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Generation X has suffered massive loss of wealth

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posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:22 PM
Dennis Miller
pretty much predicted the current America.

Back in the 90's

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Bilk22
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Remind me which generation X is

Generation X, or those born between 1964 and 1980, lost more than 55 percent of their net worth from 2001 to 2010, according to data released by the Fed

And to think...
there is a thread up right now
wondering out loud if poverty causes crime.

I say crime causes poverty.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:26 PM
Whaaa..whaaa...whaaa... Guess what? It's time to grow up and face the world. In the real world, not everyone gets a trophy, they do keep score, and you will lose. It's how you handle those things that decides who you are, and what you become. There was no guarantee for my future either....I grew up in the worst part of our city, I had more friends die in gang violence than you ever knew. Did I blame anyone, no...they made their decisions and suffered dearly for those decisions. MY turning point was when my neighbor across the street tried to kill a store owner on the corner because he caught him shoplifting....he was chased from the store and shot dead in front of my house.

I decided not to be in that world anymore. I fought my way out, and made my success, me ,myself. I paid for my education (not mommy or daddy), I worked by brain off to get scholarships and grants, and took out those loans I needed to get ahead. I spent the past 20 years working to pay off those loans, and buy a home. I am tired of being blamed for your generations lack of success. You want a better life, MAKE ONE yourself. Rant on and complain today, and where will you be tomorrow, in the same place.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but, life is harsh, and nobody gives you need to do the work to succeed. No, you are not special, and you do not get a trophy for waking up in the morning. That's real life.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:26 PM
The best quote

some epic timing, to be sure. not only was gen x right in the prime home buying years, but they were also young enough to be investing more aggressively than boomers wrt the stock market. same thing applies to the tech bubble. i'm sure many gen x'ers took a right cross to the jaw in 2000 with the nasdaq collapse, then got a knee to the groin in 2008. and it gets worse! gen x is a sandwich generation between boomers and echo boomers. the boomers took a hit too, so they will be hanging onto their higher level jobs with a death grip unlike any we've seen. then to top it all off, when and if gen x'ers DO get a taste of life at the top of the corporate ladder, hordes of hungry echo boomers will be right on our heels, peeling our fingers back, making us let go, and tossing us into the street in our 60s. and by that time, any ss/medicare benefits that exist will kick in at like 72+.

Stick a fork in us.
We are done.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Krakatoa
Whaaa..whaaa...whaaa... Guess what?

I am tired of being blamed for your generations lack of success. You want a better life, MAKE ONE yourself.

WE MADE THE GORRAM w.o.r.l.d..w.i.d.e..w.e.b
you friggin blame gamer.

All the tech that Jobs took credit for,
and died in all the wars that were never reported.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:30 PM
I'm so frillin mad
I could make it snow in summer.

/starts chanting Ice-age, Ice-age, Ice-age

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

I blame the boomers

well.. you can blame who you want but, the boomers just got their homes repo'd and retirement accounts ripped off.. and quite litterly in the last 7 years that I know of... by the corrupted bankers and outright thiefts of the IRA accounts..
if you haven't kept up on the news lately ..

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Krakatoa

I have the same attitude as you.

I bet we're both in a better position in life than all those people wasting time complaining too. You get what you put in to life. Putting in a bunch of nagging, complaining, and wallowing only gives a person more strife.

Cheers to doing what you're supposed to and getting on with life. The world needs more doers.

If I woke up and didn't know my age anymore and thought I was a generation abcxyz, I still wouldn't have a different opinion. I'm alive. I'm healthy. I have food, water, shelter, and clothes. No one, NO ONE, is entitled to more than the air we breathe. The rest is up to us.
edit on 8-4-2013 by fictitious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by fictitious

My Boomer parents didn't spoil me. They were poor most of my life, and never saved money for college. I expect to get nothing from them when they die, and that's fine. I'd rather have them here anyway.

Between 87 and 97 I saved my pennies and bought my first home. AT&T moved me to Georgia, and then laid me off 6 years later. I lost my shirt on that house in 2003 when I could not sell it and my renters trashed it one too many times. I finally let it go back to the bank. By 2007 it was clear I needed to retool (thanks to 2 more layoff's), so I went back to school and incurred 50L in student debt between my wife and myself. Overall I lost the equity in my home (about 60k) a car and 50K in student debt. By the time 2008 rolled around I had nothing monetary worth losing, so - same story, different day.

My task is to raise the kids I had in the 90's when times were good (I would have opted for no children if I knew what was coming, but I didn't but I'm still glad I have them). I want to see them graduate and get into a good school or career. Beyond that, I no longer even care what happens to me.

It's not my world, I have no (personal) stake in it and I no longer care what happens to me personally. With any luck, I'll die owing the government money and the Y's and echo's can sort it all out.

Hard luck? Well, sure. Why not?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy

Originally posted by Krakatoa
Whaaa..whaaa...whaaa... Guess what?

I am tired of being blamed for your generations lack of success. You want a better life, MAKE ONE yourself.

WE MADE THE GORRAM w.o.r.l.d..w.i.d.e..w.e.b
you friggin blame gamer.

All the tech that Jobs took credit for,
and died in all the wars that were never reported.

Mike Grouchy

Sorry chief, you don't know tech history very well do you. The "web" was created at CERN, based upon the foundation, prior to that, the Internet. This was a DARPA invention (A govt entity) back in the 60's and early 70's, Ethernet, created at Xerox PARC, along with all the other personal computing base its all built upon. So, no your Gen' didn't create the Web, you used it, you expanded its use once it went commercial in the mid 90's, yes. You were also responsible for the bubble and crash that occurred later as well.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Komodo
reply to post by mikegrouchy

I blame the boomers

well.. you can blame who you want but, the boomers just got their homes repo'd and retirement accounts ripped off.. and quite litterly in the last 7 years that I know of... by the corrupted bankers and outright thiefts of the IRA accounts..
if you haven't kept up on the news lately ..

Spoken like a true boomer.

Starts off talking about someone else,
gen-x in this case,
ends up blaming them.
Boomer walks away guilt free.

/continues chanting Ice-age, Ice-age, Ice-age

Mike Grouchy
edit on 8-4-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:44 PM
You had a hard life, awwww..... poor thing. Tell that to the woman I work with from Mexico, who snuck out in the middle of the night, at 14, swam across the Rio Grande, got into this country, and then worked her butt off and spent YEARs trying to get her U.S. Citizenship (which she finally did). I'll bet you don't know what a tough life is, other than not having an iPhone with an unlimited data plan.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Krakatoa

Sorry chief, you don't know tech history very well do you. The "web" was created at CERN, based upon the foundation, prior to that, the Internet. This was a DARPA invention (A govt entity) back in the 60's and early 70's, Ethernet, created at Xerox PARC, along with all the other personal computing base its all built upon. So, no your Gen' didn't create the Web, you used it, you expanded its use once it went commercial in the mid 90's, yes. You were also responsible for the bubble and crash that occurred later as well.

So all those thousands of hours climbing towers,
running fiber,
aligning microwave transmitters,

and those thousands of hours
coding, programing, and scripting..

and then all those thousands of hours
retooling, learning digital,
installing cellular repeaters.

That all just disappears in a puff of four little letters C.E.R.N.

/you have no clue

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Komodo

well.. you can blame who you want but, the boomers just got their homes repo'd and retirement accounts ripped off.. and quite litterly in the last 7 years that I know of... by the corrupted bankers and outright thiefts of the IRA accounts..
if you haven't kept up on the news lately ..

That's a good point. As the Xers become the ones in power, the world is going to get harsher for everyone.

The Boomers, in their old age, will continue to experience what they know- being protected and nurtured- because their kids will be taking them in.

The X generation elders will have no social security, no retirement- we'll have to work until our death and no one will take us in and take care of us, because that is our experience. But let's be frank- we wouldn't have it any other way! That is the key to it all! I could complain until I am blue in the face about the caca end of the stick I have always gotten, but I noticed that when I am offered help, I refuse it. When I have an opportunity to take the easy way out, or cheat a little, I refuse it. I take pride in my ability to face adversity... and end up making sure I do.

Sitting around blaming others just isn't very X'er of you, OP. Buck up! We all have moments when we need to vent, but then you wipe your tears off and keep running!

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:49 PM

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded -- here and there, now and then -- are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as [color=gold] "bad luck" [/gold].

- Robert Heinlein

You guys are drifting from the opening post
and starting to believe in that "Bad Luck" excuse.

Maybe the reader thinks, everything-has-been-invented.
or maybe that we-don't-need-them-any-more.

Mike Grouchy
edit on 8-4-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-4-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy

Originally posted by Krakatoa

Sorry chief, you don't know tech history very well do you. The "web" was created at CERN, based upon the foundation, prior to that, the Internet. This was a DARPA invention (A govt entity) back in the 60's and early 70's, Ethernet, created at Xerox PARC, along with all the other personal computing base its all built upon. So, no your Gen' didn't create the Web, you used it, you expanded its use once it went commercial in the mid 90's, yes. You were also responsible for the bubble and crash that occurred later as well.

So all those thousands of hours climbing towers,
running fiber,
aligning microwave transmitters,

and those thousands of hours
coding, programing, and scripting..

and then all those thousands of hours
retooling, learning digital,
installing cellular repeaters.

That all just disappears in a puff of four little letters C.E.R.N.

/you have no clue

Mike Grouchy

And I bet you got paid for all those hours of work didn't you? Then what did you do with that money? "Invest" it in what the stock market???? Bwahaahaaa.... A fool and his money comes to mind if that's the case.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

I'm glad your parents didn't spoil you. As a Gen y, I'm "supposed" to be spoiled too but wasn't. I was taught the value of a dollar, hard work, how to manage money I earned at 14 when I had o get a job to pay bills, and today I'm a better person.

I'm sorry to hear about your bad fortune, however, it does seem like you made some unwise decisions, like taking out so much in loans. There are ways around that. I'm happy that not everyone has a sense of entitlement these days. What's the worst that can happen speaking of money? Loose it all? Start over? Go hungry a day or two? Even when it gets really bad, there are people willing to help. Glass half full always. A little perserveren e and love goes a long way. Good luck. As for your kids going to college, of they aren't planning on a doctorate degree or engineeering, seriously have them consider trade school or learning to code.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Krakatoa
Then what did you do with that money? "Invest" it in what the stock market???? Bwahaahaaa.... A fool and his money comes to mind if that's the case.

Sorry to say it,
but what a troll.

Especially after being completely owned on your previous attempt at an argument.

We burn trolls where I come from.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 12:32 AM
You Gen-x'ers do realize
that they are going to posthumously blame the whole financial mess on us.

After we have been ignored,
locked out,
passed over,
and kicked to the curb.

In fact the blame game has already started...

According to Mr. Xenakis, one needs to look no further than the fraudulent and corruptive culture of Generation-X

Paradigm that Influenced Gen-Xers to Orchestrate Ongoing Global Financial Crisis

Mike Grouchy
edit on 9-4-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 12:34 AM
Gen X'ers were learning exel in college the same time I had it in 7th grade.

So I can either pay a Gen Xer $85k a year (which he demands for is work experience, education, and his family/personal needs)


I can pay a Y'er $35k a year (which is a lot of money when you're 22)

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