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Armed Mexican Civillians Arrest Corrupt Police; Depose City's Corrupt Government

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posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by GeneralChaos

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Mexico and US are a little different. I mean drug lords run that country. They kill at will...why do you think the police are corrupted? It's because they don't want to be the next one with their head missing.

Drug lords run the U.S. too.

They kill at will too.

They call themselves the C.I.A.

That's why I said "a little different".

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by HandyDandy

And not all Mexican are hispanic. As I understand it this terms was meant to signify the people on the Hispanola.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by MrSpad
The problem is the "civilians" are most likely just funded by a different cartel then the police were being payed off by and what we have is simply a change of owner.

Think they might be funded by U.S??

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by walliswallis
Please do not issue commands to fellow posters. It is rude, aggressive and not conducive to a civil and mature discussion

Originally posted by walliswallis
Let's try to keep crypto-racism out of this thread. Thanks.

you, too

you're new to ATS, so relax and get a feel for things without the "holier than thou" attitude. i do not detect any explicit racism in the posts that you are flipping out about. it makes the stay here more pleasant for everyone.

that being said, i'm glad you brought this up because i probably wouldn't have seen it otherwise. i'll be surprised if this is covered by the news a fraction of the amount it deserves because they don't want americans getting ideas, unless they try to play this off as crazy gun-wielding citizens causing chaos and overthrowing order. a spin like that wouldn't surprise me.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:34 AM
This was bound to happen sooner or later south of the border. There federal government has been breaking down for several years. The people have to start taking care of themselves at some point. From what I have read, there are a lot of small villages and communes in Mexico who pretty much have their own armies and work with the national army to keep the peace. Thing are getting interesting in Mexico. They have a weak conservative government which cannot maintain order very far from the capital. I wonder how long before a new government is demanded and the entire federal state melts away?

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Did you start this thread looking to correct all us "crypto racists"or discuss the valiant efforts of Mexican citizens to take back their society from the US fuelled cartels?
I suppose the Arabs hollering Yankee go home are racist too?
Yer derailing the thread yerownself with yer moralising the conversation...pathetic really.
The poster said nothing that was intrinsically racist ( hispanics are spanish speaking peoples are they not?)
Regarding the subject, its damnwell about time for this to happen in many countries, and it seems to be gleaning favour among various peoples....(is that racist too?)
good for them!
Im sure they will learn to block the road next time they make a roadblock.....

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Mexico and US are a little different. I mean drug lords run that country. They kill at will...why do you think the police are corrupted? It's because they don't want to be the next one with their head missing.

You do realize that, because of OUR drug policies, drug lords are able to run Mexico...right?

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Mexico and US are a little different. I mean drug lords run that country. They kill at will...why do you think the police are corrupted? It's because they don't want to be the next one with their head missing.


Elements of fedgov have been involved in contraband tracking since at least the 1960's. Some people say it was way earlier than that.

Our federal government kills at will too. Uncounted numbers of civilians have been murdered by missile drone pretty much everywhere in the middle east. But Washington's atrocities don't stop at murder. In fact, Washington pretty much breaks every law in the book under the pretext that this behavior is acceptable under the banner of "foreign policy".

The real irony here is that there's a really good chance that the Mexican gangs are being run by Washington. Just like the narcotics smuggling industry in Columbia is being run by them.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by walliswallis

Originally posted by murphy22
reply to post by walliswallis

I'm an Irish American. Should I be offended if he said Irish go home?

I can't tell you if you should or should not be offended. I can only tell if you something is a racist statement or not. Depending on the context, yes this would probably be racist.

Being racist doesn't make people automatically incorrect, you can be racist and correct at the same time.An example is a watch can be broken and still tell the time correctly twice a day! Racism only points to someones motivation

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 12:58 PM

"We have besieged the municipality, because here criminals operate with impunity (in) broad daylight, in the view of municipal authorities. We have detained the director of public security because he is involved with (these) criminals and he knows who killed our commander," said Bruno Placido Valerio, a spokesman for the vigilante group.

Basically... what the police is these days in most NATO countries!

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by MrWendal

Fair enough question I guess. I suppose if it was official and they were identifiable. But an unknown mob flagging me down with guns would cause me to keep going.

If the tourists did not know who these vigilantes were, it would be fair to say they could just as easily assume they were bandits or drug lords.

On a side note, why is it EVERY TIME on ATS someone mentions corruption elsewhere, the question always comes back to the US, as if it is assumed we just love the corruption in our own country or are unaware of it?

Point out human rights abuses in China- well why don't you care about human rights abuses in America?! Guess what, WE DO. Point out police corruption in Mexico- well why don't you care about police corruption in America?! Guess what, WE DO! LOL!

what bothers me is that the comparison is not really there. as a nation over all, we are pretty legit. you can point out singular incidents of corruption, but over all your local cop is a good guy. your local politician is a good guy. this is not the case in china or mexico.

yes, some shady things go down, but not nearly in scale or scope as what goes down in china, mexico, or the middle east.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 01:50 PM
All power to the people, every day.

Glad to see corruption being stopped.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 04:37 PM
Mexico.. To be more specific, the state of Tamaulipas(The mexican state bordering Texas) has been run by corrupt government, corrupt military and corrupt police. That is what the zetas are. The sinaloa cartel have been taking the state, and the city of Nuevo Laredo back. To control Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas is to control Texas, because I35 runs all through Texas.. all through the United States reaching the great lakes, so you can imagine how the drug war is.

Brief translation:

We're cleaning up the city of Nuevo Laredo from the Zetas, we are drug traffickers and we do not mess with honest, working people. Anyone who pays protection money to the Zetas will be considered a traitor. We're gonna teach these dirty pigs how to do business sinaloa style, without kidnapping, without extortion or oppression/
Sincerely, El Chapo Guzman
Remember, I am YOUR TRUE FATHER.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 04:51 PM
Good for them.

Would you try to Drive fast through a heavly armd cheak point?
I would turn around and run. and only if I can see who it is.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation

Mexico and US are a little different. I mean drug lords run that country. They kill at will...why do you think the police are corrupted? It's because they don't want to be the next one with their head missing.

I bet the druglords in mexico wear suits and ties just like the criminals we have in washington. Some even have higher education as well. You can't run a billion dollar enterprise without being smart and developing a network that spans countries and continents. How do you think drugs come into the USA with such impunity?

Sure they catch a few low ranking dope peddlers to appease the stupid masses into thinking they are doing their job and keep funds(tax collection) running. Most of those caught are ones who are not covered politically, those that are not part of the official but secret elite drug establishment.

If you think most of the corruption is in mexico because latinos are inferior to aryans then you are sadly mistaken. The big whigs are in washington and wall street. The higher you go the more the corruption. America is behind most of the international drug trafficking and I would wager european royals are the top dog.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:23 PM
Mexico needs a couple bombs dropped on it by a foreign entity to snap it back into reality.

And by Mexico, I mean the HQ for every single Cartel and cartel affiliate.

I think we have been doing some serious espionage the past couple years to gather a bunch of intel on all of them to swipe at them all at once next year sometime.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:29 PM
Guns to overthrow a government... guns to overthrow a government where only a few representatives are elected... where only a few are elected by the citizen of the country.. citizens of the country which funds the government.. funds the government through taxes... taxes that come from hard earned money... hard earned money that is printed by banks... printed by banks which maintain control because the same citizens which choose to elect the government also choose to use banking institutions.

Do you seriously think you all need guns to overthrow a government?

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by walliswallis

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Mexico and US are a little different. I mean drug lords run that country.

Let's try to keep crypto-racism out of this thread. Thanks.

Originally posted by MrSpad
The problem is the "civilians" are most likely just funded by a different cartel then the police were being payed off by and what we have is simply a change of owner.

you, too
edit on 28-3-2013 by walliswallis because: (no reason given)

I have seen this crypto-racism for years, that latinos and negros are inferior to aryans. America by default is seen as "above the corruption" because of its strong economy and strong military which overshadows the negatives that plague under-developed countries.

The analogy that fits is a general is seen as a gentleman and the corporal is seen as a dirtbag. But both belong in the army and both kill. One kills primarily with his mind while the other kills with his rifle and other hardware.

Mind Tricks 101

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by walliswallis

Thanks for posting OP, very encouraging news that the civilian people are at last organising and putting up effective resistence to tyranny.

Even if they do not succeed, i suppose it comes down to the old adage of not dying on your knees, but with a gun in your hand at least trying to defend yourselves.

As for what you saw as masked racism, perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't...but really, if you think about it OP, your comments here, however noble they may be, are never going to change a persons point of view on such matters..armed with that realisation, is it still not better to have support for an armed civillian uprising in Mexico from people around the world, EVEN if some of those people are supporting the clean up of a corrupt country to enable Mexicans to leave?

The end justifies the means, so to speak?

If i had my back to the wall, and was in immediate danger, i wouldn't care if my rescuers help different political views, only that they were helping to rescue

Good luck to the Mexicans, i hope the movement spreads and they clean the filth from their lands.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by AshleyD
On the other hand, it looks like the vigilantes are a bit of a loose cannon. For instance, the article lists one example where they created a checkpoint. One car of tourists refused to stop so the vigilantes fired on them, wounding at least one.

That's exactly what the U.S military does when they are occupying another country.

Friend of mine tells this story. His best buddy in Iraq was ordered to open up the 50 cal machine gun ( huge powerful bullet) on a car that went through a check point. Killed the driver and 5 year old child inside the car - shredding the car. There were no guns, bombs or anything threatening found in the wreckage. 2 years later this fellow killed himself.

He left behind a note saying he he could not deal with the fact that he was ordered to murder an innocent child.

There has to be a better way. You would think someone from the U.S. military would be smart enough to figure that way out, but nope - dumb as rocks. I hope the schmuck that gave that order burns in Hell.

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