
only shards and plastic!

edit on 19-4-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Danbones

I'm glad he posted that info, too. It's terrible when people get chastised for thinking outside the box.
I was also wondering about that man. I can't imagine the pain that guy's in, but he should be passed out from shock or have his face twisted in pain at least. Instead, he looks like he's simply reacting a severe paper cut. How could he even sit up straight with all the pain and blood loss?

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:35 PM
mother said her sons were set up, and she said the FBI was scared of her sons for for 3-5 years

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by ObservingTheWorld
reply to post by Druid42

"Deny Ignorance" Quite apt if you ask me. If a single person with a gun can shut down a city like Boston, then we have lost. All you now need is for one person in authority to say 'For your safety, please only do as we say'. Safety from what? Does it matter? How danger do you need to be in for you to just roll over and surrender? For Boston, obviously just one person.

Just remember, the America you believe you live in is only in your imagination. Constitutional America is no more. And it will never be again. We live in New America. The power is to lop-sided to ever right this ship, especially when most of the passengers are oblivious to water that is already up to their chins. No, Constitutional America is nothing more than a memory and a lost dream. Welcome to the new nightmare, welcome to New America.

^^Agreed. Can't believe what I'm witnessing.

Despite the talking media heads telling us that terrorists haven't won.

. . . Indeed that the terrorists have won! U.S. citizens have lost & a complete govt takeover will happen eventually.

Deep down inside, U.S. citizens know that the Constition, Bill of Rights or any other protective 'articles' against govt will not protect them any longer.

Martial law now dubbed: "Lockdown". So how long will Boston (major city) be on lockdown & trapped inside their homes???

This is a show of Force - Plain & simple. Want to challenge the govt? Be prepared to deal w/ this list:

Boston PD
US Marshals
ETF Military (Natl Guard, Marines, Army?)
Sandwich trucks

^^ all of this to catch 19yr old? Terrorists have won.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Mykah
Hello ATS community.

I was just banned from the David Icke forums by a moderator named Sean who runs the site for sharing medical observations of the Boston incident which I know to be a false flag operation. Not only were my posts deleted, but the posts of several others who quoted me and agreed with my views were also deleted within minutes of being posted. I come here now with the hope of sharing my insights without censorship from corrupted parties. This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this information with everyone you know.
(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)

I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.

Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.

If you loose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, youre dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see what's called arterial spurtting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the "tourniquet"...

Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There's no pressure applied. There's no knott with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There's no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.

This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.

Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics. His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what's happening.
Frame 6

Here in frame eight the prosthetics are in place. Amidst all this chaos seconds after the explosion the hooded man takes the time to put on his sunglasses which is a signal.
Frame 8

Here in frame nine with sunglasses now on the hooded man and the woman make eye contact, signal received.
Frame 9

In frame eleven after recieving the go signal the woman makes an open hand gesture the direction both of them are looking, signaling the staged injuries are in place for cameras. The prone amputee raises his left prosthetic injury into the air over the woman's shoulder. No blood is present. The bone is dry, no blood on his leg above the knee, no blood on the woman, no arterial spurt, nothing.
Frame 11

Here in frame fourteen the woman turns her head right but is still holding up that open palm signal with her left hand. The hooded man again busies himself pouring fake blood on the pavement behind the woman. The amputee has both fake injuries in the air now. There is still no blood on his legs, his skin above the injury is clean and dry.
Frame 14

Frame twenty, the fake blood and prosthetics are in place. The amputee gives an open hand gesture along with the woman to bring the cameras in. We're now twenty frames in and still not a drop of fresh blood from a double leg amputation. His legs are dry, the woman is dry and unscathed. Both are making the same hand gesture.
Frame 20

These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston. Share this knowledge with everyone.
edit on 19-4-2013 by Mykah because: formatting


I am not positive your correct, but very well done indeed!!!

Star for you, and welcome to ATS!!!

Please keep up the good work, you may be wrong in the end, but I think you are gonna be a great asset around here!!!!!

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I was just saying today that the media gives the terrorists everything they want and even aid them in spreading their message. Do they do this in cahoots with the terrorists to move along another agenda or do they do it to sell air time? probably both not caring that they lend credibility to the terrorists but what do they care as long as they sell advertising.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Mykah

Hello ATS community.

I was just banned from the David Icke forums by a moderator named Sean who runs the site for sharing medical observations of the Boston incident which I know to be a false flag operation. Not only were my posts deleted, but the posts of several others who quoted me and agreed with my views were also deleted within minutes of being posted. I come here now with the hope of sharing my insights without censorship from corrupted parties. This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this information with everyone you know.
(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)



Please, post more of your thoughts or other information regarding this entire staged event.

I knew the moment I saw that picture of the man in the wheelchair that something just wasn't quite right. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Please keep posting.. I await your posts

What do you think this all means, a means to get the public comfortable with police in the streets knocking door to door?
edit on 19-4-2013 by FistOfFreedom because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by FistOfFreedom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 04:18 PM
This story that msm are blabing is starting to sound more like a fairy tale. But it is good to see most ATSers are not being duped. But lets face it. 99% of the public are beleiving the story. People in Boston are hiding in there homes scared by boogeymen coming to get them with presure cookers. But they are really scared by the response of armed cops and agents walking every street corner. Lets face it, every city in america has a killer roaming around.
Imagine if there was a response everytime there was a murder in the US.

As for those photos We just saw of the aftermath, and setting up artifical injuries. Wow. Thats so hard to believe, but I would not rule it out. The elites are getting more bold. Or wreakless.

Now if we all have mobiles and cameras in hand, we should all be ready to run towards the shooting or bombings ready to take a # load of photos.

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