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UK migration crackdown: ‘No social housing for newcomers’

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+7 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:42 AM

Migrants will be blocked from Britain’s social housing waiting lists until they have been in the country for up to five years, the latest move in a series of increasingly tough measures against immigrants.

Cameron is expected to declare that there cannot be a “culture of something for nothing” among those entering the country. One in 10 lettings went to foreign nationals in 2011-2012, and the PM is aiming for a reduction.

Well, I don't want to seem 'mean'...But in my opinion, this decision is long over due.

“Public fears around immigration are like fears around crime. They bear little relationship to the actual reality,” David Walker, the Bishop of Dudley, told the Observer on Sunday.

This guy above, David Walker, cleary is detached from reality him self.. Has he ever been to Bradford or North East in Birmingham?

I'm sorry but when half of Birmingham is off limits to white people due to it being taken over by immigrants, that sure as hell rings alarm bells in my head!

I'm also pretty sure the figure of 1/10 housing going to immigrants has been fiddled to, we all know if you have brown skin and you can't talk English, you're jumped straight to the top of the housing benefit que....All engineered by the government, I'm sure!
edit on 25-3-2013 by ObservingYou because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:47 AM
I read that it was 1 in 10 new builds.

There's no such thing as social housing any more.

I got laughed out of the housing association place when o went to ask about getting on the list. That was ten years ago. Seems if you have a job you don't get anywhere with it. No wonder the old council estates are war zones full of doleys and druggies. All the working people either have to rent privately or if they're lucky, buy.

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:01 AM
About bloody time - I remember years ago, around 2000-2001, I went into the local council office to try and register for social housing as Private renting was too expensive for me back then (still is now if I am honest) and I was basically told I would be bottom of the pile and not bother as young white males were not a priority (their exact words), all the while next to me in the adjacent booth a Bangladeshi lady, who required a translator (at our expense) was getting everything on offer thrown at her and her hoard of kids....

It left a bitter taste in my mouth that never quite went away....

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:05 AM
What I find strange is the rumor I was told by a Brit friend of mine about social housing tenants will shortly have to pay $35.00 tax a month on empty bedrooms?

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:09 AM
Interesting Move, is it so bad in the UK?

I bet, if this would be announced by the german government, a whole "The Nazis are back!" Outcry would start.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:14 AM
Iam on the council list but no way am I holding my breath.
Single white males are at the bottom of the pile in the UK, we get no help whatso ever.
I agree that they should make sure no one can just come over here and get everything straight away.
I will be voting UKIP next election maybe a protest vote but it is getting silly here now so much so Iam looking for work abroad.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by pikestaff
What I find strange is the rumor I was told by a Brit friend of mine about social housing tenants will shortly have to pay $35.00 tax a month on empty bedrooms?

Yes that's true.

I'm, torn between this decision, as from one perspective - I'm in the same boat as "Young white male's aren't a priority"...Well, I'm a young white female, struggling on an apprenticeship wage, and I'm bottom of the pile too...Unless I'm 16 and pregnant that is..

I also know loads of people with council houses that have plenty of spare room...So in an aspect, it is a waste of resources, and they should be charged..

At the other end of the spectrum, these charges are already hitting the poor.

Loose/loose situation IMO.

ETA: I've been registered as homeless for 6 years and not heard a dicky bird of the council.
edit on 25-3-2013 by ObservingYou because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by ObservingYou

i'm in the midlands, and while i dont personally agree with your statements re birmingham (which is kinda besides the point etc).. i do agree with this limiting of social housing, inspite of me often seeing this as the thin end of the wedge in the past..
i applied for council housing some years back when i separated from a partner, and was informed that in my area the social housing provision was as good a nil.... it turned out that if i was to go on the list than i could be put up in a hostel literally anywhere - even a couple of hundred miles away which considering i'm a father and that i work etc was less than helpful. in the end i found another solution and worked out the housing issue eventually but it was touch and go for quite a long time.
i'm all for providing for genuine asylum seekers (a much over used term imo, like many others no doubt), but migrants should ofc provide for themselves as much as possible, just like everyone else.
when accomodation and funds are in short supply, prioritisations need to be made.

besides these measures highlighted in the OP, a heck of a lot more needs to be done to make good the many empty buildings and houses, as well as giving a kick up the arse to the many idle folk who just expect hand-outs with out giving anything back... sadly the uk has far too many of these (native or otherwise), and they give the many genuine folk in need of help a rotten name.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by pikestaff
What I find strange is the rumor I was told by a Brit friend of mine about social housing tenants will shortly have to pay $35.00 tax a month on empty bedrooms?

I am losing the plot with this one...



edit on 25/3/13 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:31 AM

Shame it's come far too late. Next we need to fire them all from their jobs and give them back to British workers. Let's make it so hard for them to earn a living here, they won't want to be here!

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:40 AM
I wish the US would adopt a similar policy.

People hop the border here and get free housing, free food, free medical, college grants, etc.

I think every country (especially with the economy being rough basically everywhere) needs to take care of its own first. It might sound cold, but, it doesn't seem right to take care of immigrants while a country's own citizens are starving or living in the streets.

edit on 25-3-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:46 AM
Haha, Cameron can feel UKIP hot on his heels and gaining popularity - TOO LITTLE TOO LATE YOU USELESS MUG!

But it's time something was done, our gov cannot keep bleating about the welfare budget while at the same time handing out every benefit going to immigrants who have never contributed to the system, there are too many of them to accommodate. UK citizens are refused unemployment benefits if they haven't worked in the previous 2 years because they havent contributed N.I. for just those 2 years - so how come foreigners can claim benefits when they have never EVER contributed?

I don't understand why our gov is permitting hundreds of thousands of immigrants to come here with no money, no job to go to, and no home, it's asking for financial trouble - why cant we do what Australia does, and insist that immigrants organize their lives before they come here, by making sure they have a job here waitng for them, and a home, and some means to support themselves until they get a job? Wouldn't this be better? Why is it too much to expect of them?

I have no problem with anyone wanting to make a better life for themselves, but our gov is being irresponsible by giving our blood-sweat-and-tears tax money away to non-Brits who have never ever paid a penny here in tax or National Insurance contributions in their whole lives.

AND WE SHOULD INSIST THEY LEARN OUR LANGUAGE TOO FOR GOODNESS SAKE! How can foreigners expect to make a better life for themselves when they can't be arsed to even learn English? Interpretors cost money, our money again.
edit on 25-3-2013 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:47 AM
I can't speak for the whole of the UK and I appreciate that in different area's the experience may not be the same for everyone.....but I have lived in 2 different boroughs in recent years and I feel immigrants are being used as scapegoats.
To elaborate....there are certain area's and certain estates that people do not wish to move into regardless of how long someone as been on a social housing list. These empty properties on these estates ( usually in very deprived area's known for their crime and anti social behaviour) are given a wide berth ....they aren't considered on option by most people even the desperate. In my experience it's THESE properties on these estates which are given to immigrant's.

I've worked in social housing and I have seen it all the time. On these notorious estates houses stay empty for a long time regardless of long waiting lists. That's where they place a lot of the immigrants. So rather than them jumping the queue and gaining decent quality housing over those who have been on a waiting list a long time......they take up the properties on estates no-one wants to live on which would normally stay empty a long time.

I'm not naively arguing that there are no problems to address...but I do get a tad sick of the mentality that offers immigrant's and " dole dosser's" as scapegoats for all the "ill's" of this country. It's the same kind of mentality that now has people across the UK applauding the new welfare cuts made by this government rather than being appalled by them! I mean, people who need help are all scum right?

I never entirely bought into New Labour's claims that we had become a more classless society....but I can definitely see that in the last 10 year's or so that tabloid's and the propaganda have ensured that we have gone backward's and there are more class war's than there have been for a long time. There was always regional names for those considered " less desirable" ....then a new universal name appeared that the UK adopted on a national level......Chav's! It as given a new focus for a perceived underclass and for resentment and disdain.

This housing issue, is for me more of the same...scapegoating section's of society for everything that goes wrong....and smoke screening the real issue's. But again I am not trying to argue there aren't real issue's regarding immigration that need to be addressed...just suggesting that the focus on what is wrong with this country may be a tad skewed....albeit it a bit convenient and no doubt not accidental!

Not enough decent quality social housing to go around? The answer is simple for me....Right to Buy was introduced within social housing and many many people have bought up social housing stock......and new social housing as never been built to replace the demand!

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by ObservingYou
I am very happy to see this. I believe that no matter which country you live in legal citizens should receive assistance before any others are even considered, in fact if you are not a legal citizen you should not be receiving any assistance whatsoever. That may sound very cold to some, but in this time when poor financial decisions are causing governments to make deep fiscal cuts that each country should take care of it's own and not be burdened with caring for others.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:50 AM
It was not that long ago when the laws were changed for Squating rites making it very difficult to squat
Now with with all these new tougher laws and sanctioning on benefits, homeless increasing, which will in the
long run lead to a massive increase in crime.
My mum who is 50 yrs old has just had her benefits stopped for 2 weeks because she didnt write down a job she applied for (the law states it must be 6)
My friends wife has worked all her life as a security guard never claimed benefits and has recently lost her job.
She went to the dole office and was bluntly told she is entitled to nothing.

Ive said this before and il say it again This bastardo of a goverment is doing its upmost best to strip us British of
everything we own and just ruin this country all together.
Scary and difficult times are what our future guarantees for you and your children.
Im ashamed of this goverment.

(edit) to stay on topic..yes its bloody about time to get tougher on immigrants
edit on 2012/06/12 by davesmart because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:51 AM
Its a shame its all lies really.

The fact is, our government wont see them homeless. All it will take is one of them to go to court and argue human rights and they will get a £6m Belgravia mansion...and staff!!

More lies being fed to the gullible public

Remember all the other things we were promised?? Probably not, as none of them happened! We are being told what they think we want to hear, its really as simple as that. The facts are, nothing will change for the better.

Its a choice of either having our steets full of beggars and thieves, or having our homes full of beggars and thieves. Government wont want their business's and pals to be effected by immigrants living in their doorways whilst waiting for their high court appeals to be our expense.
edit on 25-3-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by stumason

Originally posted by pikestaff
What I find strange is the rumor I was told by a Brit friend of mine about social housing tenants will shortly have to pay $35.00 tax a month on empty bedrooms?

I am losing the plot with this one...



edit on 25/3/13 by stumason because: (no reason given)

My wife and I have a 2nd bedroom that we're having to pay for, but we have no option to move to a smaller property because:

1. There are zero one bedroom properties available in our area and we must live in this area as this is where our support network is and we've only just moved here to get that extra support from our family.
2. We need the 2nd room for medical equipment and for a Carer to use when my wife's health is at it's worst and I need help to care for her overnight.
3. Our bungalow has already had £10K worth of alterations made to it (a wet-room, etc), so by moving elsewhere we'd need to have all the alterations made to the new place, which took around 6 months last time.

We're also having to pay some of our Council Tax now, so we now need to find around £80 per month to pay for that and the extra rent, which is something we would not be able to afford if we weren't both receiving DLA (Disability Living Allowance) Though technically, that's not what DLA is supposed to be used for.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not complaining about our situation. I do infact believe that my wife and I are both very lucky to receive the financial help that we do. That said however, sometimes I wish the people in power would think about those who aren't as lucky as my wife and I and realise that putting those extra costs out there will put some claimants who really have no extra money in to a position where they truly cannot afford to live.

I'm glad the PM is finally doing something about immigrants however as I believe that we should focus British funds on British people and sort out our society before we try to help other people.


posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by revmoofoo

edit on 25-3-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by revmoofoo

I hope you take this in the way it is intended

Could you not rent out the extra room? The reduction in benefits could be easily countered by renting out to a lodger who would also make up any shortfall in other benefits/income...

This is something that has baffled me over this whole "bedroom tax".. The people concerned are losing £14 a week, is it? You could easily charge £100 a week in rent and then some...

Granted, this may not be ideal, especially for disabled persons. Also, now I know this is a touchy subject, but may I ask if you work? I also realise that some disabled people simply cannot, but others are able. If you don't work, is it a case of not being able, or is it that the system is designed in such a way that it would just be financial suicide to work?

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 09:09 AM

lol, no shame! Blatant lies!

Jobseekers allowance is only available to those genuinely seeking a job....arent these people economic migrants looking for a better life and work prospects? Dont most already claim they are here to work, yet sponge and give nothing back...apart from crime, rape, and fraud?

edit on 25-3-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

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