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Private Military Contractors Belie The Official Boston Marathon Story

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posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:57 AM
you can buy their bags,shoes and cloth from their site.
y won't u? lol,anyone

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:58 AM
The impression i am getting from different sources is that they had knowledge of the bombs and were trying to disarm them, but used a "drill" as to not cause havoc.
They managed to disarm some of the explosives, although 2 still went off.

Could the military contractors have been there just to look for the culprits?

I know they had backpacks and were lurking in the background, although they could've been trying to help locate suspects.

To be honest, there seems to be a lot of things going on in the US at the moment, so there is a good chance that there may be something bigger going on.

Either way, great thread

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Ascent13
I agree that tipping your hand would just let them know you're on to them and keep people away from the events themselves. In that case, the terrorists win and have knowledge that all they need to do is make enough of a threat and they can control the masses with terror. No bomb needed in that case....

On the one hand, I think law enforcement should alert the public to the threat as protection from loss of life and bodily harm itself is paramount but it definitely needs to be weighed against the mass panic and all the anti-Xyz race crap that goes on later as people rarely can take information like that without adding in the drama/panic/name calling.

There have been many foiled bombings and other attacks and sure we hear about it after the fact but the truth is society, in large, has been protected to the best that our intelligence and counter measures can do at the moment.

This is certainly better than the bombers (especially unidentified at the time) getting wind that we are on to them, so they have a few bombs that must go off. If they had no obligation to detonating them at the marathon other than the mass gathering, they could just as easily changed plans, all of our anti-terror /LEO's and excess military would be at the event and they simply walk to another area of town, find a crowded mall, a train station etc and let the detonate there, maybe in a rack of clothing at a shopping event, perhaps a food court in the middle of a crowded work day. With an endless amount of targets, I would rather the police and intelligence officers let events unfold as controlled as possible. If we didn't have that many LEO's and others on scene and ready for action, there may have been fewer survivors.

I think there is a fine line and a lot of decisions with their respective pros & cons but in the end, this was handled better than people here are realizing.

As a Bostonian living in another part of the US, my heart goes out to all who have suffered and I give two thumbs up to everyone who jumped in and was present and able to deal with the aftermath.

I have cried for those who were killed or injured and I have been moved to tears watching the rest of the public lend their hand in even the smallest of ways.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by AnarchoCapitalist

Originally posted by MrSpad

Police scanners say a third bomb was destroyed in a controlled demolition, while the latest reports say it was a fire that caused an explosion, at the same time as the bombs went off.

edit on 4/18/2013 by AnarchoCapitalist because: (no reason given)

Read that these two were members of a Saudi Wahhabi AlQuaeda groupGuess then that it's an interesting coincidence that most everyone in Saudi Arabi is of the Wahabbi persuasion and that the first suspect with the burnt hands (?) was immediately shuffled back to Saudi Arabia...3rd actor??? 3rd bomb???

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad
Wait they had security at major sporing event like the Boston Mararthon that is potential target for terrorism? That is crazy. Next thing you know they will have security at the Super Bowl or the Olympics.

What exactly is being "secured" by this team of private "security" contractors? Because last I checked about 3 people died and over 150 were injured.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:12 PM

If the bombing was staged, then why let the the private contractors wear such easily identifiable clothing?

They'd have known that photos and CCTV of the scene before and after would be all over the web - are they really that dumb?

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by McGinty

Answer: So all the people like you who will blindly think it is too obvious that way, and immediately dismiss it.

People are so compartmentalized in the thinking it is no wonder the compartmentalized police just knee-jerk react with incredible energy once a higher source gives them the "whodunit gettem!"

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
So a security company was present at a major public event, swanning around easily identifiable in public, and you and lots of others think that is suspicious??


You may have a valid point, but I think it's the type of security present which is the suspicious element, as a security company staffed by military guys, not what you typically think of when you think security.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by McGinty

If the bombing was staged, then why let the the private contractors wear such easily identifiable clothing?

They'd have known that photos and CCTV of the scene before and after would be all over the web - are they really that dumb?

Another good point. Looks like Alex Jones' version of the story is crumbling fast..

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 02:38 PM
Craft Intl. are not PMCs. They are but a training organization, and anyone can easily go on their website and buy a hat. Yes, there is something fishy here but just making it clear "Craft Intl" is a training organization and not PMCs like Blackwater.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:04 PM

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Thanks Gaul, the bulk of our military is filled with contractors and not to mention some proxy armies..that's the way it is....those drones that are going to be filling up the skies in the years to come will also be run by these private firms....

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 03:59 PM
What a huge load of BS coming from the guys saying it's security. Nobody hires these guys for security at these events. They are way to expensive, not only that, they would use police officers and military personal. WTC 93' bombing, OKC city bombing, Waco in 93' where people were burned alive in their homes, and of course numerous other false flags.

All of which had federal legislation passed to strip more of your rights away. The same thing is happening here. More fear and control. These guys couldn't give two #s about peoples lives. Look at Waco 93', and 9/11. These people have no regard for human life. Time to smell the coffee.

All of this feeds from dopamine addiction. People start getting insecure about these sorts of things, they would rather not question any events, and rather, obey Big Brother and the MSM. It's commies- Al-CIADA and now "gun nuts and domestic terrorists." What a huge croac of #. It's hilarious to see people being led over and over again.

And I wouldn't be surprised if this Revolution or Civil War is what they want. All of these false flags are so obvious now. It's like they're deliberately trying to spark a Revolution. Maybe after the inevitable financial collapse because of this Central Banking nightmare, they will install this New World Order, where a global financial collapse could never happen again. One Nation Under Big Brother, One Currency.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by winofiend

Originally posted by AnarchoCapitalist
Have you EVER heard of police conducting a bomb drill at any public event - ever?

Only when they want to keep it a secret so that the public will never know that they were in fact the perpetrators of the crime that has gotten the entire worlds attention, and so that they can easily get away with it and never ever have people wonder about it.

That's the only time I've ever seen this happen.

It's a rilly gud plan.

Actually it is quite common to conduct training during big events, it saves money by keeping the resources busy with needed training while still being available if needed. It's just smart resource management.

I took place in a few national guard/local police drills after 9/11.

We had to get our communication worked out (different systems at the time) and learn how the LEO's did things and they learned how we do things.

I completely buy that. When I was in the Civil Air Patrol, if there was an air show, we would be there to assist with the air show. Typically we might also have a disaster relief training session because, well all the people and stuff were there which saves time and money. In fact the day before the air show we would usually have a brief training session in the event of any accident/weather/event we knew what to do and how we would work with the other agencies there.

So anytime there is a BIG scheduled event like the superbowl/boston marathon/world series/ political convention its really NOT that odd that there is an exercise going on.

And if you have never been in the military or civil service, or even volunteer groups, you know that when there is not a disaster, you usually are doing some kind of exercise. You don't just sit around and wait for the next call. All the, "THERE WAS AN EXERCISE AT THE TIME OF EVENT>>>>FALSE FLAG!!!!!!!" stuff is a little ignorent.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

Having Civil Air Patrol show up for an air show is totally normal.

Having a private military contractor show up to conduct a bomb drill at a marathon while real bombs explode is not.

This is not normal.

It is not normal for the police to bring in PMCs to conduct training during a major public event. The fact that they were there at all is highly unusual. Training is typically conducted on a training range, not a live event where the training could disturb the public, which it clearly did, given Stevenson's account of what happened.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
So a security company was present at a major public event, swanning around easily identifiable in public, and you and lots of others think that is suspicious??

If security was NOT present the same people would be whining that as no security was present they knew about the bombing beforehand so that is also suspicious....

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by AnarchoCapitalist

And what about the bleachers that were being removed just after the explosion across from the scene? This is definitely firepower for conspiracies.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
So a security company was present at a major public event, swanning around easily identifiable in public, and you and lots of others think that is suspicious??

If security was NOT present the same people would be whining that as no security was present they knew about the bombing beforehand so that is also suspicious....

I would expect to see security, even private security. Private security at events like this is not unusual.

What is unusual is seeing a private military contractor like Craft International, who specializes in sniper training and counter-insurgency tactics, being at the event. These guys are NOT normal private security. They are all ex-special forces operators. They are extremely expensive military trainers. They are NOT a security detail. Craft does not do security details.

What is unusual is seeing a PMC group like Craft at this event WHILE A BOMB DRILL IS BEING CONDUCTED.

I would expect to see a company like these guys, not Craft:

edit on 4/19/2013 by AnarchoCapitalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by ParasuvO
reply to post by McGinty

Answer: So all the people like you who will blindly think it is too obvious that way, and immediately dismiss it.

People are so compartmentalized in the thinking it is no wonder the compartmentalized police just knee-jerk react with incredible energy once a higher source gives them the "whodunit gettem!"

Thanks, that makes zero sense!

So instead of wearing non-descript clothing which would have meant that we'd not have spotted them at all and not now be discussing them, they decide they'd like to be spotted in the hope that everyone would just say, "Hey, why would they wear such obviously matching clothing, why would they do that if they wanted to bomb the marathon?"

Yep, that's a much better strategy than just fading into the back ground so no one notices them at all.

It's posts like that that let the MSM write off ATS as a forum for cranks and paranoids. Compartmentalisation has nothing to do with discerning the obvious.

edit on 19-4-2013 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by McGinty

If the bombing was staged, then why let the the private contractors wear such easily identifiable clothing?

They'd have known that photos and CCTV of the scene before and after would be all over the web - are they really that dumb?

Another good point. Looks like Alex Jones' version of the story is crumbling fast..

Indeed. The only people interned upon his particular Prison Planet are those sending him their dollars. If someone that screamed so loud really were imparting secret truths he'd been taken out long ago. More likely he was taken 'on board'.

After ParasuvO's depressingly paranoid reply i was ready to take a long break from ATS.


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