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Colorado Sheriff Says Dems Are Using Salary Threats To Pressure Sheriffs To Support Gun Control Bill

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
reply to post by TauCetixeta

It's not just Colorado, it's the whole country... Once the Second Amendment is taken away, all your rights will be taken away...

Best way to get a stranglehold on a country is to disarm them. That is IF they can pull it off, which I know they can't.


The kicker is that the inroad the tyrants have made involves painting weapon ownership, and the Second Amendment, as for "hunting and sport shooting"

Now... it doesn't take a great deal of critical thinking to quickly ask "well, geez, why isn't trapping and fishing in the second amendment?"

Because the 2d amendment isn't about hunting. It's not about sport shooting or target practice. It's about the right of the citizenry to arm itself against a tyrannical government. That's exactly what it's about. Why else would it be there? I don't see an element of the bill of rights giving me the right to trap a beaver.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." (Thomas Jefferson Papers p. 334, 1950)

The Framers didn't include this right as the 2d amendment so we could hunt rabbits. They included it so we would have the means to topple a tyrannical government.

and our fellow Americans are just watching Honey Booboo and MSNBC and FOX news and reality shows with a side dish of shopping channels. Eating up commercials, going along to get along. Either cowards or lazy. You pick. Just take in the news they want to give you and go along to get along. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, right? safety, security. And you're fine with the first tier of that. "Just don't kill me!" Nation of cowards, we're building. Illiterate cowards.

Elections have consequences, gremlins.

Oh... and by the way: "well regulated" doesn't mean "governed by regulations" it meant, at the time of the writing, well disciplined and functioning properly. This term has nothing to do with government oversight but to do with operating efficiently. Take a history class. From a non-marxist history professor, if you can find one.

While the majority of this nation is laughing to John Stewart and Honey Booboo, some of us are actually on the front lines (not in Afg or elsewhere, but here) standing on the wall for you. We hate you because you're too cowardly to stand up, but many of us took an oath. We will stand. We hate most of you.

We see you at the grocery store, the electronics store. We watch you and realize you have no idea. You're oblivious. And you're oblivious because we allow you to be. We resent you, but will protect you with our lives, and you'll never even acknowledge it between texts to your BFF.

You have no idea your rights are being stripped of you because we've stood for so long, and with such tenacity, between you and evil, that you have no concept.

But once we've all laid down our lives, fighting for you, you will be slaves.

Reminds me of the Jimmy Kimmel vid I watched yesterday where some woman didn't know what sequester was and said "I dunno bout that I just voted for him because he was black"

I'll save the commentary and just say you get the nation you deserve. Some of us are tired. Dog tired. We've fought for generations back to the founding of this nation. We look at people like her and there is no laugh or cry, it's past that.

It's just: we've failed.
edit on 11-3-2013 by tangonine because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by coltcall
reply to post by Signals

Well, shoot.....pardon the pun....pretty soon won't be nothing but them sweet little sashaying Hollywood celebrities and their fully armed bodyguards will be going to Colorado to ski.

What? You don't have fully armed bodyguards day and night? What's wrong with you? You do know that under the socialist system only the elite will have guns. The guns held by big, burly bodyguards.

I'm starting to think that the poor classes of the socialist order won't be able to live in Colorado anymore.; The rent's too high. And they'll get mugged by the socialist criminals.

It's a brave new world developing out there. Just because you call yourself a socialist doesn't mean you get to hobnob with the socialist elite at Vail.

We may not get borders up along the Mexican boundary, but we sure might be getting those borders up between states fast enough?

You figuring the sheriff's or our nation might be getting together some day at a big old convention to talk about what sheriffs are going to do anymore?

KY Sheriff Scoffs at Idea Obama Could Use Executive Order to Confiscate Guns

Are you from here? Colorado I mean? Because I am. From my experience, only those who have never been to Colorado think it's all Vail, Aspen, celebrities, and skiing, and "poor" people can't live here. I used to live in Illinois and not only is the rent comparable to Illinois' suburbs, but urban living is not only way cheaper than in Chicago, but the cost of living is cheaper as well: food, gas, etc. Water bills are kind of ridiculous here, I'll give you that one. Frankly I hope these stereotypes persist, along with how "violent" Colorado is (scary, scary place, ya know), because I could use more summers with less out-of-state folk throwing their garbage & cigarette butts out the windows, speeding and riding your a$$ at the national parks, all while "enjoying nature".

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by tangonine

If the democrats continue this behavior , they will lose more political power.

They have been forced out into the light.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by mountaingirl1111

Originally posted by coltcall
reply to post by Signals

Well, shoot.....pardon the pun....pretty soon won't be nothing but them sweet little sashaying Hollywood celebrities and their fully armed bodyguards will be going to Colorado to ski.

What? You don't have fully armed bodyguards day and night? What's wrong with you? You do know that under the socialist system only the elite will have guns. The guns held by big, burly bodyguards.

I'm starting to think that the poor classes of the socialist order won't be able to live in Colorado anymore.; The rent's too high. And they'll get mugged by the socialist criminals.

It's a brave new world developing out there. Just because you call yourself a socialist doesn't mean you get to hobnob with the socialist elite at Vail.

We may not get borders up along the Mexican boundary, but we sure might be getting those borders up between states fast enough?

You figuring the sheriff's or our nation might be getting together some day at a big old convention to talk about what sheriffs are going to do anymore?

KY Sheriff Scoffs at Idea Obama Could Use Executive Order to Confiscate Guns

Are you from here? Colorado I mean? Because I am. From my experience, only those who have never been to Colorado think it's all Vail, Aspen, celebrities, and skiing, and "poor" people can't live here. I used to live in Illinois and not only is the rent comparable to Illinois' suburbs, but urban living is not only way cheaper than in Chicago, but the cost of living is cheaper as well: food, gas, etc. Water bills are kind of ridiculous here, I'll give you that one. Frankly I hope these stereotypes persist, along with how "violent" Colorado is (scary, scary place, ya know), because I could use more summers with less out-of-state folk throwing their garbage & cigarette butts out the windows, speeding and riding your a$$ at the national parks, all while "enjoying nature".

HAH! I'm with you!

Word to everyone that doesn't live in Colorado: We will rape your trash and pillage your wife.

Bunch of savages! avoid this place at all costs! Stay Out!

And dont' be appealing the the Illinois crowd! Sweet Hand Grenade Lobbing Jesus wth are you thinking? Our gas prices are double the national average, we hate outsiders and we bite!

Mountaingirl we gotta have a talk...

Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again.
edit on 11-3-2013 by tangonine because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Signals

One Colorado sheriff is claiming that Democrats are pressuring pro-gun sheriffs in the state with tactics he think border on extortion. In a radio interview with KVOR on Saturday, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said he received an email last week with a threat to stop or stall pay raises to the state’s elected sheriffs if they don’t support Colorado’s pending gun control legislation.

This is pretty low, thoughts?

Thoughts? Sheriff Maketa is not unknown to the locals in El Paso...He is like a mini-Sheriff "Joe"...he has instituted "investgations' against politicians that oppose him, been accused of multiple affairs and a bunch of other crazy crap. You should google him up....or at the very least take anything he says with a grain of salt...where is the email he claims he was threatened with?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Signals

One Colorado sheriff is claiming that Democrats are pressuring pro-gun sheriffs in the state with tactics he think border on extortion. In a radio interview with KVOR on Saturday, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said he received an email last week with a threat to stop or stall pay raises to the state’s elected sheriffs if they don’t support Colorado’s pending gun control legislation.

This is pretty low, thoughts?

Thoughts? Sheriff Maketa is not unknown to the locals in El Paso...He is like a mini-Sheriff "Joe"...he has instituted "investgations' against politicians that oppose him, been accused of multiple affairs and a bunch of other crazy crap. You should google him up....or at the very least take anything he says with a grain of salt...where is the email he claims he was threatened with?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:45 PM
I love how more and more gun companies won't sell guns to police forces in areas where they are trying to control guns.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:34 PM
An AR 15 goes for as much as thirty thousand dollars in Brazil.

Of course the competition is stiff. The Russians have built two AK manufacturing plants in Venezuela.

Just thinking that the gun market profits in Latin America most likely far exceed those of profits in the states. But, we've got to keep the Constitution alive to keep gun manufacturing alive.
edit on 11-3-2013 by coltcall because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:38 PM
I think it's time they start arresting politicians for treason

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

No. I don't live in Colorado. Got lots of gun tooting associates in Colorado. I go there for some of the shoots. I'm well aware of what Colorado is like. There's Denver....then there's the rest of Colorado. Just like there's Chicago....then there's the rest of Illinois.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Signals

Just as Bush eventually alienated all but his most... call them, 'exotic' supporters, so too will Obama.

By the time this term is set to expire, the Democrats will likely lose more than enough support in the general public to assure a successor within their party.

We live in a time of extremism. Common sense approaches are all but shouted down before anyone or any agenda gains a foothold. The result is a further polarization of this nation and another foundation which those who are preparing for the worst, can cite regardless of who is on the throne.

Indeed, looking back upon the last dozen years and it becomes more focused than ever before that some effort from some quarter, seeks to divide the United States and render it into some unholy scene from hell. I can only note that I will likely not live long enough to see all of this when it finally comes to junction. But, then again, at the rate of advance of this madness... who knows?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
Ok so I read the article again, this time thoroughly....

First, they haven't received a pay raise in 7 years. Why would they receive a pay raise now of all times? when talks of cutting spending is on everyone's mind?

Second, the claims the sheriff is making are very vague, but one thing he admits is that what the alleged democrat said was vague.
So we have vague claims being made about vague claims.....

and you guys are so quick to accuse people of extortion?!?
That's the definition of ignorance. You have no idea what was said.

edit on 11-3-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

Yup, extortion. Veiled threats are STILL threats. Not much different than Guido and Nunzio walking into a local store and telling the old guy behind the counter "Dis neighborhood can get a little rough, Pops. We got this protective organization going on, and for a nominal fee we can make sure that nothing out of the way happens to your store..." looks around... "I'd sure hate to see this place burn the the ground, Pops. Just think of the payments as 'fire insurance' ".

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:42 PM
Wait a minute...this does not make any sense. America is still operating in a Capitalist system. Not paying the sheriff would be counter productive. No pay raise means the sheriff is not bought off by the capitalist state enough so he might turn on them. Dem or GOP it does not matter who is making this threat. They are all capitalist lackeys so why are they threatening to not pay off the local sheriff enough when it is in their best interest to do so. If the sheriff starts to side with the local people the owners of production are going to be in a world of hurt real fast.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:53 PM
Fighting for Gun Rights

At a time when gun control might have been easy to get passed, an unprecedented reaction to the heavy hand of government control reveals itself across the country.

As of today, 348 sheriffs and 14 sheriffs associations have publicly stepped forward to let the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association know that they will not be enforcing any new federal gun control regulations.

Similarly, firearms and related manufacturers have publicly announced they will not be selling to any state, county, city or municipality that restrict gun rights. Dubbed the Firearms Equality Movement, nearly 130 companies have signed on.

Plus, 32 states have now introduced bills nullifying any new federal gun control measures. Five of these have passed one chamber.

What can we take away from this? That there certainly are options when Congress fails. The states have delegated to Congress enumerated powers. When Congress steps over these powers, states have an obligation to stand up and act in defense of its citizens.

Yet, there are state legislators who are not willing to step forward to defend citizens against equally egregious government oversteps, including ObamaCare, NDAA Indefinite Detention and many foolish and harmful regulations foisted upon industry through unelected and virtually unaccountable federal bureaucratic agencies.

Use the gun control nullification as an example of what states should be doing. Talk to your legislators about being just as passionate about protecting all of our God-given rights, not just the right to bear arms.

Be clear, once the Government has disarmed the American People, there will be nothing to stop them from rushing forward with all their New World Order Agendas.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

I sort of like the idea of the citizens of liberal socialist states and cities being unarmed. They remain magnets for criminals preying on them. That moves the criminal element away from me. I can save ammo for other endeavors. Eventually those within the liberal socialist borders will burn themselves to the ground. Like a forest fire, new growth can develop after the conflagration.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

Sheriffs across the Country Watching What’s Happening in Montana

Across the country similar bills are being proposed, and in some areas the local Sheriffs aren’t waiting for further legislation. A growing number of numbers of sheriffs from around the country are already telling the Feds to stay out of their jurisdictions. Sheriffs from New York, Kentucky, Alabama and Oregon have all joined forces in an effort to take back their State’s power.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Common Good
reply to post by SweetChild

sooooooo...... Democrats applauding this kind of behaviour. (not suprised)\

You want to back up your statements with facts?

Or do you just want people thinking you are a troll ?

And exactly what facts do you have? Oh wait. None. The county county salaries not the federal gov't. So basically you've got a bunch of stupid right wing sheriffs who don't even know where they paycheck comes from they're running around making unfounded, hysterical claims. Just more propaganda for the weak minded.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by SweetChild

"And exactly what facts do you have?"

You are a troll.

Theres a fact for you.

ex·tor·tion/ɪkˈstɔrʃən/ Show Spelled [ik-stawr-shuhn] Show IPA
1. an act or instance of extorting.
2. Law. the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office or authority.
3. oppressive or illegal exaction, as of excessive price or interest: the extortions of usurers.
4. anything extorted.

By the very definition- everything your heros are doing is against the law.


posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by TauCetixeta

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by TauCetixeta

So the democrats want to disarm the Americans living in Colorado all of sudden.

Hmmm.....are they expecting a shoot out in the future?

Well, we got a lot of California relocations into the Denver area (thanks for that, CA... elect morons, regret the consequences, then decide to go screw up another state... lovely....) we detest them.

Then you have Boulder. Sweet Low Crawling Jeesus... it's little Berkeley: the central US of white guilt and "OMG You Guys!" screaming about diversity (try being black and driving through that town. Good luck!). The Stupid is strong there. And like flies to crap, they keep coming.

Majority of the state is ranchers, military, fishermen, farmers, just people that want to be left alone to live their lives. But nope. The Clown Show that is Denver and Boulder has elected just a disaster of a state legislature.

We'll fix it.

FYI, Denver has become a safe haven for pediphiles. The state government refuses

to pass Jessica's Law. Bill O'Reilly says Denver has over 10,000 registered pediphiles.

If you get caught, then you get a slap on the wrist.

Being a father of three girls and a boy that is the worst thing I could ever imagine!! Pedophiles deserve nothing more than castration! They are also the most likely to repeat offend. I told my wife when our first daughter was born that if anyone ever molested her that I would kill them and I mean it to this day. Although our current administration is molesting us every day and has been for the last four years, i guess that since my butt doesnt hurt when I wake up in the morning I just put it off even though I know it is a constant in my families life.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by kdyam

Vermont is another state were Jessica's Law will never be passed.

Pediphiles get a slap on the wrist.

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