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Why can't I just say NO?

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posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:19 AM
This is a rant at myself if anything else
I have been saying no for too long to myself and when it comes to ATS most definately.(yep using the 404'd slogan)
I have been stopping myself replying to posts over the last few month for several reasons and non of them reasonably good. Like threads like the number/sign of the beast threads that's been popping up or chemtrial threads.
Subjects I have an interest in too such as the escalating situation in West Africa and parts of the Middle East or even the more mellow subjects as such as dreams and predictions(love that forum).

And I have also seen too many threads 404'd in my time too, love, peace and respect to the mods that keep this site civil and fair I love you and what you do and I think you do your job well. But that being said... Some might say they find YOU offensive for finding them offensive and that being said where do we draw a line on this 'offensive' meaning? When a man speaks he's mind and being peaceful and truthful to his being only saying what he see's and feel's and know's why should he be classed as being offensive? Heck I know this is the internet but I honestly thought civility can be carried out here and also serious conversations.

Personally I think it's god damn rude for people to jump to conclusions and blame, just like the UFO threads on here... as soon as somebody uploads a video or creates a thread on this site about UFO's it all gets stupid, bitching about aliens ain't real or your some kind of idiot for believing in UFO's, those idiots don't even know what a UFO is really.... BTW it means Unidentified Flying Object, see any green men in those three words?

I don't know maybe ATS is the wrong place for me.

I deny ignorance everytime I see it, do you?
and is that the even best approach?

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Dear RAY1990,

It is pretty simple, start your own blog or website, I have one. If you do start your own blog or website, will you decide what you are willing to publish or will allow comments that include child pornography? The rules for ATS are clear and it is their website. As a rule, I don't think ATS allows cussing and this thread maybe closed for you saying "God damn". Did you need to say that to get your point across? Did it add to your point? Offensive may be more about how we say something than what we say.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Let me see if I understand. You think the UFO threads have too many comments ridiculing the idea? Do you think people should be more accepting of extraterrestrial beings?

I have been stopping myself replying to posts over the last few month for several reasons and non of them reasonably good. Like threads like the number/sign of the beast threads that's been popping up or chemtrial threads.
I can certainly understand staying out of those. There's almost nothing new that can be shown in any of those areas and people become quite loud in their insistence that they know the truth.

Subjects I have an interest in too such as the escalating situation in West Africa and parts of the Middle East or even the more mellow subjects as such as dreams and predictions(love that forum).
So, I assume that you enjoy posting and reading in those threads? Wonderful. Spend most of your time there and be happy.

It seems I don't understand the problem.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by RAY1990

Dear RAY1990,

It is pretty simple, start your own blog or website, I have one. If you do start your own blog or website, will you decide what you are willing to publish or will allow comments that include child pornography? The rules for ATS are clear and it is their website. As a rule, I don't think ATS allows cussing and this thread maybe closed for you saying "God damn". Did you need to say that to get your point across? Did it add to your point? Offensive may be more about how we say something than what we say.

I disagree with child ponography on every level it should not exist, moderation has it's place obviously, I don't think god damn is a curse unless your a god-fearing person and I don't believe in the god many do. I damn the common gods because they damn us. the Religious might not like that but Equality is a major thing and freedom of speech is too and for those I'd happily wear a crosshair

I agree with offensive can be how we say something rather than something we say and just to throw into the mix of that 'perspective' plays a major part of that, how we then others see it.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:38 AM

edit on 27-3-2013 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:53 AM
Well for a start UFO means UFO not some freakish foreign invaders from space... do you know what UFO means?
This is a thread as mentioned, a rant at myself... barking at the moon if anything, I no longer bother commenting in pretty much anything. and I agree with the religious threads nothing new comes but that being said I did like to express my views or an alternative theory such as lol the sign of the beast is a left-handed salute

And I enjoy reading many things and spending time in many places (just less & less here), sorry my point was made poorly and not quite clarified enough

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 12:55 AM
ATS is all about making money through advertising. If it would offend the advertisers, then it will be 404'ed.

With that in mind I do believe the moderators attempt to be fair and allow some things things to slip by that might otherwise be removed.

ATS is a sight that was created to make money for the investors, never forget that. I do believe though that the intention of the ATS web-site is pure but ideology doesn't make money, unless of course it about religion.


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