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Conspiracy OF Religion

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posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 06:54 PM
"If you love something, set it free - if it comes back to you it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was."

This is what God did.

It all goes back to the beginning. God gave us free-will to make a choice and since then Religions formed to bring us back..

Every Religion claims itself as being the exclusive path to God. I am not against that and would actually encourage it in order to bring mankind together rather than further divide us.
... but which one is right? They can't all be.

Which one of mankind's Religions actually has the ear of God?... the God who grants Prayers and fulfills the spirit with full potential?

Jesus said it himself, not only could we do what he had done (the miraculous) but more..

And yet look at the world in which we live. All Religions are impotent. It isn't because of a lack of Faith by those who attend the church/mosque/synagogues, ... in fact if they had no Faith they wouldn't be in worship in the first place.

But again, which one Religion actually has the ear of God?

Revelation begins with 7 letters to 7 churches - each church has a candle in Heaven ("where two or more are gathered in my name I am there" ) and I have felt the spirit in many churches I had frequented over the years, but again, there must be that one church that is exclusive of all the others as far as to whom God is true to His word.

What manifestations are these churches able to achieve?

Sure, they gather people ... an ardent following of basically blind who follow the other blind.

Is it the chosen ones of whom God determines where He will manifest His will in all things?

Thou shall not kill... Thou shall have no other God's before me, Thou shall not steal, covet, bear false witness.

Well, so much for the chosen ones. The only thing they inspire in the world is loathing and the US is loathed because it supports actions like these via "foreign policy"...

So who on Earth will God endorse when all God wanted was for us all to come together?

Faith is inspirational and is moving to the soul. ...yeah, well the above video is moving too... so much so it has become a sort of anthem to resist

This is what God sees as inspiration, the kind that uplifts the soul not deflates it.

All Religions are at odds with each other. Why? Maybe out of a fear of being wrong, who knows what makes an entity tick but bottom line in my book you are liars and thieves. In guessing at the will of God you lie to those who follow your interpretations

I challenge any of these Religions to prove they are of God, not merely for God. Faith is a powerful thing and has an innate capability to unite all, not further divide them. Or is your Religion to be followed at the end of a barrel?

You all claim to want Peace and yet you hypocrites behind it all promote wars instead.

Thou shall not kill doesn't mean without good reason, it is pretty straight forward really... NONE

Doing the wrong thing for the right reason is still wrong. Why would God even care... there are now billions of us and whats a few mil either way?

You people break my heart. It was beyond your comprehension because you closed your hearts and set in your minds that God would have you remove a limb to save the body.

Our family tree goes back to a single seed but some think the plantation needs pruning now and again to ensure what? Survival of the species?

Or is it all just the kind of greed where you want it all and can only have it if others aren't around? What do you inspire in others? Retaliation? Surely not love. Just like you are impotent in your Faith you are void in your belief. Had you believed in God would bullets have been invented? A war industry? Make a war and stimulate the economy? All about the money then and nowhere do you consider the Will of God because you are impotent and think God left us to sort it out.

Invent Religion to misdirect those who follow blindly because there was always a belief in at least one God. ... for the best of reasons, God was here interacting with us all but soon saw that man needs to grow up. Not in a physical sense but a spiritual one.

Yeah you claim to be spiritual, prove it. Manifest your Faith and cure this tragic world. You have God on your side you should be able to do it without even breaking a sweat.

So is it that you can't, or you won't? If you Pray for world Peace the world would be at war. There will never be lasting Peace in a militarized society. ... but hey, its great for business isn't it.

Man is pathetic. Brain-locked into either retaliation mode or otherwise engaged in connivance to .obtain. which creates the animosity that fuels retaliation.

We are such awesome creatures and no facetiousness there. We can do things we put our collective minds to that are nothing short of miraculous as far as innovation goes. We used to have tools to kill a person now we have tools to kill all as easily. ... because we strive for those tools.

Whatever endeavor we put our minds to we eventually succeed at attaining. and necessity is the mother of invention.. So many believed in God some deviously clever minds made it a Religion by using the very works of God Himself to sway the masses. It was so successful new Religions kept sprouting like Bamboo and like Bamboo would even go underground to find an opening.

There is only one God, and only one church that can have the ear of the Lord to beseech Him to manifest His will, not a man's will, nor a way-point in between claiming that God is at the end of the journey so all should sojourn within and adhere to the dogma's man interprets from the word of God. and "IF" you are party to it you will reap the rewards of Heaven as promised by the Lord..

God is waiting for something, is it you? Is it a one Religion world? Doubtful on both counts... He awaits us all to get on the same page.

The bias of a Religion that excludes all others is not of God.

All but one apostle was martyred but the inspiration of the word they brought carried on to inspire others to assimilate at least a partial recognition of God. The one true church is the one that didn't have the bastardized version. Which one?

You tell me, better yet, show us through your unwavering Faith and love for all not just love for those in your congregation.

The Lord awaits you to manifest His will to change the world.

A single man did by bringing us the ideals... do not practice your Faith, manifest it. Prove to all that the Christ consciousness is within and recognizable to all and end this dogmatic confusion and twisting of hearts and minds.

Isn't that the very task a Religion is supposed to perform? Anything less is a conspiracy to keep mankind from realizing full potential. It is easy to make others hate... it is easier to show others love if you have no hate.

Why do you plant thorns where edible fruit can be sown? The only anger here is at each other.
We all reflect our environment. If you are true to your heart and true to the WORD then only evil would seek to inflict harm upon you.

Here's the rub... we are all connected to each other. Each soul a mere drop in an ocean; the sea of humanity on a flow of universal consciousness...
Why do you poison the well? If this doesn't sink in then you have anchored yourself to a turbulent existence.

Don't you think its time to weigh our strengths and rid ourselves of stagnation? Manifest our destiny...

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:07 PM

That's what I call a heavy revvy...

This line say it all:

I challenge any of these Religions to prove they are of God, not merely for God.

We can easily see the true agenda behind false Religion simply by looking at the results:

"religions destroy spirituality." ~ Michael Ellner

As Jesus said: "we know them by their FRUIT"...

The fruit of Religion is deception, lies, hate, & DEATH...

This is how we KNOW that God is not the author of Religion.

The root meaning of the word religion means to connect with God but religion does exactly the opposite.

All religion does is drive people AWAY from God.

Religion is one of the biggest scams in the history of man.

"Every major religion in the world has been manufactured or infiltrated by the Illuminati to enslave and brainwash society. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control." Link

What if I were to tell you, that there is a vast Satanic conspiracy to deceive the masses of every society on earth? What if I were to tell you that the top leaders of the world’s religions were in league with the Devil? Would you think I’m crazy? I would! Yet, the truth is stranger than fiction! You have been lied to my friend. Few people in the world today are aware of just how much Satan has infiltrated and is behind ALL false religion.

"Today the religions of the world remain a major tool of the Illuminati agenda." Link

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:15 PM
There is a vast difference between religion and faith.

When the Catholic Church denounces the use of currency for its survival, then we have faith.

Until then, religion is the greatest example of corruption mankind has ever known.

For that reason alone, I loath religion.

But thats just me...great post OP! Well written. S&F

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Thank you for the life support, was beginning to think nobody was even going to read this.

God knew this time would come. HE alludes to it in Rev 13:18 and if you look, the first "S" in six hundred three score and six is capitalized.

It points at chapter and verse and there is only one book in the bible that has more than 66 verses in the 6th chapter, the book of John (He - John - points to himself from Revelation)

That verse states from that time forward "they" followed Him no more.

2nd Thessalonians says until that falling away (from the churches) the man of perdition won't reveal himself.

I don't know what time frame it would require but looking at the corruption within the RCC it seems almost imminent.

I can't help but wonder if they would be brazen enough to pick the name Peter, we'll soon see

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

Thank you. I love the people who worship, have seen the Faith and even saw Prayer answered by Faith.

Even with the dogma's and corruption the spirit is still alive.

I can only imagine what a force we would be if we were all one in Faith and not Praying at odds against each other.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 09:46 PM
If they pick a pope named Peter or Petrus
it's game on for the RCC and prophecy .

A quick call from Peter to a "good catholic"
Military Industrial Complex insider and
Virgin Mary "apparitions" mysteriously begin
all over the world*. The church's motto now being
"If we are going down we are taking everyone with us."

*like the one in Africa a few years back.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
reply to post by Murgatroid

Thank you for the life support, was beginning to think nobody was even going to read this.

God knew this time would come. HE alludes to it in Rev 13:18 and if you look, the first "S" in six hundred three score and six is capitalized.

It points at chapter and verse and there is only one book in the bible that has more than 66 verses in the 6th chapter, the book of John (He - John - points to himself from Revelation)

That verse states from that time forward "they" followed Him no more.

2nd Thessalonians says until that falling away (from the churches) the man of perdition won't reveal himself.

I don't know what time frame it would require but looking at the corruption within the RCC it seems almost imminent.

I can't help but wonder if they would be brazen enough to pick the name Peter, we'll soon see

Doesn't this post kind of contradict your original post?

You say things like "God knew this time would come" but then you open with some long post making it sound like everyone has the ability to change it and come together.

I can't tell if you're trying to delay the timing of the Anti-Christ or rush it in! Which is it? Just who exactly do you think the man of perdition is?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:28 AM
Religion is a business and that is why they are "at odds with each other"! They are competing for the customers who pay their price to receive their redemption, only trouble is you're not going to receive redemption by bowing down before idols in these huge, extravagant, expensive houses of God! You will receive redemption through what is in your heart and through your deeds! I am closer to what those who go to church call god when I am sitting in the bush alone with my thoughts than they are dressed up in their finery every Sunday!
edit on 13/3/13 by wiser3 because: (no reason given)

"Jesus said it himself, not only could we do what he had done (the miraculous) but more.." Thank you for posting this line.
Isn't it strange that this is one concept that is almost completely ignored by the clergy when it should instead be one that is in the forefront! They do not want us to know that everything is within us! All I can remember from the last time I was in church was a banner stating "I am God, God is me" and that I thought is what they should be preaching!
edit on 13/3/13 by wiser3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/3/13 by wiser3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by anoncoholic re very, very close
and your OP is definately very well written

yes its true - 'religion' , of whatever kind, is false,
because mere Religion is " adding To the Ego "

..keeping the Ego [ or 'flesh' ] very much alive
- while it shóuld Die, instead.

It seems that certain groups of people are susceptible for certain religions,
yet not 1 is the ' true religion'
because Evil exactly creátes Religion, to keep the Ego of a person alive.

..hence, that religion is for most people but a dress for their own Ego
having the appereance of faith,
but underneath, their Ego is shining through the cracks of their religious cloak,
revealing self-love, self-justification, self-whatever hurts, to want to find God
yes He is the sweetest a soul can wish for
- but the price of having Him your Ego too high price for most


posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

I guess its both. If we won't come together lets get the inevitable over with.. People are being killed in the name of peace. Some of us see the selectivity of life being snuffed out while others go along their merry ways as deplorable and it weighs heavy on the soul to merely look the other way.

If it is forced into the open then perhaps by recognition of evil people will stand because all we got is complacency.

God still gives us a chance to bring evil down but that chance is lessened the closer fulfillment of prophecy gets.

If this evil entity gains full strength we won't have any choices left... our objectivity will turn to subjectivity and personally I'd rather see us have more options than fight each other and die.

And perhaps God gave us a devil to teach us by example... tough love.

Haven't we learned yet? Or will the majority of humanity need to be sacrificed to get that point across? The answer was written long ago... some see history as a guide

ETA: who the man of perdition is? For all I know its a woman. It was Eve who persuaded Adam, Muhammed's (sp?)wife who swayed him, and if you look at vanity, what woman doesn't wear makeup?

That phrase "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" sounds a little boastful although it was probably written by a man who has no idea just how much fury there is in hell. I would ask every woman reading this to reflect on exactly what depth of emotion was just induced and perhaps there is more to it than a mere anecdote?

nothing personal, just an observation
edit on 13-3-2013 by anoncoholic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by wiser3

I would also add, we are each other. What is done to you is done to me - no matter who/where you are

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Lone12

Thank you.

Yes the price won't be paid by many because of the self, they are consumed with themselves.

I know someone exactly like this... unwilling to feel anything and obnoxiously raging anytime God is brought up as a solution. This is the net result of corruption of Faith by religion.
edit on 13-3-2013 by anoncoholic because: typo

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by anoncoholic

Haven't we learned yet?


Or will the majority of humanity need to be sacrificed to get that point across? The answer was written long ago... some see history as a guide


ETA: who the man of perdition is? For all I know its a woman. It was Eve who persuaded Adam, Muhammed's (sp?)wife who swayed him, and if you look at vanity, what woman doesn't wear makeup?

It's the Anti-Christ.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

but isn't the anti-christ too broad a stroke when there is so much anti-Christianity?

I am not against the concept of Religion so much as the separation anxiety they all feel towards each other.

I wondered aloud if a one world religion would be a good thing but the major religions will resist unless it is they who have others assimilate into them rather than all adopt the same principles of moral code

And really, this is all about morality. It is immoral to kill anything and that includes the spirit

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

Thank you for posting this video. It is heartening to see that others are able intuit truth from all the flavors offered.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:44 PM
The religions are coming together on the following basis:
"Christ consciousness"
"I Am"
"We are divine, we are gods"
spiritual awakening"
"global consciousness"
"spiritual evolution"
"evolution of consciousness"
"the divinity within"
"dimensional uplift"

Bllions already believe this - like you.
No matter what terms are used, it is the very spirit of disobedience and the mystery of iniquity. From Freemasonry, Hinduism, apostate Christianity, Buddhism, Shi'ite, mormonism, Catholicism, New Ageism, Gnosticism, Shamanism...they all believe the same thing - that we are gods and will manifest as such. It's rampaging around the world. 

This goes all the way back to the garden of Eden and Adam's iniquity. The end is known from the beginning.  

What manifestations are these churches able to achieve?

Why are you looking for miracles and manifestations? Blessed are those who  believe without seeing. Therefore the only manifestations that you are going to see today are lying signs and wonders which are enthralling millions upon millions in the various religions around the world through the false anointing of the serpent 'Kundalini'. The very same spirit of iniquity  which is expressed in Isaiah 14

You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.b
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.
Isaiah 14:13-15

Man, yet again, is succumbing to this iniquity. 

So who on Earth will God endorse when all God wanted was for us all to come together?

I need to ask - What gospel have you received? He Will is that HIS to be one. He tells us plainly that the world rejects Him and to not be friends with the world.

Faith is inspirational and is moving to the soul. ...
This is what God sees as inspiration, the kind that uplifts the soul not deflates it.

And this is why you are seeking manifestations and signs. Your faith is solely based on experiences and emotions. Despite your use of Biblical terms, it could not be further from the truth. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough. 2 Thessalonians 11:3-4

I challenge any of these Religions to prove they are of God, not merely for God. Faith is a powerful thing and has an innate capability to unite all, not further divide them. Or is your Religion to be followed at the end of a barrel?

The Holy Spirit doesn't unite believers with unbelievers, it unites His faithful in the body of Christ by testifying of Jesus Christ and separates them from the world. Manifestations and signs are not proof of God, so why look for them? The world was already given the only sign it will get.

The Lord awaits you to manifest His will to change the world.

His will done through His Faithful brought you a world in which truth and righteousness and conscience prevailed and a world which pushed back the darkness long enough to offer salvation to every ancestor of yours including you. It took a world of killing and calmed it. It drove out child sacrifice and put the emphasis on family and conscience. And as the end of the sixth day approaches, Jesus Cheist is once again rejected for the murderer, insurrectionist and robber.

A single man did by bringing us the ideals... do not practice your Faith, manifest it. Prove to all that the Christ consciousness is within and recognizable to all and end this dogmatic confusion and twisting of hearts and minds. 
Isn't that the very task a Religion is supposed to perform? Anything less is a conspiracy to keep mankind from realizing full potential. It is easy to make others hate... it is easier to show others love if you have no hate.

Can you not see that your words are to please men only? It was through His death and shed blood that sins are forgiven and through which the gift of God, His mercy, is extended to mankind. Your faith of a "Christ consciousness" is a false gospel. You are in Adam - not Jesus Christ, therefore the only thing that you are capable of manifesting is Adam - see Isaiah 14. It's why all of the occult worship their "primordial man". Without being born again through the Spirit and water, you remain in the old creation. 
This is real love - Jesus Christ died for us whilst we were yet sinners. Your love has no truth.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Every Religion claims itself as being the exclusive path to God. I am not against that and would actually encourage it in order to bring mankind together rather than further divide us.
... but which one is right? They can't all be.

Right from the start your premise which is quoted above is going to give you problems. Not all Religions claim to be the exclusive path to God. Judeo-Christian Religions are primarily the ones who claim this to be true. This is known as an Exclusive Ideology and is the reason why all Exclusive Ideologies are always in conflict with all other ideas which don't fit it's own exclusive framework.

You are also trying to answer a question which are Theosophical in nature while at the same time narrowing your perspective toward only a tiny bit of information which surrounds you. If you don't turn your head to look around, how will you be able to see anyting which isn't directly in front of you??

Or in other words: There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by anoncoholic

Quite a well spoken address.

My only comments here are that, first, none of us are capable of fully understanding the mind of the Almighty. We may each spend our lives reading His word and then exit the experience with entirely differing views. This is one of the best definitions of the human condition and our lifetime work-out with the free will that we were blessed with.

We must each approach what we believe in our own hearts to be true and then spend our lives learning where we were wrong. That is the nature of this life we live; to wake each day if it were the very first one and go to bed each night as if it were our last. Once we grasp this, we then know not to judge others because... we just aren't that wise ourselves.

Thanks for a very well written piece. Best to you

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Thank you for posting this. I gave you a star for taking the time to try to straighten me out as it were.

You need to read this which I posted in many places over the years, somewhere here included.

In 2005 my stepson shot himself in the heart with a 9mm hollowpoint and picked me to find him. I'm not telling you this for a cry for sympathy, I state it as it is the relevance of where I am today.

I won't get into all the details as it is a long story but suffice to say I reached a point where it was either vent or explode. I was alone and felt that long overdue emotional breakdown coming and talked to God, silently in my head.

I said Oh Lord, I don't now what to Pray. Nothing I could ever say or do could change things and as I sunk to lower depths of despair I said a simple silent Prayer that was answered immediately. I posted online and only found one other person who said the same Prayer (as she drove to a hospital where her husband was taken after a wreck)

That Prayer was for calm.

It started at the top of my head and at first I thought I was stroking. It felt like a pressure when you go deep and as it slowly descended I was then amazed. By the time that feeling of pressure was at my knees I was filled with all the love, forgiveness, understanding, but the most important (and still most important to me) was a clarity of thought.

I knew what I had to do and everyone had even commented it was like the hand of God was in all things.

Since then I have found discernment when reading the Bible and if you check my posts you will find understanding that I never had prior to that Prayer being answered.

You think I posted that looking for parlor tricks? I posted that because it is the truth. Not a single Religion can manifest the kind of miracles that Jesus had done and IMO everything in my life leads up to this moment in time. Why? I have no idea, can you tell me where a thought comes from? Goes to? Where does inspiration come from?

So you see, I feel like I am here, right now at this instant doing what I am led to do... and those synchronistic moments in my life where I am led somewhere by compelling urge never end.

Let me give you a recent example.

Saturday night I had a dream an old friend had died. I was asking him for a ride and he acted like he didn't know me said no, threw up twice, got in his car and as he stepped on the gas he hit a snowbank, flipped his car into a lake and the last I saw was him waving as he sunk. (Did I already post this here? I can't remember since I tell all anywhere)

I awoke and first thing I did was check obituaries it felt that real and this is the third time I had a dream from someone from my past only to find out later they had died.

It wasn't him. A few hours later my wife came home from church telling me someone had died in a bike crash and I knew in my heart it was him... a guy I met once, spoken to for about 10 minutes, and wouldn't have recognized his face in my dream if I had seen him. I wasn't even sure until Monday when I saw a picture of him on the Pastors facebook page

For a couple of days I was undecided about whether to go to the funeral or not but was again "drawn" this time to a thread here at 3:30 in the morning that was about dreams and wasn't until I read that thread that I decided to go to reassure his 4 kids that he was still here, right now, in spirit.

The funeral was yesterday and it was apparent it wouldn't have been appropriate for me to approach the family.

It turned out the message wasn't for them but for the pastor who was so torn that my being compelled to be there was to put that smile back on his face. It would be him who would relay that message even though the mother-in-law smiled after hearing it too. She was within earshot and said to the pastor "Oh this is ******" and I shook her hand introducing myself because I wasn't the one she mistook me for.

So while many might question just how strong my Faith is, let me reassure you, it is unwavering.

All I am about is bringing the truth and there was a reason I put that challenge to the numerous Religions, a truth of which not even I am totally aware..

... I do what I am led to do even though sometimes I do feel myself I overstep my bounds but who is infallible?

When I err, I feel it and change my tune.

ETA: so slow I knew it was controlled

edit on 13-3-2013 by anoncoholic because: clarification

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Thank you very much for the kind words and what you said was true... nobody alive fully understands and that is me included.

Like you said though, we follow our heart

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