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Are aliens just beings from Earth, but in different dimensions?

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posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:46 AM
I want to preface this post with the following information so that those who do not believe in my premise can move on without using their time to read this post. This information came to me at night. I’m not sure if it was dreams as these times felt far more vivid than a dream, but it also didn’t feel ‘real’. I was able to ask questions and remember most of the conversation, something I usually can’t do in other dreams. So take it for what it’s worth. Disclaimer done.

‘Aliens’. Just exactly what are Aliens (and, No, I don’t mean individuals from other countries, but actually maybe not that far from it)? When Aliens are spoken of, the first thought is a being from another solar system. What if they were from here, from Earth? Just not our Earth.

Let’s take a step back in time. We begin with the Big Bang. The amount of energy released by this cosmic event was tremendous to say the least. It created everything in our Universe. Every galaxy as far as we can see out to the fringes of known space. Also, it made other Universes. Universes that lie in parallel to our own. In a cosmic scale, each of these Universes looks almost identical. Just a few variations here and there. It’s when we take a more micro-cosmic look that not all is the same.

In our solar system, Earth has formed countless time across the many dimensions. But not every Earth evolved the same way. There are many that are hostile and barren akin to Mars. There are those that have life and not much more. But the special ones are those that evolved intelligent life.

From what I have been made to understand, on one of these worlds, during what we call the Silurian Period, life left the sea and had the beginnings of intelligent thought. The fossil records of that world show how these creatures made nests on the beaches by manipulating their environment. They also made what look like catch pools to harvest other sea creatures. They were the top species. Eventually they grew and changed. They evolved. Today, they are known as the Greys.

It took them longer to learn the sciences, well, longer than our own species. They did get there eventually. And one of their greatest scientific achievements was access to other dimensions, other “Earths”. Here they found that life was special as more often than not, the other dimensional “Earths” were completely devoid of life. That spark, that chemical reaction that started it all just didn’t happen on some worlds.

Another thing they found was that intelligent life is rarer still. It was about 50 million years ago that they found another species showing intelligence (sorry humans, not you). On another Earth, there was no mass extinction of the dinosaurs. One species showed rudimentary intelligence. The Greys started working with this species.

It wasn’t long before this reptilian species came into their own. They were groomed and guided by the greys. They soon learned most of the grey’s knowledge and science. They were close to becoming their equals.

However, the reptilians were becoming more and more disenchanted with what the greys had done. They felt that they were not given the opportunity to evolve and learn on their own as a species. They say that the greys forever changed who they were as a species. Their freedom of choice was stripped from them early in their development.

This did not preclude them from continuing to learn the sciences brought to them by the greys. It wasn’t long before they too were able to cross dimensions. And it wasn’t long before they too found a species showing intelligence. They were on an Earth where reptilians were wiped out millennia ago. This did not help their attitude.

The reptilians saw this new species as one they could shape into their own universal views. They proclaimed themselves as gods and used this new populace as slave labor. They felt the labor performed by this species was adequate payment for the sciences they were taught (agriculture, writing, math etc…). The experiments conducted on this species were to further scientific advancement, or at least that is what the reptilians told themselves.

It took the greys a few centuries more to finally arrive in this dimension. They were not pleased. From the greys point of view, the reptilians were doing to the humans what the greys had done to the reptilians. That is the reptilians were abnormally shaping the humans. They were not giving them the opportunity to become their own species. The reptilian view was that humans would have never amounted to anything had they not helped.

This is where the first battles occurred between the grays and reptilians. Eventually the greys won and the reptilians left our world. The greys also took some of the sciences taught to our ancestors by removing books and individuals who had this knowledge.

One other thing that was decided is that while we were to be left alone, we were also to become a grand experiment. How does a species left to its own devices develop culture and civilizations. How do they manage as a whole as well as individuals?

They all came to watch. And watching was all they should have done, but there were a few here and there who tried to exert influence over some cultures. It usually didn’t last long and those who tried this were quickly removed. Even though they try to keep a low profile, they are by no means perfect at it.

So here we are today and the experiment is close to being over. Our knowledge is advancing quickly. So what happens at disclosure? Well that isn’t an easy answer. The reptilians still feel we owe them our allegiance and we should be under their rule (Subjugation). A large faction of the greys feels we are too violent as we are willing to kill others of our own species. They don’t want us part of the bigger picture (Destruction). Another part of the greys feel that while we are not ready to know about the bigger picture, they have hope that eventually we can come together as a species (Cautious Optimism).

So there it is in a nutshell. So there are visitors to our world. However it is not just curious aliens from another star, but beings who are keeping a close eye on us to determine how we fit into the larger picture. From what I understand we are not making the best impression at this time.

Ask questions if you have them and I will answer as best I can.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:00 AM
Interesting theory. I know something is behind this, and your theory is as good as any, I suppose. Of course, it is possible there are multiple explanations for this. Maybe both space travelers and Dimensonals.

I am curious, have you had premonitions, Dreams, or visions that came to pass previously? Do you have a proven 6th sense?

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Jchristopher5

No premonitions. Perhaps some sixth sense a couple of times. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was kind of sceptical about even posting this information. It feels real, but when I read it, it doesn't come across as the experience I had.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by ObservingTheWorld
I want to preface this post with the following information so that those who do not believe in my premise can move on without using their time to read this post. This information came to me at night. I’m not sure if it was dreams as these times felt far more vivid than a dream, but it also didn’t feel ‘real’. I was able to ask questions and remember most of the conversation, something I usually can’t do in other dreams. So take it for what it’s worth. Disclaimer done.

Ask questions if you have them and I will answer as best I can.

information came to you at night...
last night ?
over a course of nights over course of time?

Dream was Vivid but didn't feel real....
have you experienced any lost time?
& what do you think of the possibility
you were Abducted?

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:26 AM
Actually, no. Many of the ones around here are from the solar system, ie corporal ones. There are many channels that is true. I've heard for example we have a jurassic park one here. I don't want to see it, only really interested in they honeymoon realms and systems of advanced families and happiness, learning.

The thing is, there is no 1 way they exist. ET is everyone that is from off planet. Including what people call God. Our souls are all ET. ET as opposed to Angel-ET, to me, are those who are corporal versus those in Spirit Body or Light Body. They are Past, Present, Future, different realms, same realms, corporal, semi corporal, non corporal, Higher Ups, and some Negatives.

Everyone has Family watching over as well and working to get them through earth tests and the dark traps here. They can be your own immediate family here past and future, or your own immediate family's family past, present and future, and those you were with on your last journey, even your next step. There is No Time.

They also can come from all over the universe or galaxy.

There is no time also size is a perceptional thing as well. A tiny orb can be a whole galaxy peeking in, Horton Hears a Who! That same tiny orb, is actually bigger than our solar system or galaxy possibly.

Its mind boggling.
edit on 5-4-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by spoonbender

This happened about eight months ago. It was over the course of about four weeks and three 'sessions' that I recall. It could have been an abduction but I couldn't state that as fact.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:41 AM
Are aliens just beings from Earth, but in different dimensions?

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by spiritualarchitect

You may be correct. This is be no means a definitive guide to all things alien. Just one persons experience.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:49 AM
i believed all my life that ET visits us.. then, after all these years and no evidence i do not think they have been visiting so i lost hope then i fell into the "ancient alien" theory and thought.. hmm that's believable enough that it could have happened then realized there should have been evidence found by now surly? none found..

no one could possible keep a secrete this long and as big as alien life being here and we would have definitely found proof by now with all the excavating we've done to date.

so the "other dimension" theory? nope i don't believe that either.

if "they" have been here, visited, visiting or are here.. the world would be a vastly different place and i wouldn't think we'd have the struggling and daily turmoil we have today and to everyone who says.. "they're just observing", that a bunch of bunk because if they're stuck on our planet i'd bet the farm they wouldn't stand for all the atrocities we inflict on innocent people and our planet..

i wholehearted believe they exist.. i just don't think they have made it this far just yet.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

It sounds like you think beings, alien or not, are really and truly separate from each other.

"All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind (consciousness), besides which nothing exists." -Huang Po

One of the first to explore the notion of mythology manifesting as physical reality was psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who in 1957 published the book Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky. More recently, authors Jacques Vallee (Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact) and Keith Thompson (Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination) and folklorists Peter Rojcewicz and Thomas Bullard have written about the parallels among UFOs, folk-lore, and mythology.

“Space-Age myth” does not imply that UFO sightings or encounters with angels, aliens, fairies, sprites, elves, or demons are fantasies. Rather, it suggests that some of these experiences may literally be psychophysical, blurring conventional boundaries between objective and subjective realities. Some may object that this proposal doesn’t account for the physical traces associated with some UFO reports, but this misinterprets what Jung and others have proposed. They suggest that the manifest world emerges from mind, that is, that mind shapes matter.

Where have we heard this before?

In his book Global Mind Change, former IONS President Willis Harman discussed three basic ways of looking at the world. He called the current Western scientific worldview “materialistic monism,” or “M1.” Within M1, everything—both matter and energy— is made of a single substance. From matter emerges everything, including the brain- generated illusion called mind. In M1, angels and aliens walking through walls are fine plot points for an episode of The Twilight Zone, but they are impossible in the real world. In M1, UFOs are conceivable, but only in terms of hard, physical spacecraft with humanoid pilots. Most of the modern technological world was created based on M1 assumptions, so it carries enormous persuasive power.

But the whole panoply of noetic experiences defy materialistic explanations, suggesting that M1 is an incomplete worldview. Detailed taxonomies of these anomalies are described by all cultures; they include, among others, the Hindu siddhis, the Catholic charisms, Sufi attainments, and, in indigenous societies, shamanic magic.

Harman’s second worldview, M2, represents dualism, which assumes two fundamentally different kinds of substances in the universe, matter and mind. Many scientists today reject dualism because it begs the problem of how two deeply different substances could interact at all. In addition, it seems lavish to require the universe to maintain (at least) two distinct essences, when it would be far simpler to have only one.

The third worldview, M3, is transcendental or mental monism, which Harman argued is the source of both the perennial wisdom and the emerging worldview of the twenty-first century. In M3, consciousness is primary, and matter and energy are emergent properties of consciousness. M3 accommodates everything that M1 and M2 allow for, as well as rogue phenomena like telepathic ETs, observation-shy UFOs, and collective mind–manifested UFOs. Evidence in favor of M3 has been slowly amassing for over a century. Such recent books as Irreducible Mind, Entangled Minds, and Measuring the Immeasurable (see review 0n page 41) discuss the empirical evidence in detail, ranging from psychic phenomena to creative genius to mind-body interactions to evidence suggestive of reincarnation.

edit on 5-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

It sounds like you think beings, alien or not, are really and truly separate from each other.

"All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind (consciousness), besides which nothing exists." -Huang Po

I do. Mysticism and religion do not factor into my world views. No two people have exactly the same views. They may be similar but they do vary. However, is my OP in more valid than yours? Nope. We should look to all views and determine which best fits who we are. While I disagree with your ideas, I am just a single person and I have no right to tell you if your beliefs are correct or not.

Not everyone will agree with I've written. It isn't possible to get everyone to agree. This is what makes the world a wonderful, dangerous place. Namaste.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by ObservingTheWorld

I do. Mysticism and religion do not factor into my world views.

That's odd, since mysticism and religion have much to do with aliens.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by ObservingTheWorld
I want to preface this post with the following information so that those who do not believe in my premise can move on without using their time to read this post.

That isn't how debate works chum.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Have you heard of the Scole Experiments?

They went looking for proof of life after death and their results are stunning!

More to the point here.. in these "contacts" with the other side, they left film in a locked box and afterwards developed the film. They found images thereon, including this one.

Aside from the fact that these "UFOs" blip in and out of radar without a trace route, I do believe that at least some of these aliens do in fact either come from or travel through dimensions.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 01:00 PM
To clarify...did you mean aliens like my neighbors from Mexico, or my co-workers-legal aliens from Pakistan. Or are you taking about "space-people"..."planetary visitors"...or "dimensional travelers"?

See. Its like UFO's....they will ALWAYS be UNIDENTIFIED and FLYING...OBJECTS....not spaceships....and a unidentifiable picture of a duck in the still a ufo...unidentified and flying. Certainly not a spaceship...

They are both 2 words thrown around like popcorn in a storm....

PS My NEIGHBORS on both sides...the Paki and Mexicans...are "aliens"...and definately from Earth to answer your question.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 01:40 PM
If you mean that the things we call "aliens" come from someplace that we don't understand or can't define then I suppose in a general sense, yeah, they're odd or strange or outside our normal realms of thinking.

I actually can't be smarter than I am, so I can only assume there are aspects to the universe that I am completely unable to understand due to my limited intelligence. But I am too dumb to know that those aspects are. My opinion, which I can't prove, is that the "aliens" have something to do with that.

If you want to call those "dimensions," then sure. Whatever.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

Interesting theory, just remember to keep an open mind as you progress.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by DPrice

Actually, I would like a debate. Not about where the info came from but the info itself. Just trying to be up front and honest.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Yeah, I'm talking about the unprovable aliens.

UFO is only for the layman. I'm sure to the government there are no UFO's as they should know their configurations and are therefore Identified Flying Objects. But alas, this is pure conjecture on my part.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by antar

Yep, I understand I could be blowing smoke, so to speak. There are so many theories on ET's that it would be a very large book if you could compile them all.

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