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Anonymous threatens to out boys in Rehtaeh Parsons case

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posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:44 PM
Anonymous Claims Suspect Confessed To Rehtaeh Parsons' Rape

Hacker group Anonymous claims to have a confession from a suspect who allegedly raped Canadian teen Rehtaeh Parsons. The announcement comes just days after the 17-year-old girl was taken off life support following a suicide attempt.

The hacktivists threatened to reveal the identity of the teenaged suspect and three other boys accused of the gang rape of Parsons in 2011 if the Royal Canadian Mounted Police doesn't make arrests.

reply to post by lnfideI

edit on 13-4-2013 by GrantedBail because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:42 PM
I don't understand how most of the people posting here KNOW that the accused are indeed guilty.

Do you think the RCMP decided not to follow through with charges because they were lazy?

Why didn't they care too much about the video? I think the quote was "Its a community issue" from the RCMP

But if we are just speculating and dragging peoples names through mud for no reason then ill do the same.

This girl that decided to end her own life that we are all supposed to have a bleeding heart over probably fell victim to her own irresponsibility consuming drugs. Probably MDMA or something like that.

The police seen the video and before all the media attention and story spinning concluded it was a community issue. That - to me anyway - says that there were poor choices made on everyone involved part including the community that should be steering young people away from mood altering drugs and the modern sensation of sex tapes.

And if this is just about awareness for bulling again its not going to have a positive effect. The only awareness that will come of this is from depressed and less brave young people that now think killing themselves will get the attention they seek.

edit on 13-4-2013 by FirstCasualty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN

Originally posted by 123143
reply to post by DarKPenguiN

Right. People kill themselves for posthumous attention.

Glad we agree.
Most of these recent teenage suicides are exactly that...Not speaking of the average suicide which has been going on since time began- But the rash of suicides among teens in the last 10 or so years .

-Like the girl with the Video of her holding cue cards, sad because she showed her breasts online and blah...blah...

I High School I knew 1 person (a fellow student) who killed himself in the 4 years I was there. My son knows 4 already and he a sophomore- What has changed? Now its "National/World" news with an outpouring of sympathy for a selfish and stupid act. These kids are so self centered they cannot see past HIGH SCHOOL.

These kids are not killing themselves for reasons beyond being embarrassed and being picked on. These are not "real problems" and they do not deserve national/world attention or this will SPREAD... Why are so many "Cutters" around today when I knew ZERO in High school? Same reason- After School Special bulll# making it a "fad" and now a HUGE amount of teens are "cutters", apathetic and filled with "woe is me" over non issues.

I see it (having High School age kids) and am glad my kids and their friends (for the most part) are n ot so self absorbed that they think being teased is a reason to kill ones self.

EDIT: Also to note- The person I knew in High School who killed himself wasnt even from my High School .It was a rival school- My Son knows 4 from HIS HIGH SCHOOL. This is becoming an epidemic that wasnt around 20 years ago- When we died it was generally from a car accident...Now its "suicide" (so much more dramatic for the diva generation)

edit on 11-4-2013 by DarKPenguiN because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2013 by DarKPenguiN because: (no reason given)

How do you KNOW why all these kids take their own lives? They may have a horrible family (or no family) situation, or maybe they've been physically or sexually abused their entire could you possibly speculate the contrary? I do agree that many kids have lost their backbone in this day and age, a lot may be attributed to the coddling many parents give their kids now, which was not so prevalent in 40 to 50 years ago. Either way, each person is it's not fair to generalize. Don't forget the drugs prescribed like candy to anyone (kids included) that want or are told they need it.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by DarKPenguiN

I wonder how many of these kids were fed psychiatric drugs since they were 5 - 10 years old. I'm a psychiatric nurse and I can't believe how they hand these drugs out like candy. Kids have rough spots growing up - a pill isn't going to fix it. I wonder about the parents who want their kids on drugs - who are probably taking some kind of anti-depressant, or anti-anxiety drug themselves.

The end of high school is the beginning of your life.

I quickly responded to the post above yours before reading this...Thank You for saying what I have been saying...DRUGS, DRUGS, and more DRUGS. They are unfortunately an integral part of many peoples' existence! Where we once had so many commercials for laundry detergent, or soda pop, is now for the latest prescription drug that will soothe your every ache, pain,tear and fear....

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by elrem48

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by DarKPenguiN

I wonder how many of these kids were fed psychiatric drugs since they were 5 - 10 years old. I'm a psychiatric nurse and I can't believe how they hand these drugs out like candy. Kids have rough spots growing up - a pill isn't going to fix it. I wonder about the parents who want their kids on drugs - who are probably taking some kind of anti-depressant, or anti-anxiety drug themselves.

The end of high school is the beginning of your life.

I quickly responded to the post above yours before reading this...Thank You for saying what I have been saying...DRUGS, DRUGS, and more DRUGS. They are unfortunately an integral part of many peoples' existence! Where we once had so many commercials for laundry detergent, or soda pop, is now for the latest prescription drug that will soothe your every ache, pain,tear and fear....

This may sound like an ignorant statement, but Health Canada and FDA are no where near on the same level. There are many things that are ok with the FDA that do not suit Health Canada. We do have children here on antidepressants too but im not sure if its the same drugs or nearly as many on them... per capita of coarse.

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