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North Korea television takes a look at american poverty - The other side of propaganda

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posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Benchkey

The member ashtonhz8907,reposted this working vid from page 3

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:07 AM
The problem is: the people won't question it..

the mass media tells us: "the north koreans cheer for their leader, otherwise they will be shot" and something like that.

No, they are cheering, because they believe all Kim says. They are brainwashed since decades. With no internet, no free press... so I ask you: how should the people realize, that their government is bad. how should people realize, that they do not get the amount of food they would get in a free country?

There will be no question if they laugh at this report or not, they will just believe that it is true.

edit: btw. it is true that the American houses are crappy
compare it with a normal German, or European in general, house... ours houses would not get blown away in a hurricane, just the roof would suffer.

Ahh and one more thing, I am really thinking of asking some of my Korean friends what the reporter is really saying and if the translation is right.
edit on 10-3-2013 by aLLeKs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:10 AM
Please ... surely no one believes this is really N.Korean propaganda do they ?
I see it more as an insult to the N.Koreans by who ever made it.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Isolation
Please ... surely no one believes this is really N.Korean propaganda do they ?
I see it more as an insult to the N.Koreans by who ever made it.

You are faster, I was just editing, saying, that I am thinking of asking my Korean friends if the translation is right

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:44 AM
Video isnt private.....i just checked.

I found the source of the video, i can confirm it is a joke.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

propaganda is everywhere

but the funniest line is " americans drink snow" lol ahhahaaaaaaaaa

like in every country... only the idiots fall for this kind of BS....actually thats harsh, i`ll say instead...the isolated always fall for BS

lol...i laughed at the ignorance so much..thanx

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf
Video isnt private.....i just checked.

I found the source of the video, i can confirm it is a joke.

Share your source...joke or not, it is funny!

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:08 AM
I think I will have me a nice hot cup of coffee, made of SNOW

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:18 AM
I don't need North Korea to tell me the U.S. has a major poverty / homeless crisis.

There is tent cities springing up all over the U.S.

Those with money close their eyes to it and pretend it does not exist.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:45 AM
It's completely true - American houses do 'blow down very easily'.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Expected that tatic, you can't refute fact;s so a good paranoid, always resorts to rhetoric to change or vilify there staetments.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 10:06 AM
Where is my effen cake pyongyang? Im tired of eating birds.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by mypan

Actually this thread is about propaganda. The fact that one in seven Americans lives in poverty, as I said, is appaling. The fact is, S. Korea has a .1% difference in populiation living below the poverty line compared to the US - now add the poverty line in NK and the population of the Korean peninsula is most certainly worse off than the US. Of course the index doesn't include NK because there is no data.



posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by PLAYERONE01

Thing is, what we think about it doesnt matter, the people it is aimed at is the general populace of NK, and what we should be concerned with is just what is the underpinning message here to the people and what is the moral effect and why.
the simple fact that you straight up thought this was aimed at you shows arrogance beyond comprehension.

You're assuming it's aimed at a population that physically owns no means to view it or has any choice about what they view for those who do own a TV. North Korea does not have electricity service to the vast majority of it's rural population. I didn't post that image of a lighted South Korea and a pitch black North at night as a joke. That's real and many variations of it exist. You can see a couple larger cities in the north that show as very dim light. The rest? There is no electricity. It's that plain and basic a thing.

These are the details anyone in the world can see by viewing North Korea at low altitude and in great detail via Google Earth. There is a great a set of Western eyes accustomed to seeing basic services to a people and the infrastructure always present to supply it. Nukes are a priority to Kim. Apparently, rural electrification is not.

Kim also has a real paranoia issue about his official stranglehold on facts and propaganda being challenged in any form, by anyone.

The assault that he fears? It's being waged with cheap televisions rigged to receive foreign broadcasts, and with smuggled mobile phones that — if you can get a Chinese signal along the border — can call the outside world. Very often, it arrives in the form of wildly popular South Korean soap operas smuggled in on DVDs or computer thumb drives.

In North Korea, a country where international phone calls and Internet connections exist only for a tiny fraction of a tiny elite, and televisions and radios must be permanently preset to receive only state broadcasts, it's Korean-language TV heartache they crave.

To give an idea of what they mean by state TV, I found another link showing the enormous choice those in the cities and lucky few with power and electronics outside them can view.

Electronic Media in the DPRK

So, I'm assuming it's for eyes outside North Korea, not from any arrogance, but knowledge that those in North Korea can't even see it for the most part.

edit on 10-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Thanks. I will have to download the program and give it a try

Back on topic:

The video isn't completely inaccurate after all.

America's tent cities. Footage starts around :30.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by daryllyn

The most effective lies and propaganda form first around kernels of truth.

Of course there are tent cities in some places of the nation. It's a BIG BIG nation. Over 300 million people on a land mass spanning between the two major world oceans, when one puts it all into proper perspective.

North Korea is roughly the land mass (Sq. Mileage) of Pennsylvania. I suppose I can see how they could see a couple tent cities and think, perhaps, it's representative of the nation over all. When their own nation is THAT small by relative terms, a couple BIG tent cities would be a fair indication of what else could be found.

It's a little different here, wouldn't you agree? The video generalizes almost everything as being the common conditions and common life enjoyed by average Americans. So even the nuggets of truth are crushed by the deliberate warping of perspective, IMO.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

That makes sense. I was just trying to express that there is a little nugget of truth buried in the hilarity of the video.

Please excuse me, it's time to go outside to pretend to be a tree so I catch my birds for Tuesday's feast.

Would anyone like a cup of snow while I'm out there???

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:44 PM
This video is reminiscent of old Soviet propaganda. I have Ukrainian friends who explained that in school they were taught capitalism bankrupted America and as a result, we all lived in cardboard boxes and were starving.

They were surprised to learn the truth.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 01:50 PM
At least everyone has a job there. Pretty soon that is going to be a luxury in america and europe. But who needs jobs if you can be on the government dime? The whole world is messed up and I don't think its by coincidence either.

Sometimes the more you have, the less you think and the dumber you get. Material goods are not always good. Balance is best! I personally like socialism over communism or capitalism. My opinion only and mileage varies.

Good to see north korean propaganda for a change. Getting tired of the american "everyone is lazy" type.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by intrptr

The reason we're there is principally because Japan was there: - Korea under Japanese rule...

In the late 19th and early 20th century, various Western European countries actively competed for influence, trade, goods, and territory in East Asia; the Empire of Japan sought to join these modern colonial powers. The newly modernised Meiji government of Japan turned to Korea, then in the sphere of influence of China's Qing Dynasty. The Japanese government initially sought to separate Korea from Qing and make Korea a Japanese satellite in order to further the country's security and Korean interests.

Following the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the impending overrun of the Korean peninsula by Russian forces, Japan surrendered to the Allied forces on 15 August 1945, ending 35 years of Japanese occupation.

American forces under General John R. Hodge arrived at the southern part of Korean peninsula on 8 September 1945, while the Soviet Army and some Korean Communists had stationed themselves in the northern part of the Korean peninsula. U.S. Colonel Dean Rusk proposed to Chischakov, the Soviet military administrator of northern Korea, that Korea should be split at the 38th parallel. This proposal was made at an emergency meeting to determine postwar spheres of influence, which led to the Division of Korea.

There's this too: - Russo-Japanese War...

The Russo-Japanese War (8 February 1904 – 5 September 1905) was "the first great war of the 20th century."[3] It grew out of rival imperial ambitions of the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over Manchuria and Korea. The major theatres of operations were Southern Manchuria, specifically the area around the Liaodong Peninsula and Mukden; and the seas around Korea, Japan, and the Yellow Sea.

Russians sought a warm water port[4] on the Pacific Ocean, for their navy as well as for maritime trade...

What this all is is a proxy war between the great Eastern powers of Russia and China versus the free Western powers of the US and Europe. It's basically an east/west sort of thing.

Reading all this reminds me of the area where Israel (Caanan) is. Warfare for a thousand years at least. Colonial powers that be coming in and asserting their will. Turkey and Britain have to be two of the biggest offenders. But there were many tribal wars and religious wars too.

History shows these territory issues are solved in war or failed wars. I think the real reason all this occurs is because we as humans just cannot see everything at once. We cannot know everything at once. We depend on our limited senses and our limited ability to acquire new information. At the same time, we're forced into making very hard decisions that're life and death. People seem to think that as soon as we break down information barriers that we'll no longer have war. But the thing is, we'll always expand our borders into the unknown and new information barriers will replace old ones.

My conclusion is we'll always have war because we're fallible. We cannot be perfect. We can never make perfect choices. Thus this life will always be a fog that we have to slog through.

Life kills everyone. Choose your poison wisely.
edit on 10-3-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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